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1 Where do you buy your clothes?


Get ready Read

1 Match the photos (A–D) to the places (1–4). 2 Read and match the places (A–D) to the
1 street market 3 shopping mall people.
2 charity sales shop 4 second hand shop

A Nadya, Sofia D
My parents are members of a theatre group which has
one of these to raise money. I always help them. I sort
out the bags of clothes that people give us. I often find
something for myself. Of course, I always pay for it but
nothing costs more than 50 leva.

Iva, Burgas
I rarely buy new clothes. These shops are great for
finding unusual old jackets, trousers and shirts that
people don’t want anymore. There are three in our city.

Zornitsa, Pernik
My parents and I usually get the bus to Sofia on
Saturdays and go there. It’s great. There are 130
shops, four fast food restaurants and a cinema at one
place. Some of the shops are quite expensive, but
there are often sales so you can usually find some
good bargains.

Marin, Dobrich
This is a great place to buy clothes. I like walking
around the different stalls. The only problem is that
there are no changing rooms. So, if you want to try
things on, everyone can see you! It’s OK for jackets and
jumpers but not so easy if you want to buy trousers.

3 Read again and answer true, false or • bargain • jumper • raise money • sale
doesn’t say. • second hand • sort out • stall
1 Nadia: The best thing about helping is that
you don’t have to pay for the clothes that
you find. false
2 Iva: The clothes here are not new.
3 Zornitsa: We usually go to the cinema after 4 Work in groups. Discuss these questions.
shopping. 1 Do you like shopping for clothes?
4 Marin: You can’t try on trousers here 2 Where do you buy your clothes? Why?
because there are no changing rooms.


Exercise 1 Exercise 3
1B2D3A4C 2T
Exercise 2 3 DS
A Zornitsa 4T
B Marin
C Iva
D Nadya

2 London fashion



Get started
Speak and write
1 Copy and put the words into the correct
group. 3 Look at the photos (A–C) and answer the
questions below.
• baggy • belt • casual • checked
• dress • flowery • gloves • jacket
• jeans • plain • pocket • shirt
• sleeveless • smart • spotted • stripped
• tight • scarf • trousers • zip
Clothes: dress, ... Styles: ...
Accessories: ... Patterns: ... 1 Who’s wearing a flowery shirt?
2 Whose top is blue and white?
Listen or watch 3 Who’s in a plain, red top?
4 Who’s wearing a belt?
2a 10
01 Listen or watch the video. Copy
5 Who’s wearing blue jeans?
and complete the missing words in each gap.
6 Whose scarf is striped?

• fashion • young • interesting hair • jeans 4 Work in pairs. Look at the photos in Exercises 2
• T-shirt • shops • colour • streets and 3. What do you think of the clothes?
• wearing • big belt • great scarf • dress 5a Read the interview. Then write answers to the
• sunglasses • thin • old • short questions about yourself.


London is Britain’s fashion capital. And what
Qu: Where do you usually shop for clothes?
are (2) people wearing right now? Let’s find Tim: I always buy my clothes from the market. They
out… Not in the (3) but on the (4)! sell the coolest (and cheapest) clothes.
1 Pink is a popular (5) . And she’s wearing a (6) . Qu: What are you wearing at the moment?
2 And look at her. She’s wearing a (7) . Tim: I’m at school at the moment. I’m wearing a
3 He’s wearing (8) and a cool (9) . wool coat. The school is really cold today, so
4 I love those (10) . And she’s got (11) , too! I’m not wearing cool clothes!
5 And she’s (12) a very pretty (13) . Qu: This is a question for the boys! Do you ever
If you’re tall or (14) … If you’re fat or (15) , young wear bangles or do you think they’re only for
or (16) , blond or dark… It doesn’t matter.
Tim: Well, I’m wearing some now. I wouldn’t go
Wear what you like. Be what you like. This is
to the shops and buy them, but sometimes I
borrow my sister’s!

b 10
01 Work in pairs. Listen or watch the b Work in pairs. Interview your partner.
video again and match the people (A–E) to
the descriptions (1–5).

Exercise 1 Exercise 2a Exercise 2b

Clothes: dress, jacket, 2 young 10 sunglasses 1D 2E 3C 4A 5B
jeans, shirt, trousers 3 shops 11 interesting hair Exercise 3
Accessories: belt, gloves, 4 streets 12 wearing 1C
pocket, scarf, zip 5 colour 13 dress 2A
Styles: baggy, casual, 6 great scarf 14 short 3B
sleeveless, smart, tight 7 big belt 15 thin 4B
Patterns: checked, plain, 8 jeans 16 old 5 ABC
flowery, stripped, spotted 9 T-shirt 6B

3 Wonders of nature

Get ready WONDERS

1 Look at the photos (A–C). Which
photo shows: OF NATURE TO VISIT
1 a cave A
Nikola, Lovetch
2 a waterfall
If you go through Lovech, you can visit
3 a mountain
this wonder of nature. Kroshuna River
Falls near my home town is the longest
Read waterfalls cascade in the Balkans. The
falls are (1) .You can climb up them,
2 Read the article and complete the that’s the beauty! But you must be very
sentences. careful because it’s very slippery! You
a) and strange coloured stalactites can also jump into the pools and take
and stalagmites sticking out photos of water falling around you.
b) like big rock steps Katya, Samokov
c) with a large number of rare plants Did you know that Rila Mountain is
and animals the highest mountain in Bulgaria and
Comprehension overlooks my home town? It’s also the
biggest nature reserve in the Balkans B
3 Read the article. Answer true, (2)
. If you climb up the rocky remote
false or doesn’t say. peaks, you are lucky you can find
1 The Kroshuna River Falls are on the very rare high-mountain flower
the coast. false edelweiss. Giving this flower to a loved
2 You can walk up the River Falls one is a promise of love forever! Years
ago you could also meet wolves and
bears. But don’t worry, there are so
3 Rila Mountain has more than two
few that they’re now an endangered
thousand rare wild plants.
4 The edelweiss only grows in Rila
Mountain. Irina, Belogradchik
5 Some of the stalactites in the I love the Venetsa Cave near my home
Venetsa Cave are coloured. town. It’s one of Bulgaria’s most C
amazing caves. Passing through it is
6 There are ice crystals inside the
a real adventure – dark stairs, narrow
Venetsa Cave.
tunnels, slippery floors, (3) . You can also
see beautiful ice crystals in the form of
Speak and write flowers and animals. Effective lighting
4 In pairs, answer the questions. strengthens the natural colours – blue,
yellow, green, purple, pink. The cave
1 Which of the places in the photos has a real fairy decor. Take a guided
would you most like to visit? tour and experience this amazing
2 Which of the places is the scariest wonder of nature – you won’t regret it!
or the most dangerous. Why?
3 Write about another landscape
feature in your area. Download
a photo of it from the internet.
• cascade • cave • crystal • edelweiss
Answer the questions: What is it?
• endangered species • fairy decor • nature reserve
Where is it? Why did you choose
• lighting • the Balkans • rare • regret • remote
it? What is it like? What can you
• slippery • stalactite • stalagmite • stick out
do/see there?
• strengthen • waterfall


Exercise 1 Exercise 2 Exercise 3

1C 1 b) 2F
2A 2 c) 3 DS
3B 3 a) 4 DS

4 Have you been to New York?

Get started
4 10
02 Work in pairs. Listen or watch
1 Work in groups. Write anything you know the video again. Copy and complete the
about these places. Which one would you sentences. Write one or two words in
like to go to? each gap.
New York: Empire State Building, 1 Lucy has (1) of going to New York for ages.
Spider-Man, … 2 Lucy has never (2) enough (3) to go to
Miami: ocean, Florida, … New York.
3 A friend of Lucy’s is in (4) at the moment.
2 Choose the definition of ‘multicultural’ which
4 Lucy thinks Michael will (5) Miami.
you think is correct.
5 Michael says New York is busy and very (6) .
a) a place where people from many different
cultures live
Speak and write
b) a person who has parents from two different
nationalities 5 Think of somewhere you’d like to go and
c) a person who listens to more than one kind reasons why.
of music I’d like to go to … .
Reasons: …
Listen or watch
6 Work in pairs. Look at your notes from
3 10
02 Listen or watch the video and Exercise 5 and this plan. Take turns to tell
match the words to the cities. your partner where you’d like to go and why.
• Tell your partner where you’d like to go.
• good restaurants • good weather • Ask him/her if he/she has ever been there.
• music • theatres • street markets • If so, ask him/her about it (What did you do?
Where did you stay?) and say why you want
New York: … to go there.
Miami: … • If not, tell him/her why you’d like to go there
(I’d love to go there because …).


Exercise 2 Exercise 4
a) 1 been thinking
Exercise 3 2 had
New York: good restaurants, music, theatres, 3 money
street markets 4 Miami
Miami: good weather 5 love
6 multicultural

5 Beautiful Sozopol

Get ready Read

1 Look at the photos (A–C). Which photo 2 Read the article and answer the questions.
shows: 1 Where is Sozopol?
1 a harbour 2 What is a ’lane’?
2 an old house 3 How long does it take to get from Sozopol to
3 a fortress the island of St. John by boat?

My home town
I think Sozopol is a wonderful place
on the Black Sea coast.
It’s got a fishing harbour and a
cars. They’re full of interesting
shops, cafés and restaurants.
The best way to get around the
beautiful beach. The waves aren’t town is on foot or by bike. My
big enough to surf and the sea isn’t cousins go to school in Burgas by
warm enough to swim throughout bus because it’s too far to walk.
the year. But on a sunny day in May But I go to school in Sozopol.
you can sunbathe and put your toes There’s no traffic here and it’s
in the water! safe enough to ride a bike.
B It smells of antiquity and I’m not the only person who
culture. You can see buildings loves Sozopol. It’s full of tourists
of different ages here. It’s got old who come here in summer. Why?
houses and churches, and the whole Because it’s a fun and friendly
architectural and archaeological town which isn’t very crowded
reserve Ancient Sozopol is a and noisy, or very expensive.
museum. There’s a medieval fortress And it’s close enough to other
wall with towers, which surrounds interesting places for a day trip,
the old city. It was built during such as the ancient Thracian
the time of the Roman Emperor fortresses and tombs, or the
Anastasius in the 6th century. The island of Saint Ivan (St. John)
lanes are also very famous. They’re which is only a quarter of an hour
little streets which are too narrow for away by boat.

• antiquity • archaeological • architectural
• emperor • fortress • harbour • lane
3 Read the article again and • reserve • Roman • saint • surround
answer true, false or doesn’t say. • smells of • such as • Thracian • tomb
1 There are lots of fish in the black Sea.
doesn’t say
2 The place is good for surfing. Speak
3 You can swim in the sea all year.
4 It was once a Roman fortress.
4 Discuss these questions.

5 You can drive a car along the lanes. 1 Imagine you are in Sozopol for a day. Which
6 There are many English tourists in places would you like to visit?
Sozopol. 2 Would you like to live in Sozopol? Why?/Why not?

Exercise 1 Exercise 3
1C 2A 3B 2F
Exercise 2 3F
1 on the Black Sea coast 4T
2 a little street which is too narrow for 5F
cars 3 a quarter of an hour 6 DS

6 Jobs for cash

Get started
5 10
03 In the video Sasha made some
1 Complete the jobs with words from the box. suggestions and Jamie responded to them.
Copy and complete their conversation with
• the car • the dishwasher • the dog one word in each gap. Then listen or watch
• the rubbish out • the table the video again and check your answers.
• the washing-up • your room
• could • done • have (x3) • helping
1 walk 5 wash/clean • idea • know • making • think
2 tidy 6 empty • tried (x2)
3 take 7 do
4 lay S: What (1) you (2) to try and get the money for
the ticket?
2 Work in groups and answer the questions.
J: I just don’t (3) what else I can do.
1 What housework do you do?
S: (4) you (5) (6) your parents a cup of tea?
2 Do you get paid for doing housework?
J: I don’t (7) my mum would pay me for that!
3 What paid work can young people do?
S: (8) you (9) babysitting or (10) in the garden?
3 What different kinds of job can you have? J: That’s a good (11) .
Copy and complete these ideas. Which is S: You (12) even get a Saturday job.
best for a school student? Why?
1 an e (?) (?) n (?) (?) g job Speak and write
2 a S (?) t (?) (?) d (?) (?) job 6 Roleplay a conversation like Sasha and
3 a w (?) (?) k (?) (?) (?) job Jamie’s. Use this plan and your own ideas.
4 a h (?) (?) (?) d (?) y job
A: You need some money. (Why?)
5 b a (?) y (?) i (?) t i (?) g
B: Ask A what he/she has done to try to earn
6 g a (?) (?) e (?) i n (?)
A: Tell B what you have done.
Listen or watch
B: Give A some suggestions.
4 10
03 Listen or watch the video and A: Respond to B’s suggestions.
answer the questions.
7 In your notebook, write a blog post for Jamie
1 What does Jamie want to do? and Sasha’s vlog about yourself.
2 What’s his problem?
3 Which two jobs from exercise 1 has Jamie tried?
4 Sasha has four ideas. Three are jobs from
Exercise 3. What’s the other idea?
5 How did Sasha get her ticket?


Exercise 1 Exercise 3 Exercise 4 Exercise 5

1 the dog 1 evening (job) 1 He wants to go to a festival. 1 have 8 Have
2 your room 2 Saturday (job) 2 He hasn’t got enough money for 2 done 9 tried
3 the rubbish out 3 weekend (job) the ticket. 3 know 10 helping
4 the table 4 holiday (job) 3 He has tried walking the dog(s) 4 Have 11 idea
5 the car 5 babysitting and cleaning the car. 5 tried 12 could
6 the dishwasher 6 gardening 4 It’s for Jamie to make his parents 6 making
7 the washing-up a cup of tea. 7 think
5 It was a birthday present from her
7 Social customs

Read 2

Read about greeting and eating
in Bulgaria. What number of
1 Read about the Bulgarian families. What is
flowers should you bring if you
very common for them?
go to dinner?

The Bulgarian family Comprehension

Bulgarian society consists of close-knit families. The family
3 Answer the questions.
includes the husband and wife and their children, as well
1 How do people in Bulgaria greet
as their relatives. Although family life has changed with the
someone who
transition from the traditional life in the villages into a modern
a) is a family member or a good
city system, to this day frequent communication and assistance
between the generations and children is also very common.
b) they know?
Greeting and eating c) they don’t know?
Georgi, Devin 2 Is punctuality important in
Bulgarian people are very
friendly. Because of this we 3 Can you go to a friend’s house
often hug our friends when without a gift?
we meet them and we often 4 Do people in Bulgaria
kiss them on both cheeks, a) bow when they meet?
too. b) take their shoes off when
If you go to dinner at a
entering the home?
Bulgarian friend’s home, you
can take some flowers (an c) stay up late?
odd number) or a plant for the hosts, but if you don’t, nobody will d) talk during a meal?
think you’re impolite. You can arrive late but don’t worry – it’s OK. 5 Is it impolite if you eat everything
Everyone is welcome at the dining table. Expect a lively on your plate?
conversation – meals are an opportunity for big discussions. And
when you eat everything on your plate, the hosts will be pleased if
you accept some more! Speak
Rossi, Sofia 4a In pairs, choose one of the
If I’m formally introduced to someone, I shake hands and say “Nice social occasions.
to meet you, sir/madam”. If it’s someone I know, I shake hands and a) Christmas
kiss them on both cheeks. It isn’t a proper kiss, it’s an air kiss. But if
b) Easter
it’s a very good friend or relative, I’ll hug and kiss them.
A dinner invitation will c) Name Day
probably be for about eight d) Marriage
o’clock but it’s quite all right to
be a little late. Guests usually b Talk about yourself in pairs. Then
bring a bouquet of flowers, tell the class.
chocolates or a bottle of wine. Name Day Celebration
The dinner will usually go on Most Bulgarians owe their names
until after midnight because
to a religious saint, e.g. John
we like to stay up late. It’s OK
if it’s Saturday and we don’t (Ivan, George, Nikola, Dimitar,
have to get up early for work! etc. Everyone named after a saint
celebrates his name on a special
day of the year. When someone
has a “name day” his friends and
family visit him without invitation
• cheek • close-knit • formal • frequent • odd number
and … .
• plate • proper • stay up late • transition


Exercise 1 Exercise 3
frequent communication and 1 a) hug and kiss him/her
assistance between the generations b) shake hands and give him/her an air kiss
and children c) shake hands and say “Nice to meet you, sir/madam”
Exercise 2 2 no
odd number 3 yes
4 a) no b) no c) yes d) yes
5 no

8 A school trip

Get started
1 Work in pairs. Copy and write the words in the box in
4 10
04 Listen or watch the video
again and complete what Lucy says
the correct column.
with probably or definitely.
1 You’ll (1) need walking boots.
• backpack • beach volleyball 2 You’ll (2) need a warm coat.
• bed and breakfast • boots • campsite 3 It’s (3) going to be cold.
• canoeing • card games • hiking 4 You’ll (4) need a sleeping bag.
• hostel • hotel • MP3 player • pillow 5 It’s (5) going to be a really boring and
• rock climbing • sailing • sleeping bag long journey.
• swimming • tennis • towel • warm coat 6 You’ll (6) need a really big backpack.
• wet suit

Speak and write

Holiday activities Things to take Places to stay
5 Work in pairs. Find a place that only
you have been to and and one that
2 Work in pairs and discuss the questions. only your partner has been to and
have a conversation. Use this plan.
1 Have you ever been on a school trip?
2 Where did you go? A: You are going on a school trip to a
3 What did you do? place your partner has been to but
4 What did you take? you haven’t. Tell him/her where you
5 Where did you stay? are going.
B: Your partner is going on a school
trip to a place you have been to.
Listen or watch
Give him/her advice. Tell him/her:
3 10
04 Listen or watch the video and choose the • what to take.
correct options. • what he/she can do there.
1 The Lake District is in the northeast / northwest of • what the weather will be like.
England. • what the journey will be like.
2 Lucy has / has never been there before. Now swap roles and have another
3 Michael hasn’t got a wet suit / walking boots. conversation.
4 Michael won’t need to take a pillow / sleeping bag.
5 There won’t be a TV / wi-fi connection at the hostel. 6 In your notebook, write a blog post
6 Michael will need a big backpack / suitcase. for Michael and Lucy’s vlog about


Exercise 1 Exercise 3 Exercise 4

Holiday activities: beach volleyball, canoeing, 1 northwest 1 definitely
card games, hiking, rock climbing, sailing, 2 has 2 probably
swimming, tennis 3 a wetsuit 3 probably
Things to take on holiday: backpack, boots, 4 pillow 4 probably
MP3 player, pillow, sleeping bag, towel, warm 5 wi-fi connection 5 probably
coat, wetsuit 6 backpack 6 definitely
Places to stay: bed and breakfast, campsite,
hostel, hotel


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