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Messy Room Essay

Crafting an essay on the topic of a messy room may seem deceptively simple at first glance, as the
subject appears straightforward. However, delving into the intricacies of this seemingly mundane
topic can present unexpected challenges. The difficulty lies not in describing the disarray but in
capturing the reader's attention and maintaining their interest throughout the essay.

To begin with, finding a unique angle or perspective on a messy room can be a daunting task. A
common pitfall is succumbing to clichés and generic descriptions that fail to engage the reader. A
challenge arises in transforming the mundane into something compelling and thought-provoking.

Moreover, striking a balance between humor and insight is crucial. While injecting humor can make
the essay enjoyable, it is essential not to lose sight of the underlying message or theme. The risk of
the essay becoming a mere list of chaotic elements looms large, making it imperative to weave a
narrative that transcends the surface clutter.

Organizing thoughts coherently is another hurdle to overcome. It is easy for the essay to become as
chaotic as the room it describes, with ideas scattered without a clear structure. Creating a seamless
flow while addressing various aspects of a messy room requires careful planning and execution.

Furthermore, the challenge extends to avoiding repetition and redundancy. Describing disorder can
inadvertently lead to repetitive phrases and ideas, making it crucial to maintain a fresh perspective
throughout the essay. Finding new and engaging ways to express the chaos becomes an exercise in

In conclusion, writing an essay on the topic of a messy room demands more than a superficial
exploration of disorder. Navigating the intricacies of language, humor, organization, and originality
poses a challenge that requires thoughtful consideration and skillful execution. Ultimately, the
difficulty lies not in the mess itself, but in transforming the chaos into a compelling narrative that
resonates with the reader.
Messy Room Essay Messy Room Essay
The Influence Of Jim Crow Laws
Introduction How would you like it if someone called you a cracker or Nigger?The
writer s topic is about Jim Crow Laws. How did it affect black s? How did Jim Crow
Laws get its name? What were Jim Crow Laws?. Jim Crow Laws were really famous. A
Lot of whites wanted them to happen. Jim Crow Laws separated white s and black s.
Jim Crow lawshad an influence on history that no one will forget unless they tried
their hardest. How did jim crow laws affect black s? Jim Crow Laws were meant to split
the blacks and whites up. Blacks could not have professional jobs. Blacks could not
get a lot of education. Blacks had to drink out of a dirty water fountain. Blacks had to set
at the back of the bus. Blacks were called names such as a Negro.
The Importance Of Uniformity
Charie Cheng Seminar in East Asian Societies Saito Satoru Final Paper December 20,
2017 The Eccentric but Uniformity of Fashion in Modern Day Japan Fashion has
always been an international tool for self expression by designers and creators all
across the world. The way each society s trends change is due to the individuality of its
history and culture. In many cases, often due to societal differences, what seems to be
unfamiliar to one culture, is deemed different, weird, or even abnormal. However, in
the opposing side, what we lack to understand, it is their world and who they express
themselves as. In modern day Japan, the Japanese society has been quickly adapting to
the differences in self expression and identity in comparison to American society have
been able to adapt. This includes the extremity of fashion and how it has been evolving
over centuries within the cities of Japan. Regardless of how eccentric each style and
trend may be, it ultimately can go to these extremes because of a historical context of
uniformity. These subculture of street fashion grow within subgroups through the
acceptance versus rejection because they develop within groups. Japan is a uniformed
society where many of their people are conscious of their respective positions and roles
they play in the range of social structures. On top of that, it includes the action to dress
accordingly, where it be a student, service industry employee, office worker, or yakuza
member, uniformity is a
Advantages Of Voip Services For Travel Agencies
VoIP Services for Travel Agencies

Communication is key to help travel agencies deliver the ultimate travel experience.
Through the use of a robust VoIP phone system, travel agencies can provide top quality
service to clients, while measuring staff productivity and promoting marketing

If you re new to VoIP and are looking compare VoIP providers and plans, VoipReview
can help you choose the right service that meets the needs of your travel agency! As the
leader in VoIP search business, VoipReview offers the most relevant information and
tools such as comparison tables, how to articles, features breakdown, user submitted
reviews, and more, to guide you in finding the the best VoIP system for your travel

How Can VoIP Benefit the Travel Industry?

VoIP phone systems provide travel agents with a flexible and convenient tool to
communicate effortlessly with clients, while improving staff productivity and filtering
marketing campaign results.

Whether ... Show more content on ...

A hosted VoIP system has the ability to queue calls in the cloud until one of your travel
agents becomes available to take the call. While on queue, you can keep your clients
interested by playing music or informing them of your latest deals and promos with the
help of the music on hold feature. In this way, you can enhance your clients experience at
the same time promote your travel agency.

What are some Key Features of VoIP for Travel Agencies?

VoIP is equipped with powerful productivity features that can help travel agencies deliver
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Compared to a plain old telephone service (POTS), a VoIP phone solution can make
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powerful productivity features such as voicemail to email, hunt groups, find me/follow
me, video conferencing, auto attendant, call forwarding, and
The Effects Of Alcohol Abuse On The Body
Alcohol abuse can also cause short term effects to the body. Although there are many
different short term effects, the most common happens to be a hangover which is a
group of symptoms experienced by a person after a heavy consumption of alcohol
(Alcoholic 1). Symptoms of a hangover often consist of nausea, fatigue, thirst, headache,
diarrhea, and sensitivity to light and noise. The severity of a hangoverdepends on several
factors; these factors include the amount of alcoholconsumed, the level of hydration in
the body at the time of alcohol consumption, and disease. Although hangovers are the
most common short term effect, blackouts are also a short term result of alcohol abuse.
Consuming large amounts of alcohol can lead to temporary amnesia where the person
is unable to recall events that occurred after he or she began drinking. Unfortunately,
blackouts can lead to serious repercussions, especially if the person is engaged in
sexual activity during that time. Blackouts are much more common among social
drinkers than previously assumed and should be viewed as a potential consequence of
acute intoxication regardless of age (National 1). Drinkers who experience blackouts
typically drink too much and too quickly, which causes their blood alcohol levels to rise
very rapidly. Typically, college students are at risk for experiencing a blackout, as an
alarming number of college students engage in binge drinking. Even though these short
term effects do not seem as bad as the
Essay on Fenian Movement
Fenian Movement

The word Fenian comes from Irish folklore. It is described as an ancient group of
knights who were independent and had a form of nationalism for their homeland of
Ireland. According to the legend, Irish rebels who were known as knights gave up a
chance for world dominion by leaving their country to keep Ireland alive, through their
pride for the country. In 1848, a movement struck in Ireland, to achieve independence
from England by using force. The movement was led by a group of revolutionaries
called Young Ireland. This movement was led by William Smith O Brian. Also a part of
this group was seven other rebellious Irish leaders. The group influenced Britain s and the
United States foreign and domestic ... Show more content on ...
Death and famine were causing the people to suffer in Ireland.

Landlords were trying to find the problem to the deaths. Landlords knew exactly what
to do. They evicted hundreds and thousands of peasants, because the work was not
getting done (Considine 76). Unemployment was the view of the workers due to
soldiers coming home from the Napoleonic Wars and more people were dying from
disease. As the farmlands of Ireland were being cleaned out, over the period of time,
emigration increased at an excessive rate. Many Irish residents left for America and
other English speaking countries. During the famine, nearly one million people
sought a new and richer life in the United States. Ship owners crowded hundreds of
Irish onto boats, later labeled coffin ships (Ruddy 43). These ships reached port only
after losing a third of their passengers to disease, hunger and other causes. While
Britain provided much relief for Ireland s starving population, many Irish criticized
Britain s delayed response and further blamed centuries of British political oppression
to underline the causes of the famine. As depression continued in Ireland, two million
more people left to seek this new life. But even leaving wasn t the cure. The Irish were
already stressed out due to the economy caused by its Poor Law System.

Due to the Poor Law system, the Irish people weren t

Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 Essay
Diabetes mellitus is the most prevalent metabolic non communicable disorder in the
world. Diabetes mellitus type 2 is a long term metabolic disorder that is characterized
by high blood sugar, insulin resistance, and relative lack of insulin. Type 2 diabetes is
typically a chronic disease associated with a ten year shorter life expectancy. This is
partly due to a number of complications with which it is associated, including: two to
four times the risk of cardiovascular disease, including ischemic heart disease and
stroke.To study the prevalence of microvascular, macrovascular, nonvascular
complications and associated risk facters such as dyslipidemia obesity and hypertention
in newly diagnosrd type 2 diabetes patients
Key words: Diabetes mellitus, ... Show more content on ...
medical college. the subject were taken from the diabetes OPD ,medicine OPD and those
who were admitted to wards.the study included 100 patients with type 2 diabetes detected
within 4 months .the study was conducted from 2015 2016.
Of the 100 patients studied 69 were males 31 were females,maximum number of patients
were in the 55 65 years age group followed by 20% in the 45 55 group,3 patients were
less than 35 years age and type 1 diabetes in them was excluded on the basis of absence
of history and present status of ketoacidosis.
71% of the patients in the present study belongs to the middle socioeconomic group and
along with the upper class constitute nearly 69% of patients.Based on symptomes at the
time if diagnosis,nearly 60%patients present with the classical symptoms of
polyurea,polydipsia,and weight loss.
Infections particularly those of skin and soft tissues are common in diabetes and can be
the first manifestation of the disease as shown by patel et al in papua new our
nearly 11% patients presented with infection mainly those of skin. A family history of
diabetes was found in only 18% of
Forensic Lab Report
The lab analysts must take extensive precautions in preventing any type of
contamination because samples are limited and repeating tests is costly. At this time,
the medical examiner and crime scene team are put under high pressure and must be
diligent and focused when in the laboratory (Dale and Becker 139) (Roberts 48). Since
errors happen because of humans and not the machines (Bertino 143). To prevent lab
error, detailed guidelines for Quality Control and Quality Assurance are updated
regularly (National Research Council 37). In many cases, there is an abundance of
evidence that is collected and requires examination. To process all the evidence in a
timely manner the forensic scientists are specialized and only process one piece in the...
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The polarizing light uses a special filter that allow the analyzer to look at it using specific
light wavelengths. While the infrared method emits a beam that bounces off the material
and returns the the instrument; and the way the beam of light behaves reveals what
chemicals have been exposed to the fibre Bertino 79 80). Another method used in the
laboratory is the PCR based method. In which the method requires only a small amount
of biological evidence with results being conclusive within 24 hours. PCR has an
additional advantage for which the exact allele can be determined therefore
complications of matching and binning are eliminated (National Research Council 116
117). Using any of these methods improves forensic scientists efficiency and reliability.
When the job is done with the appropriate care, the results are highly reproducible and
are more certain to exclude an innocent person when presented in court (National
Research Council 73). Scientists are able to identify individuals based on variation in
DNA alleles (Bertino 162). Therefore, the newest DNA and RNA method uses a multiple
polymerase chain reaction short

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