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Proposal Argument Essay

Writing a Proposal Argument Essay can be a challenging task that demands careful planning, critical
thinking, and effective communication skills. The difficulty arises from the need to not only present
a compelling proposal but also to argue persuasively in favor of it. Here are some aspects that
contribute to the complexity of this task:

1. Research: Crafting a convincing proposal requires extensive research to gather relevant and
reliable information. This involves delving into academic journals, books, articles, and other
credible sources to build a solid foundation for your argument.
2. Critical Thinking: Developing a well-reasoned proposal demands critical thinking skills. You
must analyze the existing literature, identify gaps or issues, and propose a solution that is
both feasible and logical. This requires the ability to assess various perspectives and weigh the
strengths and weaknesses of different arguments.
3. Structural Organization: A proposal argument essay needs to be well-structured to
effectively convey your ideas. Organizing your thoughts coherently and ensuring a logical
flow throughout the essay is crucial. This includes crafting a clear introduction, presenting
the proposal, supporting it with evidence, and concluding with a strong summary of key
4. Persuasive Writing: The essay must not only inform but also persuade the reader to support
your proposal. This involves mastering persuasive writing techniques, such as appealing to
emotions, using evidence effectively, and anticipating and addressing potential
5. Citation and Referencing: Accurate citation and referencing are essential in academic
writing. Failing to properly credit sources can lead to accusations of plagiarism, undermining
the credibility of your essay. Mastering the nuances of different citation styles adds an
additional layer of complexity.

Despite these challenges, successfully navigating through them can result in a well-crafted and
impactful essay. Seeking guidance from professors, peers, or utilizing writing resources can
significantly ease the process.

For those who find themselves struggling or pressed for time, assistance is available. There are online
platforms like where you can order essays on various topics. These services
provide professionally written essays tailored to your requirements, offering a convenient solution
for those seeking additional support in their academic endeavors.
Proposal Argument Essay Proposal Argument Essay
Social Problems and Solutions Chart
Social Problems and Solutions Chart | | |Social Problem of the Industrial |How was
the Social Problem addressed during |Was the Social Problem |Is the Social Problem
still an issue | |Age |the Industrial Age (social movement, law, |addressed successfully?
Be |today? How? | | |etc.)? |sure to support your opinion | | | | |with evidence from the
lesson| | | | |or your research.... Show more content on ...
This was the | | |contribute to the household |the workers. Child labor was her most
|beginning of what is known | | |income for a family to survive. |important cause. |today
as social work.
Summary Of John Locke s Second Treatise Of Civil
1. In 1690, political philosopher John Locke anonymously published his Second
Treatise of Civil Government. His composition of this work was inspired by the 1688
Glorious Revolution in England, in which King James II was overthrown by William
and Mary of Orange. Locke s motivation for writing this treatise was mainly to justify the
overthrow of King James II. Through the Second Treatise of Civil Government, Locke
sought to defend the Glorious Revolution and the ascension of William of Orange to the
2. Locke refers to the laws of nature as a state of perfect freedom [for men] to order their
actions...without depending on the will of any other man. He uses this definition to
explain the manner in which he believes government and ... Show more content on ...
Locke explains that under certain circumstances man must give up some of the
liberties granted to him by the Laws of nature. While under the Laws of nature man
has unlimited freedom and liberty, this can be a dangerous state. If every man has the
same freedom with no bounds, man is constantly exposed to the invasion of others ; in
the state of Nature there is also no system to maintain justice and protect man s life
and property, leading to a state of eternal fear and insecurity. Idealistically in the state
of Nature, man would be able to live communally and civilly without needing any
written law or official government; due to the corruption and viciousness of degenerate
men, however, man is inclined to join a society in which his property will be protected.
This, Locke explains, is the reason man needs an established government: to allow men
to unite for the mutual preservation of their lives, liberties, and estates. Government
provides an official spectrum of right and wrong, as well as an indifferent judge to
settle disputes according to the established guidelines. When men do choose to give up
liberties and establish a government, it shall be, in the words of Locke, directed to no
other end but the peace, safety, and public good of the
The Twitter Effect Of Social Media On The News
The Twitter Effect: The Impact of Social Media on the News Networked technologies
like Twitter disrupt established concepts of communication, prevailing notions of
space and time and the distance between public and private spheres, (Noah, A., Weiss,
A. S., 2010). As a result, journalism is not just in the process of negotiating a shift to a
digital media environment, but more significantly to a networked one. (Hermida, A.,
2012). As an increasing amount of people have gained access to the internet, with
incrementally faster paced networks, it has found itself an exceedingly popular
platform in which users have the freedom to discuss topics of choice to an extensive
and unlimited viewership. Consumers of the news have adapted to forms of new
media, such as online news, blogs, social media sites, and microblogging sites such as
Twitter, which not only has the potential to give users content and information at
unimaginably high speed, but also the opportunity to share their own personal material.
This allows for everyone to become a journalist at a low (or free of) charge at an even
faster speed than traditional media organizations, therefore incorporating a grassroots
dimension to the media. Networked technologies such as Twitter provide a huge social
platform for audiences of the media to make a shift from their role as a consumer, to
having the potential in which to become producers . We are moving from a traditional
news cycle dominated by journalists and
New York City, Brooklyn, Queens, And Staten Island Essay
New York City is made up of five boroughs, which include the Bronx, Brooklyn,
Manhattan, Queens, and Staten Island. Within these boroughs, there are high and low
income neighborhoods that contain either high or low status organizational structures or
facilities. Each division has their own characteristics and top attractions, such as the
Empire State building, Central Park, or Times Square. As New York Citymay be known
for great food and fun attractions, New York faces infrastructure problems within each
borough. New York City s infrastructure funding is limited in lower income
neighborhoods, where money needed to upkeep the city goes toward prime tourist s areas
or residents living in high status neighborhoods, such as The Upper East Side of
Manhattan, Cobble Hill, Brooklyn, and Lenox Hill, Manhattan. Moreover, abandoned
buildings, poor sewage conditions, and rocky roads and streets are examples of low
income area infrastructure problems that may hinder neighborhood growth both
structurally and economically. Harlem, East Brooklyn, and South Bronx are low income
parts of New York that lack new and refined facilities, roads, plumbing, and fundamental
structures, which contribute to high crimeand arrests.
New York faces a various number of infrastructure issues, regardless of the
neighborhood status quo. Many city roads, subways, bridges, water mains, sewer
systems, school buildings, and other public buildings are over 50 years old. More than
200 of New York City s public
Evolution of Hip-Hop
Evolution of Hip Hop From where it started to where it is now, Cuban hip hop has
transformed greatly. Without the United States, hip hop in Cuba certainly would not
be where it is today. The United States is the hub of hip hop and helped to jumpstart
hip hop in Cuba. While this is true, hip hop in the United States completely differs
from that of Cuba for the better. Even though hip hop in Cuba did not start from much,
the amount of development and influence this music has towards Cuba is
immeasurable. Around 1970, 44 years ago, hip hop emerged in the West Bronx of
New York. The culture of hip hop incorporates many aspects besides just the music
itself, such as DJing, graffiti, breakdancing, and urban fashion. Hip hop mainly started
from DJ s separating the break in rock, funk and other types of songs, as well as the
MC playing a major role in the development of hip hop. In between the songs that the
DJ was playing, the MC would speak in between the songs, make jokes and many
other actions in order to get the crowd riled up. This eventually led up to the practice
of hip hop to become more conventional, resulting in the forming of hip hop. Kool DJ
Herc did all of this in 1970, who is believed to be the one who started the emergence of
hip hop. At first, DJ Herc would deliver rhymes over reggae track; however, this did not
engage people s attention enough. Because the people were not engaged, DJ Herc had to
find another way to satisfy the audience, which came from him
Rhetorical Analysis On Florence Kelley
Michael Memis
September 24, 2016
English P8
In 1905, in the United States, some children as young as six years old are working in
factories and women aren t allowed to vote. Florence Kelley is a fiery and inspiring
child labor activist and also a suffragette. On July 22, 1905, in Philadelphia, she gives a
speech to the National American Women Suffrage Association (NAWSA) to try to rally
them to assist her in her main cause which is fixing the child labor system. In her
speech where she doesn t hold back, Kelley lets the audience know why the child labor
system is atrocious and why they should get involved. She also tells them the steps that
they should take to try to right these wrongs, in convincing their husbands to vote for
child labor ... Show more content on ...
One thing she does to provoke action is using rhetorical questions. She asks If the
mothers and the teachers in Georgia could vote, would the Georgia Legislature have
refused at every session for the last three years to stop the work in the mills of children?
Would the New Jersey legislature have passed that shameful repeal bill enabling girl of
fourteen years to work at night, if the mothers in New Jersey were enfranchised?
Kelley knows that the women in NAWSA will vote to end child labor if they have a
right to vote. This is why she asks this rhetorical question. She wants to let them know
that if the women there are allowed to vote that they will fix some of society s
injustices. Kelly additionally uses diction to make the listeners feel even worse about
child labor. She says They carry bundles of garments from the factories to the
tenements, little beasts of burden, robbed of school life so that they may work for us.
A beast of burden is an animal that does work, like a camel or a donkey. She calls the
children little beasts of burden because they are doing very hard work for any person
but especially someone of that age. Their amount of time that they have to take a
break isn t in their own hands but of that of their master. This diction reveals how in
child labor, there is a degradation of human life. Kelley ends her speech using syntax
to leave the audience rushing to help fix child labor. She declares For the sake of the
children for the Republic in which these children will vote after we are dead, and for
the sake of our cause, we should enlist the workingmen voters with us, in this task of
freeing the children from toil! Kelley uses an exclamatory statement which is a
powerful statement for the audience to be left with. It empowers the women to make a
change to help fix child labor. The end of Kelley s speech clearly

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