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April 16, 2012


a) Denise Johnson, present


a) Terri Helfand, absent
b) Steve Siedschlag, present


a) Marie Boyd, present
b) Wendy Whitney, present

a) Susan Herman, present
b) Heather MacDonald, present

a) Sean Connelly, present
b) Stephen Calebotta, present

a) Greg Creel, present
b) Robert Rundquist, present


a) Wafa Yazigi, absent
b) Rod Elsdon, present

a) Sue Herman, present


a) Robert Carlton, present
b) Vince Nobile, present


a) Kelly Ford, present

April 16, 2012 Rep Council Meeting Page 1

b) Erik Jacobson, absent

DeCreasy Valdez, DPS
Luke Gunderson, History
Kipp Preble, Communication Studies
Karen Pender, Mathematics


1. PRESIDENT: Bret McMurran (652-6268), present

Social and Behavioral Sciences

2. VICE PRESIDENT: Rod Elsdon, present

Mathematics and Science

3. SECRETARY: Paula Snyder, present

Social and Behavioral Sciences

4. TREASURER and MEMBERSHIP CHAIR: Dan Valdez, present

Mathematics and Science

5. GRIEVANCE OFFICERS: Jonathan Ausubel (652-6937), present

Language Arts

Paula Snyder (652-6276), present

Social and Behavioral Sciences

6. PAC CHAIR: Kyle Pennett, absent

Language Arts

7. PAC TREASURER: Cynthia Parker, absent

Social and Behavioral Sciences

I. Call to order
The Rep Council was called to order at 12:34 p.m.

II. Approval of minutes: April 2nd, 2012

It was moved by Bob and seconded by Vince to approve the April 2 minutes. Motion carried.

III. President's Report

A. Salaries and Names
Salaries and employee names are public information. Thus, news agencies, individuals, etc.
cannot be prevented from accessing them.

B. Anonymous Student Complaint

April 16, 2012 Rep Council Meeting Page 2

A faculty member was told by his/her Dean to attend a meeting regarding an anonymous student
complaint. The student sent copies of a letter of complaint to several individuals, including
members of the Governing Board and the Vice President of Instruction. Sue Herman attended
the meeting with the instructor, the coordinator, and the Dean. An issue is if the Dean should
investigate student complaints when the student is not willing to identify herself or himself. In
addition, the course is team taught. Only one of the instructors was called in to the meeting. It
appears that the instructor was targeted. The issue will be discussed at the LMC.

C. Adjunct Brochure
Denise has mailed brochures to 450 part-time faculty. Additionally, there will be a CCFA
information session tomorrow for part-time faculty.

D. Rep Positions
There are several positions that will be expiring in May. Reps whose terms are not expiring,
should solicit nominations for the open positions. Greg will e-mail a reminder that nominations
for officers should be submitted by next Monday (April 23). The original announcement was e-
mailed by Rod. The election will be done by secret ballot. There is a petition being circulated to
place an initiative on the ballot. The general membership can decide any matter by simple

E. Other
Bret is a member of the GEM committee (not as a union representative) and has shared an
incident with the Rep Council. Henry attended a recent meeting and spoke with Dan Loomis
regarding gathering information on solar energy. Marie suggests that The Breeze do a story on
sustainability at Chaffey. Also, the Civics Club is looking for event ideas. Luke will contact
members of the Civics Club and suggest an event on sustainability.

There is a petition being mailed by CTA on the tax initiative. If you receive this in the mail,
please sign and return to CTA.

IV. Officers' Reports

A. Treasurer/Membership: Dan Valdez
Nothing to report.

B. Chief Negotiator: DE Creasy Valdez

De has not heard from the District.

C. Grievance Committee: Jon Ausubel, Paula Snyder and Bret McMurran: Student Readers
The mediation will be May 1.

V. Committee Reports
A. Calendar Committee: Stephen Calebotta and Rod Elsdon
Nothing to report.

B. PAC: Kyle Pennett

April 16, 2012 Rep Council Meeting Page 3


C. Health and Safety Committee: Karen Pender

A meeting was held after the Active Shooter Drill, which took place on April 4. The phone
system (SMS) was not initiated for the day time drill, however, it did work for the evening drill.
The event was not a lock down drill, thus, the automatic door locks were not activated. It was up
to employees to manually lock doors. There was a problem with streaming the video in VSS,
and according to some Rep Council members, the Library, as well as Wargin Hall. There will be
a survey to solicit feedback on this drill.

D. Distance Education Committee: Bret McMurran

The meeting will be Wednesday, April 18. There will be a voluntary information session on the
new version of Moodle.

E. Evaluations Forms Committee: Bob Carlton and Bret McMurran

Nothing to report.

F. Labor, Management Committee: Jon Ausubel, Shelley Eckvahl and Bret McMurran
The issue of anonymous complaints will be addressed.

G. Ad Hoc By-laws Group: Rod Elsdon, Jon Ausubel, Denise Johnson, Heather MacDonald and
Wendy Whitney:
Issues identified for Rep Council discussion are below:

1) Should the Association elect all its officers (President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer
and others as determined by Rep Council) by a vote of the active membership?

This is currently done, but the by-laws do not reflect the practice used by CCFA. According to
the by-laws, only the President is elected. The officers who are not elected according to CCFA
practice are the Grievance Officers and the PAC Chair. If the Treasurer and the Secretary are
appointed by the President, they would not have a vote. Dan suggests that the Treasurer and
Membership Chair be separate positions due to the extensive duties of these positions. There is
consensus that non-elected officers should not have a vote on the Rep Council.

2) Should representatives be permitted to hold only one seat (e.g. a school rep cannot also serve
as Vice President)?

3) Should the Association form an Executive Board comprised of its elected officers? The
Executive Board would meet more frequently than Rep Council to discuss emergent matters in
order to advise Rep Council.

4) Should School Reps represent only full-time active members?

5) How should the one person, one vote" principle be applied? That is, one representative for X
active members.

6) Should the Association ask HR to include membership forms and information in the
employment packets given to new full- and part-time hires?

April 16, 2012 Rep Council Meeting Page 4

7) Should non-elected Officers be voting members of the Rep Council? Who do they represent?

VI. Old Business

A. Fair Share Fees
Issue tabled.

B. Direction to the Negotiating Team

Issue tabled.

VII. New Business:

Nothing to discuss.

VIII. Floor Items:

Nothing to discuss.

IX. Adjournment: Next Meeting: April 30th, 2012

The meeting was adjourned at 1:53 p.m.

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