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How To Make An Essay Outline

Writing an essay on the topic of crafting an essay outline can be a challenging task, as it requires a
deep understanding of the intricacies involved in organizing thoughts and structuring content
effectively. Firstly, one must grasp the fundamental purpose of an essay outline: to provide a
roadmap for the writer's ideas, ensuring coherence and logical progression. This necessitates a keen
analytical ability to identify key points and arrange them in a hierarchical manner, from overarching
themes to supporting details.

Additionally, crafting an effective essay outline demands creativity in deciding how to best present
the information. Writers must consider various outlining techniques, such as the traditional
alphanumeric structure or more visually-oriented methods like mind mapping. Each approach requires
careful thought and consideration to determine which will most effectively convey the intended

Furthermore, the process of outlining an essay involves more than just organizing ideas—it also
requires critical thinking to evaluate the relevance and significance of each point. This entails
assessing the strength of arguments, identifying potential counterarguments, and ensuring a balanced
presentation of information.

Moreover, writing an essay on this topic necessitates clear and concise communication skills to
explain the outlining process in a coherent manner. It requires the ability to articulate complex
concepts in a way that is accessible to readers of varying levels of expertise.

In summary, crafting an essay on the topic of creating an essay outline is a multifaceted task that
demands a combination of analytical thinking, creativity, critical evaluation, and effective
communication skills.

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How To Make An Essay Outline How To Make An Essay Outline
Explain How Have Scientist Helped Save Lives In
How have scientist helped save lives in earthquake prone areas?
Building materials
Springs and other building materials are used to help save lives in earthquake prone
areas. Scientist use a variety of different materials spanning from shock absorbers to
springs. Scientists put springs under building that allow the buildings to sway but not
topple over. Scientist tell builders to put steel bracing supports around or in the walls of
buildings in between these are shock absorbers which stop the vibrating from going up
the building. These are made of steel which are strong and don t move a lot. Building
materials need to be strong and flexible so that when an earthquake occures it won t
break. Steel ball bearings will move the platform and themselves but they will not move
the house this helps the house ... Show more content on ...
Scientists can t predict earthquakes but may be able to give a 20 to 30 second warning
to provide 30 seconds of evacuation. Scientist can get an idea of when an earthquake
might happen by putting GPS trackers on fault lines. Seismographs can measure
earthquakes. They are able to pick up the different types of waves that create and
earthquake. These different waves can help scientist find out where the epicentre of the
earthquake is.
Search and rescue
What Rescue dogs and the UN do to help. Rescue have an exetremely good sense of
smell and hearing which is used to find people under rubble. If it is dark, rescue dogs
wear fluro vests that glow in the dark. Dogs have bottled water and high energy foods
attached to their vests incase the patient is thirsty or hungry. Dogs also are extremely
small which means they may be able to fit through small holes. The UN use Carbon
dioxide detectors can be used to find survivors rendered unconscious. They work best in
confined spaces where they detect the greater CO2 concentration in the air exhaled by
those still
Analytics Is The Discovery, Interpretation, And...
Analytics is the discovery, interpretation, and communication of meaningful patterns in
data. Especially valuable in areas rich with recorded information, analytics relies on the
simultaneous application of statistics, computer programming and operations research to
quantify performance. Analytics often favours data visualization to communicate insight.
Organizations may apply analytics to business data to describe, predict, and improve
business performance. Specifically, areas within analytics include analytics, prescriptive,
enterprise decision management, retail analytics, store assortment and stock keeping unit
optimization, marketing optimization and marketing mix modelling, web analytics, sales
force sizing and optimization, price and promotion modelling, predictive science, credit
risk analysis, and fraud analytics. [1]

The importance of analytics

Analytics is a quantitative fact and data based approach to decision making with an
emphasis on prediction and optimization. Historically, when organizations have used
business intelligence [BI], they have focused more on reporting, which is a backward
looking activity. Analytics lead you to look forward and make predictions. Competing on
analytics is building your strategy and the way you go to market around your analytical
capabilities. It s not just using analytics, which has been going on for quite a long time,
but instead giving them much more priority as a competitive resource than they have
Sexism In Dubliners
Dubliners, written by James Joyce, is a collection of many stories about Ireland in the
early 20th century, many of them including gender roles as a specific theme, especially
A Mother and Eveline . In Ireland, when Dubliners was published, women were often
considered second class citizens and were often disregarded by men. Women did often
attempt to escape their gender rolebut were very usually unsuccessful because of the deep
seated sexism in the minds of many people in society. This theme is very clearly
portrayed throughout Dublinersas it portrays many women who are unhappy with their
genderrole and who attempt to free themselves from it. In A Mother and Eveline
specifically, Joyce portrays two women who are attempting to free... Show more content
on ...
After years of being told that she needs a man in order to be successful, she truly
believes it and struggles to find the independence that would allow her to travel to
Buenos Aires. The years of being told that she is inferior to men eventually lead to a
deep seated belief in her mind that makes it very difficult for her to successfully break
free of her gender role. In his essay, Critical Essay on Eveline Scott Trudell
demonstrates this when he says, In other words, in Eveline s subconscious mind,
which is deeply infused with the sexism she has learned from her culture and from her
abuser, she can only conceive of her value as the property of a father figure. (16).
Although Eveline does want to break free of her gender role, she is unable to because
of the the belief that she needs a man in her life and that her entire value is based on
whichever man accompanies her. Not only does Eveline believe that her worth is
based on her man s, Eveline believes that she needs protection from a man in her life.
Scott Trudell writes in a Critical Essay on Eveline that Eveline pictures both of these
men as her potential protector. She seems to be searching for a tender father figure;
somewhat illogically, she tries to balance her father s increasing capacity for violence
by remembering random acts of gentleness. And she pictures Frank in a similar way,
as a savior and protector to take her in his arms, fold her in his arms, (15). Instead of
searching for what is best for her, Eveline wants to find a protector and bases her
decision on which man will protect her the best. Ultimately, her need for a protector
drives her to stay with her father, who although abuses her, is more familiar and
trustworthy than Frank. This presents a greater characteristic of women in the
The Parasite And Its Effects On The Human Body
5. a. Dracunculus medinensis, or the Guinea worm, has plagued humanity for
thousands of years. This parasite enters the human body initially as larvae from
drinking water. As the worms grow older, they begin to approach the skin of the
individual. The worm causes blisters on the skin that burst and cause massive pain. In
order to extinguish the pain, victims jump into water; however, the water provides a
better situation for the worm to reproduce, so the parasite releases larvae. In other
words, the parasite manipulates a host to behave a certain way. The easiest way to
combat the parasite is to avoid soothing the pain in the water, since the parasite will
fail to deploy the larvae. b. Hymenoepimecis argyraphaga, a wasp, has a parasitic
relationship with a spider, Plesiometa argyra. The wasp injects poison into the spider,
paralysing it; afterwards, the wasp places an egg on top of the spider s abdomen. The
egg quickly hatches and the resulting larva sucks the blood of the spider. Eventually, it
manipulates the spider through the use of chemicals, making the spider move back
and forth while weaving a web specifically designed to act as a cocoon for the larva.
When the web is complete, the larva sucks all of the spider s blood and drops the
remains to the jungle floor. Scientists, however, have yet to pinpoint the actual method
the larva uses to manipulate the host. The biochemical it uses is extremely potent, as it
has been tested to last a few days. c.
Human Resource Planning
1. What is Human resource planning?
Human resource planning links people management to the organization, mission, vision,
goals, and objectives as well as its strategies plan and budgetary resources. A key goals
of HRP is to get the right number of people with the right skills, experiences and
competencies in the right jobs at the right time at the right cost.

2. What is strategic planning?

Strategic planning is the process of taking inputs (information), organizing and making
sense of that information, and producing an output (the plan) that covers a long period of
time, and maps out the strategies, goals, and objectives for that period of time, that are
expected to keep the organization focused, unified, and likely to succeed in ... Show more
content on ...
d. Organizational Culture Will influenced the work s habits of firm s employees

7. Explain the internal forces that influence the management of HR?

The internal force that influences the management of HR is financial and economic
environment, current organizational situation, organizational strategy and culture of the

8. What is HR forecasting? Explain

An effective HRP will require forecasting. Forecasting will use information from the past
and present to identify expected future condition. The information gathered from external
environmental scanning and assessment of internal strength and weakness used to
predict or forecast HR supply and demand in light of organizational objectives and its

9. What are the factors that can affect the demand for labour?
The working of the labour market affects us all because the vast majority of people at
some point during their working lives will be active participants in the labour market.
The demand for labour comes from the employer. We shall start with this side of the
market. The demand for labour, there is normally an inverse relationship between the
demand for labour and the wage rate that a business needs to pay for each additional
worker employed. If the wage rate is high, it is more costly to hire extra employees.
When wages are lower, labour becomes
The Colonization Of Africa During The Late Nineteenth
Imperialism occurs when a strong nation takes over a weaker nation or region for
economic, political, or social reasons. This type of foreign policy was practiced by
European nations throughout the 1800s and early 1900s. Began in 1870s, Europeans
started to colonize Asia and Africa by using military force to take control of local
governments and exploited local economies for raw materials required by Europes
growing industry.
The takeover of Africa during the late nineteenth century has been known as the
scramble for Africa. Africa was introduced to Europeans by missionaries and explorers
who engaged in humanitarian and religious work but others saw the economic potential
of the region. In 1876, King Léopold II of Belgium organized the International African
Association which allowed the nation to gain more territory into the Congo basin
through the treaties with African chiefs. Between 1885 and 1914 Britain, France,
Germany and Belgium had territories all over Africa.
Similar takeovers happened in Asia as well. Asia was opened to the West by the
Opium War of 1839 1841, which was caused when the Chinese wanted to regulate the
inflow of opium that was purchased from the British East India Company. A decade and
a half later, Britain and France combined in a second war upon China in order to force
the Chinese government to receive their diplomats and deal with traders. They destroyed
the emperor s Summer Palace and looted valuable Chinese art. As a result, the treaty of
Final Strategic Plan for the United States Postal Service...
Strategic Plan for United States Postal Service Roberto W Zayas
University of Phoenix

Table of Contents Executive Summary| 2| Company Background| 4| Vision, Mission, and

Values Statement| 5| Environmental Analysis| 6| Non Economic Factors in Remote
Environment| 8| Competitive Analysis| 10| Strategic Analysis and Choice| 12| Plan Goals
and Implementation| 14| Critical Success Factors| 16| Controls and Evaluations| 16|
Conclusion| 17| References| 19|

Executive Summary
The United States Postal Service (USPS) is currently one of the largest companies in the
United States. The USPS is currently in a situation where revenues are down and debt
continues to increase. Intense ... Show more content on ...
4). USPS offers regular postal mail delivery 6 days a week and offers different package
delivery options such as First Class, Priority and Express shipping. Customers can also
ship regular mail under these distinctions. The customer also has the option to send
mail registered and with delivery confirmation to give customers piece of mind that the
package will arrive where it needs to go. In many post offices in the United States
customers can also apply for a passport and many locations offer the PO Box service to
its customers.
The USPS over the years have been given awards and distinctions around the
workforce and the business. Black Enterprise and Hispanic Business magazines
ranked the Postal Service as a leader in workforce diversity. The Postal Service has
been named the Most Trusted Government Agency six consecutive years and the sixth
Most Trusted Business in the nation by the Ponemon Institute ( Postal Service Faces
New Reality , 2011). Behind WalMart the USPS is the largest civilian employer in the
United States and just as diverse as the USPS workforce is, the organization has a
diverse customer base also. The customer at the USPS is every American male and
female. If an individual were to stand at the door of one of the post offices in a
metropolitan area, he or she will see an array of people from all ages, lifestyles, ethnic
origins, and economic positions. The USPS has the

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