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This outcome is the fruit of the collaboration of an elite of

Sat teachers from the whole world

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1 C
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3 B
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6 D
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41 C
42 B
43 A
44 C
2020-10-School Day


Passage 1


The main topic of the full text.

A) Examine the changing relationship between the two


B) Explore the author's father's fascination with business.

C) Express the ongoing impact of one thing on the author.

D) Describe the author's father's influence on family


The article provides an overview of the main thrust of the

article. According to lines LINE, the author's childhood

experiences, have caused the author to go through many years

(No 1 through 12 of the article, theauthor's childhood

experiences have kept the author's attitude to the reception

room in particular for many years (line 1 throughout my

years),so this is anongoingeffect(lasting effect).


Details. Ask the author what he thinks he has in common with

his father.

Evidence on lines 1 through 6 , place to be revered

corresponds to the right option in C should be respected.


Vocabulary questions. The meaning of "exaggerated, ,

overblown" ” is "over-the-out or or-or-over-the-high-heighted,"

inflated, or overstated

The meaning of the over in the alternative is close.


Details. Ask according to the article, in the author's eyes, the

father is basically what kind of image?

According to lines 9 through 10, it can be seen that the father

is the rule-setr at home, and according to line 29 to 34, the

father only said "my son and I are going to talk tonight", which

is equivalent to giving the rest of the family a wake-up call,

waiting near the reception room not to make a 1 sound, not to

affect our conversation. It can be seen that he is a different

person at home.

The presence in the correct option A does not mean "existence",

but "meter, manners; It doesn't mean "existence", but

"instrument, appearance; temperament" (the impressive

manner or appearance of of a person).)

Commanding means "authoritative,majesty;

impressive"indicating or expressing authority; imposting

So option A means "father is a man of majesty at home." .

5. C

To find the question, ask the evidence of the last question, see

the analysis of the last question.


The subject of the rhetorical purpose. Ask about the rhetorical

features of lines 35 through 4 6.

The meaning of the "yes... is" in “ the B option. Have a strong

emotional impact"(havea strong emotional effect on).)

Example:A sense of inadequacy ume. .

I feel powerless (to deal with a situation).

I was united with guilt.

I feel very guilty.

According to the article, the author's father and the author of

childhood talk about this matter, the author does have a strong

emotional impact, what kind of emotional impact, is to make

him very afraid. Lines 35 through 46 say the details of the


EXTREME , AND GOT NO SUPPORT so option B is incorrect.

The drama in option D means "a series of exciting,

unexpected dramatic events; dramatic scenes; dramatic

scenes; a series of interesting or conflicting events"

an exciting, emotional, or unexpected series of events or

set of situations; a state, situation, or series of events

involving interesting or intense conflict of forces

That is, we are talking about the plot of dog blood, such as

the drama "Thunderstorm" two people married and found

to be brothers and sisters and so on. And the childhood

author and father to talk about this scene, there is strong a

conflict or unexpected things ( drama ) produced by the light

and its effect above all the whole thing is a setting

description . So option D is correct.


Vocabulary questions. Measured means "cautious (speaking or


(of speech or writing) carefully considered; deliberate and sly

The meaning of the deliberate in the alternative is close.


Details. Ask the author what he think of his father's

conversations as a child.

Evidence on lines 67 through 70,lived in dread of the next

"business meeting" corresponds to the correct option B in the

option B.


To find the question, ask the evidence of the last question, see

the analysis of the last question.


The subject of the rhetorical purpose. Ask about the rhetorical

function of the last natural segment.

in choice A , uncertainty is extreme and not supported because

he already know the purpose of what his father was trying to

do , it could be one of two things ( mentioned in the lines ) . as

he already understood the purpose of his father 's talks , and

analyzed they could be one of two things , then we go with



Passage 2


Vocabulary questions. cover means "payment"

be enough to pay (a bill orcost);to defray the cost of


Details. Q. According to the article, what is the difference

between the first and second experiments?

According to the article, the first batch of experiments, the

subjects are in two charitable fund-raising projects to choose

which one to vote for, and the second batch of experiments, the

subjects are to decide how much to invest in a charitable fund-

raising project.


Details. Evidence in lines 27 to 30, "When neither charitable

fund-raising project insanity costs are consumed, the

majority (73.33.3percent)of the people choose to donate

money to the water 3 LINE, "Most of the charitable fund-

raising projects do not iinclude administrative

expenses."(project." "It shows that children's projects are not

as attractive as water projects.


Details. Lines 33 to 36 are a question, and the results of the

experiment show that the answer to the question raised by

this question should be yes or no, for what reason?

The question actually examines the details about the purpose

of the experiment and the results of the experiment. According

to lines 33 to 37,the purpose of the experiment is to know: What

is people's attitude towards donating money? Is "although the

project will generate administrative costs, but as long as their

own donated money is not spent on administrative costs, is

willing to donate"? Or "as long as there are administrative costs

of the project, do not want to donate"? According to lines 43 to

47, the result of the experiment was "as long as the money you

donate is not spent on administrative expenses."


To find the question, ask the evidence of the last question, see

the analysis of the last question.


Vocabulary questions. Conduct means "organization; execution;

implementation;execution; execution" (to; direct or take part

in operation or management of).

The meaning of the perform in the alternative is close.

Separate proof-seeking questions. People will be disgusted with

the administrative costs of fund-raising projects, the first

(laboratory experiments) experimental results show that there

is a strategy (tell donors that all his donations will be used for

charity, not administrative costs, administrative costs have

been paid) can solve the problem. This strategy can also be

effective in solving this problem in non-laboratory experiments

(i.e. experiments in real society). Which of the following

sentences supports the above conclusions?

The evidence in lines 71 to ( the result of a second batch of

experiments (non-laboratory experiments that show that the

percentage of contributions is high in the group without

administrative costs( 73, which is the result of the second

batch of experiments (which are non-laboratory experiments),

shows that in the non-administrativecost-consuming group, the

rate of contributions reaches a very high (whopping) figure of

8.55.55 percent. You can see that the strategy worked.


Chart questions. Based on the trunk, find the ordinates

corresponding to the two points in Figure 1 with horizontal

ordinates corresponding to the corresponding two points,

incoordinate of 5, between 600% and 800 5 %.


A comprehensive analysis of the picture. In fact, ask which of

the following statements fits both Figure 1 and the content

of the article.

First, it is clear that the article for Figure 1 is lines 16 to 47.

A)In the overhead not paid for group, In that group, the

number of people who donated money to water projects was not

known to the donors the amount of money donated to a water

project is not affected by the fact that the donor knows how

much of the money he or she is donating will be spent on

administrative expenses. This is equivalent to saying that the

lower of the two straight lines in Figure 1 is horizontal. This

does not match Figure 1, nor does it match lines 27 through 32

of the articles, so A is wrong.

B) Donors know that the less money they donate will be used for

administrative expenses, the fewer people will donate money to

water projects. This is equivalent to saying that the two straight

lines in Figure 1 are rising further to the right. This does not

match Figure Lines and articles from line to 1 do not match and
are also consistent with article 1 nor does it match lines 27

through 32 and articles 43 through 47, so B is wrong.

C) because there is no information in Figure 1 about the

percentage of the charity's overhead (the percentage of

contributions used for administrative expenses in

total contributions), C is wrong.

D) Donors know that the less money they donate will be used

for administrativeexpenses, the more people will donate money

to water projects. This is consistent with Figure Lines and

articles from line to 1, which are consistent with article 1 as

well as lines 27 through 32 of the article and 43 to 47 of the

article, so D is correct.


Chart questions. Q. In Figure 2, what group of fundraisers with

the lowest probability of occurring and how much money did it


According to Table 2,the least number of donations occurred is

3,which occurs when a control group donates $1,00. 1

Passage 3

The main topic of the article. Lines 1 through 28 of the article

describe some new conclusions about an The new discovery

was later linked to other animals, including spiders, cats, and

so on(ant,The conclusion of the article is that ants can control

their bodies when they fall),And then in the first (findings,

which conclude that antscan control their bodies when they

fall), and are describing some new conclusions about an ant

( then, after line 40, start contacting other animals (including

spiders, cats, etc.) to say what this new discovery means)

meaning ( (significance). Lines 44 through 55 important

accountings can correspond to the significance of this

discovery in the correct option C. There are two specific

features in the article, one is that animals such as ants control

their bodies so that they do not fall to the ground, and the other

is that animals such as ants already have a basis for further

improving their gliding abilities in the senses and nerves (where

ants are a little more advanced than cats).

Note that find in option C means "results (inquiries,

investigations, trials), conclusions"

(often called findings) a conclusion reached as a result of an

inquiry, investigation, or trial

The meaning in the C ) option means "meaning;meaning"

(meaningto be found in words or events).

Example:T hesignificance of what was happening was clearer

to me than to her

I know better than she what's going on.


Details. Q Yanoviak was initially surprised by what he saw.

Evidence in lines 4 through 6 , startling corresponds to the

surprised in the head of the question, , steered its fall

towards The corresponding question is in the trunk ...

Corresponds to the control the direction of their falls in the

correct option C C.


The subject of the rhetorical purpose. Ask the author what

rhetorical function is it toquote the word"fall"in line 8?

One of the uses of double quotes is that words that represent

quotation marks have a special meaning. In this article, the

representing fall is different from what we usually see. A normal

fall certainly has no control over your body or direction.

Vocabulary questions. According to lines 17 through 18 of the

many studies later, ,Yanoviak did some experiments first, and

then did similar fall experiments with other ants, spiders, and

so 8 on.

It can be seen that original here means "start;

present or existing at the beginning of a series or process;first

Example:the original owner of the house. .

The original owner of the house.

The initial in the alternative means close.


Separate proof-seeking questions. Ant gliding is a bit different

from normal gliding, it was expected that ant gliding should be

carried out in some (normal) way. Which sentence provides the


This sentence is in lines 25 to 28, because the antsfall in a

position of lying on their backs (which is not normal, a little

strange, so the use of curiously),)and fortunately the other

animals are leaning down (leaning down is more normal, which

gives the researchers some peace of mind, so use reassuringly).

The way ants fall is different from the way people expect them

to fall, so this sentence begins with a curiously.

26. B

Vocabulary questions. crude means "primitive, basic,simple

and crude"(marked by the primitive, gross, or elemental or by

uncultivated simplicity or vulgarity).)

The basic meaning in the option is close.




To find the question, ask the evidence of the last question, see

the analysis of the last question.


Chart questions. Find the point representing X on the graph and

read the ordinate value of 0.35.


Chart questions. Q. Is it right or wrong to say that a student

asserts that the data on the graph supports the idea that

"several ants living in trees are better than cats' gliding


Because there is no information about cats in the picture, the

student's assertion must be wrong.


A comprehensive analysis of the picture. Which of the following

is supported by the data in the figure for the relationship

between the weight of the various ants and the level of gliding


A)Several ants with lower average weight have higher gliding

efficiency levels than several ants with higher average weight.

This sentence is not absolutely said, but that there is such a

tendency. From the picture, this is true, except that T is the

exception, the other point is roughly in line with A's statement.

So A is correct.

B)Several ants with higher average weight had higher gliding

efficiency levels than several ants with lower average weight.

This is the opposite of the picture, so B is wrong.

C) In all cases, several ants with lower average weight had

highergliding efficiency levels than several ants with a higher

average weight. This sentence is dead, and we can find a

counter-example in the figure, that is, T is This kind of ant, the

weight is lower an ant that weighs less than S,but T's gliding

efficiency level is not higher than S,but lower than S. So the in

all cases of option C is wrong.

D)Individuals who weigh the same weight have the same level

of gliding efficiency. There is no information in the icon that

reflects the individual ant, and both the horizontal and vertical

axes indicate information that is average, so we don't know the

information about the individual. So D is wrong.

Passage 4


The subject of the rhetorical purpose. What is the purpose of

the full question?

The article begins with line 5, which says that the monarchy is

based on fraud (pretending to be"imposture"). The king himself

has nothing beyond the advantages of ordinary people Line (5

line to 12 line), the king alone can not manage so many things in

the country, the actual management is the official (13 lines to

27 lines).

Then (lines 28 to 52)talk about the monarchy's specific method

of imposture (one is to wear gorgeous clothes, the other is to

bomb with language).

Next (lines 53 to 74) takes line 1 to 2 on the moral hazard of

the monarchy to the people (lines 63 to 68,,the standard of

merit . .…… daily grows more feeble and powerless... )。

the C option The of the row and the rowrefers to the

monarchical government of lines 2 and 72, and the tend

to this principle of line 7 to11 corresponds to C The

in the option

undermines the moral development..

So choose C.

The article is not saying that the form of government led to ruler

corruption, so A is wrong. It's not that one country's

values are different from those of other countries, so C is

wrong. It's not about reform, it's about modernization, so

D is wrong.


Vocabulary questions. Calculated means "deliberately"; )

"deliberately”; deliberately" (act) deliberately;((do with fullness

of the likely results;;deliberate,,intended).

The meaning of designed in the option is close.


Details. Ask the author, according to the article, what does the
author think of the high social status granted to the king?

The evidence is in Corresponds to the correct option lines, 9

through 12, with means corresponding to the tool in the

correct option , C, and for the effecting of the purposes

corresponding to the achieve particular C ends in the

correct option C


Vocabulary questions. Function means "function,function,

function, function, purpose"(an activity or purpose natural to or

intended for a person or thing),in this refers to the function of

the monarch, the option duty means close.


Details. Q. What ways does the article suggest that a king is

usually not up to the job of political leader?

First look at lines 13 to 15, "The king is pretending that he can

handle a million things (the king is a man, a man can't manage

so many people)," and then look at lines 18 to 20, KING GOT







The question of seeking proof. Ask the evidence of the last

question, see the analysis of the last question.


Details. Q. According to the article, when the author strongly

suggests what happens, the monarchy will be greatly

weakened. Evidence is in lines 34 through 36,When the

subjects are back which is fatal to the monarchy when the

subjects have the idea of kings are but men again.


The question of seeking proof. Ask the evidence of the last

question, see the analysis of the last question.


Details. Ask the royal family's Imposture, what is the part of this

behavior? The evidence is in lines 41 to 4,4 and the government

deliberately lets its subjects hear king,、king,kingall thetime.

Our ears . . Everywhere .. Everything corresponds to the

frequent ... in the correct option C C in everyday language


Details. Q. According to the article, what does the author imply

about the king's authority and competition in the monarchy?

The first thing to understand is that pit someone / something

against someone / something means "make the fight; makes

the competition; makes the contest a fight; make a

competition; make a fight" to cause (someone or something)

to fight or fight against (another person or thing). Example:It

was a bitter civil war that pitted against neighbor


It was a terrible civil war, against each other.

The evidence is in lines 69 to 74, the spirit of the monarchy

and the character of its subjects is the exact opposite of the

spirit of the character that the subjects were due to have.


The subject of the rhetorical purpose. Ask the

rhetorical function of lines 79 through 82,

The first thing to do is to find line Line refers to what the last

sentence says of such men, which refers to the person in the

last sentence, wholly incapable of sublime virtue. Lines 79

to 82 mean: How many more morally unsealed people are

cultivated in the jurisdiction of a monarchy? There is not much

to say about how long the monarchy can last in a country full

of such morally unspeakable people. Line 82 to line 87 The

line is that our society must have such wisdom and will

certainly (resolve) remove every obstacle to these

progressive paths (refers to our(society Refers to those

morals that are not good must have the wisdom to remove

every obstacle to these progressive ); instead of

imagining there's a lot more paths (referring to line 80) Fears

refers to our fear of the existence of such men) to lead us to

make mistakes and cause us to lose our true energy.








Passage 5


The subject of the rhetorical purpose. Ask about passage 1's

rhetorical features. The first article mainly introduces some of

the findings that explore how the bee plants have

been successful in history.

The paper does not compare the two experiments, it does

not talk about a major difference between the two plants, the

beech plant and the naked plant, nor does it study the

neglected research data.


Vocabulary questions. Credit means "credit"(ascribe an

achievement or good quality to someone).

The meaning of the option attribute something to is close.


Details. Ask passage 1's authors to suggest that Brodribb and

Field's study of the relationship between leaf veins and the

phenomenon of the plant dominates the earth is based on what?

The evidence in lines 13 to 17, noting the difference between

the veins of the leaves of the early 1 angiosperms and later

angiosperms, prompted them to begin their study.


The question of seeking proof. Ask the evidence of the last

question, see the analysis of the last question.


Separate proof-seeking questions. "The species of flowering

plants increased much earlier than originally inferred from their

fossil evidence." Q. Which sentence in Passage 2 supports this


Evidence in lines 61 to 64, well underway by the time the

oldest ... Fossil sees correspond to earlier than the date

seted by fossil records.


Details. Q. According to the article, what kind of relationship is

there between the period of great increase in the species of

conifers and ferns and the period of great increase in the variety

of bee plants?
The evidence is on lines 71 through 73,andthe same period

corresponds to the concurrently in the correct option B



Vocabulary questions. "Supply, provide opportunity, facility"

(provide or supply an opportunity or facility).)


The roof top terrace affords beautiful views. .

Beautiful scenery can be seen from the roof platform.

They were afforded the luxury of bed and breakfast. .

They were provided with luxurious beds and breakfast.


The subject of the rhetorical purpose. Both articles begin with

questions that lead to the topic to be discussed in full.


Details. What do the two articles say about the theoretical

hypothesis that "animal helps plants spread seeds is the reason

for the success of bee plants"?

The evidence is in lines 2 through 8 and 7to6 to 80,respectively.


Two relationship questions. Which of the following statements

best describes a key difference between the two articles?

The first article focuses on the research conclusions of one of

the characteristics of the bee plant (specifically the leaf veins),

while the second article points out several characteristics that

are important to the development of the bee plant (specifically

the animals help Specifically refers to animals to help spread

seeds, leaf veins, endosperm, complex wood structure, a

variety of growth methods and so on spread seeds, leaf veins,

endosperm, complex wood structures, various growth methods,

etc.), lines 76 to 86). So pick B.

2020-10-School Day


Passage 1

1. . B

Logical hosts are consistent. Born's logical host can only be

human, so you only need to see which option is human and

which option is the correct answer.

2. . D

Pronouns. The pronouns here need to refer to Lewis,and the

first sentence tells us that Lewis is a woman, so choose her.

3. . A

Below is the impact of Lewis's style on the audience. Talk about

Lewis's two works, Forever Free and The Death of Lewis

Cleopatra. The last sentence of the penultimate paragraph says

the sculpture shock and riveted audiences. None of the

BCD's three options are mentioned below.


Logical words. The last sentence said that Lewis' use of this
style had a great influence on the audience in the The audience

of the century was so influenced that the next word was that

one of the sculptures of the year was affected119th century,

and the next sentence said that a sculpture from 1867 was

inspired by Lewis and the Declaration on the Liberation of Black

1 Slaves. It's Shuncheng, but it's not causal, it's not at the same

time, so you shouldn't need any logical words.

5. B

The reacting of the A option is not followed by a complete word,

so reacting cannot be the first sentence and cannot be

preceded by a full stop. The C option is missing a predicate

verb. The take of the D option is not a sentence until document,

so you cannot end after document.

6. C

Add or subtract sentence questions. The sentence waiting to

be. added is about many artworks, and the context is devoted

to Forever Free You don't need or can't say anything about

many artworks in the middle.

7. A

a woman kneels in prayer is a sentence,a man stands besides

her is the second sentence, two sentences can not only have

commas, this belongs to the besides runrun-on error,soon

exclude B. one uplifted arm in chains and 和 the other free of

its manacle and resting on the shoulder of the woman are two

separate main grids, the middle should be connected with

commas, can not be unsigned, can not add semi-signs or colons,

so exclude CDs.

8. C

A defense of words. Divulge means "leak",baring means

"exposed" , disclosing means "revealing" and only opening

means "opening", which means that the sculpture was unveiled

in Boston.

9. . B

Reflect's main language is many features, so predicate verbs,

So predicate verbs don't have to be added to a third-person

singrum, and depending on the context, it should be used here

in general time (the second half of the sentence is used in

general now, seed on't have to be added to a third-person

singrum, and depending on the context, it should be used here

in general now (the second half of the sentence is used in

general now, see disrupts).

10. A

Select the transition sentence. The last sentence is how Lewis

describes the moment of Cleopatra's death; adoption A just

happens to play a role. BCD can't correspond to the content of

the last sentence.

11. C

Express style. AB belongs to the spoken expression,D belongs

to the awkward expression.

Passage 2

12. C

The following is about the purpose of sonification, which is a

good thing, corresponding to C's deserves as an effective


13. D

Coherent expression. Example of sth is connected,,and the

is and subsequentcousins are coherent expressions that cannot

be interrupted by punctuation unless there is an insertion.

14. C

Add or subtract sentence questions. Context is talking about

the purpose of sonification, while sentences waiting for

increase or decrease are about people who exercise more often

with a lower resting heart rate. Although this sentence is not

wrong, but not related to the context of the original text, so

choose C.

15. B

By is followed by a form adverb rear, and the previous main

sentence can not be punctuation. Selecting The sign with and

C causes a Error (that is, a comma connects two sentences);

runrun-onon error(that is, a comma connects two sentences);

16. C

Logical hosts are consistent. Only the person who can make the

listening action, and only the C option of the four options has a

human, so C is selected.

17. B

Lead up to is a fixed match that expresses "cause".

18. A

Express style. BC is a spoken it means "made lightly expression,

and D's of the facile means "indecision;


Pronouns. The pronouns here need to refer to the

three industries (airlines,, industries(online sales companies,

banks) above,so only D can be selected.


Transition sentence. The last paragraph is about sonifying

data(as can be seen from the first sentence of the last

paragraph), so it is most appropriate to use B to transition,B

means "except to analyze the data".

21. D

The last sentence of the full text is a high summary of the above,

there are two sentences before this paragraph, the first

sentence says "in addition to being able to be used for data

analysis,sonification can also bring about positive changes on

a larger scale", the second sentence is an example of the role

of sonification in education,and the third sentence is that

"sonification's efficiency in presenting a wide range of data

emphasizes that it can be used as a research method to

discover information that has previously been lost in noise." In

the role of education, the third sentence says" "This sentence

is a high-level summary of the previous article, because even

the role of education is the role of sonification in information

exploration, so you should use all told(in general). In fact, the

beginning of this paragraph is "except... Also "such a sentence

pattern has prompted us to end there is a good chance that

there will be a summary sentence, and this is the last sentence

of the full text, the appearance of the summary sentence is

entirely possible."

22. A

Merge sentence questions. The A option is correct and concise,

theBoption is very long,the half sign of C,andthe side-by-side

sentence structure of D are all insequired.

Passage 3

23. A

Merge sentence questions. The A option is correct but

concise,the D option is very long,B's logic is wrong, and the

original logic is "No . . It's ... "Cannot be understood as "

though ... But ... And the BC option put "Not ... It's ... "The logic

is the opposite, and it becomes "Yes ... . . It's not ... it's not "I
don't know.

24. C

AD's that clause cannot be preceded by a comma, so it cannot

be selected, theB option is a sentence and cannot be connected

with the preceding sentence with a comma.

25. B

The principle of simplicity. AC is repeated, and D is the

emphasis sentence, there is no need to use the emphasis

sentence pattern.

26. D

Punctuation at the end of the sentence and order from the

sentence. The end-of-sentence punctuation is determined by

the main sentence, where the main sentence is these mutations

can be used This is a statement sentence, so the end of the

sentence is to use a period, so exclude AC. The guest clause

has to be in statement order, not in question, so D is wrong with


27. D
Logical words. The former said that European dogs were

descendants of Asian dogs, and the second said that European

dogs appeared before Asian dogs migrated to Europe. So

obviously it's a turning point.

28. A

The main meaning is the same. The main language of this

sentence is the discovery,so the predicate verb is added to s.

29. D

Marker doesn't need to add all the grids, because it translates

here as a "gene marker" and not as a "genetic marker" so it

doesn't need all the grids. Therefore, AB isexcluded, and the C

option is wrong with the comma before show, and the main

meaning is a coherent expression and cannot be interrupted

with a comma.

30. B

Transition sentence. of the Human populations in A, wolves in ,

C, And Germany in D are not,mentioned in the next paragraph,

so they are not used as transition A sentences to the next

paragraph. The B option coincides with the last sentence (i.e.

the conclusion) of the next paragraph, so it is best to use it as

a transition sentence to the next paragraph.

31. A

Chart questions. The chart is neither a gradual decline nor a

steady increase, but a change, so choose A.


Chart questions. This question is relatively simple, check the

chart can be.


One of the authors of the study is an insertion, so the front and

back should be separated by a double comma.

Passage 4

34. D

All grids. Shoppers do not need to add a "" word after the

translation, so English does not need to add all the grids to

exclude AB. Her mother should have only one, so you can't

add plulus after mother, so choose mother D.

35. B
From both until Start all the way up Haiti is an insertion, you

can use double commas, double dashes, or double parentheses

before and after, there are no double commas and double

parentheses in the options, but there are double dashes, so

choose B.

36. B

The second sentence said, after school, S wentto his mother's

flea market, and the third sentence said, after the sun went

down, they packed up the unsold things and went home. So the

sixth sentence is to confess that they all sell something, put in

two or three sentences the most appropriate.

37. C

Merge sentences. C Is the most concise and correct. ABDs

have varying degrees of talk.

38. A

Here's how S started a business to help vendors increase their


39. A
Graduated and worked in banking and 和 attended graduate

school are three side-by-side ingredients to follow are three

side-by-side components that follow the formulas of A,,B,,and

C, and are not separated by commas inside the side-by-side


40. C

The main meaning is the same. The main language of this

sentence is models,plu numbers, so predicate verbs do not use

the form of a third-person sing number.

41. C

The principle of simplicity. ABDs are duplicated.

42. B

Select the conclusion sentence. It's about the development

of Souffrant's’s business ,soit's best to end it with "her

company is finally set up."


The main meaning is consistent with the tense. The main

language of this sentence is tourists and travelers, so the

predicate verb, cannot be used in use, and then according, to

the context of the tense it should be used here in general now,

and the platform Refers to the previous sentence refers to the

an online platform of the previous sentence, so there is no



"The title calls for the selection of companies that reflect S's

success, and option C The option is that at this stage of the trial,

the hawkers earn many times more, and that's reflected says

that during this pilot phase, hawkers earn many times more,

which reflects S's company's success in helping these S


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