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Social Issues Essay Example

Crafting an essay on the subject of social issues poses a significant challenge due to its broad scope
and multifaceted nature. First and foremost, identifying a specific social issue to focus on amidst the
plethora of pressing problems can be daunting. Whether it's poverty, inequality, discrimination, or
any other issue, each warrants careful consideration and research to delve into its complexities.

Moreover, delving into the depths of a social issue requires extensive research to understand its root
causes, historical context, current manifestations, and potential solutions. This demands sifting
through a multitude of sources ranging from scholarly articles and research papers to news reports
and firsthand accounts. Analyzing this diverse array of information and synthesizing it into a
coherent and insightful essay requires time, patience, and critical thinking skills.

Furthermore, navigating the sensitive nature of social issues necessitates a nuanced approach to
ensure that the essay is both informative and respectful. Balancing the presentation of facts with
empathy for those affected by the issue is essential to avoid oversimplification or trivialization.

Additionally, articulating one's thoughts effectively on such a complex and emotive topic requires
strong writing skills and the ability to convey ideas clearly and persuasively. Crafting a compelling
argument that engages readers and prompts them to reflect on the issue at hand is no small feat.

In conclusion, writing an essay on social issues is undeniably challenging, requiring careful selection
of a topic, extensive research, nuanced analysis, and effective communication skills. However,
despite its difficulties, it's a worthwhile endeavor that can contribute to raising awareness and
fostering dialogue about important societal concerns.

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Social Issues Essay Example Social Issues Essay Example
The Interesting Thing About Dr. Marie Heaton
Section 1: Character Connection The interesting thing about Dr. Marie Heaton is that
at one point in her career worked in the public health field. One night Marie decided to
go out and take a drive to see the house where the mother of Jolene Jansen now resided
alone in (Cassella, 2008, pg. 83). Jolene Jansen was the eight year old girl who had
recently died on Marie s operating table (Cassella, 2008). Her mother, Bobbie Jansen,
resided in the same neighborhood as a clinic where Marie used to work (Cassella,
2008, pg. 83). Marie states in the book that, my original plan had been to go to Africa
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residency required for anesthesia , but instead of traveling... Show more content on ...
This strong desire to help, care for, and connect deeply with people that first led Marie to
pursue public health is a good example of characteristics that public health workers
generally possess. Public health workers put in a lot of time and effort to improve life
for people all around the globe just as Marie puts great time and effort into all of her
Section 2: Public Health Branch Connection The overall goal of social behavioral
sciences is to create social and physical environments that promote good health for all (
Social Determinants of Health , 2014). There are many different instances in the book
Oxygen where social behavioral sciences are set in motion. Towards the beginning of
the book, Marie Heaton is described trying to calm Jolene down and form a bond with
her in order to be able to properly assess Jolene and thus create a healthy social
environment with Jolene (Cassella, 2008). By creating this healthy social relationship
and environment with Jolene, Marie was able to make Jolene s mother more comfortable
around her thus giving her mother more incentive to provide Marie with a good amount
of accurate medical information (Cassella, 2008). The ways in which the hospital
handles malpractice suits can be seen as another instance in which social behavioral
practices are taking place. When a malpractice law suit takes place, Lutheran hospital has
many various procedures it implements
The Articulatory System
The structures that make up the articulatory system include: the oral cavity, the skull, the
face and mandible, the nasal cavity, and the pharyngeal cavity. Of all the structures that
make up the articulatory system the bones that make up the skull, the facial and cranial
bones, contain bones that confuse me. The facial bones include the mandible, the vomer,
the maxilla, the nasal bone, the palatine bone, the lacrimal bone, the zygomatic bone, and
the inferior nasal concha. The cranial bones include the ethmoid bone, the sphenoid bone,
the frontal bone, the occipital bone, the temporal bone, and the parietal bone. The cranial
and facial bones that confuse me the most are the palatine bone and the ethmoid bone.
The various positions in which

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