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FE304 by YRW

1. fable, fairy tale, legend, myth, folktale

2. The company set a high moral standard on their workers. Though I can’t join you
in this demonstration, you have my moral support. More and more people are
becoming aware of the corruption of public morals/morality in our society. Since
the scandal, the staff’s morale has been low.
3. {leading/lead/main} {character/role}, protagonistantagonist Many Westerners find it
difficult to learn Chinese characters. Working hard is a characteristic of the Chinese.
4. Music can be generally divided into two types: classical music and popular music.
5. Ed slipped/sneaked/snuck a letter into Emma’s desk. He wrote my telephone
number on a slip of paper. As time slipped by, our chances of winning were getting
slimmer. It’s a chance of a lifetime. Why let it slip through your finger? It was a slip
of the tongue. What I meant to say was “Mandy”, not “Tammy.” A slip of foot you
may soon recover, but a slip of the tongue you may never get over. I meant to call
her at work, but it completely slipped my mind. They just mopped the floor, and it
is still kind of slippery. It is not appropriate to wear slippers on formal occasions.
6. He went to the station early, for fear of missing the train. I call home when I need to stay out
late, for fear that my parents will worry about me. The traveler looked at the evil spirit in
fear. Cf. timidfearless, brave, bold, daring, courageous, audacious, valiant
7. Peter looked in astonishment at the scary creature. Scientists are astonished at the outcome
of the experiment. Cf. shocked, amazed, dazed, startled, stunned, appalled, agape, aghast
8. In his paintings, he creates a completely imaginary world. Charles Schulz was the
creator of the beloved comic strip figure Snoopy. You need to be creative to be a
good story teller. The problem with your writing is lack of creativity.
9. I get up early so that I can enjoy my breakfast without haste. He got up from the
bed in haste to answer the phone and fell down on the floor.
10. The disease was reported to have killed tens of millions of people in the 1300s. If
you are robbed of something, you’d better report it to the police. My neighbor
reported me for making noise late at night. You have to report back to me on what
you found by next week.
11. Linda is not home. Can I take a message?leave a message? cf. take notes, leave sb a note
12. She might consider it beneath her dignity to beg him to come back. Everyone was
charmed by her dignified beauty.
13. She peered into the darkness ahead of her. Tony has shown greater potential in math
than most of his peers. Many teenagers take drugs because of peer pressure. stare
at the new student; glare at her boyfriend; Even with a fleeting glance, the detective

FE304 by YRW

knew there was something wrong with the stranger. Emily glanced through/at the
notice and then left in a hurry. I glimpsed a figure at the window. gaze out of the
window, peep/peek.
14. I bumped into/ran into/ came across my high school teacher today.
15. presently: 放句首句尾 soon, in a short time: The doctor will be here presently.
Presently, I fell asleep. 放句中 at the present time: Your case is presently being
investigated. A little girl presented a basket of flowers to the president's wife. A basket
of flowers was presented to the president's wife. A little girl presented the president's
wife with a basket of flowers. The president's wife was presented with a basket of
flowers. Let me present my best friend Anthony to you. He’s a great guy. I’m going to
present a short summary of this novel. to give a presentation a presentable outfit. Only
a few reporters were present (absent) at the press conference. Her presence
(absence) here is a surprise. We didn’t expect to see her.
16. The organization is calling on/appealing to all people to stop wearing fur coats.
17. After a few moments of hesitation, Bob took/picked up the pen and signed his name on the
paper. I’d like to take up/continue the story from where we left off last time. My mother took
up (產生興趣) gardening after she retired from her teaching job. The new mayor will take up
(開始從事) office next month. Extracurricular activities have obviously taken up a lot of
your time. It will be a tough game, but I am willing to take up/on the challenge.
18. Once upon a time…There once lived a beautiful princess…On a beautiful summer morning…
19. 使役動詞: His boss made him work all day. He was made to work all day. He tried to
make himself understood. Mother had him wash the car. Mother had the car washed. I’ll let
you leave earlier today. Let the door be open. 感官動詞:I saw a man walk/walking into the
room. A man was seen to walk/walking into~. I saw the little boy beaten by the gangsters. I
heard Mary sing/singing in the shower. Mary was heard to sing/singing in~. I’ve heard the
story told many times. 其他:I’ll get them to try again. She finally got the book finished.
Nothing can get him out of the house. The coach kept the team practicing all day long. The
pirate kept the treasure hidden in a cave. (cf. leave, catch, find)
20. in fear/anger/amazement/despair/dismay/fright/horror/terror
21. Is it possible (for us) to get tickets for the game? It's possible that the letter got lost
in the post. Please remind me because I'm likely to forget. The price of petrol is
likely to rise again this year. It is likely that the girl knew her killer.
 You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the
time, but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time.

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