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FE302 by YRW

1. smoking/non-smoking section at a restaurant, the poorest/ richest section of a city,

sports/business section of the newspaper.
2. Water is composed of hydrogen and oxygen. Your password should consist of at
least 5 characters. (cf. Happiness does not consist in 取決於 how many possessions
you own.) The museum contains a number of original artworks. Love and trust
should form the basis of a marriage. Alaska is the largest of the fifty states that
constitute the USA. Women make up only a small proportion of the prison
population. The shirt is made of silk. Paper is made from wood. The house
comprises two bedrooms, a kitchen, and a living room. The committee is comprised
of well-known mountaineers. Women comprise a high proportion of part-time
workers. compose, combat (v./n.戰鬥), combine (v.結合), companion (n.夥伴),
company (n.夥伴關係), compare (v. 比較), compassion (n.同情心), compete (v.比
賽), compress (v.壓縮), compromise (v./n.妥協), concentrate (v. )集中專注),
cooperate (v.合作)
3. weep, whine, sob, wail, whimper; giggle, chuckle, chortle, snicker, sneer
4. The sun lit up the sky. A smile lit up the old man’s face. Peter’s eyes lit up when he
saw the pretty woman.
5. an embarrassing situation/moment
6. a sheet of paper/glass/ice
7. The poor rabbit fell prey to an eagle. Many people fell victim to H1N1 in 2009.
8. I wrote a thank-you note to my classmate for doing me a favor. I left my roommate
a note saying that her father wanted her to call him back. Tainan is noted (cf.
famous, known) for its delicious food.
9. He is a professional golf player, if my memory serves me right. She held a concert
{in memory of/ to commemorate} her dead father. I have a poor memory for
numbers/names.Our graduation trip to Taipei was memorable. The memorial
service was attended by the greatest names in Hollywood.
10. A strong typhoon swept over the whole country and caused great damage. The
prince was swept off his feet at the sight of the gorgeous young lady. The
government once tried to sweep the bribery scandal under the carpet.
11. Many TV programs nowadays are flooded with sex and violence. When the
superstar left the hotel, she was met by a flood of fans. The old movie brought back
a flood of memories to me.
12. Ted bared his arms and showed me his tattoos. The dog bared its teeth. He walked
barefoot across the sand. The karate expert defeated a gang of bullies with his bare

FE302 by YRW

hands. She was afraid she wouldn't be able to bear the pain.
13. You have to pay more to rent a furnished apartment than an unfurnished one.
Nina's room was plainly furnished with a bed and a desk. The room is
beautifully/expensively/tastefully furnished.
14. The novelist began writing, and words flowed from her pen. It’s very early in the
morning, so the traffic is flowing smoothly.
15. Soft drink/music/color/light/voice; soften one’s voice/attitude/heart
16. Tim was upset because his daughter turned a deaf ear to his word.
17. I have a hard time with math. The questions are so difficult. Sally has a hard time
staying fit. Don’t be so hard on yourself. You have tried your best.
18. I was completely in the dark about her decision to run away and get married.
Richard failed his exam, but he decided to keep his parents in the dark about it.
19. Our vacation is coming to an end, so we need to pack and get ready to leave. When I
think about beautiful places to visit, Taroko Gorge comes to mind.
20. Eugene is known to the students as the most handsome English teacher. He is
known/famous for his charm but notorious for being tough.
21. lose one’s sight/voice/mind/temper
22. She is afraid of snake. She is afraid that she will fail the test.
23. You have to stop watching TV. It’s time to go to bed. She stopped to buy a drink. If
no one answers the doorbell, try knocking on the back door. Leo tried all he could to
please his teacher, but in vain. I regret not studying harder in senior high school. I
regret to inform you that you have failed the class.
24. The book lay open on the desk, but its owner was nowhere to be seen. He always
lies under a tree to take a nap. After a tiring day, she lay in bed and fall asleep
immediately. The dog has lain there for three hours. She is lying on the beach to
enjoy the sunshine. Please lay the box on the desk. He laid his hand on my shoulder.
The purse was laid on the table. He lied because he was afraid.
25. I tried to persuade him to accept defeat, but he would not listen to me. Try taking
some painkiller, it will ease your pain.
26. He has little money. He cannot afford the house. He has few friends because he has
no compassion. You should spend a little time memorizing vocabulary. I met a few
musicians at the concert.
27. Pass me your cup, and I’ll fill it up. He filled the bottle with water and put it in his
28. It must be raining outside. He must have memorized the book.

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