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Projects: There will be two individual projects.

Besides providing written presentation (2-3 pages), each individual will present their research to the class. Final work to be handed in should include the following: background details such as company and industry, financials, analysis, and conclusions.

Project #1: Select a current merger/acquisition situation and analyze the deal. Who are the participants? What are the rationales behind the transaction? Do these reasons make sense? Are there any concerns about this deal? What is the deal price and what do you think about that price? Name: Khiem Nguyen Project 1: Google-Motorola $12.5 Billion Deal On August 15, 2011, Google Inc. (NASDAQ: GOOG) and Motorola Mobility Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: MMI) announced that they have entered into a definitive agreement under which Google will acquire Motorola Mobility for $40.00 per share in cash, or a total of about $12.5 billion, a premium of 63% Motorola Mobilitys closing price on Friday, August 12, 2011. In addition, Google also agreed to pay Motorola Mobility $2.5 billion in reverse termination fee if it fails to close the deal. In contrast, Motorola will pay $375 million break-up fee if it terminates the deal. About Google Inc. Google's innovative search technologies connect millions of people around the world with information every day. Founded in 1998 by Stanford Ph.D. students Larry Page and Sergey Brin, Google today is a top web property in all major global markets. Google's targeted advertising program provides businesses of all sizes with measurable results, while enhancing the overall web experience for users. Google is headquartered in Silicon Valley with offices throughout the Americas, Europe and Asia. For more information, visit About Motorola Mobility Motorola Mobility Holdings, Inc. fuses innovative technology with human insights to create experiences that simplify, connect and enrich people's lives. Our portfolio includes converged mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets; wireless accessories; end-to-end video and data delivery; and management solutions, including set-tops and data-access devices. For more information, visit Rationales: The acquisition of Motorola Mobility will give Google a portfolio of patents, the ability to design hardware to accompany Android,

Timeline of the deal Early July 2011: Google and Motorola Mobility entered into discussion, just a few weeks after a group that included Google rivals Apple Inc. and Microsoft Crop. paid $4.5 billion for 6,000 patents owned by Nortel Networks. August 1, 2011: Google offered $30 per share. At that time, Motorola Mobilitys stock was traded at around $22 per share.

Google SWOT Analysis Strengths: Android OS has significant market share and is supported by many p

Weaknesses: Struggling to find the next billion dollar revenue stream. 97% of Googles revenue is from advertising

Motorola - SWOT Analysis Strengths: Strong brand name

Google & Motorola deal $12.5 billion deal 17,000 phone-related patents to give Google some ground to defend its Android operating system Rationales

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