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Essay On My Favorite Teacher

Crafting an essay on the topic "Essay On My Favorite Teacher" is both a challenging and rewarding
task. While the subject matter may seem straightforward, the difficulty lies in capturing the essence
of the teacher-student relationship and conveying the sentiments that make a particular educator
stand out.

To begin with, selecting the right words to express admiration, respect, and gratitude towards a
teacher requires a thoughtful approach. It involves delving into personal experiences, memories, and
observations to paint a vivid picture of the teacher's impact on the writer's academic and personal
development. Striking a balance between genuine appreciation and avoiding clichés can be a delicate
tightrope to walk.

Additionally, the challenge extends to structuring the essay coherently. Organizing thoughts and
memories in a logical sequence, from the initial introduction of the teacher to specific anecdotes and
instances that highlight their exceptional qualities, demands careful planning. Each paragraph should
seamlessly connect, creating a flow that engages the reader and reinforces the central theme.

Furthermore, the difficulty arises in avoiding generic statements and ensuring the essay reflects the
unique aspects of the teacher-student relationship. It requires a keen focus on details, from the
teacher's teaching style and personality to the lasting lessons learned in and outside the classroom.
Precision in language and a nuanced portrayal are vital to bring the narrative to life.

In conclusion, while writing an essay on the topic "Essay On My Favorite Teacher" may seem
straightforward, the challenge lies in authentically conveying the depth of one's appreciation and the
impact a particular educator has had on their life. It involves navigating through personal reflections,
structuring the essay effectively, and ensuring a nuanced portrayal that sets it apart from generic

For those seeking assistance with similar essays or any other writing needs, there are resources like where professional writers can provide support and guidance in crafting
compelling and unique pieces.
Essay On My Favorite TeacherEssay On My Favorite Teacher
Harkness Reflection
I was sitting around the Harkness table clueless of what to say as my peers were
leading the conversation. It was the first day of class and we were already trying out the
Harkness discussion method. All 14 students in my class, as well as the teacher were
seated around the oval, wooden table. The Harkness discussion is a learning method
originated in Phillips Exeter Academyto discuss ideas and topics in a environment where
everyone is encouraged to participate. It is a student led, open minded discussion with
minimal interaction from the teacher.

During the Phillips Exeter Academy 5 week summer course, Project Exeter: A Greener
Earth , this course focuses on 3 areas: Why Art?, Alternative Energy Sources, and
Advocating Change. Throughout the course, all of my classes required the Harkness
discussion. I thought that it was extremely challenging to have the Harkness discussion
as the learning method is totally different to what we do in school, where we would just
listen to the teacher and raise your hands to participate. In the Harkness discussion, we
don t need the teacher s permission to talk, we don t have to raise our hands either, you
can just participate whenever you want to, this gives us a chance to contribute ideas based
... Show more content on ...
We had field day and other activities to bond as a dorm. Field day was where dorms
compete against dorms. In our dorm, we came up of several cheers and dances, we
designed our own team clothes and we helped each other get ready. This was one of
the most memorable day for me, as we all worked as a team and cheered for each
other. There were races like the three legged race, sack jump, spin race and much more.
I was also able to gain more exposure and establish friendships with people from around
the world. These ranges from California to Florida London to Germany, Indonesia to
Dubai. These are some of my other
Containment as U.S. Policy During Cold War Era
Containment as U.S. policy during Cold War Era

From after World War II and up until 1991 the foreign policy of the United States was
based on Cold War ideology and the policy of containment; to prevent nations from
leaning towards Soviet Union based communism, as first laid out by George Kennan and
later used as one of the key principles in the Truman Doctrine (LeCain). As this essay will
argue, because of this policy the United States made a commitment to fight communism
everywhere in the world and got them involved in conflicts more because of self interest,
self protection and determination to beat communism than the cause itself. The fear of
communism first emerged after the Soviet Revolution in 1917 during the First Red Scare
in ... Show more content on ...
Even though President Truman had developed the policy of containment and gone to
war in Korea to fight against communism, Senator McCarthy continued to attack the
President calling him a son of a bitch (LeCain) and referred to Truman s and Roosevelt
s Democratic administrations as twenty years of treason (Maier 815). Americans grew
impatient due to the Korean conflict and McCarthy fueled the already angry and
frustrated American voters and in 1952 Dwight D. Eisenhower was elected president.
President Eisenhower hinted that if the North Koreans did not come to the peace table,
the United States might use atomic weapons (LeCain). Offering the same terms as
President Truman did, Eisenhower was able to make the Chinese and North Koreans
sign a peace treaty on July 27th 1953 (Maier 815). With Eisenhower as president
Senator McCarthy s days were numbered (Fried 132), the massive defense budget would
be reduced, but it did not have an effect on American Cold War policy (Brands 43).
Eisenhower was a moderate Republican (LeCain) and he did not attempt to cut the New
Deal programs, but wanted to reduce the budget. Six weeks after Eisenhower enters
office, Stalin dies. This offered a possibility in reductions in defense expenditures, thus
reducing the budget (Brands 41). The change of leadership in both Washington and
Moscow made Winston Churchill advocate a summit
Conflict Management Assessment Essay
Conflict Management Assessment
Listed below are five different ways of dealing with conflict (when you and another
person have a serious disagreement). Using the following scale, please circle the number
that best represents how frequently (often) you use each behavior when confronted with
a conflict.
1= you never behave that way
2= you rarely (hardly) behave that way
3= you sometimes behave that way
4= you usually behave that way
5= you always behave that way

1.I avoid the person I am having a conflict with.

2.I try to understand where the other person is coming from.
3.I fight the conflict out physically.
4.I admit I am wrong, even when I believe I am not.
5.I whine and ... Show more content on ...
38), also points out that conflict may be viewed as an opportunity to learn, to see beyond
our limited personal experience, to connect to others, to recognize our potential, and to
collaborate in generating new solutions to old problems.
However conflict is viewed, students who can manage their conflicts in a rational, civil
and effective way, allow teachers to devote more time to teaching rather than resolving
student disputes and/or dealing with disruptive situations, which supports student
achievement (, 2006). Thus students who practice effective
conflict management skills, help to create a positive environment where students can
focus on learning. (, 2006). Additionally, exposure to conflict
resolution skills by disseminating attitudes, knowledge, and skills that deter violence
throughout the school day, may result in more peaceful resolutions of conflict and fewer
episodes of violence both in and out of school (Mauricio, Dillman Carpentier, Horan,
Items Used
The questions selected are used to not only help identify how students deal with conflict,
but how often they display unconstructive conflict management behaviors as well. Their
responses will serve as a transition into conflict management activities aimed to provide
students with the knowledge, skills, and practice necessary to choose alternative,
constructive behaviors when faced with conflict

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