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Financial Inclusion/Accelerator

Account Statement Narratives

User Guide

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Account Statements User Guide

Table of Contents

Document History......................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
Introduction .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
Document Purpose .................................................................................................................................................................................. 4
Assumptions .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 4
Exclusions ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
References.................................................................................................................................................................................................. 4
Account Statements ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 5
Overview ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5
AcStatement.......................................................................................................................................................................................... 5
AaStatementLoan ................................................................................................................................................................................ 6
AaStatementCombined ..................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Manual statement request .................................................................................................................................................................... 8
Automatic statement production ........................................................................................................................................................ 8
Transaction Narratives ..............................................................................................................................................................................10
Overview ...................................................................................................................................................................................................10
Parameterisation ....................................................................................................................................................................................10
Narrative Parameters .......................................................................................................................................................................11
Special Keywords ...............................................................................................................................................................................14
Narrative Formats ..............................................................................................................................................................................15
Narrative Conversions ......................................................................................................................................................................17
AA Parameters ....................................................................................................................................................................................19
Statement Enquiry .................................................................................................................................................................................24
Notes ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................26

2 Financial Inclusion/Accelerator Account Statements

Account Statements User Guide

Document History

Author Version Date

Lukasz Czechowicz 1.0 10th February 2017

Lukasz Czechowicz 1.1 27th July 2018

Lukasz Czechowicz 1.2 18th September 2019

Lukasz Czechowicz 1.3 3rd April 2020

Lukasz Czechowicz 1.4 5th May 2021

Lynn Petersen 1.5 30th December 2022


30th December 2022 – Updated with latest corporate branding

3 Financial Inclusion/Accelerator Account Statements

Account Statements User Guide

Document Purpose
This document provides an overview of the Account Statement Narratives functionality and describes how the
functionality can be configured to meet specific business requirements. It is aimed at business users that will work with
the system and implementation teams that will configure it.

It is assumed that the reader of this guide is proficient in the Temenos Core Banking system, worked with the Browser
channel application and understands the structure and navigation of the Financial Inclusion/Accelerator (FI/ACL) Role
Based Home Pages. For configuring the functionality, it is assumed that the reader has prior implementation experience
and understands the technical concepts of the Temenos Core Banking system.


FI/ACL Role Based Home Pages user guide.
Document Output user guide.

4 Financial Inclusion/Accelerator Account Statements

Account Statements User Guide

Account Statements
The Account Statements module includes the following document templates for account statements:
• AcStatement – statement for AC account

• AaStatementAccount – statement for AA account

• AaStatementDeposit – statement for AA deposit

• AaStatementLoan – statement for AA loan

• AaStatementCombined – combined statement for multiple AA accounts

These documents are built based on the Document Output functionality and can be requested manually or scheduled
for production in the COB.
Below are a few examples of the statement documents.


5 Financial Inclusion/Accelerator Account Statements

Account Statements User Guide


6 Financial Inclusion/Accelerator Account Statements

Account Statements User Guide


7 Financial Inclusion/Accelerator Account Statements

Account Statements User Guide

Manual statement request

Statements can be requested manually from different sections of the role based home pages or directly from the
Document Output document list. Depending on the document type, either account number, arrangement reference,
or additional account numbers (for combined statement) need to be provided during the request.

Statement start / end date should be also provided during the manual statement request.

Automatic statement production

The default FI / ACL statements will be generated in COB based on the frequencies defined in the
ACCOUNT.STATEMENT application when the system is configured to produce statements outside of the delivery
module. Such configuration requires that the PRINT.BYPASS field in the delivery parameter file (DE.PARM > SYSTEM)
contains message 950.

With this configuration, on the statement production day, statement handoff details are stored on the

This file is used by batch job EM.BA.PROCESS.STATEMENT.HANDOFF in batch EM.START.OF.DAY, to request

generation of the statement documents. The job should be run with daily frequency.

8 Financial Inclusion/Accelerator Account Statements

Account Statements User Guide

Configuration of the Document Output templates for specific account types is done in the EB.PARAM > ALL-

The following parameters are currently used:

• DOCTYPE-LENDING – document template for lending arrangements
• DOCTYPE-DEPOSITS – document template for deposit arrangements
• DOCTYPE-ACCOUNTS – document template for account arrangements
• DOCTYPE-COMBINED – document template for combined statement (multiple accounts)
• DOCTYPE-AC – document template for AC accounts

9 Financial Inclusion/Accelerator Account Statements

Account Statements User Guide

Transaction Narratives
The Account Statements module provides flexible way of parameterising transaction narratives for clear and human-
friendly presentation of financial activities on an account. The new presentation of account activities is available in the
online enquiries and on the printed statements. The functionality also fully supports multi-language definition of
The following parameter tables drive the functionality:
• Narrative formats define textual descriptions of transactions (financial activities) that may occur on an
• Narrative parameters link the different T24 applications and their transaction types with the narrative
• AA parameters define how the different financial components (e.g. principal, interest) of an AA transaction
are grouped and described under the main transaction narrative.

Parameterisation of the narratives is done from the System Parameters >> General section of the selected Role Based
Home Pages.

The Narratives menu contains the enquiries/applications used in the parameterisation of the narratives.

10 Financial Inclusion/Accelerator Account Statements

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Narrative Parameters
The Narrative Parameters section presents the narrative parameters defined in the system. Narrative parameters link
specific application’s transaction / activity types with the narrative formats.

The following columns are included in this list.

Column Description

Parameter Id Id of the parameter record. More details on this below.

Application The application for which narrative formats are linked on the parameter record.

Narrative Format List of the narrative formats linked in the parameter record.

The options displayed above the list / on the right, execute the following functions:

Option Description

Opens the narrative parameter application for new record input.

(View) Opens the narrative parameter record for viewing.

(Edit) Opens the narrative parameter record for editing.

(List formats) List all multi-language narrative format records for the selected narrative format.

11 Financial Inclusion/Accelerator Account Statements

Account Statements User Guide

Narrative Parameter
The Narrative Parameter application allows input/editing of the parameter records.
The parameter (record) Id can be defined as:
• 2-character value referencing the SYSTEM.ID stored on the accounting entry being processed and raised by
the system’s application. Let’s call it the application main parameter record. E.g., for entries raised:
o By FUNDS.TRANSFER application, the SYSTEM.ID is FT
o By TELLER application, the SYSTEM.ID is TT
o By PD.PAYMENT.DUE application, the SYSTEM.ID is PD
• 2- character value referencing the SYSTEM.ID concatenated with transaction type available in the underlying
application. Let’s call it the transaction specific parameter record. Such Id format allows linking of the
narrative formats using multiple transaction specific parameter records – to avoid a huge main parameter
record when many transaction types are used within the SYSTEM.ID/application, and to improve readability.
The transaction type used when the narrative is being built is taken from the application control field, as
defined on the application main parameter record. E.g.:
o Parameter record FT-BC will be used for accounting entries raised by FUNDS.TRANSFER transaction
with TRANSACTION.TYPE = BC – as the control field for FT is defined as TRANSACTION.TYPE
o Parameter record TT-900 will be used for accounting entries raised by TELLER transaction with
TRANSACTION.CODE = 900 – as the control field for TT is defined as TRANSACTION.CODE
o Parameter record AA-LENDING-NEW-ARRANGEMENT will be used for accounting entries raised by
control field for AA is defined as ACTIVITY
During narrative build, when the transaction specific parameter is not defined, then the application main parameter is
used. In other words, the transaction specific parameter takes precedence over the application main parameter.
The application screen is presented below.

The following fields are available on this application:

Field Description

Statement Parameters Tab

Application Application for which narrative formats are defined on this parameter record. This is
the application raising the accounting entry.

12 Financial Inclusion/Accelerator Account Statements

Account Statements User Guide

Field This field, together with Operand/Value, forms a sub-value set for defining conditions
for linking the narrative format given in the Statement Format field below.
This can be a field name from the above Application, or a special keyword:
• &&ADDTNL.TXN.REF&& - the value of the additional parameter defined in the AA
activity split rules (in the AA Parameter record)
• &&DEFAULT&& - to indicate the default narrative format to be used when none
of the previously defined conditions are satisfied.

Operand Operand for the above condition check.

Value Value for the above condition check. This can be either a constant value, or a special
• &&CUSTOMER&& - customer (number) owning the account for which statement
narratives are being built
• &&ACCOUNT&& - account number for which statement narratives are being
• &&ARRANGEMENT&& - AA arrangement reference linked to account for which
statement narratives are being built.

Statement Format The narrative format to be used when the condition specified above is satisfied. The
main (default) language format should be linked here, and when the narratives are
being built for a different language, the respective language format will be used (if
defined) automatically by the system. Only the narrative formats defined for the same
application used on the parameter record can be used.

Application Parameters Tab

Application Application for which narrative formats are defined on this parameter record.

Control Field Optional field from the above application, that can be used in the record id for more
specific definition of the parameter records. E.g. for FUNDS.TRANSFER, instead of
linking all funds transfer narrative formats on single parameter record with ID equal
to FT, by setting the Control Field to TRANSACTION.TYPE, it is possible to define
parameter records per FT transaction type (e.g. FT-AC, FT-BC, etc.)

Read from history? This flag says whether the system should read transaction record (for which narrative
is being built) from history file. If not set, the transaction record would be only read
from live file.

13 Financial Inclusion/Accelerator Account Statements

Account Statements User Guide

Special Keywords
The two special keywords (&&ACCOUNT&& and &&ARRANGEMENT) are used for discerning the debit / credit side of a
transaction or an arrangement activity, to link specific narrative depending on whether the account was debited or
In this example:

For a FUNDS.TRANSFER transaction with type equal to AC (internal account transfer), if the narrative is being built for
the account that appears in the DEBIT.ACCT.NO field of the transaction, the ACCT.TRANSFER.OUT-GB format is used -
resulting in “Transfer to account …” narrative). Similarly, when the narrative is being built for the account that appears
in the CREDIT.ACCT.NO field of the transaction, the ACCT.TRANSFER.IN-GB format is used - resulting in “Transfer from
account…” narrative.
In this example:

For an AA.ARRANGEMENT.ACTIVITY transaction with activity equal to LENDING-NEW-ARRANGEMENT, if the narrative

is being built for the arrangement (account) not equal to the arrangement on which the activity was executed (so not
for the loan account), then the ACCT.NEW.ARRANGEMENT-GB format is used - resulting in “Disbursed loan …”
narrative, otherwise the default narrative format LOAN.NEW.ARRANGEMENT-GB is applied (marked by the
&&DEFAULT&& keyword) - resulting in “New loan contract” narrative.

14 Financial Inclusion/Accelerator Account Statements

Account Statements User Guide

Narrative Formats
The Narrative Formats section presents all the narrative formats defined in the system.

The following columns are included in this list.

Column Description

Format Id Id of the format record. It is a free text followed by hyphen and language id, and
optionally by format variant.

Description Description of the narrative format.

Application Application for which narrative format is defined.

The options displayed above the list / on the right, execute the following functions:

Option Description

Opens the narrative format application for new record input.

(View) Opens the narrative format record for viewing.

(Edit) Opens the narrative format record for editing.

15 Financial Inclusion/Accelerator Account Statements

Account Statements User Guide

Narrative Format
The Narrative Format application allows input/editing of the parameter records. The record id is made of the format
name, followed by the language code, and optionally the narrative format variant (e.g., “ACCT.TRANSFER.OUT-GB-
Short”). The variants can be defined by the AA Parameter configuration.
The application screen is presented below.

The following fields are available on this application:

Field Description

Statement Narratives Tab

Description Narrative format description.

Transaction Type User-defined transaction type for this narrative that can be used for filtering account
statement enquiry. The transaction types available for selection are defined on

Application Transact (T24) application that generates the transaction for which the narrative is
being defined.

Split Same-Day Flag to indicate whether the system should display the original and the reversed
Reversal transaction line for transactions reversed on the same day. If not set, the reversed
transaction would be displayed in a single line (if showing of the reversed transactions
is marked on the AA parameter file).

Field or Text This multi-value field defines the components of the narrative. In this field either a
valid field from the above Application can be defined, or a constant text – enclosed
in double quotes.

16 Financial Inclusion/Accelerator Account Statements

Account Statements User Guide

Conversion This sub-value field defines conversions to be applied on the value of the Field or Text
field. List of the available conversions is provided in the following paragraph.

Components Tab

Hide Line Flag to indicate that the statement line should be hidden if the total transaction
amount (affecting statement balance) is zero.

Hide Amount Flag to indicate that the transaction amount should be hidden.

Hide Components Flag to indicate that the financial components (AA properties) of the transaction
should be hidden, even when the “Show Properties” attribute on the AA parameter
file is set.

Include Balance The AA property balances to be included in the transaction amount. The format is
SIGN and PROPERTY, e.g., +PRINCIPALINT, -CURACCOUNT. + means that the property
amount should be included if it is positive, - means that the property amount should
be included if it is negative. This is a multi-value field.

Special Processing Special processing type for the statement line display. Currently two options are
• “SEP.MAKEDUE.COMP capint penarr” – split lending makedue activity
separate lines, with additional text given by “capint” or “penarr” after the
component (property) name. E.g., for “SEP.MAKEDUE.COMP Due Charged”, the
statement lines could be:
Capital Due
Interest Due
Penalty Interest Charged
• “SHOW.TOT.AMOUNT” – use the amount affecting the statement balance as the
transaction amount.

Narrative Conversions
The table below list the conversions available in narrative format definition.

Conversion Description

VALUE-x Return multi-value position x

SUBVALUE-x Return sub-value position x

EXTRACT*x*y Return substring starting from character x and with length y

ABS Return absolute value (of a numeric value)

DDMMMYYYY Convert date in internal format to DD MMM YYYY

LINK>application>field Return field from linked application

FIELD[x,y] Return field number y from array delimited by x

CHANGE*x*y Replace value x with value y

17 Financial Inclusion/Accelerator Account Statements

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FMT*x Convert value using FMT function and x format

TEXT”x” Return text given by x

PREFIX”x” Prefix field value with x

POSTFIX”x” Postfix field value with x

AUDITDATE Returns year YYYYMMDD of the audit DATE.TIME field value

AUDITTIME Returns time HH:MM of the audit DATE.TIME field value

ACCTSAMECUSTOMER Returns null value if the account with number given by field value does not belong
to the customer for whom account statement is being built

ACCTOTHERCUSTOMER Returns null value if the account with number given by field value belongs to the
customer for whom account statement is being built

There can be multiple conversions applied on the same field. In the example below:

The following will happen:

▪ If the account number given by CREDIT.ACCT.NO (on the FT transaction) does not belong to the customer for
whom the statement is being built, this narrative part is set to null and conversion process stops.
▪ Return the category of the account given in CREDIT.ACCT.NO – read ACCOUNT and return value of
▪ Return short name of the category extracted above – read CATEGORY and return value of SHORT.NAME
▪ Return first value of the SHORT.NAME field.
▪ Prefix the above value (short name) with “your “.
▪ Postfix the above value (your short name) with “ “ (space).

18 Financial Inclusion/Accelerator Account Statements

Account Statements User Guide

AA Parameters
The AA Statement Parameter application is used for defining the AA transaction processing rules and for
parameterising display of the financial components (properties) of an AA transaction.
The record Id is in format <aa_product_line>-<language_code>-<variant>, with the <variant> part being optional. Thus
it is possible to configure display separately for different AA product lines and different languages, and also to
configure display variants within the same product line / language. This could be useful for defining separate
presentations for different product groups, or for back-office user and client correspondence.

19 Financial Inclusion/Accelerator Account Statements

Account Statements User Guide

The following fields are available on this application:

Field Description

Attributes The attributes selection defines the way transactions are presented on a statement.
The following attributes are available:
• Merge Interest Properties – to merge principal / penalty / arrears interest
properties into single a financial component
• Net Opposite Entries – to net opposite accounting entries of the same property,
with the same balance type and reversal mark, and with opposite amount
• Net Property Balances – to net all balances within the same property balance
group (excluding charges)
• Net Reversed Entries – to net opposite accounting entries of the same property,
with the same balance type and opposite reversal mark, and with opposite

20 Financial Inclusion/Accelerator Account Statements

Account Statements User Guide

• Properties in Main Narrative – to include description of the financial components

in the same line as the lead narrative
• Show Properties – to include description of the financial components in the
statement lines
• Show Reversals – to show reversal lines for transactions reversed on the same
• Skip Adjustment Entries – to skip processing of interest adjustment accounting
• Skip Non-Transaction Activities – to skip display of non-transactional activities if
they do not affect the statement balance
• Swap Dd and Makedue Activity – to change order of direct debit / makedue
activities on the statement

Properties Tab

Property Class Property class of the financial component. This is a multi-value field. Financial
components on the statement will be displayed in the order in which the property
classes are defined on this record (using the above example: first ACCOUNT –
principal, then INTEREST – interest, then CHARGE – charges).

Property Name Name of the property for the financial component available in the property class. This
is a sub-value field under Property Class.

Property Description Description of the property to be displayed on the statement – as the financial
component description.

Include Balance Type The property balance types to be included in the running balance on the statement.

Balances Tab

Property Class Property class of the financial component. This is a multi-value field, for display only
– as defined on the previous Properties screen.

Group Name Balance group name. This is a sub-value field under Property Class. Balance group
links together different AA balance types in the property class, e.g. movement on
GRC, DEL, NAB balances is grouped into OVERDUE balance group. This is so that on
the statement, movement on any of these balances would be described as overdue.

Group Description Description of the above balance group, to be displayed on the statement.

Balance Type Balance type (prefix). This is a sub-value field under Property Class. This field together
with Balance Group below allows assigning balance types to balance groups.

Balance Group Balance group the above balance type should be assigned to.

Narratives Tab

Property Class Property class of the financial component. This is a multi-value field, for display only
– as defined on the previous Properties screen.

Credit Condition This sub-value field under property class, defines condition for displaying the credit
narrative format given in the Credit Narrative field (on the right). It can be either:
• <balance_group>-<property>, which means that the respective credit narrative
will be used if there is a credit movement on the <balance_group> of the

21 Financial Inclusion/Accelerator Account Statements

Account Statements User Guide

<property>. The <balance_group> must be one of the groups defined in the

previous screen for the respective property class of the <property>. E.g.
OVERPAID-ACCOUNT would link narrative for credit transaction on the overpaid
principal property.
• “DEFAULT” text, which means that the respective credit narrative will be used if
no balance/property specific condition is found. The default condition should be
always defined as the first condition.

Credit Narrative The credit narrative (i.e., for credit movement). The narrative can include special
• &&PROPNAME&& - name of the property on which there is balance movement,
as defined in the Properties tab.
• &&BALGROUP&& - name of the balance group in which the movement
happened, as defined in the Balances tab.
E.g., “Repaid &&BALGROUP&& &&PROPNAME&&” could be translated into “Repaid
Overdue Capital” for OVERDUE balance group and ACCOUNT property.

Debit Condition This sub-value field under property class, defines condition for displaying the debit
narrative format given in the Debit Narrative field (on the right). It can be either:
• <balance_group>-<property>, which means that the respective debit narrative
will be used if there is a debit movement on the <balance_group> of the
<property>. The <balance_group> must be one of the groups defined in the
previous screen for the respective property class of the <property>.
• “DEFAULT” text, which means that the respective debit narrative will be used if
no balance/property specific condition is found. The default condition should be
always defined as the first condition.

Debit Narrative The debit narrative (i.e., for debit movement). The narrative can include special
• &&PROPNAME&& - name of the property on which there is balance movement,
as defined in the Properties tab.
• &&BALGROUP&& - name of the balance group in which the movement
happened, as defined in the Balances tab.

Reversal Marks Two characters to be used for marking reversal statement lines.

Processing Tab

Hide Activity Multi-value list of AA activities to be hidden from statement display, if the total
transaction amount affecting the statement balance is zero.

Split Activity Class The multi-value set starting with this field, together with Within Activity Class and
Processing Rule fields, defines special processing for arrangement activities. This field
contains the activity that may be included in the special processing under the
conditions defined below.

Within Activity Class This sub-value field indicates the parent activities that qualify the above activity for
special processing. If null, then the parent activity is not checked.

Processing Rule This sub-value field defines special processing rules. The rules are executed in top-
down order with AND operand. The following rules are available:

22 Financial Inclusion/Accelerator Account Statements

Account Statements User Guide

• IF.NOT.FT.TRIGGERED – continue processing if the activity was not triggered by

FUNDS.TRANSFER transaction
• IF.NOT.DDR.TRIGGERED – continue processing if the activity was not triggered
by DD.RETURN transaction
• IF.STANDALONE – continue processing if the activity is standalone, i.e. not
executed as a child activity
• IF.NOT.STANDALONE – continue processing if the activity is executed as a child
• IF.REV.MASTER.NULL – continue processing if the activity is not executed as a
child of reversal activity
• IF.NOT.RETROSPECT – continue processing if the activity is not executed as a
child of restrospect activity
• SEARCH.TOP.LEVEL – get the top-level activity for checking Within Activity Class
• SEARCH.MASTER – get the master activity for checking Within Activity Class
• SEARCH.REV.MASTER – get the reversal master activity for checking Within
Activity Class
• ADD.DD.RETURN.REF – take reference of the DD.RETURN causing the activity, as
the additional &&ADDTNL.TXN.REF&& parameter for Statement Parameter
• ADD.TAX.PROPERTY – take value of the TAX.DATA<3> field from the accounting
entry, as the additional &&ADDTNL.TXN.REF&& parameter for Statement
Parameter processing
• ADD.TXN.REF – take the accounting entry transaction code, as the additional
&&ADDTNL.TXN.REF&& parameter for Statement Parameter processing

Merge Activity This multi-value field, together with ‘With Activity’ field, indicates the arrangement
activities that will be merged when building the statement lines. The activities must
have the same value date for the merge to happen.

With Activity This field indicates the activity to be merged with the one above.

23 Financial Inclusion/Accelerator Account Statements

Account Statements User Guide

Statement Enquiry
Enquiry EM.STATEMENT is available for viewing the statement lines on account. The enquiry (or its customized
versions) is also attached in various areas of the role based home pages, for easier use.

The enquiry requires one mandatory parameter – account number. If no other parameters are given, then the enquiry
uses the default configuration stored on the “AA Parameters” file for the account’s product line and the default
It is also possible to point the enquiry to use specific language configuration record or override some of the
parameters individually. The table below presents list of the available enquiry parameters.

Field Description

Account Number Account for statement preview

Start Date Statement opening date

End Date Statement closing date

Transaction Type Filter to only display transactions of the given type (defined on the statement
narrative format record)

DR / CR Type Filter to only display debit or credit transactions

Min Txn Amount Filter to display transactions with amount greater than or equal the minimum
amount specified

Max Txn Amount Filter to display transactions with amount less than or equal the maximum
amount specified

Sorting ASC/DESC Ascending / descending date transaction display order

Raw Mode Raw statement display without any additional processing, useful for
analysing the statement content

Language Use specific language AA parameter record

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The remaining enquiry parameters mirror the AA Parameter processing attributes and overwrite them if specified in
the enquiry.

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Account Statements User Guide

Use this page to record your own notes.

26 Financial Inclusion/Accelerator Account Statements

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