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FE301 by YRW

1. brave= bold, daring, fearless, courageous, audacious, valiant timid;

2. He always remains calm {in the face of/when faced with/ when facing}
3. win a game, beat/defeat a person/team; admit/accept/concede defeat/suffer a
humiliating/heavy/crushing defeat
4. in my humble opinion. The president rose from humblenoble origin s .
5. a gentle smile/voice/breeze/wind/rain. I stood there with the gentle breeze
brushing my hair.
6. victory=triumph; victorious=triumphant. Germany win/achieve/ gain a
victory against/over Italy.
7. Listening to soft music always make me feel at ease. Joseph felt ill at ease
before the speech contest.
8. pressure, stress, emphasis, strain press the buttonthe pressure of waterthe
pressure of life, be under pressureDon't feel we are pressuring you to give
what you can't afford. Shoes with high heels put a great deal of stress on
knees and ankles. Your headaches are due to stress. Janet's been under a lot
of stress since her mother's illness.In the word 'mother', the stress is on the
first syllable. Julian’s mother put much stress/emphasis on discipline.The
report stressed/emphasized that student math skills need to improve. The
hurricane put such a strain on the bridge that it collapsed. The goalkeeper is
still out of action with a knee strain. The long working hours put a severe
strain on employees. I know you've been under a lot of strain lately.Their
constant arguments were putting a strain on their marriage.I've strained a
muscle in my legI strained my ears, listening for any sound in the silence of
the cave.She was straining to keep her head above the water.
9. Do you have difficulty (in)learning English? No, I learn English without 
with difficulty. encounter/face/overcome difficulties
10. Compose(v. 組成), combat (v./n.戰鬥), combine (v.結合), companion (n.夥
伴), company (n.夥伴關係), compare (v. 比較), compassion (n.同情心),
compete (v.比賽), compress (v.壓縮), compromise (v./n.妥協), concentrate
(v. )集中專注), cooperate (v.合作)
11. She mastered/overcame her fear of dark/flying/heights. a master (cf.
bachelor) degree

FE301 by YRW

12. I can seek help/advice from my teachers in the face of troubles.

13. weep, whine, sob, wail, whimper; giggle, chuckle, chortle, snicker, sneer
14. Stop humiliating your colleagues! Steve felt humiliated when his girlfriend
turned him down. The election results were a humiliation for the ruling party.
15. a wise choice/decision/move/act
16. Even when she was treated unfairly, she still seemed meek and mild.
17. I dare you to say that again. Don’t you dare! How dare you read my diary!
dare 當助動詞(過去式加 ed 三單不加 s) He is the only person here who dare
complain. She dare not answer. No one dared speak. Dare you protest against
this policy?
18. The pilgrims founded (found-founded-founded) a colony in Plymouth.
19. We made a vain effort to get her to change her mind. My brother is so vain
about his looks. He spends a lot of money on his hair and clothes. I think he
was too blinded by vanity to make a wise decision.

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