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Petroleum Development Oman L.L.C.

Document Title:
Health, Safety and Environment Procedure
HSE Training Provision Approval and Quality Assurance

Document ID PR 2010

Document Type Procedure

Security Unrestricted

Discipline Learning and Development

Document Owner PLD - Learning & Development Manager

Month and Year of Issue March 2021

Version 2.1

Keywords HSE, Training, Course, Quality, Compliance, Monitoring

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Copyright: This document is the property of Petroleum Development Oman, LLC. Neither the whole
nor any part of this document may be disclosed to others or reproduced, stored in a retrieval system,
or transmitted in any form by any means (electronic, mechanical, reprographic recording or
otherwise) without prior written consent of the owner.

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Document Authorisation
Document Owner Document Custodian Document Author

Farid Al Harthy Saud Al Habsi Saud Al Habsi

Learning & Corporate HSE Corporate HSE

Development Training & Training &
Manager Competence Advisor Competence Advisor

Date: Date: Date:

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Revision History
The following is a brief summary of the four most recent revisions to this document. Details of all revisions
prior to these are held on file by the Document Custodian.

Version No. Month & Year Author’s Name and Title Scope / Remarks

1.0 January 2012 Ian Bowen Origination of PR-2010 Part I, originally incorporated
within SP 1157 HSE Training Specifications. The current
Corporate Adviser, HSE document aligns fully with the revised CP-122.
Training & Competence

1.1 February 2012 Ian Bowen Introduction of Approved Training Provider (ATP)
Corporate Adviser, HSE
Training & Competence

1.2 June 2017 Abdulla Al Brumy Provision of MoMP and Commercial Registration
requirements by ATPs
Corporate HSE Learning
Lead - PLD8 Removal of Hoist and Lifting Approval

2.0 March 2020 Abdullah Al Brumy Merge of PR2010 Part 1 and PR2010 Part 2.

Corporate HSE Training & Introduction of Sector Competence Interview process.

Competence Lead
Editorial changes and minor amendments, various
sections and Appendices.

2.1 March 2021 Saud Al Habsi Adding more documents to be submitted for Approval.

Corporate HSE Training & Introducing new Audit Form.

Competence Advisor
Amendments in Sector Competence Interview form.

Editorial changes and minor amendments, various

sections and Appendices.

User Notes:

1. The requirements of this document are mandatory. Non-compliance shall only be authorized by a designated authority through
STEP-OUT approval as described in this document.
2. A controlled copy of the current version of this document is on PDO's live link. Before making reference to this document, it is
the user's responsibility to ensure that any hard copy, or electronic copy, is current. For assistance, contact the Document Custodian.
3. Users are encouraged to participate in the ongoing improvement of this document by providing constructive feedback.

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Related Business Processes& CMF Documents

Related Business Processes

Code Business Process (EPBM 4.0)

Parent Document(s)

Doc. No. Document Title

CP 122 HSE Management System Manual

Another Related CMF Document(s)

Doc. No. Document Title

PR 1171 Pt II Contract HSE Management
SP 1157 HSE Training Specifications

SP 2000 Road Transport Specification

The related CMF Documents can be retrieved from the Corporate Business Control Documentation Register

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Document Authorisation ............................................................................................................................... 3
Revision History ............................................................................................................................................. 4
Related Business Processes& CMF Documents ............................................................................................. 5
1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................................... 8
1.1 Purpose and Objectives ......................................................................................................................... 8
1.2 Scope and Applicability.......................................................................................................................... 8
1.3 Review and Improvement ..................................................................................................................... 9
2 Compliance Requirements..................................................................................................................... 9
2.1 General .................................................................................................................................................. 9
2.2 ATP HSE Training Compliance Reports .................................................................................................. 9
3 STEP 1: Establishing Eligibility for ATP status: .................................................................................... 10
4 STEP2: Applying for PDO ATP status. .................................................................................................. 10
5 STEP 3: Providing the documentation ................................................................................................ 11
6 STEP4: Initial Audit .............................................................................................................................. 11
7 STEP 5: Initial Decisions by PDO ......................................................................................................... 12
8 STEP6: Issue of materials .................................................................................................................... 12
9 STEP 7: Follow-Up Audit and Close-Out. ............................................................................................ 12
10 STEP 8: Quality Assurance of ATPs ..................................................................................................... 13
11 Approval Conditions ............................................................................................................................ 14
12 Nominations, Confirmations, Amendments and Cancellations system. ........................................ 18
12.1 PDO principles: Learning & Development event nomination and attendance ................................... 18
12.2 PDO staff - Conventional nominations ................................................................................................ 18
12.3 Nominations for PDO new hires. ......................................................................................................... 18
12.4 PDO staff - Confirmations of nominations .......................................................................................... 19
12.5 PDO staff - Cancellations or Amendments .......................................................................................... 19
13 Attendance and HSE Performance Records ..................................................................................... 19
13.1 ATP records .......................................................................................................................................... 19
13.2 PDO Records ........................................................................................................................................ 20
Appendix A – Key ATP Staff Qualifications & Experience ............................................................................ 21
Appendix B: Trainers delivery language fluency.......................................................................................... 25
Appendix C: TRAINING FACILITIES .............................................................................................................. 28

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Appendix D: Assessment of temporary training or assessment locations .................................................. 31

Appendix E: Specifications for Approved Training Provider HSE Training & Assessment Facilities ............ 33
Appendix F: Fixed and portable Training Equipment requirements ........................................................... 37
Appendix G: Abbreviations and Definitions ................................................................................................ 40
Appendix H: ATP HSE Training Services Quality Assurance Audit pro-forma.............................................. 45
Introduction: ................................................................................................................................................ 45
Audit Scope: ................................................................................................................................................. 45
Audit Criteria:............................................................................................................................................... 45
Executive Summary: .................................................................................................................................... 45
Positive Findings: ......................................................................................................................................... 45
Recommended Corrective Actions: ............................................................................................................. 46
Decision:....................................................................................................................................................... 46
Audit Score:.................................................................................................................................................. 46
Audit Check List: .......................................................................................................................................... 47
Tableau Audit Tool Scoring and Conformance Rating Definitions: ............................................................. 51
Table B: Corrective Actions - Priority Ranking Definitions: ......................................................................... 51
Table C: ATP Golden Rules: .......................................................................................................................... 52
Appendix I: Trainer/ Assessor Observation Form ........................................................................................ 53
Appendix J: Sector Competence Request Form .......................................................................................... 54
(To be filled by Training or Assessment Manager) ...................................................................................... 54
Submitted document to PCL8 team: (*requested) ................................................................................. 54
Trainer Qualification: ................................................................................................................................. 54
Trainer Experience: .................................................................................................................................... 54
Courses to be interviewed: Max. 2 courses/time .................................................................................... 55
Preparation for the interview: .................................................................................................................. 55
Internal Assessor Feedback: ...................................................................................................................... 55
Acknowledgement: .................................................................................................................................... 55
Appendix K: Monthly Data template for contractor HSE Training and Assessment ................................... 56
Appendix L: Template for proposed revisions or amendments to PR 2010 ............................................... 57
Appendix M: Application to be considered as a PDO Approved Training Provider .................................... 58

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Appendix N: PDO Approved Training Providers’ Internal CPD workshop Record form .............................. 61

1 Introduction

1.1 Purpose and Objectives

1.1.1 The procedure sets out how PDO approves and quality assures (QA) the training organizations and
trainers that provide HSE Training courses and assessments in the PDO operation.

1.2 Scope and Applicability

1.2.1 It sets out the process for an HSE Training organization to become and remain a PDO Approved
Training Provider (ATP).

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1.2.2 The procedure applies to commercial HSE Training Institutes and any contractors who have satisfied
all PDOs and Government conditions to provide PDO’s HSE programs and assessments in-house to
their own staff.

1.3 Review and Improvement

1.3.1 It will be reviewed at least every 4 years ensuring it meets Company requirements.

1.3.2 Any revisions will lead to amendment, addendum or revision of the procedure.

1.3.3 Suggested improvements to the document and/or its content may be made at any time to the
Document Custodian, using the template attached as Appendix L and will be considered whenever the
document is to be reviewed or amended.

1.4 Distribution
1.4.1 The following groups will be advised by email of any revision to this document, either directly or
through their contract holder. An electronic link to the revised document will be included in the
advisory email to enable viewing or download.

 PDO Corporate HSE Manager MSEM, Learning & Development Manager PLD, the PLD8 HSE
Training team, PDO Approved HSE Training Providers.
1.4.2 All other PDO staff will be advised of revisions to the document via a News List announcement using
the Company’s intranet.

2 Compliance Requirements

2.1 General
2.1.1 PDO’s ATPs must comply with all requirements, either through the specific provisions of Document
C9 - HSE Specifications in any contract they may have with PDO for HSE Training Provision, or the
requirements and recommendations that apply to PDO’s ATPs stated in:

1 PR 2010: HSE Training Provision Approval and Quality Assurance

2 SP 1157: HSE Training Specifications

2.2 ATP HSE Training Compliance Reports

2.2.1 ATPs shall submit an annual HSE Training compliance report on the compliance of their key staff to
PLD8 by the 10th of January with data relating to the previous year. PLD8 will maintain the record

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3 STEP 1: Establishing Eligibility for ATP status:

3.1 Potential commercial ATP applicants should contact PDO’s PLD8 team.

3.2 PLD & MSEM will assess the need to increase the present commercial ATP capacity (In house HSE
Training can be considered case-by-case basis if meeting the government requirements and PDO

3.3 PDO will not accept any application from a commercial HSE Training Provider that, at the time of
application, is not able to provide staff and resources meeting its requirements for all Level 1.

3.4 The ATP applicant needs to consider carefully whether they can meet all the applicable requirements
contained in:
 PR 2010: HSE Training Provision and Quality Assurance procedure – minimum staff qualifications
and experience; training facilities and equipment provision; approvals procedure; quality
assurance monitoring procedure.
 SP 1157 HSE Training Specifications – HSE Training Course and Assessment detailed course and
reassessment specifications

4 STEP2: Applying for PDO ATP status.

4.1 HSE Training organizations will be a commercial vocational Institute or contracting companies wishing
to deliver some or all PDO’s HSE courses and assessments in-house to their own staff.
4.2 Commercial Training organizations may consider making an application using the pro-forma in
Appendix M. PDO makes no guarantee of approval.
4.3 The completed application should be sent, signed and stamped with the company stamp to:

Petroleum Development Oman,
Mina Al Fahal,
PO Box 81,
PC 100,
Sultanate of Oman.

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5 STEP 3: Providing the documentation

5.1 HSE Training institutes should send a folder of their documentary evidence to PLD8.

No. Documentation required

A copy of the organisation’s HSE Management System with evidence that the implementation
arrangements stated are actually being practised.
2 A copy of MoMP Vocational Institute Registration & Commercial Registration.
The Administration Procedures Manual that staff must follow when dealing with HSE Training
Courses and Assessments.
An ISO 9001 certificate or its equivalent. This certification shall be maintained throughout the
duration of the Approval.
The Training organisation’s structure with respect to Training conduct and assessment, and the
management of both.
The CVs including references of each member of the Training and Assessment staff, with attested
copies of qualifications certificates attached to each.
7 Simple line drawing layout plans for the Training facility to be used, and the site it is on.
A location plan of the Training facility, with a GPS position referenced to Oman datum, expressed in
Latitude and Longitude.
A confirmatory statement that the Training facility site is in Muscat area up to and including Barka,
Bidbid, Qurayat.
A list of equipment provided, referenced to each PDO HSE course or reassessment that approval is
being requested for.
11 A copy of Gold Star certificate from OPAL.
12 Registration in Business Gateways (JSRS).
13 Registration as PDO Vendor.
14 Civil Defense Certificate for Organization Safety.
5.2 Within 30 working days of receipt, PDO’s HSE Training and Quality Assurance Team will review all of
the submitted material and communicate their initial decision to the applicant.

5.3 If the eligibility criteria have been met in full, arrangements will be made for the PDO HSE Training and
Quality Assurance Team to visit the site(s) within a further 30 working days to carry out an Initial Audit.

6 STEP4: Initial Audit

6.1 Members of the PLD8 team will visit the applicant site(s) and hold an initial ‘kick-off’ meeting with the
senior management team to set out the Scope of Work, Terms of Reference, and to deal with any
issues that may need clarification.

6.2 Following the ‘kick-off’ meeting, the PLD8 team will commence the audit, using the Appendix H.

6.3 The findings, evidences and gaps in the audit will be communicated to the senior management team
before leaving site.
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7 STEP 5: Initial Decisions by PDO

7.1 Initial Audit conclusion meeting

7.1..1 Specifically, the audit team will identify if:

 There are less than 6 minor gaps in requirements,
 There is no major gap in requirements,

These represent the minimum criteria for approval.

Any minor gaps need the senior management to agree to close them and produce an audit close out

7.1..2 The PCL8 team will inform the training organizations senior management if they have failed the audit.

7.1..3 If the audit is passed the audit close-out action plan must be signed off by the PLD8 team. The plan
must include action parties and close-out dates no later than 3 months from the date of initial audit.
If signed off the PLD8 team will award Provisional Approval of the organization to:

 deliver specific HSE Training courses and/or reassessments to PDO contractor staff,
 allow, on a provisional basis, named HSE Trainers and/or Assessors to conduct specific courses
and/or reassessments to PDO contractor staff.

7.1..4 After passing an audit within 21 working days of signing off the audit close out action plan, PDO will
place on its HSE Training Contractors Training web pages
(http://pdointernet/hseforcontractors/HSETraining/default.aspx ) an updated list of Approved
Training Providers.

8 STEP6: Issue of materials

8.1 Issuing PDO’s HSE course and assessment materials to an ATP

8.1.1 Within 7 working days of the signing off the audit close out action plan, the approved ATP will be able
to collect the relevant HSE training materials and shall acknowledge having received them in writing.

9 STEP 7: Follow-Up Audit and Close-Out.

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9.1 Finalizing the Approval

9.1.1 On the date agreed with the ATP Applicant’s senior management team after the audit, PDO will revisit
and conduct a follow up audit.

9.1.2 The follow up audit will confirm that all actions agreed at the conclusion of the initial audit have been
closed out satisfactorily.

9.1.3 On confirmation of the close-outs the provisional approval will change to confirmed approval citing
the courses and assessments they are approved for. The finalisation status will be confirmed within 5
working days of the follow-up audit.

9.1.4 Within 10 working days of follow-up audit PDO will confirm details of the approved status on its HSE
Training Contractors Training web pages.

10 STEP 8: Quality Assurance of ATPs

10.1 Ad-hoc Quality Assurance

10.1.1 PDO reserves the right to conduct Quality Assurance (QA) of any part of the HSE
Training/Reassessments which may take the form of:
 Unannounced assessments of training and assessments of an ATP by a member of the PLD8 team.
 Anonymous observation and assessment sampling of the training or reassessment conduct of an ATP,
by an independent nominee.
 Pre-arranged assessments of training and assessments of an ATP by a member of the PLD8 team.

10.1.2 In any major non-conformity, an observation report will be prepared within 5 working days after the
event and provided to the ATP at which the observation and assessment took place. Depending on
the observations and assessment made, a meeting may be called with the ATP’s Training Manager
and/or Trainer or Assessor to discuss the content of the report, and any subsequent action(s) that may
be deemed necessary.

10.2 Annual Quality Assurance

10.2.1 ATPs will receive an annual Verification Quality Assurance (VQA) audit from PDO.
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10.2.2 The conduct, arrangements and reporting for VQA audits will be on the same basis as those used for
initial Approval audits, together with any subsequent follow-up audit and close-out.

10.2.3 The annual VQA audit is a thorough examination of the compliance by the ATP against PDO’s
requirements for HSE Training Services Provision.

10.3 Sector Competence Interview:

10.3.1 Training/Assessment Manager shall fill up the request form (Appendix J) asking for an interview for
the trainer at least two weeks before the interview.

10.3.2 PLD8 team, Technical Authority, or CFDH will assess the trainer’s competency in delivering each

10.3.3 PLD8 team entertain a maximum of two interviews for each trainer a day, and not more than two
trainers per day.

10.3.4 The interview can vary from oral questions, topic delivery, and written exam.

10.3.5 PLD8 team will send a full updated report to the Training/Assessment Manager in regards with status
of sector competence interview results.

10.3.6 The result could be; Green (Competent), Amber (provisional Approval), and Red (Not Yet Competent).

11 Approval Conditions

11.1 Base conditions needed for Approval status.

11.1.1 These are additional specific conditions and agreements that an ATP needs to comply with for it to
be considered and to continue to act as an approved training provider for PDO.

11.1.2 The course booking forms shall make the mandatory requirements for personal protective
equipment (PPE) clear and obvious and compliant with the latest version of SP-1157. It shall also
advise that ATP management reserve the right to hire out PPE which has been sanitized for any

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people who have failed to bring them, and a nominal charge will be payable by the attendee on the

11.1.3 The course booking forms, and the ATP website will clearly state the pre-requisites needed to
attend the course as in the most up to date version of SP-1157.

11.1.4 No discounts offer or reductions in the cost of a PDO training course contained in SP-1157 shall be
allowed or offered by an ATP to any party for which it provides the training service. The price
charged per person attending a course shall be no less than the price stipulated by PDO. Any
evidence which proves a wilful violation of this condition not being adhered to will result in an ATP
being immediately removed from the PDO approval list for all HSE courses for a minimum of 12

11.1.5 An ATP will only be able to charge for a ‘No show’ when the person cancels later than 48 hours
before the course time is due to start. Cancellations prior to this time will incur no charge.

11.1.6 An ATP shall not make any changes, additions or reductions to the training material content as
provided by PDO. Any recommendations for change or an alteration to the training material shall
be made to PLD8 and then a new version issued out to all ATPs in unison.

11.1.7 ATPs will organise and relay details of an in-house Continual Professional Development Program
(CPD) for its trainers and assessors. The quality and depth of this program must be satisfactory with
PLD8 and on a par with that provided by the other ATPs. The minimum quality and depth will be
agreed by the Training Managing Forum. This must be provided to PLD8 annually by the 8th January.

11.1.8 All ATP trainers and assessors shall only provide training and/or assessment services once they
have been signed off as competent by the PLD8 team in the specific course subject matter and
language. ATPs shall book assessment requirements directly to the PLD 8 team who will then
organise a calendar date for them. Trainers and assessors can provide training/assessments as
authorised by PLD8 for practice purposes.

11.1.9 An ATP trainer/assessor who is approved in one ATP can transfer his PDO course approvals to
another ATP provided he informs the PLD8 team prior to his change in employment.

11.1.10 Each ATP will agree to sign and conform with all of the conditions as laid out in the Approved PDO
Contractor HSE Training Provider Code of Conduct. The Code of Conduct will be signed by the
appropriate legal representative of the ATP, stamped with the Company stamp and then a copy
displayed prominently in the ATP premises in full sight of the trainees. The code of conduct
consists of:

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 Only trainers with formal, written and signed approval by the PDO PLD8 team will deliver training in the
language they are approved for and the course training they have been approved to train.
 Only assessors with formal, written and signed approval by the PDO PLD8 team will deliver assessments in
the language they are approved for and the course assessments they have been approved to assess.
 All courses provided will meet the minimum stated requirements of PDO in terms of duration, material,
delivery, curriculum and focus. Only after receiving authorized and written step outs from the PLD8 team will
any adaptation to the training and/or assessments be introduced.
 Training will only take place within premises and facilities which have been pre-approved by the PLD8 team.
 The duration of HSE training courses will last for a minimum of the specified course time No course will be
allowed to finish earlier than the specified time.
 All HSE training will take place in classrooms that have functioning, safe, suitable and available training
equipment and facilities in a suitable training environment with regard to lighting, air quality, noise, glare,
room occupancy and temperature.
 No person will receive any record of having received and passed a PDO training course, unless they have
completed the whole course and successfully passed the assessment and suitable records of his signed
attendance and his competency assessment are on record and available for audit on request.
 PDO HSE training material will not be used for any provision of training outside of the PDO contractor
community, or for any other training use for other companies. Approval for PDO HSE training of contractor
staff who also work for other operators must be obtained before doing so.
 No PDO HSE training will take place in any classroom unless there is a CCTV camera monitoring and recording
the room from the rear. The camera must record for a rolling 31-day program with such records security
controlled and assured. The cameras must record the date, time and sound as well as picture and cover the
majority of the classroom, including the front. All data will be handed over to PDO on request without

11.1.11 Each PDO approved trainer employed in an ATP will sign and thereafter comply with the
requirements of the Approved PDO Contractor Trainer – Declaration of Conformance. Any proven
noncompliance with any of the conditions of the declaration shall lead to the initial suspension and
then termination of the approval status for delivering PDO courses. The conditions of the
declaration are that the trainer:

 only deliver training in the courses and languages which I have been approved by PDO to deliver.
 only deliver the training material in the format as provided by PDO and to the required quality.
 only deliver courses which meet the minimum stated requirements of PDO in terms of duration, material,
delivery, curriculum and focus.
 Only conduct training in premises and facilities which have been signed as being authorized by PDO.
 Never allow a HSE training course to be cut short under the time specified in SP1157.
 Never provide or allow falsified records of a person having received training when they have not completed
the course or attended for the required duration.
 Ensure all attendees are recorded on the course by signature on a daily basis and that the signatures match
the actual attendees.
 Never provide information, answers or hints to trainees during assessments which give a false indication of
their competency to PDO.

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 Participate in the continual professional development program provided by my organization.

11.1.12 Each PDO approved assessor employed in an ATP will sign and thereafter comply with the
requirements of the Approved PDO Contractor Assessor – Declaration of Conformance. Any proven
noncompliance with any of the conditions of the declaration shall lead to the initial suspension and
then termination of the approval status for assessing PDO courses. The conditions of the
declaration are that the assessor:

 only deliver assessments in the courses and languages which I have been approved by PDO to deliver.
 only deliver the assessments in the format provided by PDO and to the required quality.
 only deliver assessments which meet the minimum stated requirements of PDO in terms of duration,
material, delivery and basis.
 only conduct assessments in premises and facilities which have been signed as being authorized by PDO.
 never provide or allow falsified records of a person having passed an assessment which they have not taken
or failed.
 ensure all records of assessments are completed correctly and provided for safe filing
 never provide information, answers or hints to trainees during assessments which give a false indication of
their competency to PDO.
 Participate in the continual professional development program provided by my organization.

11.1.13 ATPs shall have a robust and transparent complaints procedure and a web process which allows
people to report issues, complaints and positive feedback anonymously.

11.1.14 ATPs shall have an HSE plan which will include a monthly internal and external facility and
equipment inspection regime, and this will be made available to PDO on request.

11.1.15 ATPs shall keep a log of the details of all passports that have been issued to PDO and contractor
staff and make such records available to PDO on request.
11.2 Compliance with specifications and procedures

11.2.1 Complaints that an ATP or a member of its staff is falling short of the agreement and safe
behaviours PDO expects will result in investigation within 5 working days.

11.2.2 Actions/recommendations will be advised to the ATP management and where appropriate a
remedial plan provided back to the PCL8 team.

11.2.3 Repetitive complaints and findings can lead to suspension or withdrawal of an Approval from
Trainer, Assessor or the ATP as a whole.

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12 Nominations, Confirmations, Amendments and Cancellations

12.1 PDO principles: Learning & Development event nomination and attendance
 All types of Learning and Development events for PDO staff must be included and agreed as part of
every individual’s Learning and Development Plan for the year. Without this agreement in advance,
no courses or assessments requested by a delegate should be authorized by a Supervisor or Line
Manager, unless it meets the Company’s business needs and would adversely impact the Company’s
operational capability if it were not attended. The same principles apply to the provision of HSE
courses and assessments. i.e. after an individual is hired by the Company and has completed their
initial HSE training and assessment, all other HSE training and reassessments required can be
identified from the individual’s annual learning needs.

12.2 PDO staff - Conventional nominations

All other HSE Training course and assessment nominations must be made in the following way:
 Go to the web address of the appropriate contracted HSE Training Services Provider(s), using the
electronic links on the HSE Training web page and consult the published schedule of HSE courses for
PDO staff.
 Having selected the most convenient date and place for the specific course or assessment required,
download the nomination form, available from the HSE Training Service Provider’s web site, again
using the electronic links on the HSE Training web page.
 Complete the required details in full forward the nomination form your line manager for the approval
and copy PLD8 team.
 After getting the approval from your line manager and PLD8 team forward the nomination form to
the approved training provider.

12.3 Nominations for PDO new hires.

 Sometime before a new hire’s first day with the Company, the Line Manager of a new hire will know
their generic role (i.e. non-supervisory, Supervisor, Manager or Executive) and the date of their
starting employment.
 Once the HR team have informed the new hire’s Line Manager of their starting date, the Line
Manager should make arrangements to discuss any equivalent prior HSE training with the new
employee on their first day. That discussion will establish if nominations for assessments Core HSE
Training courses should be made. The nominations should be made without further delay, for the
earliest dates that can be obtained on the published HSE Training Schedule.

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12.4 PDO staff - Confirmations of nominations

 Within 24 hours, the appropriate Company contracted HSE Training Services Provider must contact
the delegate and the nominator, by e-mail or telephone. They will:
o Confirm the requested place or offer you an alternative date/location, if appropriate.
o Send you a reminder of the pre-requisites for attending the course or assessment you have

12.5 PDO staff - Cancellations or Amendments

 Cancellations by / from PDO or its staff
o To avoid financial penalty to the Company, a clear 48 hours’ notice must be given to the
appropriate HSE Training Service Provider prior to the start time of the course or reassessment
place booked, by the delegate or his nominator.

o Cancellations should preferably be made using e-mail, but may be accepted by telephone
initially, supported by a confirmatory e-mail as soon as possible afterwards. It is important
that whoever makes the cancellation makes a record of the date and time the initial
cancellation was made, irrespective of the method used. This information and the method
used should be sent by e-mail to PLD8 team.

 Cancellations or Amendments by / from HSE Training Services Provider

o Cancellations or amendments to confirmations made by any one of the Company’s contracted
HSE Training Services Providers shall be notified to both the delegate and his nominator.

o Such cancellations or amendments shall be achieved by the most effective means of

communication available – i.e. Land-line telephone, GSM telephone or e-mail. The Contractor
shall make whatever arrangements are necessary to ensure a reception receipt is obtained
from the intended recipient(s) that clearly indicates the date and time the message was

13 Attendance and HSE Performance Records

13.1 ATP records
 ATP’s are required to maintain and report records of attendance and assessments to the PLD8 HSE
Training and Competence Quality Assurance team on a monthly basis, in accordance with the
requirements of PR 2010.
 These records are correlated against the compliance reports submitted to Contract Holders in the
case of contractors, and the PLD8 team in the case of PDO functions and Directorates, to verify the
claimed compliance.

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13.2 PDO Records

 Directorate and Function HSE Training Focal Points and HSE advisers shall maintain whatever records
of staff HSE Training course and assessments are necessary to provide an accurate HSE Training
compliance status for every staff member they are responsible for monitoring and reporting on.
 Any and all non-conformities with this Procedure or SP 1157 HSE Training Specifications shall be
notified, investigated, reported and addressed in the manner set out in CP-122 HSE Management
 PDO will maintain an HSE Training database of all PDO staff HSE training and assessment
attendances, No Shows and Assessment outcomes. This database will be maintained and monitored
by the PLD8 HSE Training and Competence Quality Assurance team.

14 Training Managers’ Forum (TMF)

14.1 Meetings to discuss and resolve common issues related to the Provision of HSE Training Services to
the pan-PDO community will be scheduled approximately Quarterly within each calendar year.
14.2 The dates of these forum meetings will be made known to all ATP Training Managers by PDO during
December of each calendar year. PLD8 will chair the TMFs. The meeting will normally be scheduled
to run between 0900 and 1200 on each of the scheduled dates.
14.3 ATP Managers may raise any matter related to HSE Training Provision for discussion by registering
the item with PDO’s PLD8 HSE Training Quality Assurance Team at least 5 working days before the
scheduled date of the meeting. The PLD8 team will add the item to the meeting by placing it on the
14.4 All ATPs are required to attend 100% of the scheduled Training Manager’ Forum meetings organized
by PDO in each calendar year. ATP Training Assessment Managers may attend in-lieu of the Training
Manager when he/she is not available.

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Appendix A – Key ATP Staff Qualifications & Experience

1. Introduction
The philosophy of ATP staff competence assurance is largely reliant upon external, third party
certification supported by appropriate periods of sector experience. The requirements here should
be seen as a minimum and individuals may alternatively or additionally be required to demonstrate
competence to the satisfaction of the Company.

2. Qualifications of staff required

Details relating to the specific qualifications required of key staff in an ATP’s organization are
provided in Appendix A.

3. Equivalent Qualifications comparison

Cases of ccomparability of qualifications will be considered on its individual merits.

Comprehensive documentation is necessary to establish comparability. Where certificates are

referred to, copies of the originals shall be provided. Copy of certificates must be annotated and
signed by the ATP’s Training Manager confirming that the original document has been attested.
The Company may require sight of the original documentation to support any claim at any time.

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4. HSE Training Manager AND HSE Training Assessment Manager

Training & Training assessment Managers shall utilize 20% of his/her responsibilities in delivering trainings.
The HSE Training & Training assessment Managers shall possess the following:

Minimum – HSE Training Qualifications/Experience

1 NEBOSH International Diploma in Occupational

Health & Safety OR any Level 5 Diploma.

2 Three years’ experience as a full-time HSE Adviser or HSE Manager with Three years certified or
records for all Level 1 and Level 2 Approved PDO HSE courses.

3 Train The Trainer qualification.

4 Internal Verifier Assessor qualification

5. HSE Advisor/ Manager

The HSE adviser/ Manager shall possess the following:

Minimum – HSE Training, and Assessment Qualifications/Experience

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1 NEBOSH International IGC in Occupational

Health & Safety OR Level 3 certificate in HSE.

2 One years’ experience as a full-time HSE adviser or equivalent experience in HSE Field.

3 Attendance certificates or records for all Level 1 and Level 2 Approved PDO HSE courses.

6. HSE Training Administrator

Minimum – HSE Training, and Assessment Qualifications/Experience

1 Attendance certificates or records for the 1 Fluent in English and Arabic

following PDO Approved courses:
and Computer literate and competent in
(HSE Orientation) the use of all IT, office equipment and
computer software used on the Training,
with 3 years’ experience as a senior

7. Level 1 HSE Trainers AND Assessor

To be approved to deliver any Level 1 HSE training course or assessments, a trainer shall possess the

Minimum – HSE Training, and Assessment Qualifications/Experience

1 NEBOSH International General Certificate in Occupational Health & Safety (IGC) OR Level 3 certificate in
2 Train the Trainer AND Assessor qualification.
3 Attendance certificates or records for all Level 1 Approved PDO HSE courses.

8. Level 2 HSE Trainers

To be approved to deliver any Level 2 HSE Training courses or assessments, a trainer shall possess the

Minimum – HSE Training, and Assessment Qualifications/Experience

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1 NEBOSH International Diploma in Occupational

Health & Safety OR any level 5 diploma.

2 One-year experience as a full-time HSE Manager or Advisor role in Oil and Gas Industry. OR
certified as level 1 HSE trainer for one year.

3 Train the Trainer AND Assessor qualification.

4 Attendance certificates or records for all Level 1 and Level 2 Approved PDO HSE courses.

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Appendix B: Trainers delivery language fluency

For training delivery in Arabic, a trainer whose first language is not Arabic shall be required to have attained
the Arabic Language Proficiency Test (ALPT) Band 6 in all five categories, i.e. reading, structure, writing,
speaking and listening comprehension.

In an exceptional case a Level 1 trainer, with an overall ALPT grading below Band 6, may be given approval
providing Band 6 grading’s or above are achieved in the speaking and listening modules. Each case shall be
treated on its merits on a case by case basis.

A summary of the ALPT scheme is shown below.

For training delivery in English, a trainer whose first language is not English shall be required to have attained
the General Training International English Language Testing System (IELTS) Band 5 in all four categories, i.e.
reading, writing, speaking and listening comprehension.

In an exceptional case a Level 1 trainer, with an overall IELTS grading below Band 6, may be given approval,
providing Band 6 grading’s or above are achieved in the speaking and listening modules. Each case shall be
treated on its merits on a case by case basis.

A summary of the IELTS scheme is shown below.

Other Languages
Where training is to be delivered in a language that is not the trainer’s first language, an assessment process
will be carried out involving the trainer, the HSE Training Manager and the Company.

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International English Language Testing System (IELTS)

All candidates must complete four Modules - Listening, Reading, Writing and speaking - to obtain a band
score. All candidates take the same Listening and Speaking Modules. The Reading and Writing Modules differ
depending on whether the candidate is taking the Academic or General Training Versions of the Test.
The General Training version is appropriate for HSE Trainers, but the Academic version would also be

Band scale

IELTS is scored on a nine-band scale, with each band corresponding to a specified competence in English.
Overall Band Scores are reported to the nearest half band.
The following rounding convention applies: if the average across the four skills ends in .25, it is rounded up
to the next half band, and if it ends in .75, it is rounded up to the next whole band.
The nine bands are described as follows:
9 Expert User Has full operational command of the language: appropriate, accurate and fluent with complete understanding.

Has full operational command of the language with only occasional unsystematic inaccuracies and inappropriateness. Misunderstandings
8 Very Good User
may occur in unfamiliar situations. Handles complex detailed argumentation well.

Has operational command of the language, though with occasional inaccuracies, inappropriateness and misunderstandings in some
7 Good User
situations. Generally, handles complex language well and understands detailed reasoning.

Has generally effective command of the language despite some inaccuracies, inappropriateness and misunderstandings. Can use and
6 Competent User
understand fairly complex language, particularly in familiar situations.

Has partial command of the language, coping with overall meaning in most situations, though is likely to make many mistakes. Should be
5 Modest user
able to handle basic communication in own field.

4 Limited User Basic competence is limited to familiar situations. Has frequent problems in using complex language.

Extremely Limited
3 Conveys and understands only general meaning in very familiar situations.

No real communication is possible except for the most basic information using isolated words or short formulae in familiar situations and
2 Intermittent User
to meet immediate needs.

1 Non-User Essentially has no ability to use the language beyond possibly a few isolated words.

Did not attempt the

0 No assessable information provided at all.

The first three modules - Listening, Reading and Writing (always in that order) - are completed in one day, and in fact
are taken with no break in between. The Speaking Module may be taken, at the discretion of the test centre, in the
period seven days before or after the other Modules.

The tests are designed to cover the full range of ability from non-user to expert user.

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Arabic Language Proficiency Test (ALPT)

The Arabic Language Proficiency Test (ALPT) is the global standard for measuring student proficiency levels in

It is used to indicate proficiency in the five language skills:

 Listening Comprehension,
 Reading,
 Structure,
 Writing,
 Speaking.
Development of the ALPT began in 2002, and since then leading experts in the field of Arabic Language
Training have cooperated to produce a valid and reliable test.

The exam, available in both online and paper format, is offered four times per year, on September 10th,
December 10th, March 10th, and June 10th through the Arab Academy

The following skills are tested: Listening, Reading Comprehension, Structure & Writing and fluency is graded
on a scale of 0 – 10.

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1 ATP Training Facilities and Equipment
All training facilities provided by an ATP must conform to the requirements of this document.

1.1 Site Facilities

1.1.1 The ATP shall provide sufficient classroom accommodation at its coastal based facility to serve the
demands from its client base. Each of the classrooms at the facility shall be equipped with:

 Chairs and tables

 Suitable air conditioning to provide a comfortable environment in use
 Whiteboard no less than 2.5 m2 area.
 Flip chart stand
 Desktop or laptop computer and sound system suitable for presenting all of the visual materials
including PowerPoint slides, CD and DVD video.
 LCD projector
 Sufficient classrooms shall be provided to enable contractor client demand for training places to be
accommodated within the maximum limits per course. Appendix D should be used to assess base
requirements for both permanent and temporary HSE training facilities.
 CCTV camera to retain record for 31 days.

1.1.2 The ATP shall provide a simulated operational area at its facility that conforms to the specifications
in Appendix E -3.

1.1.3 All ATPs shall ensure that:

 A minimum of 10% of staff associated with the execution of HSE Training Services to contractors on
behalf of PDO, are trained as 1st Aiders in compliance with the training specifications in SP 1157 HSE
Training Specifications.
 All HSE Trainers are 1st Aid qualified in accordance with the specifications in SP 1157 HSE Training

1.1.4 The ATP shall ensure that, within each of their HSE Training Facilities, during normal working hours
there shall be:

 At least one 1st Aider

 At least one Company Approved 1st Aid kit.
 At least one Company Approved Automatic External Defibrillator.
 At least one Training Centre Fire Warden

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1.2 Training Equipment

1.2.1 Training equipment shall be provided at ATP’s own cost in accordance with the requirements in this
Appendix and Appendix E. The equipment levels specified are the minimum requirements for
commercial ATPs.

Non-commercial ATPs shall provide the equipment in use by their organization for the courses and
assessments they are Approved or seek approval for, with a single example of the relevant PDO
equipment that can be shown and familiarized to their delegates, or photographs or videos that
can serve the same purpose.

1.2.2 The ATP shall ensure that all equipment provided for training purposes is maintained to a high
standard of hygiene and cleanliness at all times, and in accordance with the manufacturers’
instructions or recommendations.

1.2.3 The ATP shall make arrangements, at its own cost, for the re-charging of all fire extinguishers used
to serve the requirements of course demand.

1.3 Training Facilities for conducting practical training and/or assessment

1.3.1 Furniture arrangements in classrooms in which large items of equipment must be handled by
delegates, e.g. H2S Awareness & Escape, SCBA & Confined Space Rescue, must take account of the
additional space requirements of delegates. This will require a reduction in the total number of
delegates that can use any given floor space by 50%.

1.4 Training Facilities (Practical Training)

1.4.1 The ATP shall provide a simulated operational area at its facility/ies suitable for all practical training
and assessment required by the specific HSE Training courses and assessments they have been
Approved to conduct. (see Appendix E).

1.5 H2S leak/emergency, and Gas Testing training facilities

1.5.1 Facilities used for simulation H2S leaks/emergencies and for gas testing must conform to the
specifications set out in Appendix E-3.1.

1.6 SCBA and Confined Space Rescue simulation facilities

1.6.1 Any practical facilities used by the Contractor to carry out simulated conditions under which SCBA
would be used, particularly for confined space rescue, shall include as a minimum the specifications
set out in Appendix E-3.2

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1.7 Practical Fire-fighting training facilities

1.7.1 Facilities used for practical fire-fighting training, must as a minimum, conform to the specifications
set out in Appendix E-3.3

1.8 Practical fire-fighting training simulation

1.8.1 As a potential alternative or supplement to using conventional carbonaceous solid and liquid fires
for practical fire-fighting training, Contractor may propose to the Company the use of fire simulation
using purpose-made, commercially available fire simulation props that, as a minimum, must satisfy
the specifications set out in Appendix E-3.4

2 Training Materials

 The Company will provide the ATP with course and assessment material ‘masters’ to serve the
requirements of HSE training and assessments delivered on its behalf to contractors. The ATP will be
responsible for ensuring sufficient copies are printed, not photocopied, and reserve stocks are

3 Delegate handouts

 As a proportion of the pan-PDO community target population on many of the courses may be
illiterate, delegate handout design should always have taken this into account.
 Delegate handout ‘masters’ shall be made available with ATPs to all candidates.

4 Trainer Manuals

 The Company shall make all trainer manuals available to the ATP in both English and Arabic
 The Company shall make Trainer manuals available to ATPs for each course type as electronic files.
These should be hard copy color printed (not photocopied), printed back-to-back.
 The footer of each page in the manual shall indicate the course version number, and the date that
version was introduced.

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Appendix D: Assessment of temporary training or assessment

Yes No


Adequate, level, hard surfaced car parking for maximum number of trainees and trainers?
Access from car park to training venue is safe, unobstructed?
Teaching space is greater than 32 sq. meters floor area.
Divide floor area by 1.5 (= max. number of persons permissible in space for non-practical teaching.) For
practical teaching in classroom, reduce max. persons by 50%
Ceiling height at least 3 meters If not, specify.
Passageways between desks/chairs at least 900mm wide?
Furniture layout permits group work and easy, unobstructed access by trainees to passages and doors?
Room is air-conditioned with split A/C units? If not, specify
Temperature between 18ºC - 22ºC is maintained?
Natural lighting is available in the room, with blinds, screens or curtains to control lighting level?
Controllable artificial lighting is available in the room to maintain minimum 500 Lux?
Noise levels in room do not exceed 50 dB(A)?
Appropriate seating is available for each trainee?
Desking surface of at least 500mm x 500mm available to each trainee?
Room provided with smoke or heat detection linked to a fire alarm system?
Whiteboard and effective markers are available?
Flip chart(s), pad(s) and pens are available?
Computer (Desktop or laptop) for presentations is available?
LCD projector or LCD monitor screen (minimum size 55”) is available for use with computer?
White, non-reflective surface is available for LCD projection?
Video/DVD replay facility is available with TV or LCD projector?
Amplified sound system is available for use with computer?
Fire extinguishers are available within 20 meters of the room exit
1st Aid kit is available within 30 meters of room exit
Fully functional Automatic External Defibrillator is available at facility?
Trained 1st Aider is available during teaching period?
Fire warden is available during teaching period?
Telephone or GSM (with good network coverage) is available for emergency use during teaching
Emergency action notice is posted in each teaching space and made known to trainer?
Exits are immediately available for use, and clearly signed
Assembly Point(s) is clearly signed

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Refreshment area provided of adequate size / condition
Catering/ cooking services are risk assessed and hygienic
Drinking water (potable) is available for trainees during teaching period?
Adequate, clean & hygienic toilet/washing facilities are available for trainees within 30 meters?
Sufficient PPE is available for trainers /trainees when required?

PDO Site Rep./Co. Man EMAIL GSM

Declaration: I confirm the proposed training location has been assessed against the
above requirements and the results are as indicated in the Yes/No columns.
Client Signature / Date: PDO Rep. Signature / Date:

PLD8 Approved: Yes/No

Signature / Date:

Return by e-mail to Approved Training provider at:


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Appendix E: Specifications for Approved Training Provider HSE

Training & Assessment Facilities

The Approved Training Provider must conform to the requirements set out in this Appendix for the courses
and assessments they are Approved or are seeking Approval to conduct.

1. Training Providers will need to comply with 1a, 1d inclusive in this Appendix. Site
a) Sufficient classrooms shall be provided to enable client demand for training places to be
accommodated within the maximum limits per course. Appendix D should be used to assess
minimum requirements.
b) H2S Escape set, H2S respirator, SCBA set, H2S personal monitor, equipment provision shall be
sufficient in number to enable all delegates attending a course to use the equipment simultaneously.
c) Equipment used on Gas Testing and NORM courses should be provided at least to a minimum of 1
piece of equipment per 3 delegates.
d) At least one fully functional Automatic External Defibrillator of the type Approved by the Company
(currently the Powerheart AED G3 manufactured by Cardiac Science Corporation, USA) wall mounted
in the delegate accessible areas of the training facility and immediately available when required.

2. Classroom Training Facilities for conducting practical training and/or assessment

Furniture arrangements in classrooms in which large items of equipment must be handled by
delegates, e.g. H2S Awareness & Escape, SCBA & Confined Space Rescue, must take account of the
additional space requirements of delegates. This will require a reduction in the total number of
delegates that can use any given floor space by 50%.
3. Simulated Operational Area for practical training & Assessments
The ATP shall provide a simulated operational area at the facility it intends to use, that is suitable for
the delivery of all practical training and assessment required by courses, assessments and re-
certification assessments in SP 1157, that it has been Approved to conduct. Each area shall have, as
a minimum:

3.1 H2S leak/emergency, Gas Testing, Permit to Work course and assessment training
practical facilities
Facilities used for simulation H2S leaks/emergencies and for gas testing must conform to the
specifications below:

 A system of pipework that includes bends, valves, flanges, gauges, and junctions from which
potential gas leaks could occur
 A concrete lined cellar (as typically found on a well site) with a well-head ‘Christmas tree’ mock-up
 An accessible horizontal platform approximately 3 meters above the cellar or pipework system
(representing a rig’s drilling floor)

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 An open trench, securely covered when not in use to prevent unauthorized access, and properly
supported to prevent side collapse, barriered and with a secured access ladder into the trench
 A windsock that is positioned to indicate the true wind direction, i.e. unaffected by buildings and
other structures.
 At least one clearly marked assembly point outside the fencing.
3.2 SCBA and Confined Space Rescue course and assessment practical training facilities
Any practical facilities used by the Contractor to carry out simulated conditions under which SCBA
would be used, particularly for confined space rescue, shall include as a minimum:

 At least one access hatch permitting entry/exit to be made from the roof.
 An access hatch permitting entry/exit to be made from at least one side.
 At least one tunnel arrangement within the simulator complex, no less than 2.5 meters in length, and
no less than 1 meter in diameter.
 At least two changes of floor height within the simulator complex, that include restricted headroom.
Each change of height to be accessed by raking or vertical fixed ladder/steps.
 Vertical partitions containing doorways, where no two partition doorways will be aligned. At least
two of the partitions should have opening doors or gates fitted in them.
 Sufficient emergency entry/exit doors so that no one inside the simulator complex would be further
than 5 meters from such a door. Whenever the simulator is in use, these doors must be maintained
immediately and readily openable from inside or outside, in the event of an emergency.
 An emergency alarm sounded system and red beacon(s) (flashing, rotating or pulsing) shall be
provided. The system that shall be operated by emergency push switches, colored red. These shall
be positioned above head level, inside and outside of every emergency exit.
 Emergency lights/alarm switches inside the simulator complex shall be back-lit or illuminated in such
a way that they can be readily located in an emergency during black-out conditions. Any one switch
will turn all emergency lights on and sound the emergency alarm.
 The emergency lights/alarm may not be turned off until a key operated switch, or similar, has been
operated in an alarm cancellation device outside of the simulator complex.
 Emergency lights/alarm switches should be clearly signed above the boxes ‘Emergency Alarm’, white
on red background, lettering not less than 75mm in height.
 The emergency alarm sound shall be distinctive from all other alarms used on site and be heard
clearly within the training facility and training administration buildings. The main administrative and
trainers’ offices inside the primary or secondary facility building shall also have repeater visual
warning devices provided, linked to the emergency alarm system used on the SCBA training facility.
 Any electrical installation within the simulator complex shall use either armored electrical cable or
double insulated cabling contained within electrical conduit, fixed at least 1 meter above head
height. Lamp units should be designed to prevent direct contact with those training inside the
simulator, through adequate guarding or shielding.

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 Training ‘dummies’ used for person rescue simulations, whether for external H2S rescue or internal
confined space rescue, shall be anatomically representative of an average adult human being in
terms of trunk, head, limb dimensions and weight. Under no circumstances shall a training dummy’s
dry mass be less than 60kg.
 The training simulator must be not less than 12.3 meters in length overall, and may consist of more
than one smaller unit, permanently linked together.
 The facility shall be maintained water-tight, be free of corrosion or other structural defect and as far
as practicable, capable of excluding all-natural light when doors and access hatches are closed. The
internal surfaces normally contactable by either staff or delegates under training should be
maintained free from hazards capable of causing injury.
 A/C to be provided in Confined Space Simulator.
3.3 Fire-fighting course and assessment practical training facilities
Facilities used for practical fire-fighting training, must include as a minimum:

 A steel fire crib for solid carbonaceous fuels, whose Length x Breadth x Height dimensions are not
less than 1000mm x 1000mm x 750mm. The crib should be raised above the ground level by a
minimum of 450mm. The crib should itself be stood inside a steel tray no less than 1500mm x
1500mm x 150mm in depth.
 A fire tray for liquid hydrocarbon fuels, whose Length x Breadth x Height dimensions are not less
than 750mm x 750mm x 150mm. One side of the tray should have a solid ‘upstand’ of at least 600mm
in height. The fire tray should itself be placed inside a larger ‘spills’ tray whose Length x Breadth
dimensions should be at least 200mm greater than those of the fire tray. The height dimension
should be at least 100mm greater than the fire tray, excluding the height of the fire tray ‘upstand’.
 Fire cribs and fire trays should be located on a solid level surface such as block paving or concrete,
and not placed on bitumen, asphalt or tarmacadam surfaces.
 A steel handled lance of a minimum of 2 meters in length, with its head wrapped in cotton or similar
waste textile soaked in diesel or kerosene and ignited at least 4 meters away from the prepared fire
cribs or tray, shall be used to cause ignition of fuels in fire crib or trays.
 Liquid (Class B) fires shall be limited to a maximum starting quantity of 10 liters of fuel floating on a
minimum of 50mm depth of water. Using the tray minimum sizes producing a surface area of 0.56
m2, this equates to a fuel depth of 16 mm.
 Adequate arrangements to manage the waste materials produced by fire-fighting exercises should
be designed and implemented such that ground, watercourse and air contamination potential are
taken into account and minimized.
 A full health risk assessment should be carried out for trainers and technicians involved with the
preparation, clean-up or conduct of such exercises.

3.4 Fire-fighting training – practical simulation.

As a potential alternative or supplement to using conventional carbonaceous solid and liquid fires for
practical fire-fighting training, Contractor may propose to the Company the use of fire simulation using
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purpose-made, commercially available fire simulation props (for example, Live-Fire Intelligent Training
System plus fire props) that, as a minimum, must combine:

 Linked (e.g. by infra-red, ultrasound, laser or similar) fire props and extinguisher bodies involving
liquid/air discharge
 Propane-fuelled fire simulator ‘props’ that include:
 Electrical motor simulator (Class C)
 Stove-top simulator (Class B)
 Paint Locker (Class B)
 Trash can simulator (Class A)
 Ability to simulate Class A and Class B fires

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Appendix F: Fixed and portable Training Equipment requirements

ATPs shall provide the following equipment in enough quantities to enable all delegates attending a course
to use the same equipment type simultaneously. The equipment used by delegates shall be maintained to
the current PDO specification.

Equipment used on Gas Testing and NORM courses should be provided at least to a minimum of 1 piece of
equipment per 3 delegates.

Minimum No.
Fixed Equipment Portable equipment Specification Required at
each facility



Draeger CF-15

Avon NH 15 filter hood/ or

training kit



H2S Camlock FAST-20 Escape EN 402

apparatus COWL/MASK

Rae Systems ToxiRae-3 IP: Above 65

US and Canada: C1D1, Groups A,

B, C, D, T4
Europe: ATEX II 1G EEx ia IIC T4 9
IECEX: Ex ia IIC T4.

RFI/EMI factor: Compliant with

EMC directive 89/336/EEC

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Draeger PSS90 SCBA, EN-137 A:2006; EN-136 CL-2:1998

Pananova facemask and

Compressed Cylinder
LDV, 6-liter WC carbon- 10
composite cylinder, and
cylinder cover.

Air compressor, 97/23/EC (PED);

filtration and BS 529:2005; 1

charging panel.
BS EN 12021:1999;

Compressed air 97/23/EC (PED);

storage vessel for BS 529:2005;

compressed air 1
BS EN 12021:1999;
decanting to

SCBA & Confined Company document PR 2010

(App. E- 3.2)
space training 1

IP: Above 65

US and Canada: C1D1, Groups A,

B, C, D, T4
GT Multi-Gas Detector Rae Systems MultiRae Plus Europe: ATEX II 1G EEx ia IIC T4 2
IECEX: Ex ia IIC T4.

RFI/EMI factor: Compliant with

EMC directive 89/336/EEC

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Course Minimum No.

Fixed Equipment Portable equipment Specification
Code Required at
each facility
Tracerco T201 radiation T201 = Ex iA IIc T4 (-20C <Ta
survey meter <40C)

Tracerco T202 radiation

dose rate meter
Ex iA IIc T4 (-20C <Ta <40C) 1

NORMM Graetz X 5CEx radiation

dose rate meter
Ex iA IIc T4 (-20C <Ta <40C) 1

Argon Electronics RADSIM

DS3 radiation survey meter None specified 2

Argon Electronics RADSIM

SS2 radiation dose rate None specified 2
meter simulator

Fire-fighting facility 9-liter water extinguisher BS EN 3: 1997; BS 7863 5

9-liter AFFF extinguisher BS EN 3:1997: BS 7863 5

Dry Powder extinguisher BS EN 3:1997; BS 7863 5

CO2 extinguisher BS EN 3:1997: BS7863 5

Wet chemical extinguisher BS EN 3:1997: BS7863 2

Fiberglass or mineral fiber

Fire Blanket.
BS EN 1869:1997 2

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Appendix G: Abbreviations and Definitions

Abbreviation Meaning
AA Approved Assessor
AED Automatic External Defibrillator
AHA American Heart Association
AT Approved Trainer
ATP Approved Training Provider
CPR Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation
EV External Verifier
HSE Health, Safety and Environment
IV Internal Verifier
PC Personal computer
PDO Petroleum Development Oman LLC

Term Definition
An individual who is employed by an Approved Training Provider, and has met the qualifications and experience
requirements for an HSE Training Assessor for either Level 1, and/or 2, and/or 3 courses and reassessments, and been
Approved Assessor
Approved to conduct a range of specific HSE Training assessments after interview and assessment by the Company's HSE
Training and Assessment Quality Assurance team.
An individual who is employed by an Approved Training Provider, and has met the qualifications and experience
requirements for an HSE Trainer for either Level 1, and/or 2, and/or 3 courses and assessments, and been Approved to
Approved Trainer
conduct a range of specific HSE Training courses after interview and assessment by the Company's HSE Training and
Assessment Quality Assurance team.

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Term Definition
An HSE training organization that has applied for, met and been formally informed as meeting the Company's requirements
Approved Training Provider
in PR 2010 for the provision of HSE Training and Assessment Services.
A judgment decision of a delegate's performance against specific and measurable criteria, carried out by a qualified, sector
competent assessor.
Assessor See Approved Assessor
For HSE training courses or assessments, one of three types - Compulsory, Mandatory or Recommended - see definitions for
Attendance classification

An individual who measures an organization’s performance against a defined Scope of Work and Terms of Reference,
producing evidence, findings and recommendations that enable review to take place against intent.

Booking A requested place on an HSE Training course or assessment event, that has been confirmed by the ATP.
Compulsory (course or
the event must be attended before being deployed to carry out the designated role or responsibility, i.e. immediately.
assessment event)

The area within the Sultanate of Oman, PDO has been awarded exclusive oil and gas exploration and production rights for a
Concession Area
period of time, including areas in north and South Oman, and in the Muscat area at Mina Al Fahal.

Contract Holder The Company's authorized representative in relation to a Contract.

Core HSE The common HSE competencies required of all individuals to achieve safe working in the industry.
The suite of a progression of HSE Training courses or assessments that collectively produce the required knowledge,
Core HSE Learning Ladder
understanding and skills in Core HSE for all newly hired individuals.

Delegate A person nominated for, confirmed, or attending, an HSE training course, recertification or reassessment event.

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Term Definition

HSE Training, that was attended prior to the individual's employment with a PDO contractor or PDO, that is similar in terms of
Equivalent prior HSE training trainer quality, syllabus, duration, method of assessment and performance outcomes when compared to a specific PDO HSE
course or reassessment.
Delegates who ‘are members of their organisation’s most senior management team or a nominated executive’s deputy who,
when deputising, has full executive authority’.
A very experienced, qualified and competent person who is NOT directly employed by the organization, who carries out
External Verifier quality assurance (verification) of assessment conduct and evidence against the intent of the organization’s assessment
An assessment that is carried out during a course, or in the field, for which feedback is given to aid teaching/learning through
Formative Assessment
coaching and mentoring.
A progressive set of HSE courses and events aligned to PDO generic job types, that lead to HSE competence in that job, once
HSE Learning Ladder
attended and performance requirements are met.
An individual who has been allocated the responsibility for HSE Training and Assessment planning, selection, nominating,
HSE Training Focal Point administering, recording and reporting on the HSE Training and Assessment compliance against PDO requirements of staff
within a team, function, directorate or contracting company
An experienced, qualified and competent assessor(s) directly employed by the organization, who carries out internal
Internal Verifier verification (quality assurance) of assessment conduct and evidence against the intent of the organization’s assessment
Job Competence Profile A set of specific competencies, some of which are HSE related, that apply to a generic job type within PDO.

A set of details and instructions sent to a delegate and his nominator that contains confirmation of the requested course or
assessment place, confirmation of all the pre-requisite event requirements of the delegate, together with any other details
Joining Instructions
that the delegate may require in order to attend the event in the correct location, at the correct time, with the correct PPE,
documentation and other pre-requisites.

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Term Definition
Manager Those who ‘supervise the work of at least one other supervisor or manager’.
Mandatory (compliance) The requirements must be met in full.
Mandatory (course or Must be attended within a maximum of 2 months of being given the designated role or responsibility for a specific task
assessment event) related activity.
May The word ‘may’ is to be understood as indicating a possible course of action.
Must The word ‘must’ is to be understood as an activity to be carried out, without option. (see also 'Shall')

Nomination A properly authorized request to reserve a delegate place on a training course, recertification or reassessment event.

Non-supervisory staff Those delegates whose role is not as a Supervisor, Manager or Executive.
PC based An event delivered using a personal computer and appropriate software.
Theory and/or practical assessment judgments (formative and/or summative) recorded after measuring HSE performance
Performance Assessment against specified criteria, either to confirm equivalent prior training, after training on an HSE course, at a scheduled period to
(HSE) confirm the required performance has been maintained, or in the workplace to confirm the application and maintenance of
the desired safety behaviors after Core HSE Training.
The events and activities planned for a defined period ahead, including HSE Training and Assessment events, drawn up on the
Personal Development Plan basis of identified competence gaps between the individual's current competence in role and the individual's job competence
profile, agreed between the individual and his/her Line Manager.
Provision The supply of something that is required.
A judgment decision of a delegate's performance against the same or very similar specific and measurable criteria as that
measured originally, carried out by a qualified, sector competent assessor.
A judgment decision of a delegate's performance against the same or very similar specific and measurable criteria as that
Recertification Assessment measured originally, carried out by a qualified, sector competent assessor, that leads to renewal of a required permit or
Recommended (course or A highly desirable event for the target population that develops their professional HSE capability and offers potential
assessment event) organizational benefit.
Shall The word ‘shall’ is to be understood as an activity to be carried out, without option. (see also 'Must')

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Term Definition

An application for exceptional circumstances made by, or on behalf of a specific individual, to vary the application of a
Step-Out (HSE Specification)
requirement made in the HSE Specification. Step-outs may only be granted by PDO’s HSE Manager.

An assessment, which is administered at the end of a course, or in the field, to contribute to the decision on achievement of
Summative Assessment
required competences.
Supervisor Those who ‘supervise the work of at least one other person’.

Target Population Subset of overall workforce population defined as the audience for a particular HSE-SD & DDC training course.

Trainer See Approved Trainer

Delivery of a set of instructions, exercises, practical demonstrations on HSE (General, Lifting & Hoisting, First Aid, Defensive
Training Course (HSE)
Driving or HSE professional qualifications) by a qualified trainer in line with a particular Course Specification.

Training Schedule The issued plan of when and where the HSE Training Courses and assessments shall be delivered.

The term used for quality assurance of assessments and evidence against the intent of the organization’s assessment system
and is conducted by experienced assessors called verifiers.

A new employee's Supervisor or Manager, who should preferably be qualified as a vocational assessor, and who has
Workplace Assessor responsibility to coach, mentor and is recommended to assess the employee in the workplace, 3 months after their initial
Core HSE courses or assessments, against the same performance criteria.

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Appendix H: ATP HSE Training Services Quality Assurance Audit



Audit Scope:
Audit Location:

Audit Date: Report Date:

Training Manager: Email:

Assessment Manager: Email:

HSE Manager/Advisor: Email:

Audit Team: Email:

Audit Criteria:
The Annual HSE audit program has been developed using a sub-set of criteria from PDO specifications and
procedures. The following documents were referred to during the audit,

1. PR2010: HSE Training Provision Approval and Quality Assurance Procedure

2. SP1157: HSE Training Specifications

Executive Summary:

Positive Findings:
 ____________________________________________
 ____________________________________________
 ____________________________________________

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Recommended Corrective Actions:

This table of corrective actions encompasses the Detailed Findings table.

Priority/target date criterion Recommendation


Audit Score:
Scope Item No. of criteria Max possible score Audit score % score

1 HSE Management System 10 26

2 Administration 9 24

3 Level 1 HSE Delivery Capability & Resources 7 14

4 Level 2 HSE Delivery Capability & Resources 8 16

5 Visual Aids Classroom 8 34

6 Practical Training Areas 14 40

7 Portable Training Equipment – Provision, Maintenance & 15 104


8 Administration Security Controls 5 10

Total 258

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Audit Check List:

Scope Item Comments Score

1.1 Policy statement / Policies: dated, signed, posted.
ISO9001 certificate current Certificates: valid.
1.2 Policy reviewed in last 12 Revision system in place whenever there are new changes in
months policy or in annual basis.
1.3 Amendments recorded Policies and procedures are reviewed regularly.

1.4 Organization in place reflects Organization chart incorporated with the key roles.
HSE MS manual Key roles meet the minimum qualification.
1.5 Implementation arrangements HSE-MS manual reflects PDCA/PDO principle, which contains
reflect HSE MS manual specific elements.
Fire drill, Inspection, CPD, Annual HSE Monitoring Plan
1.6 HSE Meetings take place HSE Meeting takes place in regular basis/minutes recorded

1.7 HEMP and HAZID register HEMP register is in place and It reflects use of RAM like PDO
RAM/ reviewed as change occurs
1.8 HSE Investigations taking place Record of Accidents & Near miss.
and documented
1.9 Actions taken following drill, Maintain Action Tracking Register
near miss, incident or feedback
1.10 HSE statistics collected, Maintain HSE Statistics.
accurately recorded & reported

Scope Item Comments Score

2.1 Class roster Used, accurate, Class roster issued by admin and filled during every training.
signed & dated
2.2 Class roster Corresponds to All Nomination pertaining training is coordinated by the
bookings & invoices Nomination Dept. and aligned with PDO prices.
2.3 Class rosters Correspond to All as per the requirements.
2.4 Assessment/ Assessment All as per standards and guideline
arrangement of non-literates
2.5 End of course evaluations Feedback from the trainees taken at the end of each session
and reviewed by trainer and training Manager.
2.6 Administration Policy Manual Maintain a comprehensive Training Administration Policy
2.7 HSE Training Services Related Journey Management Plan established & maintained
Journey Management Records
2.8 Temporary Training Facility Form filled; approval granted by PLD8 team

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2.9 Training Data Returns Sent in monthly basis to PLD8 team

Scope Item Comments Score

(CHA) + (CHAR) Audit Team verified Trainers capabilities and their qualifications

(EA) + (EAR) Audit Team verified Trainers capabilities and their qualifications

(FW) Audit Team verified Trainers capabilities and their qualifications


(H2S) + (H2SR) Audit Team verified Trainers capabilities and their qualifications

(ORT) Audit Team verified Trainers capabilities and their qualifications


(NORMA) Audit Team verified Trainers capabilities and their qualifications


(SCBA) + (SCBAR) Audit Team verified Trainers capabilities and their qualifications

Scope Item Comments Score

(AGT) + (AGTR) Audit Team verified Trainers capabilities and their qualifications

4.2 (CHAS) + (CHASR) Audit Team verified Trainers capabilities and their qualifications

(HII) Audit Team verified Trainers capabilities and their qualifications


4.4 (NORMS) + (NORMSR) Audit Team verified Trainers capabilities and their qualifications

4.5 (PSRA) + (PSRAR) Audit Team verified Trainers capabilities and their qualifications

4.6 (PTWH) + (PTWHR) Audit Team verified Trainers capabilities and their qualifications

4.7 (PTWS) + (PTWSR) Audit Team verified Trainers capabilities and their qualifications

(HSELFS & HSELM) + Audit Team verified Trainers capabilities and their qualifications

Scope Item Comments Score

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Visual Aids Classroom
5.1 LCD projectors / LCD Flat screen Facility Inspected and verified by Audit Team as per PR 2010
Projection screens
5.2 Whiteboards/ Board markers Facility Inspected and verified by Audit Team as per PR 2010

5.3 PCs/Laptops Facility Inspected and verified by Audit Team as per PR 2010

5.4 DVD/Video players Facility Inspected and verified by Audit Team as per PR 2010

5.5 PC Speakers Sound System Facility Inspected and verified by Audit Team as per PR 2010

5.6 Flip charts/stands Facility Inspected and verified by Audit Team as per PR 2010

5.7 CCTV availability (working & Facility Inspected and verified by Audit Team as per PR 2010
5.8 Classroom space/ arrangement Facility Inspected and verified by Audit Team as per PR 2010

Scope Item Comments Score

Practical Training Areas
6.1 BA chamber/ confined space Inspected and verified by Audit Team as per PR 2010
6.2 Training Manikin Inspected and verified by Audit Team as per PR 2010
6.3 Emergency lighting/ Alarm Inspected and verified by Audit Team as per PR 2010

6.4 Cellar & Well-head Inspected and verified by Audit Team as per PR 2010

6.5 Windsock Inspected and verified by Audit Team as per PR 2010

6.6 Emergency exit gates Inspected and verified by Audit Team as per PR 2010

6.7 Ignition Lance/ rod/ Fire Inspected and verified by Audit Team as per PR 2010
6.8 Environmental controls Inspected and verified by Audit Team as per PR 2010

6.9 Ground surface Inspected and verified by Audit Team as per PR 2010

6.10 Ladders/stairs/ramps Inspected and verified by Audit Team as per PR 2010

6.11 Boundary fencing Inspected and verified by Audit Team as per PR 2010

6.12 BA Compressor Inspected and verified by Audit Team as per PR 2010

6.13 Compressed Air Charging Inspected and verified by Audit Team as per PR 2010
6.14 Inspection, maintenance & Inspected and verified by Audit Team as per PR 2010
repairs documented

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Scope Item Comments Score

Portable Training Equipment – Provision, maintenance & Testing
7.1 BA sets (back plate, mask) Inspected and verified by Audit Team as per PR 2010
7.2 BA cylinders Inspected and verified by Audit Team as per PR 2010
7.3 H2S sets Inspected and verified by Audit Team as per PR 2010
7.4 Drager CF15 Inspected and verified by Audit Team as per PR 2010
7.5 Rig walker sets Inspected and verified by Audit Team as per PR 2010
7.6 H2S Facemasks & hoods Inspected and verified by Audit Team as per PR 2010
7.7 Inspected and verified by Audit Team as per PR 2010
Avon NH 15 filter hood
7.8 Camlock Fast mask and Fast Inspected and verified by Audit Team as per PR 2010
7.9 H2S personal monitors Inspected and verified by Audit Team as per PR 2010
7.10 Gas testing instruments Inspected and verified by Audit Team as per PR 2010
7.11 NORM testing instruments Inspected and verified by Audit Team as per PR 2010
7.12 Fire extinguishers (training) Inspected and verified by Audit Team as per PR 2010
7.13 1st Aid kits Inspected and verified by Audit Team as per PR 2010

7.14 AED Inspected and verified by Audit Team as per PR 2010

7.15 Maintenance & Testing Plan Inspected and verified by Audit Team as per PR 2010

Scope Item Comments Score

8.1 HSE Passport contents/ Verified by Audit team.
8.2 H2S passes issued Verified by Audit team.

8.3 NORM cards Verified by Audit team.

8.4 SCBA cards Verified by Audit team.

8.5 Authorized Gas Tester cards Verified by Audit team.

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Tableau Audit Tool Scoring and Conformance Rating Definitions:

Score Outcome Achieved

0 The ATP Golden Rules have not been considered.

0/1 Procedures, controls or management plans have not been developed / not implemented.

2/4/8 Procedures, controls or management plans have been developed and implemented / fully compliance with
ATP Golden Rules

Rating Outcome Achieved

Major NC Major Non-conformance. A judgment made by an auditor that the activities undertaken, and the results
achieved do not fulfil the ATP Golden Rules of the audit criterion. This may be caused by the absence or
inadequate implementation of a system or procedures not being followed.

Minor NC Minor Non- Conformance. A judgment made by an auditor that the activities undertaken, and the results
achieved do not fulfil or partially fulfil the specified requirements of the audit criteria. Some
improvements are required to ensure the minimum requirements are being met.

NA Not Applicable. A judgement made by an auditor that the requirements of a particular audit criterion does
not need to be met, because of the nature of the client organization’s operations.

NV Not able to be verified. A situation where a relevant system procedure has been developed, but because
of the infrequent need to use the system procedure there are no recent records or other form of
verification available

OB Observation. A situation where the procedure has been fully met, but there is an area for improvement.

Table B: Corrective Actions - Priority Ranking Definitions:

Priority Definition

High Matters that are fundamental to the approval of ATP. The non-conformances to ATP Golden Rules
observed can seriously compromise PDO approval or success of the business activity and should be
addressed as a matter of urgency.

Medium Matters that are important to the HSE management system (of control?) or success of the business
activity and should be addressed as soon as possible.

Observation Recommendations that would, if implemented, enhance the HSE management system or efficiency of
the system. These recommendations are considered as best practice as opposed to HSE management
system weaknesses.

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Table C: ATP Golden Rules:

Element ATP Golden Rules (FCFIRES)

1 Avoid any means of Forgery

2 Abide by PLD8 team Communication

(i.e. correspondences, forums, workshops, decisions, data returns, Incident Investigation)

3 Conduct PDO courses at approved training Facility

4 Deliver PDO courses by approved sector Instructor and as per specifications

5 Insure the Availability of the main HSE Key Roles

6 Insure the Availability of required practical Equipment

7 Deliver PDO courses as per Specifications

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Appendix I: Trainer/ Assessor Observation Form

TRAINER NAME: Topic/Course:

TRAINER NAME: Topic/Course:    

Institute Name: Observer name:

Evaluation of: Observation points Observation comments 1 2 3 4

1. Class preparation Papers, handouts, Pc & projector
2. Knowledge of topic Information, examples, stories …

3. Class Managements Managing the class, discipline, one discussion

4. Clarity of speaking Language, accent, talking speed …

5. instructor style Body language, voice tone, delegates treatment …

6. Assessment/ Question Method Q&A, games, exercises

7. Involvement of delegate(s) Involvement of all delegate, group discussions

8. Correct information Giving the delegates the right and clear information

9. Time management Course staring, course ending, breaks timing

10. Demonstration of equipment Clear and accurate demonstration, shows how to test, use
during class and maintain the equipment
11. Provision of effective summary Recapping all the information in effective and simple way
12. Marking of assessments Checking the answers, giving feedbacks
13. Practical sessions Clear explanation, involvement of delegates, good time
Sub total
Grand Total
Total mark /52

Legend: %

Green: 85% and more + No Red point + not more than 4 Yellow points

Yellow: 60% - 84% + No Red point + 5 -8 Yellow points

Red: Below 60%, a Red point, Or more than 8 Yellow points

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Appendix J: Sector Competence Request Form

(To be filled by Training or Assessment Manager)

Trainer’s Name: Proposed Assessment Date: ‫ــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ‬


Put  beside the valid fields:

Is the trainer employed at the organization? Yes 

No 

Submitted document to PCL8 team: (*requested)

Sector Competence Interview Request Form*
Trainer’s CV*
Trainer’s Passport/ ID card (copy)*
Trainer’s Certificates (copy)*
Trainer’s HSE Passport (copy)*

Trainer Qualification:
Is he/she an approved trainer? E.g. by VTD
Educational Level:
High school
Dip. _____________________
BSc. _____________________
Others: __________________
Train the trainer qualification.
Assessor qualification.
IOSH- Managing Safely.
NEBOSH Diploma A, B, C, & D.
NVQ level 3.
NVQ level 5.
Others: ________________

Trainer Experience:
HSE Field. ------------ ---------------------------------------year/s
Training Field. ----------------------------------------------year/s
Management Field. ---------------------------------------year/s
Another field ------------------------------------------------year/s

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Courses to be interviewed: Max. 2 courses/time

HSE Orientation
CHA Management
NORM Management
PTW Holder
PTW Signatory
Others: ______________________________

Preparation for the interview:

Trainer has Attended the courses to be interviewed recently.
Trainer has the knowledge about Course Materials; PP slides, trainer notes, assessments…etc.
Trainer is aware of PDO HSE Training related Documents, e.g. SP1157 and PR2010.
Trainer has appropriate PPE to demonstrate required skills during the interview.
Trainer has been Assessed Internally by management/ senior trainer in the same sector.
Trainer is Competent to conduct the course? (internal assessor feedback)

Internal Assessor Feedback:


I hereby declare that the information provided is true and valid.

Signature & Date: ________________________________

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Assessment Fee
Course Fee (OMR)
Result Result
Appendix K: Monthly Data template for contractor HSE Training and Assessment

Instructor Assessor
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Effective: Mar 2021


Location Location
Duration (Hours) Duration (Hours) Printed
PDO/contractor staff Course attendances

Course End Date Assessment End Date

PDO/contractor staff Assessments

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Course Start Assessment Start
Date Date

PR 2010 Part II: HSE Training Provision Approval and Quality Assurance procedure
Language Language
Nationality Nationality
Gender Gender
Petroleum Development Oman LLC

ID/ Labor Card No ID/ Labor Card No

HSE Passport No. HSE Passport No.
Directorate Directorate
Ref. Ind. Ref. Ind.
Employee Employee
Number Number
Company Company
Student Name Student Name
Course Code Assessment Code
Course Title Assessment Title
ATP Name ATP Name

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Appendix L: Template for proposed revisions or amendments to PR 2010

Date submitted: DD/MM/YYYY Revision / Amendment
proposed by:

From (organization)

Role in the organization

Proposal affects / concerns Telephone contact

Section Number Page(s) GSM contact

E-mail contact

Detail of proposal (Please attach any pages of additional information):

Please scan and either fax, or email to PDO’s PLD8 team at the MAF Learning & Development Centre

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Appendix M: Application to be considered as a PDO Approved Training Provider

Name of Applicant Telephone contact

Name of Institute or contracting company GSM contact

E-mail contact

Physical Address of Training facility Date of Application (DD/MM/YYYY

Building No Briefly state why you wish to be considered as an Approved HSE Training Provider (ATP) by
Street /Way No


PO Box

PC No.
What value do you feel your being Approved as a PDO ATP will provide to PDO’s business?
Global Positioning Latitude (N)
System (GPS) Co-
ordinates of facility Longitude (E)

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ATP Eligibility Questions Yes No

1 Is your facility within Muscat *Governance?

 Up to Barka, Up to Bidbid, & Up to Quriyat

ATP Eligibility Questions, continued Yes No

2 Have you read and understood the minimum requirements of a PDO Approved Training Provider that are detailed in PDO’s document
PR 2010: HSE Training Provision Approval and Quality Assurance document?

3 Can you meet in full, all of the requirements applicable to your organization specified in PR 2010 to support your application?

4 Do you clearly understand there are compliance requirements associated with becoming a PDO Approved Training Provider; that you
will be bound by them, and non-compliance may result in any Approval of the Institute or its Trainers being either suspended or
withdrawn temporarily or permanently?

If you have answered ‘Yes’ to all the above questions, and you wish to continue with an application be fully aware of the conditions associated with
applying for a PDO ATP Approval, please:

Attach the required documentation to this Application

Sign the Application: Date the Application:

Please deliver the application and attachments to:

PLD8, Petroleum Development Oman, Learning & Development Centre, PO Box 81, PC 100, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman.

e-mail: to PLD8

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Appendix N: PDO Approved Training Providers’ Internal CPD workshop Record form

PDO Approved Trainers' CPD Workshop – (Enter date DD/MM/YYYY): 0800 - 1600

INSTITUTE or Contracting Company

Level of workshop (A)
Name of Trainer GSM Tel (+ext.) email contact
Approval Arabic (E)

E-mail completed form to: PCL8

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