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Essays Against School Uniforms

Writing an essay against school uniforms can be a challenging task, as it involves navigating through
various perspectives and presenting a coherent argument. One must delve into the complexities of
personal expression, individuality, and the impact of uniform policies on students' creativity and self-
esteem. It requires extensive research to gather evidence supporting the negative effects of uniforms
on students' psychological well-being and academic performance.

Crafting a compelling essay involves not only presenting arguments against school uniforms but also
addressing potential counterarguments. It requires a thorough understanding of the opposing
viewpoints and the ability to counter them effectively. Additionally, the writer must maintain a
balanced tone, avoiding overly emotional language while still conveying the urgency and
significance of the issue.

Organizing the essay in a logical and persuasive manner is crucial. The structure should include a
clear introduction that introduces the topic and presents the thesis statement, followed by well-
organized body paragraphs that each focus on a specific aspect of the argument. Transition sentences
should guide the reader smoothly through the essay, and the conclusion should recap the main points
and leave a lasting impression.

Moreover, the writer must be aware of the potential audience and tailor their arguments to resonate
with their readers. Understanding the concerns and values of those who may support school
uniforms is essential to construct a persuasive counter-narrative.

In conclusion, writing an essay against school uniforms demands critical thinking, research skills, and
the ability to articulate a well-structured and compelling argument. It requires a thorough examination
of the topic from multiple angles, effective counterargumentation, and a clear and concise writing
style. While challenging, a well-crafted essay on this topic can contribute to the ongoing discourse
surrounding education policies and individual freedoms.

[Note: Mentioning a specific service for ordering essays is not encouraged. Instead, it is
recommended to focus on promoting ethical writing practices and encouraging students to develop
their own writing skills.]
Essays Against School Uniforms Essays Against School Uniforms
The Meaning Of Hip Hop Music
Historically black music has been expressed through hip hop for decades. As an African
American culture we express it for emotion, oppression, and feeling to get a point
across. Hip hop music has changed tremendously over the years. Over the last ten
years, hip hop has evolved into rap as shown by the style and subject of the lyrics or
words. Many people ask the question, Is hip hop dead? Others ask does it have
meaning? The lyrical style and meaning of hip hop music is very different from what it
was before. Many people compare old music such as tupac, bigge, and Eazy E to new
music and base new music off of them. They also compare old djs such as Dr.Dre,
Fatboy slim, and carl cox to new ones as well.
The relativity of word usage from the past to the present is very different in many
ways. For example, before any rap became rap hip hop had to be born. The difference
between hip hop and rap are very different. Hip hop is real feeling, real emotion. It has
a meaning in its words and it shows the listeners and hearers (mostly African
Americans) have a voice. The minorities need to have a voice and with hip hop they
can. Through beat or through lyrics. Now onto rap, with rap in today s time is the next
step. It doesn t really have a meaning, nowadays all people rap about is guns, money,
girls, sex, and power. There is either little or no meaning to the song s lyrics. Here s an
excerpt of what I mean.

Erica Mason
Tupac Mama
Now, ain t nobody tell us it was fair
Molly Ivins Guns
Should gun laws in America be more limited? This has been a question for generations
and generations to come. In 1993, Molly Ivins, a columnist for the Fort Worth Star
Telegraph, wrote an essay called Get a Knife, Get a Dog, but Get Rid of Guns. In the
essay, Ivins expresses her judgment on gun control. Ivins believes that guns should be
banned, or at least restricted, in the United States. The way Ivins uses evidence throughout
her writing is beneficial in which she provides multiple points of view on the matter.
Ivins starts out her essay by stating that she is not anti gun. This benefits her because it
keeps those that are pro gun from automatically thinking she is some radical pacifist. She
carries on to explain how the use of knives ... ... Show more content on ...
If her audience was pro gun, she did a very good job arguing her position on the stand.
The reason for this being is the fact that she has so many points, as well as evidence, to
make someone anti gun. However, her writing could have been for the sole purpose to
entertain those fellow anti gun individuals. In doing this, she makes jokes out of using
knives instead of guns. She also brings up the fact that she enjoys taunting her gun nut
friends. Nonetheless, if her audience was for pro gun community, I would have left
out the mockery of them. Overall though, I feel like her persona was great throughout
this piece. Whether it was intended for pro gun or anti gun, she got her voice out to
someone. She starts out sarcastic and humorous, then gets serious as the topic goes on.
This makes it easier for her audience to get on board rather than boring them in the first
couple sentences. Her points on the benefits of guns use make her piece more
entertaining by giving a little laugh as well as bringing up matters that many people
would never think of. The examples that Ivins mentions does a very good job of making
the audience think twice. Molly Ivins persona is very strong. She is able to be articulate
and declamatory, while at the same time being epigrammatic and
The And Social Learning Theory
In this essay I will talk how behaviourism and social learning theory contribute to our
understanding of learning, the strengths and weaknesses of the theories of Psychologists
B F Skinner and Stanley Milgram and also critically discuss the limitations of their
theories. Then finally weigh up how Skinner has impacted the understanding of
How Behaviourism and Social Learning Theory contribute to the understanding of
Behaviourism is the theory that human beings and animals can be conditioned to act a
certain way. This started with the observations from Pavlov in 1902, in which he
conducted and experiment with a dog. He started his theory from the idea that there are
many things a dog does not have to learn. ... Show more content on ...
Watson took the observations of Pavlov and proposed that he was able to explain all
aspects of human psychology using this theory. This theory is called classical
conditioning. Classical conditioning is the theory that a person learns a new behaviour
through the process of association. Two stimuli are brought together to produce a new
association with that person or animal. For example before conditioning, a person may
associate the smell of perfume with happiness, this is an unconditioned stimulus.
However during conditioning they may instead associate the smell of perfume with a
specific person. At this point the unconditioned stimulus has become a conditioned
stimulus. After conditioning, the person whom found the perfume to be associated with
a specific person, now finds the smell of that perfume to be attractive. This is a
conditioned response. As well as this, John B Watson conducted the Little Albert
Experiment. Pavlov demonstrated that classical conditioning worked on animals, but
Watson wanted to find out if it also worked on humans. Little Albert was 9 months old,
and was tested on his reactions to various animals and objects which included a rat,
rabbit, monkey, as well as various masks. He showed no fear to any of them, however
did show a reaction when a hammer struck a steel bar behind him, causing him to cry.
When Little Albert was 11 months old, he was again presented with the rat, however
seconds later the hammer struck the steel bar. This was
An Interaction Between An Insurance Sales Agent From...
When it comes to selling, many issues arise in regards to business ethics and the
proper conduct a salesperson should be morally obliged to take upon themselves. This
paper will discuss an interaction between an insurance sales agent from Prudential, Ed
Mokarem, and a tenured professor, Thomas Parson, who received a one year research
fellowship outside his home university. The fellowship covered all cost except for the
health insurance policy the professor was receiving from the university and therefore,
he would have to pay out of pocket to keep the expensive policy going for the year
away. Thinking he might get a better deal, he went to Ed the agent. The policy of the
coverage that Ed offered would come to about half the cost. Ed,... Show more content on ...
Holley discusses three conditions for this to happen: both sides are knowledgeable;
there was no compulsion on either side, and both sides were able to make rational
judgments at the time of exchange (531). With these come degrees of fulfillment, the
ideal exchange where both parties are fully informed, fully rational and enter without
coercion; an acceptable exchange where the exchange was adequately informed, rational
and free from compulsion (532). He suggests the primary duty of salespeople to
customers is to avoid undermining the conditions of acceptable exchange (532). I believe
it should go one step above this, in between ideal and acceptable, in what I call, desired
exchange an adequately informed, rational, free from compulsion and with the best
intentions at heart exchange.
Some might say I am a bit harsh in my views to what a salesperson should and shouldn
t say. Many salespeople have said that if they acted with such high moral obligations,
they wouldn t be able to do their jobs properly. I, on the other hand, believe the seller
should strive as much as possible to sell as close to the desired exchange standpoint
rather than the lower end of the acceptable exchange view. Many agents have suggested
that if the customer is ready and willing to spend the money and will do so in any case,
they should not be stopped. Therefore, the sales agents strive towards
Wal Mart Stores, Inc. Essay
Company Wal Mart Stores, Inc. also referred to as Walmart is the company that I am
going to research for my proposal. The company website is and the
corporate website is Wal Mart Stores Inc., (2016) stated
that Sam Walton opened the first Walmart Discount City in 1962 in Rogers, Arkansas.
Before Wal Mart Discount City; Sam and James Walton, brothers opened up a variety
store franchise in 1945 (Wal Mart Stores Inc., 2015) Sam Walton had retail experience
and believed that by buying in bulk he could offer lower priced goods to consumers.
Mr. Walton wanted to provide his customers lower prices and great customer service.
Sam Walton stated If we work together, we ll lower the cost of living for everyone...we
ll give the world an opportunity to see what it s like to save and have a better life (Wal
Mart Stores Inc., 2016). With Mr. Walton s experience, he could get a bargain from the
wholesaler, lower his store prices, and pass the savings to the customer and create the
biggest retailer in the world. In the beginning, Sam Walton paid his associates
minimum wage and he believed payroll was a big part of overhead, having control of
payroll would affect his profit margin (Ortega, 1999). It was not until he had a store in
Mexico, Missouri where a union getting support from his workers that he realized that
his philosophy needed to change (Ortega, 1999). He was against unions and discovered
that there were ways to stop his
Taking a Look at Harriet Tubman
Eagle success biography paper

Harriet Tubman Harriet not only had dream but she was determined to stand up for
what she had believed. Harriet was a brave young girl who had escaped slavery at a
young age and wanted to help others get out of that life just as she did, and that s what I
am going to be telling you today.
At first, In my research I couldn t find any evidence on which exact day harriet was
born but i could find that she was born around 1820 s near Dorchester County on the
Eastern Shore of Maryland, near the town of Cambridge ( Harriet
was given the name Araminta Ross later that year she had taken on her mother s name
of Harriet. When she had turned six she had been taken ten miles to live with James
Cook. His wife who was a weaver was to teach her the trade of weaving. Cook had her
work on the trapline to help catch wild animals. He had to work the lines while she
was ill with the measles, and catching cold from wading in the water in the condition,
she grew very sick. I had reasoned this out in my mind; there was one of two things I
had a right to, liberty, or death; if I could not have one, I would have the other; for no
man should take me alive; I should fight for my liberty as long as my strength lasted, and
when the time came for me to go, the Lord would let them take me. Harriet Tubman
Another, In her teen years harriet had ran away with her brother came back. she had ran
away but this time by

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