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Intercultural Communication Essay

Crafting an essay on the theme of intercultural communication poses a unique set of challenges. The
intricacies of this topic demand a comprehensive understanding of diverse cultures, communication
styles, and the impact of cultural differences on interpersonal interactions. To effectively delve into
this subject, one must navigate through a vast sea of cultural nuances, linguistic variations, and
societal intricacies.

The difficulty arises not only from the need to research and comprehend the theoretical frameworks
of intercultural communication but also to incorporate real-world examples that illustrate the
complexities and significance of effective cross-cultural communication. Balancing academic theories
with practical insights requires a nuanced approach, ensuring that the essay resonates with both
scholarly rigor and relatable experiences.

Moreover, addressing the multifaceted nature of intercultural communication necessitates a keen

awareness of the dynamic nature of cultures and the evolving ways in which individuals from
different backgrounds engage with one another. This requires staying abreast of current events,
societal shifts, and global developments that continually shape the landscape of intercultural

The challenge is not only in presenting information but also in fostering a deep understanding and
appreciation for the importance of effective intercultural communication. The essay should go
beyond mere description and analysis, aiming to inspire readers to reflect on their own
communication practices and cultivate a more inclusive and understanding approach in their
interactions with individuals from diverse cultural backgrounds.

In conclusion, crafting an essay on intercultural communication demands a careful blend of

theoretical knowledge, practical insights, and a deep appreciation for the complexities inherent in
cross-cultural interactions. It requires not only research and analysis but also a commitment to
fostering a greater understanding of the significance of effective communication across diverse
cultural landscapes.

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to the study, only sixteen percent of top corporate executives (CEOs, CFOs, COOs and
other C level executives) in New Zealand believe that they understand their clients or
consumers. The figure is relatively low if compared to the global total of thirty five
percent considering the advance economy of the country. The article also pointed out
that significant efforts will be made to improve New Zealand s overall percentage
performance to around 82% in the next 3to 5 years.

The study also introduced a new business model in the social media digital age being
the everyone to everyone or e2e economy. What makes it different from the two major
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to consumer (B2C) that we have come to know of is the creation of business ecosystems
that focuses on the individual customer, the level of customer experience and
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Electronic Payment of Salaries of Staff to Nigerian Civil...



E mail:


Electronic payment of salaries to staff is a new development in the country. Electronic

payment is a process of making payments online through the use of ATM, Debit cards,
credit cards, electronic cheque conversion. Electronic payment of salaries was introduced
so as to monitor ghost workers among the civil servants, to prevent unnecessary expenses
... Show more content on ...
This has been due to four related factors:
1.Proprietary closed network were developed by banks to handle large and increasingly
internationally based payment system.
2.Large value payment are increasingly associated with foreign exchange and global
security transactions thereby becoming divorced from underlying world trade.
3.Large value payment system were not designed nor are they cost effective for small
value payments.
4.Paper base non automated payment systems remain an established part of accepted
business practice for varying institutional reasons thereby remaining in grained in
economic system.


The reasons for making use of electronic payment to pay staff are:
1.It helps in reducing the traffic in banking halls: This is one of the reasons for
introducing E payments because it helps in reducing corruption and misconduct in the
civil service world e.g. workers bribing accountants because they want to collect their
salaries. (Nwite; 2000).
2.It also makes the work easier and relieves the banking staff of much work to be done
since people can now withdraw their money through other means e.g. ATM, Debit card
etc. (Jhingan 2004).
3.It saves time: Instead of queuing up in the bank to check account balance and to
withdraw money, an SMS alert would have been sent and the customer can make
withdrawal anywhere. (Becks;
The Importance Of Cursive Writing
Taught more than thirty decades ago, cursive writing has a famed and legendary past. It
was once a vital element of American education, but is now becoming an archaic artefact
as technology advanced and the requirement of more regulated tests push it out of the
education system. Cursive writing should be scrapped out of the educationsystem for
there is no need of wasting time and resources to continue teaching a skill that won t be
beneficial to the students in the near future. For many students in America, cursivewriting
is as foreign as the hieroglyphics of the ancient Egypt. In most colleges and universities,
more students are increasingly using tablet computers and laptops to take notes rather
than the old adage of using pen and paper. With the changes in technology, handwritten
letters are rare to come by. Most people have changed with the dynamics of technology.
Most communication is done using email, Skype and Facebook, Snapchat, or Instagram
as opposed to manual letter writing. Just like calligraphy, cursive has been unnecessary(I
don t agree with this). Writing is seen as a means of communicating. Technically talking,
we are past the times of physical writing as an art. Whatever can be created with a pen, a
computer can recreate it much better. Welcome to the world of technology. If it can be
printed, then it can be communicated in the penned form. The argument that cursive
writing aids in refining the motor skills of students is completely untrue.

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