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A quadratic equation in one variable is a mathematical sentence of degree 2 that can be written in the

following standard form.

ax2 + bx + c = 0, where a, b, and c are real numbers and a ≠ 0
In the equation,
ax2 is the quadratic term,
bx is the linear term, and
c is the constant term.
Example 1:
Example 2:
3x(x – 2) = 10 is a quadratic equation. However, it is not written in standard form.
To write the equation in standard form, expand the product and make one side of the equation zero as
shown below.
3x(x – 2) = 10 → 3x2 – 6x = 10
3x2 – 6x – 10 = 10 – 10
3x2 – 6x – 10 = 0
The equation becomes 3x – 6x – 10 = 0, which is in standard form.
In the equation 3x2 – 6x – 10 = 0, a = 3, b = -6, and c = -10.
Example 3:
The equation (2x + 5)(x – 1) = -6 is also a quadratic equation but it is not written in standard form. Just
like in Example 2, the equation (2x + 5)(x – 1) = -6 can be written in standard form by expanding the
product and making one side of the equation zero as shown below.
Use FOIL method
(2x + 5)(x – 1) = –6 → 2x2 – 2x + 5x – 5 = –6
2x2 + 3x – 5 = –6
2x2 + 3x – 5 + 6 = –6 + 6
2x2 + 3x + 1 = 0
The equation becomes 2x + 3x + 1 = 0, which is in standard form.
In the equation 2x2 + 3x + 1 = 0, a = 2, b = 3, and c = 1.

Solving Quadratic Equations by Extracting Square Roots

The method of solving the quadratic equation x2 = k is called extracting square roots.
Example 1: Find the solutions of the equation x2 – 16 = 0 by extracting square roots.
Write the equation in the form x2 = k.
x2 – 16 = 0 → transpose -16 to the right side of the equation
x = 16
x2 = 16 √2 x 2 = ± √ 16 x=±4
Example 2: Find the solutions of the equation t = 81 by extracting square roots.
t2 = 81
t2 = 81 √ t2= ± √ 81 t=±9
Solving Quadratic Equations by Completing the Square

Example 1: Find the solutions of the equation x2 + 3x – 18 = 0 by completing the square.

Transpose -18 to the right sides of the equation then simplify.
x2 + 3x – 18 = 0 → x2 + 3x = 18
3 9 9 1 3 3 9
x2 + 3x = 18 x2+ x + = 18 ( ¿ (3)= ( ¿ 2 =( ¿
2 4 4 2 2 2 4
3 9
Express x2+ 2 x + 4 as a square of a binomial.
3 9 3 81
x2+ 2 x + 4 (x2+ 2 )2= 4
Solve (x2+ 2 )2 by extracting the square root
√ 3
x ( ¿ )¿2 =
2 √ 81

3 9
(x+ 2 ) = ± 2
Solve the resulting linear equations.
3 9 3
(x+ 2 ) = 2 (x+ 2 ) = -
9 3 9
x= 2 - 2 2
6 −9 3
x= 2 x= 2 + 2
x=3 −12
x = 2

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