Test Your English Level

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Test your English level

For each question, choose the correct answer. Use of English

William Perkin

William Perkin was born in London in 1838. As a child he had many hobbies, including
model making and photography. But it was the (1) ............... of chemistry that really
interested him. At the age of 15, he went to college to study it.

While he was there, he was (2) ................to make a medicine from coal. This didn’t go
well, but when he was working on the problem, he found a cheap (3) ................ to make
the colour purple.

At that (4) ................it was very expensive to make clothes in different colours. William
knew he could make a business out of his new colour. Helped by his father and brother,
William (5) ................his own factory to make the colour. It sold well, and soon purple
clothes (6) ................very popular in England and the rest of the world.

1 A class B subject C course

2 A thinking B trying C deciding
3 A way B path C plan
4 A day B time C hour
5 A brought B turned C opened
6 A began B arrived C became
For each question, choose the correct answer. Use of English
The Coconut Tree

The coconut tree is thought to be one of the most valuable trees in the world. It is
mostly found by the sea where there is a hot and wet (7) .................... The coconuts
often fall into the sea and float on the water until they (8) ................ another beach,
where more trees then begin to grow.

Holiday makers often see the coconut tree as no more than an attractive sun umbrella
that provides (9) …………. However, this amazing tree has hundreds of (10) .................
and more are still being discovered.

People have made houses, boats and baskets from the coconut tree’s wood and leaves
for centuries. Even today, if you take a (11) ………… in your cupboards, you will find
coconut oil in products as (12) .................as medicine and desserts.

7 A temperature B weather C climate

8 A reach B go C arrive
9 A cloud B shade C dark
10 A uses B roles C things
11 A sight B look C view
12 A opposite B separate C different
For each question, choose the correct answer. Reading

Hi Ben

I’ve booked concert tickets for both of us online. Can you give me the money this
afternoon when I see you?


A Tim thinks Ben should look on the concert website.

B Tim hopes that Ben will be able to come with him.

C Tim wants to know if Ben can pay him back today.

For each question, choose the correct answer. Reading



Mum’s leaving really early tomorrow, so could you wake me at 7 when you leave for
work? I mustn’t be late for college again!


A Tom wants to persuade Jane to take him to college tomorrow morning.

B Tom would like Jane to do him a favour tomorrow morning.

C Tom is reminding Jane they have to get up early tomorrow morning.

For each question, choose the correct answer. Listening

15 What time should the man telephone again?

A At quarter past ten

B At twelve o’clock

C At half past before Fred goes for lunch.



For each question, choose the correct answer. Listening

16 How much must customers spend to get a free gift?


A £9.99

B £19.99

C £29.99



Choose the correct e-mail. Writing

17 You want to go swimming on Saturday with your English friend, Toni. Write an
email to Toni.
In your email:

 Ask Toni to go swimming with you on Saturday

 Say where you want to go swimming
 Say how you will travel there.

Write between 25 and 50 words.

Hi Toni,
I hope you're well! Would you like going swimming on Saturday? I suggest we go to
the local pool at 2 pm. I'll pick you up, so no worries about transport. Let me know if
that works for you.
Best wishes,
Dear Toni,
Hey! Want to go swimming on Saturday? We can go to the pool nearby. I'll go there by
car. Let me know if you're up for it!
Best wishes,
Hey Toni,
Let's go swimming on Saturday! I found this cool lake. I'll take a bus to get there. See
you at 10 am.
Choose the correct e-mail. Writing

18 You want to try a new restaurant on Friday with your English friend, Toni. Write an
email to Toni.
In your email:

 Ask Toni to join you in trying out a new restaurant on Friday.

 Mention the location of the restaurant.
 Indicate how you will travel to the restaurant.

Write between 25 and 50 words.

Dear Toni,
Hey! I want to try a new restaurant on Friday. It's in the city center. I'll take a taxi there.
Let me know if you're free!
Best wishes,
Hey Toni,
Hope you're doing well! How about trying out a new restaurant on Friday night? There's
this new place downtown. I'll drive us there. Let me know if you're interested!
Best wishes,
Hey Toni,
Let's hit up that new restaurant on Friday! It's far, so I'll cycle there. See you at 6 pm.
Choose the correct e-mail. Speaking

19 How often do you see your friends? What do you like doing with your friends?
A. I usually see my friends once or twice a week. I enjoy going to movies, playing
games, and having fun conversations with my friends.
B. I rarely see my friends; I prefer spending time alone. I don't really have any specific
activities I like doing with my friends; we just hang out.
C. I see my friends every day, but we don't really talk much. I prefer doing things alone;
spending time with friends is not my thing.
Choose the correct e-mail. Speaking

20 Who do you live with? How many bedrooms are there in your house/flat?
A. I live alone because my family doesn't want me around. I'm not sure about the
number of bedrooms; I never counted them.
B. I live with my family: my parents and my younger sister. There are three bedrooms
in my house: one for my parents, one for me, and one for guests.
C. I live with my friends in a rented apartment. My house only has one bedroom, and
we all sleep in the same room.

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