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Types Of Essay Writing With Examples

Crafting an essay on the intricacies of different types of essay writing, accompanied by illustrative
examples, is no simple feat. It involves delving into various styles, such as narrative, descriptive,
expository, persuasive, and argumentative writing, each with its distinct characteristics and purposes.
Navigating through these diverse forms demands a comprehensive understanding of their structures,
language nuances, and persuasive techniques.

To produce a comprehensive essay, one must meticulously research each essay type, analyzing their
defining features and identifying suitable examples to elucidate these distinctions. Moreover,
crafting coherent explanations and providing clear examples that resonate with readers requires not
only knowledge but also effective communication skills.

The challenge intensifies when attempting to strike a balance between theoretical explanations and
practical examples, ensuring that the essay remains informative yet engaging. This balance is crucial
to help readers grasp the theoretical framework while simultaneously appreciating real-world

Furthermore, the task entails selecting examples that are not only relevant but also diverse enough to
encompass a wide range of scenarios, catering to different learning preferences and interests. This
demands extensive research and critical analysis to unearth compelling illustrations that effectively
demonstrate the nuances of each essay type.

In conclusion, composing an essay on the various types of essay writing with accompanying
examples is a complex endeavor that necessitates thorough research, careful analysis, and adept
communication skills. Only through meticulous attention to detail and a deep understanding of the
subject matter can one create an informative and engaging piece that effectively educates and
enlightens readers.

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Types Of Essay Writing With ExamplesTypes Of Essay Writing With Examples
Analysis Of I Carry My Heart
A young man is currently in the thicket of love with his significant other. At the drop
of a pin the man would get her anything she could desire, regardless if it is a need or a
want. Some would question why, but it is because it is he who has fallen head over
heels for her. For she is the love his life, his one in a million, the irreplaceable. She is
the one who keeps his heart in a steady rhythmic beat, who brightens his day like the
early morning sun. This is relatable for millions of people in the world today, it is so
well known that it could be considered a universal theme. E. E. Cummings explains a
very similar meaning in the poem [i carry your heart(i carry it in my heart)] . The theme
of the poem is that the unity of loveis dangerously powerful when it is between two in
love. Cummings makes this happen through using metaphors, personification, and
Cummings uses metaphors throughout the poem to show how much care he has for
her. E. E. Cummings starts the first line of his poem with a metaphor saying i carry
your heart with me(i carry it in my heart) . He uses this metaphor to show that even if
he and his lover are far apart, she will always be on his mind, in his heart, and close to
him. E. E. Cummings uses another metaphor almost immediately after in line 6 saying,
for beautiful you are my world,my true . In the use of this metaphor he is emphasizing
that she is that someone you hope to never lose, because you would be nothing without
them. The final
How Did Ben Franklin Discover Electricity In Lightning
Ben Franklin

Ben Franklin was a great inventor and discoveror. In this research paper, I will be
talking about how Ben Franklin discoverd electricity in lightning and how he contained
it. Benjamin Franklin was born in Boston on January 17, 1706. Benjamin s mother
was Abiah Folger, the second wife of his father, Josiah Franklin. Josiah had 17 children
in all and Ben was number 10. Ben only went to school for 1 year and was helping his
brother, the printer, set type and sell pamphlets at 12. (The Electric Ben Franklin) In
1729, Benjamin Franklin bought a newspaper, the Pennsylvania Gazette. In
1733 he started publishing Poor Richard s Almanack, making him famous. By 1749 he
retired from business and started working on science, experiments, and inventions. ...
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The first time Franklin flew his kite, he hid inside a barn to keep dry. (Clark 2013) He
caught the lightning in a glass jar. When
Ben had first discovered electricity, he believed that it was two great forces coming
togeather to make one big force of lighting. (Dray 2005) Ben was starting to become
internationally famous for his discoveries in electricity. A little while after that, he was
electrocuted by the lightning but luckly and surprisingly it did not fry his bones. That
Albanese 2 shot of lightning Ben took, well, he called it a universal blow. He could not
figure out why his whole body wouldn t stop shaking, we know now that, all that it is, is
the electral charge going through our body. (Dray 2005) The next thing that Franklin
wanted to do was figure out a way to keep the public safe. Did you know that Ben
Franklin was a firefighter? One problem for firefighters was lighting hitting the houses
and starting fires. That is the reason that Ben invented the lightnig rod. He made the first
lightning rod so that when lightning would hit a house, it would distribute the electricity
throughout the ground. The lightning
Advanced Railway Resevation System Project

Jitesh Bhoir
VIVA Institute of Technology
Bhoir.jitesh12@ Malaika Mulla
VIVA Institute of Technology malaikamulla.9218@

Ragini Kale
VIVA Institute of Technology raginikale10@

Nikita Patil
VIVA Institute of Technology nikita.patil@

In our country railways have become prominent. Our system consists of solution for
reservation, planning and managing railway transportation. It includes the idea of seat
selection, indirect route finding to provide convenience to the users while planning
trips. Apart from this we deal to provide client side facilities using algorithms such as
SHA 512 for security purpose. It may also provide avoidance over simultaneous
registration, authentication and blocking of about two or more client assessment at the
same time. The front end consists of HTML web pages and Backend consist of PHP and
loosely coupled with Front End. It also includes database connectivity by using MYSQL.

This project is nothing but as advanced version of currently running Railway Reservation
System used by IRCTC. The passenger can individually select his seat as per the
preferred berth unlike the current system which provides seat as per the availability. The
transparency in existing system is compromised means one can illegally book the ticket
and sell them at higher price. In our system we overcome this problem by providing
more security by using

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