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Text 4 : Beowulf (10th Century

fragment from renowned ep!c poem

or!g!nally composed !n Old


Poet!c l!kely from folklore

collect!on of stor!es that
or!g!nated Oral trat!d!t!on
. Those stor!es are part of Anglo-Saxon .

from Bewoulf's .)
(events from 6th C
1. recounts events youth
Extens!ve poem two parts
. portrays Beowulf as the
k!ng of Geats
engaged !n a battle
aga!nst a dragon .

Usual Style of
Anglo-Saxon ; compr!ses unrhymed l!nes

S!nce the Saxon !nvas!on of England took place ,

monks were encouraged to translate !nto Old Engl!sh.

The poem narrates the hero!c deeds of the Saxon forefathers who l!ved !n Europe.

There !s a sense of d!stant

, remote past.

Pra!s!ng of a hero , narrat!on of adventures , battles

, supernatural act!v!t!es

Speaks of
ScyldScef!ng .
k!ng of the so-called
scyld!ngs ,
f!ercewarr!or) -
h!s he!r !s Beauulf.

Church Crown Chron!cle
YS :
Henry II and Thomas Becket :
Roger of Hovedan's
The Text
1066 : a date marks the beg!nn!ng of med!eval .

Normans: descendants of the Vikings who had settled in Normandy (North-East France) in the 9th century. Form : letter

England :
brought new culture
< new
language (french) , professed Chr!st!an Rel!g!on
. To : Pope Alexander

Feudal!sm Roger
: new soc!al system of dependence and h!erarchy w!th
clearly def!ned classes.
By : of Hovedan

Anglo Saxon Ar!stocracy

-> Norman
Def!ned classes
appeared : K!n - nobles barons ->
lesser lords -> Ord!nary people -> peasantry (koyluler
Church + Nobles was !nfluent!al ->
confl!cts started between Crown Church (for the !ndependence of Church

K!ng's author!ty was upheld by sher!ff.

Royal Court : [off!c!als


(1086) Domesday Book : record of

England's populat!on wealth

(1087) W!ll!am d!ed


RobertIduke of Normandy)

R!chard (d!ed young)

Ch!ldren of W!ll!am I Normandy
W!ll!am Rufus #I (succeeded h!s father) cr!t!c!zed
-> was
by not hav!ng he!r/was k!lled

h!s own brother Robert, !n battle of T!chenbra!

I(succeeded W!ll!am) -> famous for
defeat!ngfor (1106). Th!s way

became the master both

Adela (mother of England's
K!ng Stephen
Cl!on of Just!ce) The
superv!se monetary (parasal

I establ!shed
Henry : the adm!n!strat!on of
just!ce !n a more ser!ous
way ->
Created Exchequer f!scal (mal!) matters

of economy

Son (drowned

daughte (bares super

Henry makeh!sbards takeaneath Hard!es they
the uphold h!s but a
Daughter (Mat!lda)
as a
quee , ,

Mat!lda f Geoffrey


(1053) C!v!l War : Ends w!th

Treaty of W!nchster :
Stephen would be k!ng .
unt!l death

But Stephen K!ng succeeded by Henry # .

h!ghest rel!g!ous f!gure
fr!end Canterbury (K!l!sen!n bas k!spolosugu)
Dur!ng Henry's re!gn ,
he appo!nted h!s Thomas Becket as Arch!b!shop

Intent!on : control the church

through h!m/ Thomas defended church's !nterests
(h!s devot!on was rather w!th God than w!th the k!ng
(1164) : Becket ex!led to France -> looked for support of French Cathol!cs & Pope

Henry ordered the Crown!ng of Pr!nce Henry to the Arch!b!shop of York.

Reconc!led w!th
Becket returned
Soon became from
excommun!cated all
Hery's supports.

Henry flew !nto "who w!ll r!d me of th!s troublesome pr!est

Four kn!ghts dec!ded to sat!sfy the k!ng's w!shes

Based on the coronation charter

of Henry I, who had promised “to
abolish all the evil customs by
which the kingdom of England
has been unjustly oppressed.”
Edward (a san)

Henry # & Eleonor of Provence r!s!ng French !nfluence , she !s French .

S!mon de Montfort K!ngs brother !n law (1258) rebell!on of the baras led
by S!ma de Montfort. to
accept Prov!s!on of Oxford
-> - .

Second Barons' War (1263-4) :
Henry #+ Edward S!mon !mpr!soned by Barons

Became the ruler of England.

Needed help : Summoned a

parl!ament ( kn!ghts + burgesses

(1265) : Edward broke free and defeated k!lled S!mon at the Battle of Evesham .

Edward I (1274-1307) E Longshanks 3 &Hammer of the Scots 3 :

Conquered Wales (200 later) Pr!nce of Wales
years ->

Scott!sh war + heavy taxat!on to

pay those wars

France wars (who supported Scotland

& Eleanor of Cast!le


1375: Treaty of Bruges: only Calais and a piece of the coast near Bordeaux
Edward III counting the dead on the battlefield of Crécy Place, in Jean Froissart,
Chroniques (Vol. I).
remained. S

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