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Thesis Persuasive Essay

Writing a thesis persuasive essay can be a challenging task that requires a combination of critical
thinking, research skills, and effective communication. The difficulty lies not only in crafting a
compelling argument but also in presenting it in a structured and coherent manner.

One of the challenges is formulating a clear thesis statement that not only reflects your perspective
but also encapsulates the essence of your argument. This foundational element sets the tone for the
entire essay and guides the reader through your reasoning. Crafting a strong thesis requires a deep
understanding of the topic, careful analysis, and the ability to express complex ideas succinctly.

Moreover, the persuasive aspect of the essay adds an additional layer of complexity. Convincing your
audience to adopt your viewpoint demands a thorough examination of counterarguments and a
strategic use of evidence to support your claims. It's crucial to strike a balance between emotional
appeal and logical reasoning to make your persuasive essay compelling and engaging.

Research is another key component that adds to the difficulty. A well-supported argument requires a
solid foundation of evidence, which entails extensive research and a critical evaluation of sources.
The ability to distinguish credible information from unreliable sources is essential to building a
persuasive case.

Additionally, organizing your thoughts and ideas cohesively can be a daunting task. The essay needs
a logical flow, with each paragraph building upon the previous one. Transitioning smoothly between
ideas and maintaining a coherent structure is essential for a persuasive essay to be effective.

In conclusion, writing a thesis persuasive essay is a multifaceted challenge that demands a

combination of analytical thinking, research skills, and persuasive writing abilities. It requires careful
consideration of the audience, a clear thesis statement, well-supported arguments, and a compelling
overall structure.

If you find yourself struggling with such essays or need assistance, various resources are available,
including professional writing services like . They can provide guidance, support,
and even custom essays tailored to your specific needs, making the process more manageable.
Thesis Persuasive EssayThesis Persuasive Essay
Hollywood s Asians Essay
Hollywood s Asians
Asian Americans have been part of America for almost as long as its existence. From the
Chinese laborers building the transcontinental railway, inner cities laundry services, to
Asian farmers who have helped build the agriculture communities around the country,
Asian American have contributed to the industries and economy of America. Despite
their loyalty and contributions to this country, Asian Americans have been discriminated
and considered as unassimilable by many Americans. Racism toward Asian is further
extended by Hollywood s use of yellow face, where Caucasian actors applied make up
and prosthetics to pose as Asians, stereotypes such yellow peril and orientalism. (Garcia,
13) From the beginning of motion ... Show more content on ...
As the popularity of Fu Manchu increased, Hollywood was quick to take advantage and
portray this character as a threat to white supremacy.
According to Eugene Franklin Wong s The Early Years: Asians in the American Films
Prior to World War II, Rohmer, the creator of Fu Manchu stated I MADE MY MANE
something about Chinatown. But that is a different matter. (Wong, 57) This presented a
problem as the whole perception of Dr. Fu Manchu was based on generalization and
ignorance. Unfortunately, ignorance of Asian culture became the root of Asian
characters in motion pictures. The ambiguity and general facelessness of Asian
characters and communities lead to the creation of a low budget film called Chan is
Missing (1981) by Wayne Wang. As two amateur detective cab drivers search the San
Francisco s Chinatown for the mysterious Chan, but never do find him or even reach any
conclusion about why he is missing. (Marchetti, 53)

Kyaw 3
On the other hand, Hollywood s depictions of different ethnic Asian are not always
negative or evoke racism. As the news Japan s military growth and reaches the shores of
America, characters such as Fu Manchu and General Yen which portrayed dangerous
Chinese warlords disappear from the screen. The Japanese Imperialist troops became the
replace for the stereotypical evil Asian characters. (Marchetti, 41) Scene of Japanese
Medical Advancement As A Medical Doctor
The individual in humanity is fueled by a passion he or she delves upon. It may range
from an array of academics to public concerns to a philosophical emphasis. Therefore,
I consider medical advancement as my enthusiasm to my intellectual character. As a
young boy, the biology and chemical milieu of our body has always captured my
attention since I was familiar on how the body s various organs were organized. As
such, I consider my persona as positive, focally goal oriented, and optimistic in my
morals As a toddler, my fascination with cars was a bit extreme. Collecting as many
model vehicles as I could and memorizing all of the respective names by heart, I felt I
was going to be an automotive professional. In a leisurely pursuit, my passion and
knowledge for the anatomy of automobiles parallels my aspiration and interest in
studying the human body and ultimately realizing my ambition in becoming a medical
doctor. For those who have not focused on what s under the hood of a car, and are less
fortunate in understanding all those mechanistic components, vehicles systems are
analogous to the human body. Simply put, an engine s cooling system is like the body s
circulatory system. When we have a fever, a sensor initiates our private thermostat, the
hypothalamus, resulting in sweating and other ways of cooling. My fervor for
automobiles derives from my close uncle, who unfortunately passed away in a vehicle
accident with a traumatic head injury resulting in a hardship at the end
Current Trends in Business Communication
Current Trends in Business Communication

Current Communication Trends in Business

Technology advancements over the recent years have made communication possible in
different ways. Communication in the business world today can range anywhere from e
mails, personal digital assistants, text messaging, instant messaging, and through the use
of web cams, just to name a few. These different communication tools allow employees to
communicate both internally and externally in a timely and more efficient manner. The
current trends in communication within the healthcare industry make it easier for health
care professionals to perform their daily tasks, and provide patients with more quality

The Role of Business Communication in My ... Show more content on ...
All internal communication between different facilities will be done through the use of
software or by phone. No patient results will be sent through fax or through mail.
According to LexisNexis, Obama sees the investment in electronic records as a way to
improve quality and lower costs.
Different Message Types Resulting From Current Trends
According to Articlesbase (n.d.), The different message types that result from these
current trends are either personal or impersonal. The different message types resulting
from these current communication trends are in the form of e mails, text messaging,
various software, Internet communication, face to face video conferencing, instant
messaging, and social networking sites such as Twitter or Facebook.
The current trends in business communication have been greatly influenced by the
advancements in technology. The Internet, cell phones, MP3 players, personal digital
assistants, social networking sites, and video conferencing among others, has allowed
business communication to take place in many forms and from all over the world with
ease. These current trends have made it easier for healthcare professionals to
communicate more efficiently internally and externally and allow day to day activities to
get accomplished more quickly than in the past.

References: Articlesbase. (n.d.). Business Communication: Business Trends and Message

Types. Retrieved

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