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Personal Development Plan

Liubov Myrna HR BP
November 2022
1. PDP as part of retention process

2. What is career?

3. IDP, PIP, IPP. Types of PDP. Who is responsible?

Agenda 4. More than retention tool. What else?

5. How to create? Let's start.

6. PeEX & 9 box

Each associate is in charge of their own career. Thus when taking control, the
only way to achieve what you want, personally or professionally, is to think
about where you want to go, put in place a plan to get there, and then start
moving. Personal Development Planning is a structured way of doing that.

First, learn more about yourself and define: your career aspirations, or what
Personal you would like to achieve through your PDP, your strengths and weaknesses, as
well as opportunities and threats to your development
Plan (PDP) Then, define your goals that would support the achievement of your career
preferences and ultimate PDP goal, as well as learning solutions and stretching
assignments that would enable you to reach them.

Manager can also suggest there is a need for PDP and highlight some
development focuses to concentrate on.
• How I could help my subordinates to plan the career?
• Have regular 1x1 to understand what the people wants, create PDP together
• Provide feedback about actual statement using PR
• Motivate and inspire to continue education
• Set milestones
• Use SWOT analyze, SMART goals
• Keep information about people up-to-date

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