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Help In Writing An Essay

Writing an essay on the topic of "Help In Writing An Essay" may initially seem like a straightforward
task, but delving into the intricacies of the subject reveals its inherent complexities. The irony lies in
the challenge of articulating the nuances of seeking assistance in the very act of composing an essay.

Firstly, one must navigate the delicate balance between acknowledging the need for help and
maintaining personal agency in crafting one's thoughts. Expressing the reliance on external support
without diminishing one's own intellectual contribution requires a nuanced approach. The essay
should convey the message that seeking assistance is a commendable endeavor, fostering growth and
improvement, rather than a sign of incompetence.

Secondly, addressing the various forms of support available in writing poses its own set of
challenges. From peer reviews to professional editing services, the essay should explore the diverse
avenues for assistance, highlighting their advantages and potential drawbacks. It demands careful
research and critical analysis to present a comprehensive view of the support landscape.

Furthermore, discussing the psychological aspects of seeking help in writing adds another layer of
intricacy. Overcoming the stigma associated with assistance, whether due to pride or fear of
judgment, requires a delicate touch. The essay must delve into the emotional aspects, emphasizing
the positive impact of collaboration on the learning process.

Crafting a coherent and compelling narrative becomes paramount. The essay should not merely
enumerate the benefits of seeking help but should weave a narrative that resonates with the reader's
own struggles and aspirations. This requires a keen understanding of the audience and an ability to
connect on a personal level.

In conclusion, writing an essay on "Help In Writing An Essay" is no easy feat. It demands a delicate
balance of acknowledging the challenges, exploring the support landscape, addressing psychological
nuances, and presenting a compelling narrative. Successfully navigating these complexities can result
in an insightful and thought-provoking piece that resonates with a wide audience.

For those seeking assistance beyond the scope of this essay, a wealth of resources, similar essays, and
more can be explored on .
Help In Writing An Essay Help In Writing An Essay
Essay on Ideology in Nathaniel Hawthorne’s The Minister’s...
Ideology in Nathaniel Hawthorne s The Minister s Black Veil

Bennett and Royle in their textbook, Introduction to Literature, Criticism and Theory,
define ideology as representing ... the imaginary relationship of individuals to their real
conditions of existence (161). The ideology of self, of personal identity, is represented by
a person s perception of what is acceptable in their society. In Nathaniel Hawthorne s
short story, The Minister s Black Veil, the minister appears before his community with a
black veil covering his face. He gives no explanation for this apparel and the community
becomes agitated that their minister refuses to remove it. The readers challenge is to
discover why the minister wears the veil and why he ... Show more content on ...
Hooper, pacing slowly his meditative way toward the meetinghouse. With one accord
they started, expressing more wonder than if some strange minister were coming to dust
the cushions of Mr. Hooper s pulpit. Are you sure it is our parson? inquired Goodman
Gray of the sexton. (Hawthorne 2 4)

Accepted ideology is an ideology that is in itself not real, it is illusory and mutable.
When the illusion is challenged, the ideology of self is challenged. By using words
that depict the illusory ideology of the parishioners, and perhaps also mirror the illusory
ideology of the reader, Hawthorne reinforces the idea that Ideology is constituted by
images and fantasies (Bennett Royle 160). The sentences, He has changed himself into
something awful... (Hawthorne 8) and The black veil...throws its influence over his
whole person, and makes him ghostlike (Hawthorne 13) reinforce the illusory aspects of
an established ideology. Bennett and Royle say, To become human, to identify oneself
as a subject, then, is an effect of ideology (162). The parishioners cannot locate the
minister beneath his veil as a subject they can only locate the veil as subject. The black
veil, though it covers only our pastor s face, throws its influence over his whole person,
and makes him ghostlike... (Hawthorne 14). The minister, the previously known subject,
has become ghostlike , has vanished to another realm and the parishioners expectations
and illusory ideology is upset. This reaffirms
Case Study Of Computer Arithmetic

Title: Division Algorithms in Computer Arithmetic

Computer Organization and Architecture

CSE 301
B.Tech(E T), Batch 2013 17, Section A

Submitted By: Submitted To:

Sourjya Sen (A16071113015) (2 Names for Case Study) (Space for Sign) Anil Kumar
Sajnani Asst.Professor ... Show more content on ...
The dividend is shifted to the left and the divisor is subtracted by adding its 2 s
complement value. The information about the relative magnitude is available in E. If
E= 1, it signifies that A =B.A quotient bit 1 is inserted into Qn and the partial
remainder is shifted to the left to repeat the process. If E=0, it signifies that A B soothe
quotient in Qn remains a 0 (inserted during the shift).The value of B is then added to
restore the partial remainder in A to its previous value. The partial remainder is shifted
to the left and the process is repeated again until all five quotient bits are formed. Note
that while the partial remainder is shifted left, the quotient bits are shifted also and after
five shifts the quotient is in Q and the final remainder is in
Holden Caulfield Adolescence Essay
My patient, Holden Caulfield, is a very different teenager. After our first session
together, I could tell he wasn t your typical teen. He seems to not enjoy the things other
teenagers enjoy. To me, it seems like he keeps to himself a lot. In our first session,
Holden told me about how he had gotten kicked out of his boarding school, Pencey
Prep. He hadn t told his parents or even tried to contact them when he went he left
Pencey and gone to New York. He also explained to me about the death of his younger
brother, Allie. Holden explained that he was very hurt and a mess after his brother died.
Another topic that was discussed in our first session was girls. Holden told me about this
girl Jane, who was very important to him. They had spent a... Show more content on ...
Holden told me to how he reacted after the death, I slept in the garage the night he
died, and I broke all the goddamn windows with my fist, just for the hell of it. (pg. 21
pdf) He was 13 when this death occurred and he mentioned that his parents were going
to get him psychoanalyzed because of what he did. After breaking all the windows in
the garage, he tried to break the windows on the station wagon with his already broken
hand. This shows how sad and down he got about his brother Allie dying. Everything
in life was going well for Holden, family wise, and then a death happened to someone
who Holden enjoyed a lot. Another girl Holden talked about in our session is Sally
Hayes. The night before Holden makes a date with Sally, he has a prostitute named
Sally come to his room. He just left Pencey, so to me, this is his way of letting out
some sadness and anger. Holden says he didn t do anything with her because he wasn t
in the mood anymore. This shows that some depression is coming into his activity
level. Holden told me about what him and Sally did on their date. They first went to a
show called The Lunts. During the show, Holden said Sally saw a boy she knew
named George and he went to Andover. I sort of hated ofl Sally by the time we got in
the cab, after listening to that phony Andover Bastard for about ten hours. (pg. 69 pdf)
Holden told me. He went on to say that they went ice skating at Radio City. After ice
skating, Holden explains how he wanted to run away with Sally. She kept saying no
because they were still children. He told me that he told her You give me a royal pain
in the ass, if you want to know the truth. (pg. 72 pdf) At this point, both of them hated
each other. Holden said he apologized over and over to her but he ended up just leaving
her at the rink. This shows how he can t keep their relationship in a good place and his
mood changed out
Performance Indicators For Evaluation System
EVALUATION SYSTEM Company establishes key performance indicators for
evaluation system. The actual performance of marketing activities is comparing the set
objectives. The key performance indicators are:

Overall sales of products in all the countries of world.

Brand image
Product innovation and improved existing products.
Consumer feedback
Rate of growth and increasing market share.

Company should follow following monitoring system: *Responsibility control centres :

It is sub unit of an organization which is called as responsibility centre whose head is
called Responsibility Centre Manager and is held responsible for all activities and events
that come under his purview . These responsibility centres are built around ... Show more
content on ...
Installment sale price
4.Ex factory price
5.Ex warehouse price
6.Delivered at customer s doors anywhere price
7.Free on Board (FOB) price
8.Free on Rail (FOR ) price
9.CIF price

* Suggestions for distributing mix:

*While deciding the distribution channels, the following should be kept in mind:
Vertical Marketing Systems
Horizontal Marketing Systems
Multi channel Marketing Systems
Network Marketing

Suggestions for communicating mix:

* Factors Determining Promotion Mix

1.Type of product
2.Nature of market
3.Stage of product in its life cycle
4.Budget availability
5.Company policy

Colley proposed that the communications task be based on a hierarchical model of the
communications process with four stages:
1.Awareness Making the consumer aware of the existence of the brand or product or
2.Comprehension Developing an understanding of what the product is and what it will
do for the consumer.
3.Conviction Developing a mental disposition in the consumer to buy the product.
4.Action Getting the consumer to purchase the product.

*Barriers to marketing planning: These are discuss below:

1. Mostly depend on budgeting and forecasting techniques for marketing planning.
2. The attitude of top management regarding implementation of planning.
3. When marketing operations, tactics strategy, marketing process and output become
4. When marketing required huge investment.
5. The organizational variables like objectives,
The Great Gatsby Analysis
Synopsis: The Great Gatsby, directed by Baz Luhrmann and is by far considered one of
the classics of the century adapted from literature. The story takes place during the
Roaring Twenties (during the 1920 s) and occurs in the two hemispheres of New York,
West Egg, and East Egg. The story movie portrays the American society during the
Roaring Twentiesafter the devastating World War 1. The film, itself, is based on a love
story between two lovers, Jay Gatsbyplayed as Leonardo DiCaprio, and Daisy
Buchanan played as Carey Mulligan. The genre that best suits this film is a romantic
drama. The total budget spent on the production of the movie was $100 million. The
film itself, did big, in the movie industry, whopping a $300 million revenue in the box
office! In fact, winning itself an Academy Award for Best Costume Design at the 2014
Academy Awards ( The Oscars,) and a couple of Golden Globe Awards. Analysis:
Although, the movie was good and was directed by one of my favorite directors, Baz
Luhrmann. It seems that the film still has a deeper meaning to it and can be analyzed
by each element in a movie. By elements I mean, characters, the plot, and the direction.
First and foremost, the characters, the film had good characters, played by good actors
in the Hollywood industry with unusual traits. For example, Nick Carraway, Nick is a
quiet, loyal individual in the movie. In fact, he narrates the film. Second, the great man
himself, Jay Gatsby, Gatsby is a wealthy
Comparison Of Percy Jackson Hero And Louis Braille
Title: Louis Braille and Percy Jackson Hero Essay

Louis Braille was the creator of Braille, which is a way for the blind to read and write.
Louis Braille wasn t born blind, but that doesn t mean he didn t cope with it. Being
visually impaired was a struggle he eventually had to face and accept as a part as himself.
Braille is knowledge, and knowledge is power. Said Louis Braille. This quote connects to
The Hero s Journey because it shows that he is being challenged by tasks, and his task
was to put Braille to the public. Louis Braille became blind when he was three years
old. Louis was messing around with his father s tools, when he poked himself in the
eye with one of the sewing tools. The infection that it gave off spread to the other eye,
and by the time he was 5, he was completely blind. But if it weren t for his accident, the
blind would still be using night writing, which isn t efficient. Louis Braille is a historical
figure that relates to The Hero s Journey and that connects to Percy s journey because he
went through life changing experiences. He was a hero because he revolutionized
literature for the blind.
Louis Braille is a hero because he overcame being uneducated, but made a way to
educate the blind, with Braille. According to The Famous People, Braille s parents
encouraged him to lead a normal life and the child did show a willingness to learn
despite his handicap. Braille was blind and he went through a lot in his childhood. In
1819, Braille was sent to
Indian Writing in English
Chapter 1 Introduction Indian writing in English has a comparatively short but highly
stimulating history. In 1793, Sake Dean Mahomed wrote conceivably the first book
by an Indian in English, called The Travels of Dean Mahomed . However, most early
Indian writing in English was non fictional work, such as biographies and political
essays. This began to change in the late 1800s, when famous Indian authors who wrote
mostly in their mother tongue, began to try their hand at writing in English. In the
early 1900s, Rabindranath Tagore began translating his works from Bengali to
English. During the start of 1917 Dhan Gopal Mukerji wrote a number of stories
mostly for children with Indian setup. He was honored with the Newbery medal in
1928 for Gay Neck, the Story of a Pigeon. Soon after, a whole new generation of Indian
authors, who wrote almost exclusively in English appeared. Starting in 1935 with R.K.
Narayan s most famous collection titled Swami and Friends and Mulk Raj Anand s
Untouchable followed by Raja Rao s book Kanthapura in 1938.The thing that
distinguished Narayan s, Anand s and Rao s works from the Indian authors before them
was the use of Indianess in their work which can be very well seen in terms of the
words and style they used. They also brought forward the story of the Indian common
man. This gave birth to new ranks of Indians reading English literature. Their works were
the precursors to the magnificent

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