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Proposing A Solution Essay Topic Ideas

Writing an essay on the topic of "Proposing A Solution Essay Topic Ideas" can be both challenging
and rewarding. The difficulty lies in the need to strike a balance between creativity and practicality.
Generating innovative solutions that are also feasible and implementable adds an extra layer of
complexity to the task.

One of the initial challenges is selecting a problem that not only interests you but also has real-world
significance. It requires extensive research to identify issues that require thoughtful solutions. Once
the problem is chosen, the next hurdle is proposing a solution that goes beyond mere rhetoric. It
necessitates a deep understanding of the problem's intricacies and a thorough exploration of potential

Crafting a well-structured essay requires careful planning and organization. A successful solution
essay should have a clear introduction, a detailed analysis of the problem, a comprehensive proposal
for a solution, and a convincing conclusion. Each section demands attention to detail, coherence, and
logical progression.

The difficulty intensifies when it comes to presenting evidence and arguments to support the
proposed solution. Citing relevant sources, statistics, and expert opinions becomes crucial to
strengthen the essay's credibility. Striking the right balance between evidence and analysis while
maintaining a cohesive narrative is a challenge that writers often face.

Furthermore, ensuring that the proposed solution is not only innovative but also realistic and
implementable adds another layer of complexity. It requires a nuanced understanding of the social,
economic, and political factors surrounding the issue.

In conclusion, writing a "Proposing A Solution Essay" demands a combination of creativity,

analytical thinking, and effective communication. It is a task that requires time, dedication, and a
commitment to thoroughly researching and understanding the chosen problem. However, successfully
navigating these challenges can lead to a well-crafted essay that not only proposes viable solutions
but also contributes meaningfully to the discourse on the chosen topic.

For assistance with essays and similar tasks, you may explore writing services like .
Professionals in the field can provide guidance, support, and even custom-written essays tailored to
your specific requirements.
Proposing A Solution Essay Topic IdeasProposing A Solution Essay Topic Ideas
My Nurse Monologue
I woke up that morning, the same as any other. Still in that blank old hospital room, the
same stiff hospital bed with the little red button to signal the nurse when I woke up or
needed help. I pressed the button and heard Lilly coming down the quiet hallway. The
door creaked open slowly and Lilly peaked her head in the room, Good Morning Noah.
She s always so smiley and sunshiney, she s the only nurse like that here. Ready to get
dressed and get some of that delicious breakfast you love so much? I sat up and
smirked at her cause she knows how much I hate the breakfast here. Grabbing my
glasses off the small cheap bedside table I could see Lilly s smile more clear now. She
came by the bed with my clothes and left the room to get my... Show more content on ...
I swear, for a 73 year old man you can be such a teenager sometimes, she giggled as we
approached the area which was once closed off by a curtain but now open. Allie was
an older woman, not as old as me, no she looked young but you could tell she was sick.
Her skin was pale with the lightest bit of color to it, her hair cut short probably from
the treatments. She lay in with a book in her hands, trying her hardest to hold it up and
even harder to turn a page every so often. She was beautiful. Lilly had left me out by
some of the other wheelchaired patients to go to her desk and fill out paperwork. I wasn t
her only problem around here so I understood why she had to go. I slowly began turning
the wheels attached to my chair over to where Allie s bed was. She put her book down
slowly, Hello? Do I know you? No, we haven t had the chance to meet until now. I m
Noah, and I hear you re Allie? Her face seemed to light up a bit, Yes, I m Allie I m one of
the quote on quote newer patients here. I see, so miss Allie how did a beautiful gal
like yourself end up here? I began to see more color in her face with every word I said
to her. I was diagnosed last year with stage 2 cancer and have been fighting it at home
ever since but they say it s gotten worse and that I should stay here now. Well welcome
to the happiest place on earth than miss Allie, she smiled every
Game Theory For The Quality Of Service
While the Quality of Service (Qos) offered to clients may be improved through innovative
conventions and new technologies, future patterns ought to consider the efficiency of
resource allocation and system/terminal participation also. Game theory techniques have
broadly been applied to various engineering design issues in which the activity of one
component has affect on (and maybe conflicts with) that of some other component.
Along these lines, game formulation definitions are utilized, and a stable results or
solution for the players is deduced through the concept of equilibrium. This review
gathers applications of game theory in wireless networking systems administration and
presents them in a layered point of view, accentuating on which fields game theory could
be viably connected. To this end, a few amusements are displayed and their key features
are exposed.

1. Introduction
Game theory is an order directing to model circumstances in which decision makers
need to make particular activities that have shared perhaps conflicting results [1]. It has
been utilized basically as a part of economics, so as to model competition between
organizations. In the setting of wireless networks, game theory may be utilized as an
instrument for framing participation schemes among elements, such as nodes, terminals
or network providers. Amid the most recent years, game theory has likewise been
applied to networking, as a resort to take care of routing and resource
A Letter From The Story, Meleager And The Boar
I choose to write a letter from the point of view of Meleager s mother, Althaea from the
story, Meleager and the Boar . I choose this story because of the strong message of how
significant family is to the Greeks and the ties between blood and loyalty. The emotions
portrayed throughout the story of the conflict between Althaea and Meleager leads to a
tragic end and allows the reader to understand the importance of familyand how betrayal
is not taken lightly even if you re connected by blood. Betrayal is not easily forgiven
and Althaea shows this through her actions of vengeance towards her own son for the
deaths of her brothers. I really found it interesting how Althaea reacted to the news of her
brothers death at the hands of her... Show more content on ...
Excuse my poor manners dear reader, I haven t been myself in quite awhile. Let me start
from the beginning of this sorry tale. Only then may I be judged for my actions.

My son, Meleager was just a few days old when I was visited by the ones we call the
Fates. I held my son close to my breast uncertain of what my child s fate would be.
Would he be destined for a long and joyous life, bringing honor to the family name? Or
would he perish in my arms, hardly catching a glimpse of this miraculous gift we call
life? One by one each sister foretold how my beautiful son would become a heroic and
a brave man. My heart swelled with pride as I heard the great deeds my own blood
would accomplish in the future. But my pride was quickly replaced with horror when
the last sister spoke of how my little ones life was tied to the stick that burnt in the
hearth. Once the fire consumed it, so too would my sons life be extinguished from this
world. With haste I doused the stick with water, ensuring the life of my son was kept in
safe hands, protected from the grasp of Hades. I knew I would do anything to protect
my son. After all isn t that my job as a mother, It wasn t till years later that I understood
what the Fates were telling me.

I remember it clearly. My golden robes fluttered in the wind as I rushed to the temple to
express my gratitude to the gods for my son s fortunate victory against the great boar.
But my happiness was not to last long, for then I saw the stiff remains
Essay On African Americans After Reconstruction
History of African Americans after Reconstruction

During reconstruction the United States was divided on social issues, presidential
campaigns were won and loss on these issues during this period. The struggle for
development of African Americans and how they initiated change in political, economic,
educational, and social conditions to shape their future and that of the United States.
(Dixon, 2000) The South s attempts to recover from the Civil war included determining
what to do with newly freed slaves and finding labor to replace them. The task of
elevating the Negro from slave to citizen was the most enormous one which had ever
confronted the country. Local governments implemented mechanisms of discrimination
to combat citizenship ... Show more content on ...
The development of sharecropping was associated with the endless debt cycles that
afflicted the entire South well into the twentieth century. The freedmen endured an
economic status likened to peonage, (Bowles, 2011) in addition to having their hopes
for political and social equality dashed. The entire South suffered, it was the freedmen
who paid the highest price. Ignorant and impoverished, they were easy targets for
exploitation by landlords (Bowles, 2011) and merchants alike; moreover, their options
were limited by the overt racism in the South, legal restrictions and partiality.
Sharecropping resulted from the intense explicit or implicit desire of white
Southerners to keep blacks subservient to them. African Americans possessed few
skills, and those they did possess related almost exclusively to agricultural production;
they owned no property but the clothes on their backs; (Bowles, 2011) Many dreamed
of forty acres and a mule with which to begin life anew as an integrated part of
American society and the proprietor of one s own land. Inside of a year, however, a
different reality became obvious to most. By 1868, land confiscation and redistribution
was not in the realm of American political possibility. Desperation, familiarity with
people and surroundings at the old places coupled with reunion of many lost loved ones,
as well as the urgings of
Barbara Marr
Take the Monkeys and Run A Barbara Marr Murder Mystery , a 2010 Amazon Kindle
Bestseller and semi finalist in the Amazon 2009 Breakthrough Novel Contest, is the first
book by Karen Cantwell in an ongoing series about a small town Virginia housewife who
has a penchant for finding trouble or rather trouble finding her.
Barbara Marr, or Barb as she is affectionately called by friends, normally spends her time
at PTA meetings, but lately has stumbled onto a mystery that is set to rock her quiet,
nothing ever happens here community. Barb leads the average life of a forty five year
old mother with three daughters. Her husband, Howard, who recently announced he
needed time to think things over and then walked out on his family continues to maintain
a presence throughout the story. Barb is often aggravated and intimidated by her
overbearing mother who shows up ... Show more content on ...
Cantwell creates a fictitious world that is colorfully furnished in the everyday while
taking readers on a romp with outlandish mafia style bad guys with a conscious no less,
movie star handsome hunks, and a delightful entourage of equally clueless and hilarious
Since Barbara Marr is a movie buff, the book references many old movies including
Woody Allen s Take the Money and Run, old television programs as well as those
getting older actors, which will definitely cause it to be dated in the future, but that
could add to its charm. It is very appealing to those getting close to being called middle
aged readers who spend their days here in the real world and are looking for a fun, quick,
welcome escape.
Karen Cantwell s Barbara Marr Murder Mystery Series is sure to delight those who enjoy
reading for fun and pure pleasure.
Take the Monkeys and Run can be purchased at these online retailers:
Amazon Barnes and Noble Kobo iTunes/iBooks Google Play Audible
Societal Standards Of Female Beauty
Media is something every female and male look to for guidance when it comes to
fashion, beauty, and information. Magazines and advertisements are used to help women
better themselves by giving information and products to make them look and feel better
(Serdar 1). Without magazines and advertisements there wouldn t be an exact focus on
beauty standards.. People would have the freedom to choose what they like and what
they consider beautiful instead of following the crowd. Sociocultural standards of female
beauty are in every aspect of popular media. Mass medias use of unrealistic models sends
the message that in order for a womanto be beautiful, she must be unhealthy. Women are
negatively affected by the constant exposure to unrealistic media ideas of beauty
(Serdar 1). Because women of the American culture constantly compare themselves to
models and actors, they push themselves to diet and exercise in an unhealthy manner to
achieve a goal that is both bad for them physically and mentally. The ideal of beauty is
a form of self oppression. Women see themselves in pieces (Sontag 1). Because females
are so self observant of themselves they tend to put more attention on things that don t
actually need attention. Therefore, they feel as if their not as beautiful as a person they
see on television. Very small percent of women in western countries meet the criteria the
media uses to define beauty. So many women repeatedly exposed the media images that
send a message that

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