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Diploma in Islamic Studies

The Diploma in Islamic Studies is a two-year part-time course tailored

for those who wish to attain a broad yet comprehensive foundation in
Islām. All lessons take place in the weekend catered to the busy
studying or working Muslims.

About the Diploma in Islamic Studies

Anas ibn Mālik may Allāh ‫ ﷻ‬be pleased with him, reports: The Messenger of
Allāh ‫ ﷺ‬said:
“Seeking knowledge is an obligation upon every Muslim.” [Sunan Ibn Mājah]

In order to fulfill its obligation, we designed a comprehensive course that

encompasses all essential Islamic disciplines, including Aqīdah, Tafsīr, Fiqh,
Ḥadīth, Tajwīd, and more. Collectively, these subjects serve as a complete
package, providing a holistic understanding of the Sharīʿah and enabling the
common Muslim to put it into practice. The course aims to develop a strong
foundation in comprehending and practicing the Dīn with ease, while also
cultivating the ability to integrate the prophetic sunnah into our daily lives. Upon
successful completion of the program, We will award all participants with a
course pass certificate.

The lessons are conveniently scheduled in the weekend and designed to be

short and easy to comprehend, with 95% of the learning taking place in the

There are assessments at the end of each term.

A certificate is provided by the Institute upon successful completion of the

The course has 7 subjects taught over 2 years; the modules taught in this course

1. Tafsīr (Qur’ān Explanation)

2. Ḥadīth (Prophetic Sayings)

3. Fiqh (Jurisprudence)

4. Tajwīd (Qur’ān Recitation)

5. Sīrah (Prophetic Biography)

6. Aqīdah (Theology)

7. Lives of the Prophets

Tafsīr (Qur’ān Explanation)
Tafsīr is the subject which deals with the interpretation and clear
understanding of the verses of the Qur’ān. This makes Tafsīr an essential
subject for anyone wanting to correctly understand the Holy Qur’ān
within its context of revelation.

Module Overview
This is a 2 year module which is part of the 'Diploma in Islamic Studies' course
which will provide students with a broad understanding of the Qur'ān and its
sciences. It builds students knowledge from learning about various important
surahs commencing with the last 10 surahs.

The first year will cover the study of majority of the 30th Juz alongside other
important and well known surahs with its translation, cause of revelation and
meaning. The 30th Juz is the chapters of Qur'ān which is recited frequently in the
5 daily Salāh hence its selection in this course.

The second year of the module will focus on the other important chapters of the

This course ends with giving a comprehensive overview of the sciences of the
Qur'ān, including current day objections and their responses drawing on classical
sources embedded within the modern-day context.

Learning outcomes
Upon completion of this module the student will be able to:
- Attain a good understanding on how the verses of the Qur'ān were revealed
and the causes of revelation known as asbāb al-nuzūl
- Be able to ponder and understand the meaning of Qur’ānic verses
- Understand the misconceptions surrounding the Holy Qur'ān and how to
respond to them and
Ḥadīth (Prophetic Sayings)
Ḥadīth pl. aḥādīth are the prophetic narrations which consist of the
sayings, practices and the silent approvals of the Prophet Muhammad
‫ﷺ‬. Aḥādīth are the second source of legislation for the Sharīʿah after the
Holy Qur’ān.

Module Overview:
The Hadith module covers a selection of more than 350 aḥādīth, explaining the
essence of prophetic wisdom and guidance. The modules focus on giving a
spiritual understanding of sharī’ah and help deepen religious understanding,
nurture faith, increase the love of the beloved Prophet ‫ﷺ‬, and gain clarity on how
to live the essence of his wisdom.

Objectives and Learning outcomes:

To gain a holistic understanding of sharīꜤah and spiritually nurture the hearts
through listening to and understanding prophetic narrations.

Upon completion of this module the student will be able to:

- Have the correct understanding of sharīꜤah
- Have clarity on how to live life as a better Muslim
- Understand aḥādīth in general and its position in sharīꜤah

Each participant will be inspired to stay on the right path till their last moments
resulting the in the pleasure of Allāh ‫ ﷻ‬in this world and the hereafter.
Fiqh (Jurisprudence)
Fiqh is the study of Islamic law. This law is derived from four primary
sources: the Holy Qur’ān, sayings of the Prophet ‫ﷺ‬, the consensus of the
jurists and legal analogy.

Module Overview:
The Fiqh modules provide the necessary understanding to correctly practice the
major acts of worship, i.e. purification, prayer, fasting, zakāt, inheritance, Islāmic
slaughter, marriage, divorce, interest dealings and ḥalāl and ḥaram foods. These
topics have been selected and carefully curated such that students are only
provided the necessary information needed to practice their faith accurately.

Learning outcomes:
To understand the juristic rulings related to major acts of worship and practice
each action of shari’ah according to the sunnah.

Upon completion of this module the student will be able to:

- Know the juristic rulings pertaining to major acts of worship
- Act upon the rulings of shari’ah with confidence that they are worshipping Allāh
‫ ﷻ‬according to the guidelines set out by Prophet ‫ﷺ‬

Tajwīd (Qur’ān Recitation)

To recite the Glorious Qur’ān the way it was revealed is a duty upon
every Muslim. This module equips students with all the necessary tools
from fluency of the text, tajwīd and the correct pronunciation of letters.
Module Overview:
The aim of the Qur’ān recitation module is to develop fluency in the recitation of
the Holy Qur’ān and equip participants with the necessary skills to make them
independent and accurate reciters of the Qur’ān. The focus of this course is on
the following areas:

• Tajwīd –rules of recitation

• Makhārij– correct pronunciation
• Fluency in recitation

The participants are assessed regularly over the course of two years. The teacher
carefully grades each reciter and provides tailored feedback for the participants.

Learning outcomes:
Recite the Holy Qur’ān fluently while applying the all the rules of tajwīd such that
one is safe from making any major (lahn al-jali) or minor mistakes (lahn al-khafi)
in the Holy Qur’ān.

Upon completion of this module the student will be able to:

- Read Quran fluently

Sīrah (Prophetic Biography)

Sirah is the subject which discusses the biography of the Prophet
Muḥammad ‫ ﷺ‬encompassing the early period of Islām, his ‫ ﷺ‬birth, and
events in his life until the time of his death.
Module Overview:
The Qur’ān was revealed gradually according to the need and demands of the
people throughout the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬life. Hence, a contextualised and accurate
understanding of the Qur’ān and Islām is dependent on knowing and
understanding the life of Prophet ‫ﷺ‬.

The sīrah module covers three aspects of Prophet Muḥammad’s ‫ ﷺ‬life.

• His life before prophethood
• His life in Makkah after prophethood
• His life in Madīnah post-prophethood

This one-year module focuses primarily on the key incidents in the Prophet’s life
and reflection his life in terms of his character, roles, and relationship in society
and how his community perceived him both before and after prophethood.

The module covers many areas of the Prophets’ sacred life, such as the historical
Muhammad, his birth, the sacrilegious wars, prophethood migration to Ethiopia,
the boycott, migration to Madīnah, the three major battles: Badr, Uhud and
Khandaq; Prophet Muḥammad’s ‫ ﷺ‬relationship with the Jews, the treaty of al-
Ḥudaybiyyah, the conquest of Makkah and many other incidents.

Aqīdah (Theology)
Aqīdah is the science that details the Muslim creed which are known
through revelation and must be believed in with conviction. The
acceptance of all actions is dependent on having the correct beliefs.
Hence this subject is the most important subject in the Islāmic Diploma

Module Overview:
This one-year course is tailored to remove misconceptions and bring conviction
in belief in the hearts of the 21 st century Muslim. The course covers three major
areas of the creedal system: first are the basic tenets of belief which will be
covered via selected topics of ʿAqīdah al-Ṭaḥāwiyyah, a primary work in the field
of belief. It gathers the core beliefs held by the Ahl al-Sunnah waal-JamāꜤah.
Thereafter, major deviated sects such as shia’ism, qadiyanism, atheism etc and
their arguments are dismantled with textual and rational evidence.

Objective and Learning outcomes:

To have a good grounding of the correct creed of Islām which is the creed of
Ahlal-Sunnah i.e. the prophet ‫ ﷺ‬and his companions ‫رضي هللا عنهم‬.

Upon completion of this module the student will be able to:

- Gain confidence in the Islamic creed
- Have sufficient answers to all doubts and misconceptions in creed
- Gain certainty about their belief tenets

Lives of the Prophets

The Lessons from the stories of the prophets in the noble Qur'an.
Allah has revealed in the Quran that the stories of the previous
prophets were narrated to Prophet Muhammad to make his heart

Module Overview:
From childhood, we are often enthralled with great real stories of the past, with
the astounding mystery they bring, from a time no longer familiar to people. This
especially holds true for the lives of the Prophets of God, as these extraordinary
men exemplified great virtues and courage as they called people to the oneness
of God.

The Prophets of Islam provide wonderful examples for us to follow. Whenever we

faced with a trial or difficulty we can find an example in the stories of the
prophets of how to deal with it correctly.
Learning outcomes:
Upon completion of this module the student will be able to:

-Gain guidance from the stories of various Prophets

-Apply the lessons to their daily lives.
-Explain how the Prophets were tested and how they overcame their tests.
-Acquire inspiration to face the challenges of life with faith and gratitude.

Day/Time Saturday Sunday
9-10 Tafsir Tafsir
10-10.30 Hadith Hadith
10.30-11 Fiqh Fiqh
11-11.30 Break Break
11.30-12 Tajwid Tajwid
12-12.30 Aqidah Aqidah
12.30-1.00 Seerah Lives of Prophets

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