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‎Sri Gupta: The founder

‎Matrimonial alliance with Licchavis ‎The Gupta records do not mention the dynastyʼs varna (social class).

‎Present BR ‎Magadha ‎possibly the feudatories of the Kushanas in Uttar Pradesh

‎Chandragupta I ‎Origin
‎Modern day Adhodhya ‎Saket ‎Women's status declined
‎Ruled over
‎Modern Allahabad ‎Prayaga ‎MAX GOLD COINS

‎Modern Patna ‎Capital = Pataliputra ‎High sounding Titles (vs Satvahanas)

‎Auranngzeb being another one ‎Plays veena ‎Prashastis ‎Royal Land Grants

‎About Samudragupta ‎In Sanskrit ‎Puranas finalized in this period

‎Narada Smriti
‎block of red sandstone ‎Eran inscription (prashasti)

‎Vishnu Smriti
‎ERAN = 1st reported monument of Sati (510 AD) ‎4 Smritis in this period

‎written in pure Sanskrit by his court poet Harisena. ‎About Samudragupta's military campaigns ‎Brihaspati Smriti
‎Allahabad Pillar
‎reffered as Lichchhavi-dauhitra (grandson of the Lichchhavis) ‎Katyayana Smriti

‎but was tolerant of other creeds. ‎follower of Vaishnavism ‎Nitisara ‎By Kamandaka ‎Work on polity addressed to King

‎Harisena ‎Manjushri-Mulakalpa ‎Buddhist Mahayana text

‎Harivamsha Purana ‎Jain text
‎Asanga ‎Court poets
‎On Chandragupta II
‎Buddhist scholar ‎Vasubandhu
‎Devi Chandraguptam (Sanskrit drama) ‎by Vishakhadatta
‎He also wrote Mudrakshaka
‎ gainst some rulers of North India – In
‎the Ganga-Yamuna doab ‎Core areas annexed ‎Stage I
‎Traveller's account
‎conquered them ‎Forest Kingdoms of C. India ‎Atavirajyas
‎Fa-hien ‎Wrote: "A Record of Buddhist Kingdoms"

‎Sri Lanka also ‎Acknowledge his suzerainty ‎Stage 2

‎Military Campaigns ‎Kamasutra
‎South India ‎Work on medical & astronomy
‎ e defeated the rulers but gave them
‎Amarakosha ‎Lexicon
‎back their kingdoms.

‎Silappadikaram and Manimekalai ‎Tamil epics

‎eliminate Remaining North Indian rivals ‎Stage 3

‎did not create an all-India empire under their direct control.

‎Madras ‎Punjab

‎Yaudheyas ‎Haryana
‎Shakuntalam ‎North
‎Malavas ‎Rajasthan

‎Nagas ‎Mathura
‎Raghuvamsa ‎KALIDASA
‎Kshtrapas ‎Western India
‎ ingdoms during
K ‎Western & Central India
‎ he Vakataka family later on came into close
‎Lyrics ‎Meghaduta
‎Emergence of Guptas ‎Vakatakas ‎Vidarbha
‎contact with the Guptas, particularly after a
‎matrimonial alliance was formed between
‎Sanskrit Lexicon ‎Amarnatha ‎the two families.
‎Medicine ‎Dhanavantri ‎Ikshvakus

‎Wrote "Brhatsamhita" ‎Salankayanas

‎Deccan & South
‎Astrology ‎Varahamihira
‎Wrote "Pancha Siddhantika" ‎Navratnas ‎Kadambas ‎Karnataka

‎ rote "Niti pradipa"

W ‎Pallava ‎Tamil Nadu
‎(literally, the lamp of conduct) ‎Black magic & tantric ‎Vetalabhadra

‎Linguistic & Grammar expert ‎Varruchi ‎ ixed type of administration - consisting of both centralised
‎and decentralised form of administration.
‎Sculpture & architecture ‎Ghatakpara
‎Mahanandanayaka ‎(Chief Justice)
‎Geography ‎Shanku
‎Uparikas ‎in Provinces
‎Astrologist ‎Shapanka
‎Vishayapatis ‎in Distt
‎Justice system
‎Destroyer of Shakas ‎Known as SAKARI ‎Defeated Shakas in W.India
‎Chandragupta II ‎Headmen & elders ‎in Villages
‎Matrimonial alliance with Vakataka
‎ a-Hien stated capital PUNISHMENT
‎Imp commercial city ‎ABSENT
‎Alternative Gupta capital ‎Vainayashitisthapaka ‎One who maintains moral & social discipline

‎ he western traders poured Roman gold into India in return for Indian products. The great wealth
T ‎Dutakas ‎Spies
‎of the Gupta Empire was manifest in the variety of gold coins issued by Chandragupta II. ‎Administration
‎Sandhi-Vigrahika ‎Minister in charge of peace & war
‎Hints he was Vaishnava ‎VIAISHNAVISM EMBLEM/ garuda ‎About Chandragupta II ‎Meharauli Pillar ‎Army
‎Ranabhandagarika ‎Officer in charge of stores or army
‎He was robbed ‎Fa-Hien visited
‎Pradesha or Vishaya ‎Districts ‎Admin head = Vishayapati

‎Nalanda university founder ‎Gramadhyaksha ‎Village headmen

‎Trade + Gold coin quality declines ‎Uparikara

‎Kumaragupta ‎Agri Tax
‎Attack repulsed by prince SKANDGUPTA ‎Hunas foreign invasion from central asia ‎Udranga

‎Vishti ‎Forced Labor ‎Form of Tax paid by people

‎To consolidate his position ‎Repulsed Hunas attack as Prince

‎Last ruler ‎Nagari script evolved fm Brahmi script

‎Junagarh inscription ‎Mrichchakatika ‎By Sudraka

‎Mudrarakshasa and Devichandraguptam ‎by Visakadatta

‎Of Thanesar ‎Pushyabhutis

‎Kritarjuniya ‎by Bharavi

‎Of Kannauj ‎Maukharies

‎Vasavadatta ‎by Subhandhu

‎Of Valabhi ‎Maitrakas

‎Kavyadarsa & Dasakumaracharita ‎by Dandin
‎ ingdoms post Gupta
K ‎Literature
‎Deccan ‎Chalukyas
‎decline ‎Panchantantra ‎by Vishnu Sharma

‎TN ‎Pallavas
‎Pancha Siddhantika ‎by Varahamihira ‎five astronomical systems.

‎Magadh ‎Late Guptas

‎ It explains scientifically the occurrence of solar and lunar eclipses.

‎ He was the first to declare that the earth was spherical in shape ‎Aryabhatta in Gupta pd
‎Aryabhatiya ‎by Aryabhatta ‎and that it rotates on its own axis.

‎Astanagasamgraha ‎by Vagbhata ‎On 8 branches of Medicine

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