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Example Of An Argumentative Essay

Writing an essay on the topic "Example of an Argumentative Essay" can be a challenging task, as it
requires a careful balance between presenting a clear argument and providing relevant examples to
support that argument. The difficulty lies in not only understanding the intricacies of constructing a
persuasive argument but also in selecting appropriate examples that effectively illustrate and
strengthen the points being made.

One of the challenges is to develop a coherent and logical structure for the essay. This involves
organizing ideas in a way that flows naturally, building a solid introduction that sets the tone for the
argument, presenting well-supported points in the body paragraphs, and offering a compelling
conclusion. Ensuring a smooth transition between paragraphs and maintaining a consistent tone
throughout the essay are crucial aspects that contribute to its overall quality.

Moreover, crafting a compelling thesis statement that encapsulates the main argument and guides the
reader through the essay is a crucial step. The thesis should be specific, concise, and debatable,
setting the stage for a robust argument. Developing a nuanced understanding of the topic and
conducting thorough research to find relevant examples and evidence are also time-consuming tasks
that add to the complexity of the writing process.

Selecting and incorporating examples that effectively support the argument is another hurdle. It
requires critical thinking and an ability to evaluate the strength and relevance of each example.
Striking the right balance between providing enough evidence to persuade the reader and avoiding
excessive details is a delicate art that demands careful consideration.

In addition, maintaining an objective and professional tone is essential in argumentative essays. The
writer must avoid emotional language and focus on presenting a well-reasoned and evidence-based
case. This adds an extra layer of complexity, as it demands a high level of rhetorical skill to convey
persuasive arguments without resorting to personal bias.

In conclusion, writing an essay on the topic "Example of an Argumentative Essay" is a challenging

task that demands a combination of critical thinking, research skills, and effective communication.
Navigating through the complexities of constructing a persuasive argument, organizing ideas
coherently, and selecting relevant examples requires careful consideration and attention to detail.
However, with the right approach and dedication, a well-crafted argumentative essay can be a
powerful tool for conveying and supporting a persuasive point of view.

For assistance with similar essays and more, you may consider exploring .
Example Of An Argumentative Essay Example Of An Argumentative Essay
Archetypes In The Hero, The Mentor, And The Shadow
In The Hobbit, there are a variety of characters that play vital roles in the story. While
this novel is filled with many diverse characters, some have specific roles to play. These
can be categorized into archetypes. Archetypes describe the functions that people or
items play in a story. Seven of these archetypes exist, and three of them stand out in The
Hobbit. The Hero, The Mentor, and The Shadow are necessary archetypes that can be
found in The Hobbit, and three characters fit these roles perfectly. First of all, the
archetype, The Hero, is represented by Bilbo Baggins, and for this archetype, they
sacrifice themself for the service of the journey. They grow and learn during this time.
For example, in chapter three, the text states, He was thinking once again of his
comfortable chair before the fire in his favorite sitting room in his hobbit hole, and of the
kettle... Show more content on ...
He provided Bilbo with help with his magic, and protected him. An example can be
found in chapter six, when Gandalf states, Up the trees quick! (The Hobbit, page 109).
Gandalf told Bilbo what to do. Then he commanded Bilbo to get up the trees, an order
that saved his life. As well, in chapter seven, the the wizard explains, I always meant to
see you all safe (if possible) over the mountains (The Hobbit, page 125). Hence, this
quote proves that Gandalf always looks out for Bilbo Baggins, and gives him insight
to help him. One more piece of evidence can be found in chapter seven, when Gandalf
exclaims, Don t be a fool Mr. Baggins if you can help it; and in the name of all wonder
don t mention the word furrier again as long as you are within miles of his house, nor
rug, cape, tippet, muff, nor any other such unfortunate word! (The Hobbit, page 127).
According to this quote, Gandalf gave advice to Bilbo, and taught him what not to do.
Mentoring was what he was
Reflection Of Consumer Chemistry
INTRODUCTION: Nowadays, people here in this world are using science in their
everyday lives. When you fry a fish, there s a science. When you wash your clothes,
there s a science behind it. Everything is science. There are different branches of science.
Including Biology, Botany, Zoology, and many more. But one of the most used in
everyday life in the branches of science is the CHEMISTRY. It is a branch of physical
science that deals with composition, structure, properties and changes of matter.
Chemistry is the one who is responsible for photosynthesis (plants making food for their
own). But Consumer chemistry is the one that deals with humans in our everyday lives.
Consumer Chemistry is the branch of Chemistry that makes consumable products.
Consumer chemistry deals with food, cosmetics, fertilizers... Show more content on ...
I ve learned mny topics in Consumer Chemistry but one of the mot important lesson and
the hardest (for me) is the Redox or Oxidation Reduction Reaction. Why is it the
hardest topic for me? Well, at first, while our teacher was discussing this, I thought that
this lesson is pretty easy because I understand all her lessons and I had no problem
absorbing the lessons. Butwhen the day after comes, I was already confused on how
to do the Redox. I tried to approach my classmates who are great in Consumer
Chemistry. But I always forget it after that and got confused again. And I think, that s
the reason I got a very low score on our summative test. After that test, I promised to
myself that I will strive hard for me to get a high score on our periodical test. That s
why I made this learning module, to help me and others who are having a hrd time on

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