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Submit a maximum of a two-page draft proposal outlining the brainstorming process for a potential

research or software engineering project

Project Proposal: VidCloud - A Scalable Cloud Video Processing Platform


The exponentially growing volume of video content presents new challenges in storing, accessing, and
garnering value from video files and streams. My proposed project, VidCloud, aims to provide an on-
demand cloud-based platform that enables processing, analysis, and transcoding of large video
collections using scalable cloud infrastructure.

VidCloud would offer essential processing capabilities like format conversion, editing, compressing and
indexing as well as advanced techniques in machine learning-driven video analysis including object
detection, speech-to-text, sentiment analysis and more. By leveraging the latest deep learning models
and optimization best practices for the cloud, VidCloud can help organizations, media companies, and
individual users extract more value from their video libraries and workflows.

Brainstorming Process

Defining VidCloud's capabilities and architecture requires strategizing the right components and design
patterns. I would drive an iterative brainstorming process using the following framework:

1. Profile target use cases and define MVP feature set

 Interview media companies, online content platforms about their video processing needs
 Prioritize capabilities based on technical feasibility and value add
 Explore serverless functions, containerized microservices, and queue-based asynchronous
processing for architectural components

2. Research cutting-edge techniques to enhance functionality

 Evaluate recent advances in computer vision, NLP/speech recognition models for video analysis
 Determine most valuable and deployable algorithms for metadata generation, search indexing,
automatic tagging
 Architect modular microservices for easier expandability

3. Optimize for scalability and cost efficiency

 Load test and benchmark performance using sampled video workloads

 Model infrastructure requirements under different workloads and usage levels
 Fine-tune auto-scaling rules and utilization optimization levers to minimize costs

By following this brainstorming framework, I can develop a comprehensive proposal for VidCloud's
capabilities, architecture, and implementation plan to ensure a high-value and scalable cloud video
processing platform.

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