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Open Book: While doing this exercise, use the selection Paradise Lost from the Prose and
Poetry of England textbook, including the paragraphs that introduce it and the footnotes. You
also may use the “Glossary of Literature Terms” and the “Glossary of Poetic Terms” in the Course
Manual, as well as a dictionary and thesaurus. Any other notes or resources may not be used.
[Copying from the Internet or plagiarism will result in a failing grade.]

Part I. Identification (60 points total)

Name the person or place to which each of the following words or phrases refers. Read the
entire context of the passage in which the word or phrase is a part, and use the footnotes in
the textbook for help. You do not need to answer in complete sentences; you may just give
the name of the person or place.
1. the “greater Man” in line 4 (5 points)

2. “That shepherd” in line 8 (5 points)

3. “the chosen seed” in line 8 (5 points)

4. “Sion hill” in line 10 (5 points)

5. “Thou” in line 19 (5 points)

6. a. and b.: “them” in line 33 (give both names) (10 points)

7. “he” in line 34 (5 points)

8. “bottomless perdition” in line 47 (5 points)

9. “the place from whence they fell” in line 75 (5 points)

10. “the potent Victor” in line 95 (5 points)

11. “Fallen Cherub” in line 157 (5 points)

Part II. Short Answer (40 points total)

Answer the following in complete sentences (in third person, present tense, using correct
grammar, spelling, and punctuation) and in a way that reflects depth of comprehension. Brief
quotes may be used as support, but unless otherwise stated in the question, answers should
be primarily in your own words.
12. Examine Milton’s descriptions of Hell. Explain (do not just quote) three external (or
“physical”) torments in the fallen angels’ surroundings. (15 points)
13. From lines 50-75, explain (do not just quote) two thoughts that torment the minds of the
fallen angels. (10 points)

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(REVISED 3/25/2022) St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, pray for us!

14. In your own words, explain from lines 143-155 what Beelzebub fears that God’s future plans may
be. (5 points)
15. Drawing from one or both of his speeches, in your own words, explain two embittered plans that
Satan has for the future: malicious resolutions for what he will or will not do. (10 points)

End of Test

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262 St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, pray for us! (REVISED 3/25/2022

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