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공항 Airport

병원 Hospital
성공 Success
성취 Achievement, accomplish
취득 Acquisition
중독 Poisoning
중독성 Addictive
설명 Explanation, Description
설명서 Manual
사투리 Dialect
골목시장 Alley Market
당나귀 Donkey
단어 Word
마디 Short sentence
살짝 A little
능력 Ability, capability, talent
재능 Talent, ability, capacity
재주 Ability, skill, trick, facility
요새 Lately, recently, these days
요즘 Nowadays, recent times, recently,
these days
아마(도) perhaps, likely
어쩌면 perhaps
그제 day before yesterday
그저께 The day before yesterday
변태 Pervert
교과서 Textbook
조카 Niece, Nephew
농쟁 Debate, argument, dispute
과녁 Target
주재 Residence
주제 Subject
비밀번호 Password
철자 Spelling
철자법 Spelling
부사 Adverb
우선 Priority, first of all
자세히 In detail, closely, minutely
흉내 Mimicry/mimetismo/imitação
실력 Skill
일회용 Disposable
소장용 Collectible
과제 Assignment
짝꿍 Partner
예를 example
금식 fasting/abstinence(jejum)
격리 Isolation/quarantine/containment
흑백 Black and white
앞뒤 back and forth/backward and forward
데뷔곡 Debut song
왕후 queen, empress
간밤에 Last night
장르 Genre
순서 Order
잠꼬대 Sleep talking
참고/참조 Reference
번역 Translation
개성 Individuality
구분 Division
국적 Nationality
사석 Unofficial occasion
예민 sensitive, subtlety
대화 Conversation, dialogue
관계 Relation, relationship, connection
관계성 Relationship
영화관 Movie theater, cinema
일부러 Deliberately, intentionally, on
(조심) care, caution, beware (of), be careful,
becautious (about)2.(관심) attention, caution
give attention to, (formal) pay heed to,
(formal) take head to. 3.(경고) warning,
(formal) admonition
새벽 dawn, morning
일출 Sunrise
햇빛 the sunlight
햇볕 the warm energy or the warmth from
the sun
햇살 Sunlight, sunshine
단계 Step, phase, stage
매주 Every week
자전거 Bicycle
거실 Livingroom
시청자 Viewers
독감 flu
관리 management
노답이야 No answer/no way/I'm speechless
참을성 patience, perseverance, persistence,
승질(temper/cranky) [Dialect, and it's even
considered wrong.] = 성질(temper) = 화 =
신경질 anger
관계 Relation, relationship,
귀신 Ghost
염색 Dyeing
편집 Edit, compilation
별명 Nickname
과연 Indeed, after all, in fact, indeed
면접 Interview, face-to-face meeting;
meeting in person; personal interview, oral
나는 다가오고 있는 면접을 준비하고 있다.I
am preparing for an upcoming interview.
오늘 면접 어떻게 됐어요?
How did the interview go today?

평가 Evaluation
재봉틀 sewing machine
협찬 Sponsored
애국/애국심/애국주의 Patriotism
활동 Activity
조금씩 Gradually, little by little, by piecemeal
평소 usual/usually
옥수수 Corn, maize
피부 Skin
피부과 Dermatology
이마도 Forehead
주의 Caution, attention, note, notice, care
이불 Blanket, covers, (Am) comforter,
(Brit)bedding, bedclothes
연관 Relation
환기 Ventilation
근육 Muscle
연유 Condensed milk
대신 Instead, compensation
양념 seasoning, spices
역사상 In history
해외 Overseas
물건 Stuff, things, objects
부적 Charm, amulet, talisman
분위기 Atmosphere, mood, ambience,
brilliantly, glitteringly, dazzlingly, ―하다 glitte
r, gleam, twinkle, flash, glisten,
sparkle, shine.
결심 Determination, resolution
여신 Goddess
여왕 Queen
왕 King
공주님 Princess
주요 major, main, primary, leading,
principal, chief, staple.
대화법 Conversation
말투 Speeach, talk, way of talking
문화 Culture
중화권 Greater China = Taiwan = 대만
consultation (with), consult, talk (to/with), dis
cuss (sth with sb)
당시 Then, at that[the] time, in those days
환경 Environment
익숙 Familiar
다국적 Multinational
외국인 Foreigner
외국어 Foreign language
국가 Political state, nation, country, polity
자격증 Certificate
세계 World
세계적인 Worldwide
필수적 Essential
요소인 Element
반면에 On the other hand, the other hand,
the flip side
남친 Boyfriend
여친 Girlfriend
전광판 Electronic board
중적인 Neutral
직원 Employee/staff
직원분 Employees
배송 Delivery, Shipping
조개 seashell/clam
오줌 urine/pee
인연 Destiny
괴물 Monster
도시락 lunch box/small lunch
텐데 I guess, , it would/should
거의 Almost/nearly
진심 Sincerity/truth/Are you serious?!
투표 Vote/voting
장소 Location, space, spot, places
청바지 Blue jeans/ Jeans
심지어 Even/ ex: it's even my size
운명 Destiny/fate
다람쥐 Squirrel
봄 Spring
겨울 Winter
여름 Summer
가을 Autumn/Fall
평생 Forever
어린 날 Children's Day
호수 Lake
마무리 Wrap-up, finishing, completion,
concluding, conclusion, ending
증거 Evidence/witness/Testament
매일 Everyday/daily
모든날 All day/everyday
매일매일 Daily/Everyday
영토 Territory/land/dominion
지구 Earth
기온 Temperature
무사히 Safely/ safe and sound
중앙 Center, middle, central, primary
긴장감 Tension
전혀 Not at all, absolutely
반사신경 Reflex(es)
태도 Attitude, manner, bearing, demeanor

방법 Manner, method, procedure, (slang)

활용 Application, practical use, use, utilize,
make use of, put sth to use, avail oneself of
sth,inflection, inflexion, conjugation, declensi
on, inflect, conjugate, decline
계획 Plan/scheme/program/project/design
재료 Materials/ingredients
어목 Fish
얼음 Ice
얼른 Hurry
넘쳐 Overflowing/spilling over
방향 Direction/way/heading
신동 Prodigy
모습 Shape
출구 Exit, way out
입구 Entrance
출국 Departure
상처 Wound/bruise
억지 Forced
억지로 by force
고통 Pain, distress, torment, affliction
충전기 Charger
예정 Expected, [명사] schedule,
[동사] be scheduled (for / to do), be expecte
d[supposed, planned]
(to do), be due (for / to do), be slated (for / to

예정대로 도착하다 arrive on schedule

약이 Medicine
형광 Neon
지갑 Wallet
향수 Perfume, fragrance
먼지 Dust
생물 Organism, living being, creature
물음표의/문 부호
question mark, (Brit) interrogation mark(?)
결론 Conclusion
업무 Business, work, task, duty, business
operations, service
일정 Calendar
간식 Snack, appetizer
택배 Delivery
순식간에 All of a sudden, in a wink/flash
걔 (colloquial) that kid; he or she
애호박 squash/abóbora
무료 Free
고무 Rubber
애착 Attachment
설마 surely, no way, by no means
연기 Acting, Smoke
살 Age, flesh
부담감 Burden, pressure
우주 Space, universe
우주선 Spaceship
상당히 Suitably; to an appropriate degree,
가만히 Still (as in to be still/stopped), not
moving, Just as it is, Stealthily; in secret,
가만 Quietly; without moving or
speaking,without change; just as it is
편히 At ease
단발 bob hair/short hair
긴발 Long hair
뱀 Snake
늑대 Wolf
개구리 Frog
가게 Store
제각 Making
대중화 Popularization
대중들 The public
대중매체 Mass media
대중문화 Popular culture
얘는 This one
쟤네 They
휴식 Rest, break
휴게 Rest
휴게실 Resting room
휴게소 Resting place
실 Room (Sino korean word)
방 Room (Pure/native koran word)
거실 Livingroom, sitting room
침실 Bedroom
교실 Classroom
강의실 Classroom (used un bigger
화장실 Restroom, bathroom
교차편집 Crossedit
군무씩 Group dance
추천 Recommendation
상황 Situation/circumstances
낱말 Word
악기 (Musical) Instruments
아무튼/암튼 Anyway
경직된 Rigid/stiff
어저께 Yesterday
귀신꿈 Ghost dream/nightmare
마비 Paralysis
환청(이) Hallucination(s)
가위 Scissors
초밀착 Super close
상징 Symbol/emblem/image
가상 Email
중간 Middle
나이 Age
차이 Difference/distance/distinction/interval
세대 Generation
본명 Real name
별명 Nickname
한자어 Chinese characters
수술 Operation/Surgery
금지 prohibition, ban (on),
prohibit (sb from doing), ban (sb from doing),
추측 Guess, speculation
토종 Native
신체 Body
턱선 Jawline
보조개 Dimple
가끔씩 Sometimes
배경 Background
배경화면 Wallpapers
단톡방 Chat room
개인톡 Personal chat
인정 Recognition
장점 Advantages
단점 Disadvantages
Temptation/Seduction, lure, allurement, entic
ement, seduction,
[동사] tempt, lure, entice, seduce
좌우명 Motto/Lema
일주/주일/평일 Weekdays
주말 Weekend
공휴일 Public holiday
연휴 Consecutive holiday/days off,
부엌 Kitchen
사철 The four seasons
후보 Candidate
대만족 Very satisfied
가검 False sword
은근히 Quite, quietly
점증 A steady[gradual] increase, 점증하
다 increase gradually[steadily], rise steadily[
by degrees]
동의어 Synonym
반대말 Antonym
반의어 Antonyms
동음이의어 Homophones
동형 이의어 Homographs
당근 Carrot
냉장고 Fridge
눈총 Stare
근무 시간 Working hours
근무 환경 Workplace environment
회의 Conference, meetings
짤 meme, GIF (Graphic Interchange Format),
웃긴 짤방 (Funny GIF)
위협 Threat
고구마 sweet potato
어쨌든 Anyway
대기 Waiting (for an opportunity or timing),
(military) Awaiting an order to mobilize,
(civil service) Awaiting an order.
땀 Sweat
가죽 Leather
착장 Outfit
의상 Costume, outfit
하필 For what reason/motive./why
necessarily/why of all things
칭찬 Compliment
펼칠 Unfold
점점 Gradually
끄덕 Nod
이런 (Determiner): like this, such
문장 (grammar) Sentence
결속 Solidarity
선곡 Song selection
알맞은 Appropriate
경찰 Police
직업 Job
목표 Goal
댓글 Comment
하마 Hippo
타조 Ostrich/Avestruz
종합 Synthesis
음절 Syllables
모음 Vowel
위협 Threat
막차 Train
실수 Mistake
구어 Spoken language
미국식 Anglicism, American style
영국식 Englishism, English style
소독 Disinfection
소독제 Sanitizer
예방 Prevention
사막 Desert
바다 Sea
산 Mountain
강 River
숲 Forest
호수 Lake
식당 Restaurant
은행 Bank
학교 School
대학교 University
병원 Hospital
공원 Park
무료 Free
유료 Pay, charged
실내 Indoors, inside
실외 outdoors
도시 City
시골 Country
출근 Going to work
퇴근 Leaving Work, off work
찬성 agreement, approval
반대 Opposition, disagreement
제품 Product
공룡 Dinosaur
공유 Share
소속사 Agency
이름표 Nameplate
믿음직 trustworthy, reliability
예능 entertainment
끝없이 Endlessly, without end, eternally,
역대급 The greatest
의논 discuss/discussion
상상 Imagination, supposition
단독 Exclusive
기획 Plan
지우개 Eraser/Rubber
범죄자/범인 Criminal
벽 Wall
손목 Wrist
올해 This year, the current year
정체 Identity
(명사) approximately, roughly, cursorily
대강 roughly, approximately, briefly, cursorily;
(거의) nearly, almost,
outline, summary, general features
숫자 Number
수준 Level
방송 Broadcast, a specific broadcast; a radio
or television program
재수 Luck
성조 Tone
연애 Date, go out (with), have a (romantic)
relationship (with).
남녀 male and female
역할 a role or part
역할극 role play
자막 Subtitle
혹은 Or
이민국 immigration
이민국가 immigration country
전세계 Worldwide
전통 Tradition/traditional (ex: traditional food)
원주민 Native
동네 Town
동네친구 Neighborhood friend
동네마다 in every town/every
neighborhood/every place
그다지 so much; to that extent, (not)
그리 (not) so much, like that; so
별로 (colloquial) not so good, not really
(sometimes used with a negative), not
그렇게 so, so much, in that way, to that
비정상이지 It's abnormal
교환학생 Exchange student
정신 Mental, spirit, soul, mind,
영혼 Soul, the spirit or essence of a person
육체 Body, flesh
한민족 Korean people
선후배 관계 Senior-junior relationship/
Hierachical relations
경험 Experience
명칭 Designation, titles, denomination
호칭 Title
목사님 Pastor
변호사님 Lawyer/Attorney
이사님 Director
경우 Occation, case, instance
저주 Curse
어차피 Anyway
양심 Conscience
저자 Writer/author
취향 Taste, liking, fondness, preferences
계단 Stairs
고추 Pepper
감람 Cabbage
축복 Blessings
도망 Escape
도망자 Fugitive
황급히 hurriedly, urgently, hastily, in a hurry,
in (great) haste
분명히 Clearly
감히 Boldly, fearlessly, daringly, dare
과감히 Daringly
성적이 Grade
헤벌레 Caterpillar
여느 Any
무결점 Flawless
미모 Beauty
미녀 Beauty, beautiful woman
미녀와 야수 Beauty and the Beast
지독히 Frightfully
야동 Porn
유사 Similarity
별자리 Constellation, Zodiac sign
외계인 Alien
헛소리 Gibberish
가능 Possible, potential, possibility
현재 Now, currently
능력자 Capable/capable person
구사 Speeach
장학금 Scholarship
설거지 Washing dishes
편명 Flight number
현황 Status
매번 Every time, all the time
예능감 Sense of entertainment
왠지모 Somehow
원어 Original language
원어민/원어미인 Native speaker
2 개국어자 Bilingual
유학 Study Abroad
음색 Timbre
왕국 Kingdom, realm, empire
겨울왕국 Frozen
야채 Vegetables/veggies
상당히 Suitably; to an appropriate degree
비염 Rhinitis
비음 Nasal sound
월생 Month born
여전히 Still, just as before
계약 Contract
옆얼굴 Face as seen from the side, profile
모래 Sand
대륙 Continent
소식 News
버섯 Mushroom
태극기 Korean Flag
관리자 manager, administrator
표정 Expression
주인공 Hero, main character, protagonist
소감 Impression
손난로 Handwarmer
자만 Conceit, pride, vanity
차츰 Gradually
한쌍 A pair, a couple
벽 Wall
전야 Eve
주님 (Christianity) The Lord, God the Father,
Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit.
꾸준히 Steadily, untiringly, constantly,
의식 consciousness, awareness,
consciousness in the philosophical sense
무의식 Unconscious
무의식적으로 Unconsciously
장벽 Barrier
예수님 Jesus
착수 start, begin, set (about
to), get down to; launch,
undertake, get around to
방학 Vacation
점령 Occupation
출연 Appearance
정글 Jungle
의리 Loyalty, (formal) fidelity
충성 Loyalty
완료 Complete
건너편 Other side
점점 Increasingly
일기 Diary
숨통 Breath
임신 Pregnant
기도 Prayer
청바지 Blue jeans
고유 inherence
감성 Emotion
시대 Era
냥(이) Cat
각도 Angle
친목 Amity/amizade
더블유 The letter W
따라서 Therefore, consequently
늘 Always, forever
유의어 Synonym
북한 North Korea
생리하는 Menstruating
선보일 Show off a performance
선보 Showcase
아홉째 Ninth/nono
삭발 Shaved
없이 Without, lacking
생리학 Physiology (branch of biology)
직관 Intuition
구축 Construction, building
주택 A residential building.
건물 Building, construction, edifice
체형 Figure, type of build (body)
교사 School building, school house
부동산 Real estate, (law) any non-movable
property, including land, buildings or
portions thereof, and crops
성 sex, sexuality; gender, grammatical
성별 Sex, gender
남성 Male, the masculine gender
여성 woman; womenfolk; women in general;
womankind; femininity; womanhood
성전환 Sex change, gender transitioning,
당장(Adverb): At once; immediately
thereafter; right now/away, (noun): The exact
즉시(adverb): immediately, promptly
이용 take advantage of, use,
utilize, make use of,exploit, capitalize on, pla
y on
감옥 Prison
전도사 Evangelist, (Protestantism) A title for
a lay leader who has not been ordained as a
도쿄 Tokyo, the capital city of Japan
온몸 Whole body, entire body
씨 Seed
시 Poem
전반적으로 Generally, particularly
각자 Each, individually, respectively
각중 Each
은발 Silver hair
탈색 Decolorization
워낙 So much, usually, always,
긍정적 Positive
가치 Value, worth
그래픽 Graphic; graphics
추락 Fall
언제나 Always,at some point; eventually,
여러 Several, various
여러 가지 Variety
어쩌다 adverb: it so happens; by chance,
사이 Relationship, space between, gap or
space between two things
자기애 Narcissism, self-love
희소식 Good news
청순 Innocence, purity, chastity
순수 Pure
받아쓰기 Dictation
띄어쓰기 Spacing/korean spacing
희망 Hope
노력 Effort, striving, making an effort to
accomplish something
환절기 Turning season, change of seasons
결과물 Outcome, result
결과 result, outcome, consequence
심지어 Even
소통 Communication, communicate
교통 Traffic
불충 disloyalty, unfaithfulness,
infidelity, perfidy,
perfidious, fail in one's duty (to the king)
쌩얼 Bare faced/no make up
조명이 Lighted(iluminado)
분홍빛 Pinkish
반짝반짝 Glitter, shiney
번쩍번쩍 Flashing
뒷모습 Back
이상 ideal, an amount more than, an amount
more than, the aforementioned, strangeness;
중급 Middle class, Middle level, intermediate
중학교 Middle school
대학교 University(lit. Big school)
부분 part, section, piece
대부분 most, in large part, majority, most
남극 Antarctica
종일 All day, the whole day
우정 Friendship
배꼽 bellybutton
특파원 Correspondent
수업 Class, lessons
천재 Genius
동작 Movement
추석 Korean Thanksgiving
추 Weight
추가 Addition
재질 Texture (material)
목걸이 Necklace
장난감 Toy
연휴 Holidays
아무 nothing, (determiner): any, (pronoun):
나라 Country, nation, kingdom
하늘나라 Heaven; paradise
양옆 both sides
갈증 Thirst
세수 wash one's face
세안 Washing (your) face
대표님 The CEO of a company
높임말 Honorific words (honorifics), respect
줄임말 Abbreviation, abbreviated words
취소 Cancel, revoke, withdrawal, recall
속도 Speed, velocity, pace
기회 Chance, opportunity
표명 Manifestation, demonstration
변명 Excuses, defense
표현 Expression
가격 Price, pricing, value
발목 Ankle
환각 Hallucination, Illusion
손발 Limbs/membros(do corpo)
문제 Problem
어려움 Difficulties
변화 A change, transformation, change,
기록 A record of something, register
시련 A hardship
위기 A crisis
과정 A process
단계 Stage, step, phase
형식 Form, format
반찬 side dish, appetizer
더욱 even so, more so
전공 Major, speciality
조절 Control, adjustment, conditioning
재정 Finances
재원 Financial resources, funds, finance,
revenue source
정중히 Politely, respectfully, courteously
발상 Idea
관련 Relation
국제 Internacional
유치원 Kindergarden
건방져 Cocky, cheeky, arrogant
학원 Academy, school
과외 Tutoring
사회 Social studies, society
교정 Braces, correction
난민 Refugee
보수적/보수적인 Conservative
생물학 Biology
치과의사 Dentist
타국 Foreign country
생활 lifestyle, way of life, daily living
오히려 on the contrary, unexpectedly,
rather (than), sooner (than), preferably,
(반대로) on the contrary, instead
흑발 black hair, dark hair
무효의 Void, emptiness, null, sterile
비등 boiling, seething, effervescence(발포)
비등하다 boil, seethe, effervesce,
fermentation, commotion, excitement, agitati
액체 Liquid
기체 Gas
일반 Normal, regular
갈색 Brown
의심 Doubt
직접 Directly
애인 Lover, boyfriend, girlfriend
묘사 Describe
며칠 A few days
안주 snack
불어 French
왕관 Crown
하품 Yawn
새끼 A young animal, (vulgar) A
contemptible person, usually male; a son of
a bitch.
의지 will, willpower, intention
고퀄로 high quality
(계급)high rank, seniority,
(정도)high class[grade]
인권 Human rights
참나 you can use that expression when sth is ridiculous. So i would
translate them more like "oh boy, oh my. ridiculous. (smh)
유식 Knowledge
무인도 Uninhabited island, desert island
무한 infinite, limitless, no limit, boundless
유한 finite, to have a limit, limited
유명 Famous, known
무명 not famous, unknown
유무 Existence and nonexistence, whether
someone has something or not,
저항 Resistance
반항 Resistance
초점 Focus
방울 Drop
장식 Decoration, ornament, decor
장관 A minister, a member of Cabinet
시차 time difference
교복 Uniform
약자 Abbreviation
도전장 Challenge
원곡자 Original composer
만큼 (particle) the degree or extent to which,
(dependent noun) the degree or extent to
그만큼 To that extent; that amount, as much
as that
편견 Prejudice
존맛 (neologism, slang, often vulgar)
delicious taste
작업 Work, working
체력관리 Physicsl strength, Physical fitness
미치광이 Lunatic, maniac, loony
호기심 Curiosity
호기심이 생기다 become curious (about)

형용사 + curiosity

끝없는 호기심
insatiable curiosity

단순한 호기심
idle[mere; simple] curiosity

병적인 호기심
morbid curiosity

성적 호기심
sexual curiosity

엄청난 호기심
great[intense] curiosity

자연스런 호기심
natural curiosity

지적인 호기심
intellectual curiosity

I asked out of curiosity.

나는 호기심에서 물어 보았다.

아무리 However much/many; no matter how

야망 An ambition
독립 Independence
천둥 Thunder
도형이 Shape
모양 Shape, pattern,way
참가자 Participant
이봐요 Hey, Hey buddy
여보 Honey or sweetheart between a
married Couple
영감님 Old man
사장님 Business owner, boss
자유 Freedom; liberty, nature(?)
목음 Voice
동갑 Same age
주차 parking lot
띠동갑 someone with the same Chinese
zodiac sign; person born in the year of the
same Zodiac sign
해양 Ocean, sea
불안장애 Anxiety disorder
물건 Thing, stuff, object
구멍 Hole
만화 Manga, cartoon
가요계 Music industry
방해 Hindrance; obstacle
감격 Effervescence
더 More
덜 Less
목적 Purpose
거인 Giant, titan, colossus
고인 Dead person, deceased
직캠 Fancam
표준어 Standard language
정확히 Exactly, accurately, correctly,
몸무게 Weight
신체 Body(hight)
자세 Posture, attitude, pose, position
풍경 Scenery
흥얼거리(는) Hum(mming)
굳이(Adverb) Strongly, firmly, obstinately
공통 Common
상식 Common knowledge; common sense
사건 Case, incident
계좌 Account
체크 카드 Debit card
신용 카드 Credit card
대출 Loan
수수료 Fees, bank charges
감정 Emotion, feeling, sentiment
기분 Feeling, mood
느낌 Feeling; noun form of 느끼다 (to feel)
첫인상 First impression
매순간 Every moment
외래어 Foreign words, loanword, word taken
from another language
성대모사 Voice imitation
공식 Formula; formality, being formal
언제든지 Anytime
광역시 Metropolitan city
구혼 Proposal of marriage; courtship, wooing
충분히 Sufficient
숙어 Phrase
구절 Phrase
표현법 Expression
약절 Abbreviation
방학 School vacation; school holiday
학기 Semester, trimester, term
학년 School year, grade year
과거 Past, bygone days, bygones
여우 Fox
여배우 actress (female actor)
산업 Industry
상어 Shark
비유 Metaphor; figure of speech
반응 Reaction
부인 denial; disaffirmation, ma'am, (honorific)
another person's wife
방어 Defense
심장 Heart (an organ)
사전 Dictionary
수준 Level, a standard or criterion level
양면 both sides, two sides
뜻밖의 Unexpected, abrupt
산책 Walk, stroll
운전면허 Driver's license
두음법칙 Inicial sound rule/ Phonetic rule
(only applies to words that are from 한자)
노인 An old person; the elderly, senior
낙원 Paradise
뇌성 Thunder
누각 Pavillion, palace, dungeon
상큼미 Freshness
위치 Location
영광 Honor; glory
사항 Item, matter
초상화 Portrait
지옥 Hell, inferno, pit
천국 Heaven
증명 Proof
작업실 Workplace
합류 Joining, confluence

버릇 Habit, (an action done on a regular

basis), manners
습관 Habit
습관적으로 habitually
염식 Habit
묵주 Rosary, Rosário
쪼그리고 Squat/agachamento
애장 Cherished
애장템 cherished item
반지 Ring
보석류 Jewelry
채(adverb) Not yet, still... not
청소 Cleaning, sweeping
업무 Business, work, task, duty, business
operations, service
진실 Truth
거짓 Lie
여가 Leisure, free time
소장용 For collection
영양제 Supplements, nutrients
격려 Encouragement, urging
화보 Pictorial, illustrated magazine
원동력 Driving force
긍정적인 Positive
구석 Corner, a remote place, (figuratively)
aspect, way, side, manner
집안일 Housework, chores
여유 Leeway; remainder; extra time or space,
눈치 one's ability to sense what are the
correct/wrong things to do in a situation,
one's state of mind inferred from the facial
expressions; hint given with the eyes.
등장 Appearance (e.g. on stage)
재등장 Re-emergence
신호 Signal
희한히 infrequently; rarely
양복 Suit
존경 admiration, respect
가구 Furniture
목숨 Life
몹시 Exceedingly; to the greatest possible
학회 Academy
처성 Initial sound; a consonant, consonant
cluster, or silence in the syllable-initial
position of Korean phonemics and hangeul
천천히 Slowly
서서히 Gradually, slowly, steadily
시력이 Sight
메뚜기 Grasshopper
행동 Behavior, action, act, doing,movement,
doings, dealing

무용지물 useless things

공간 Space, room
요해 Comprehension; understanding
이해 Understanding, comprehension of
오해 Misunderstanding
지름길 A shortcut
우울 Melancholy
공장 Factory
농장 Farm
이모 Maternal aunt (one's mother's sister),
(familiar) madam (when one calls a middle-
aged waitress)
고모 Paternal aunt (one's father's sister)
연말 The end of the year; the year's end
만약 If, in the event that.
장시 Decoration
완성 Complete
휴일 Holiday, day off
휴가 Vacation, holiday
병가 sick leave (permission to leave the
company bc you're sick)
출산휴가 leave because you gave birth/
licença maternidade
만능 Omnipotence
성탄절/크리스마스 Christmas
(한자): 성: holy, 탄: birth, 절: day
기념 Commemoration
채식주의자 Vegetarian (a person who does
not eat any animal flesh)
나무늘보 Sloth
단위 Unit, (grammar): counter
조사 (grammar) particle; postposition
심사 screening, evaluation, judgment,
천사 Angel
악마 A devil, a demon, a fiend
인간 Human
시각 A specific moment in time
시간 Time
지진 Earthquake
자신 one's body, oneself
눈치 Wits, sense, social cue
본색 Inherent qualities, true
갈가리 In pieces, shredded
막 Just, just now, at last, blindly, carelessly,
지원 Support, aid
짜증 Irritation, annoyance
치마 Skirt
바지 Pants
청바지 Jeans
신발 Shoes 👟
운동화 Sneakers, trainers, athletic shoes
양말 Socks
사업 Business, project
마치 Exactly the same, as if, just like
벌레 Bug, insect
개미 Ant 🐜
올빼미 Owl 🦉
야행성 The nocturnal habit(of an animal)
야행성이라... I stay up late...
곰 Bear 🐻
뱀 Snake🐍
사자 Lion 🦁
호랑이 Tiger 🐯
초월 Transcendence, transcendency,
transcend, be beyond, exceed
위기 Crisis
광동어 Cantonese
농담 Jokes
교육 Education
공교육 Public education
사교육 Private education
생활 Lifestyle, way of life, daily life
사생활 Daily life, private life, privacy
휴강 A canceled class
휴교 A school closed for a break
교수님 Professor
전국 Entire country, the whole land making
up a country, nationally
휴학 Taking a break from studying
(University), to take a semester off
성경 Bible
(한자): 성: holy, 경: refers to old book
잔연 Nature
종교 Religion
불교 Buddhism
기독교 Christianity
가톨릭교/카톨릭교 Catholicism
직장 Workplace, job
다리미 Iron (for pressing clothes)
모기 Mosquito
비누 Soap
기초 Foundation, basis, basic
의지력 Will power
뇌 Brain
회개 Penitence
관광 Tourism
열쇠 Key
내용 Contents
내재 Immanence, inherence
성격 Personality, character, temperament
활동명 Activity name/Stage name
현장 Site; scene (of accident),
(actual) place[spot]; (실습 등의) field
양쪽 Both sides, both parties, either side
사촌 Cousin (male or female)
약국 Pharmacy, drugstore
장갑 Gloves
인어 Mermaid
인어공주 The Little Mermaid
요정 Fairy
완전 [형용사] complete, full, perfect
완전한 문장 a complete sentence
완전히 Completely, totally
accord (조화)
control (통제)
failure (실패)
freedom (자유)
novice (풋내기)
obedience (복종)
opposite (반대)
recovery (회복)
sentence (문장)

구성 C.onfiguration, arrangement,
몽환적(인) being dreamlike; being dreamy
심장박동 수 Heart rate
정력적인 Energetic
사태 Situation (especially negative); state of
affairs; circumstances
의문 Doubt, question
의문의 Questionable, mysterious
작년/전년/지난해 The previous year,last year
당연히 Naturally, of course
응당 Rightly, deservedly, ought to, should,
must (treat as an adverb)
간호사 Nurse
관능적 Sensual, voluptuous
암만 however, no matter how,
a certain amount, such and such amount
환상지 Fantasy land
환상적인 Fantastic
지인 Friend
야망 Ambition, aspiration
부자 Rich person, wealthy person,
(informal) moneybags;
오답 Wrong answer
정답 Answer (Right answer)
중단 suspend halt;
(일시적) interruption, suspension (of), stop, h
alt, (formal) cease; interrupt, discontinue;
약혼 engagement, promise to marry
청혼 Proposal of marriage
이리 To this place, hither, here, In this way,
like this, so
성급 impatient; impetuous; hasty; quick-
[short-]tempered; hotheaded; rash.
예상 Expectation, anticipation
대상 Grand Prize, target, object
소름 creeps, goosebumps
신인상과 Rookie of the Year
우연 Coincidence
우연히 by chance, incidentally, coincidentally
진화 Evolution, development
본능 Instinct
병실 Hospital room, patient's room, ward
병리 The pathology (of a disease)
병리학자 Pathologist
정신 병리학자 A psychopathologist
교육학 Pedagogy
격리 병실 An isolation[a segregation] room,
isolated ward
개인 병실 A private ward
중증환자병실 An intensive-care room
연속 continuation; succession, consecutive
감격 [동사] Be deeply moved[touched]
대표 Something which is representative, a
국물 Broth, soup
방수 Waterproofing, The quality of being
호환 Compatibility
최대한(adverb) To the maximum,
(noun)maximum limit
편식 Picky eater, unbalanced diet, partial
아무거나 Anything
아무나 = 누구나 = 누구든(지)
아무것도 Nothing
아무도 No one
걱정 Anxiety; worry
최초 First; earliest
부동산 Real estate, (law) any non-movable
property, including land, buildings or portions
thereof, and crops
장면 Scene, situation
Oerseas Korean, Korean resident abroad,
an American-born Korean
팀장 Team Leader
공격 Attack, (law) charge; accusation
강압적 high-
handed; coercive; oppressive, repressive,
being coercive; being oppressive
권력 Power, authority
국가권력 Government power
안녕 1.peace, stability, well.
2.hello, hi, good-bye, bye
인사 Greeting
평안 Equability
안정 Stability
감각 Sensation, a sense for something.
와락 Suddenly, all at once, abruptly,
with a rush[start, jerk]
잠옷 Pajamas, night wear/clothes
속옷 Underwear
화학차 Chemist
참고어 Reference word
잘못 (n): Mistake, wrong (adv):erroneously
freedom from ailment[illness, diseases], goo
d health, ―하다 be free from diseases, be h
ealthy (and sound)
장수 longevity, long life,
[동사] live a long life, enjoy longevity, live to
a great age
Good health and long life, health and longevi
제목 A title of a book or other work
장인 Father-in-law (wife's father), master,
도로 Road
거리 Distance,range
간격 interval, space, distance, gap, interval
길이 Length, distance
유감 Regret, pity
꼭대기 Top, summit, highest place; boss,
일출 Sunrise, sunup
해돋이 Sunrise, sunup
일몰 Sunset, sundown
해변 Beach, seashore, sand of the seashore
무심 inadvertence, absentmindedness, heed
lessness, indifference,
unwitting, unintentional, absentminded, inad
vertent, unconscious
무심히 Unwittingly
무관심 Indifference, unconcern, apathy,
[형용사] indifferent (to), unconcerned, uninte
rested (in), apathetic, careless (of)
두문자어 Acronym
명절 (national) holiday
추석 명절 Korean Thanksgiving holidays
고유 명절 Traditional holiday
축제 Festival
계절 Season
대문 Gate, (front/main) entrance, door
아침 식사 Breakfast
벌칙 Penalty
오래간만 입니다! Long time, no see! (literally,
"It has been a long time since the last time")
두피 Scalp
사진관 Studio
악수 Handshake
이별 Farewell; parting
상복 Mourning clothes
회화 Conversation, dialogue
출처 Source
원작자 Authorship
공감 Sympathy
초능력 Super power
쿨쿨 (onomatopoeia) while snoring
코 Nose
곤란 Trouble; difficulty
나란히 Side by side
미용 Beauty treatment
미용사 Hairdresser
미용실 Hair salon
이발사 Barber
유행 Fashion
졸업 Graduation
종이접기 Origami, the Japanese art of paper
원래 Originally, (n) a distant origin
본래 (adv) Originally, (n) Origin
명사 (grammar) Noun; substantive
동사 (grammar) Verb
부사 ( grammar) Adverb
형용사 (grammar) Adjective
대명사 (grammar) Pronoun
활용형 (grammar) Conjugation
부사적 (grammar) Adverbial
억양 Intonation, accent, cadence
강세 Stress, emphasis
관용구 Idiom, idiomatic phrase, set phrase
해상도 (photography, computer graphics)
다짐 Promise, resolution
떡 Wide, resolutely
해결 Resolution (of a problem or conflict)
구독자 Subscribers
무지개 Rainbow 🌈
죄다 (adv) all, wholy, completely
Pocket money, allowance, spending money;(
inf) pin money
계획표 Schedule
성장 Growth, development, grow (up)
내향인 Introvert
외향인 Extrovert
도움 Help; assistance; favour, favor
차례 Table of contents
그나마 At least; still,
even so, still, nevertheless, however, and th
at, at that
요람 Cradle
무덤 Grave
요람에서 무덤까지 From the cradle to the
환영 Welcome
야광 Noctilucence, nightglow, glow-in-the-
야광 시계 A
luminous[glow] watch, a watch with a lumino
us[an illuminated] dial
야광 도료 A luminous paint
야광색 같죠? It looks like neon, right?
야광색 옷
어때요?What do you think about neon clothe
뭐야. - 이거 야광이거든. What? -
These are luminous.
개인적 Personal, individual
구애 try to win sb's love[heart], propose,
통역 Interpretation, translation;
(사람) interpreter, translator,
[동사] interpret, translate
동시통역 Simultaneous interpretation[transla
네가 통역 역할을 할 수 있니?
통역해드릴게요. I'll translate for you.
통역인가요? Is that an interpretation?
내가 그리스어를 하지 못해서 다이너가 나를
위해 통역을 해 주겠다고 했다. =
I don’t speak Greek so Dina offered to transl
ate for me.
재원 (재능 있는 젊은
여성) Talented[gifted, intelligent] woman, ac
complished young lady, 돈의
원천) finances, source of revenue[income], e
conomic[financial] resources
한꺼번에 (all) at once;
(동시에) at the same time; (모두) all together,

청구서들이 한꺼번에 날아왔다=

The bills came all at once.

Too many uncomfortable thoughts were cro

wding in on her.
= 너무나 많은 불편한 생각들이
그녀에게 한꺼번에 떠올랐다

Don’t all speak at once!= 모두 한꺼번에 말을

하지 말아요!

한꺼번에 붙자. = Yeah, all together.

우울증 (medicine) depression

치매 (의학) Dementia;
(노인성) Alzheimer's (disease)
전부 Everything, all
광검 (science fiction, weaponry) lightsaber, a
sword with a blade made out of light
홀로 Alone, (all) by oneself,
(all) on one's own, single-handed(ly)
접근 Approach, approach, draw[come get] n
ear, come[get] close, access
연관 Relation
지금까지 Up until now
예절 Courtesy, etiquette, manners
장난꾸러기 Mischief, naughty, travesso
이어서 succession, one after another,
continually,successively,subsequently, conti
nuing, (going) on, following, next,
(soon) after
정의 Justice, meaning,
(formal) righteousness
부정 Injustice, indeterminacy, variability,
unfaithfulness; lack of chastity, negation
바깥 Outside; outdoors
의외의 Unexpected, unforeseen, unlooked-
for, accidental, surprising
의미론 Semantics
부시 대통령이 영어의 의미론을 잘못 사용한
것은 처음이 아니다. =
It is not the first time President Bush misuse
d the semantics of the English language.

통사론이란 단어들이 문장으로 결합되는

원칙을 묘사하며 의미론이란 그들이
의미하는 바를 묘사한다. =
Syntax describes the rules by which words c
an be combined into sentences, while sema
ntics describes what they mean.

획순 Stroke order (획=Stroke, 순= order)

사마귀 Mantis/louva-a-deus
음성 Negative
양성 Positive
재채기 Sneeze
얌전히 Quietly


엄지 Thumb

구사력 Competence
언어 구사력 Language Skill
어서 Quickly
사정없이 Severely, mercilessly, ruthlessly, w
ithout mercy
(동정심) compassion, empathy;
(연민) pity, sympathy; (자비심)
(formal) benevolence, mercy;
(친절) kindness,
[명사] acknowledgment; (인식) recognition;
(시인) approval,
[동사] admit, acknowledge, accept;
(시인하다) concede; (좋게
평가하다) recognize
인정사정없다 人情事情없다 ( 활용형: 인정사
인정사정없이 = without mercy[pity]

I can’t help it, I’m just a brutally honest perso

n. = 나는 원래 인정사정 없이 솔직한 사람인
걸. 어쩔 수가 없어.

[탐욕] avarice; greed; rapacity;
[인색] stinginess; parsimony. 간탐하다
[탐욕스럽다] avaricious; rapacious; greedy;
[인색하다] miserly; niggardly; stingy; close-

이기적 Self-centered, selfish, egoistic


그는 너무 이기적으로 행동한다=
He behaves so selfishly[egoistically].

이타적 altruistic
a common feature[point], a point of samenes

공통점이 있다 =have something in common

언니 저희 공통점이 뭐가 있을까요? = Unni,

what do we have in common?

잠재의식 Subconscious
(sense of) Rivalry / competitive sense
권위의식 Sense of power
동료의식 Companionship
문제의식 Problem awareness
national[racial] Consciousness
역사의식 Historical consciousness
위기의식 crisis awareness
자의식 Self-consciousness / self-awareness
잠재의식 Subconscious awareness / subcon
죄의식 Guilt
직업의식 Professional consciousness / profe
특권의식 Sense of privilege
피해의식 Feeling of being victimized
무반주 capella (음악)
작사 Lyricist
작곡 Composition/composer
편곡 Arrangement
꽃다발 Bouquet
임신 [명사] pregnancy,
[동사] be[get] pregnant, conceive
진통 Labor pains
나머지 The remainder; leftovers, as a result;
so much ... that
컨닝 Cheating, cheat
무죄 innocence, innocent[not guilty]
독보적인 Unique
정각 just, sharp
정각 5 시에 just at five

at exactly noon
2.at 12 o'clock sharp
창의적 Creative
창의력 Creativity
창의성 Creativity
개념 Concept, idea, notion, conception
기본 개념 a fundamental concept[notion]
그는 개념 없는
사람이다 He has no idea[clue] what he's doi
관념 idea, sense, concept, notion

기본 개념 a fundamental concept[notion]
행복의 개념 Idea of happiness

고정관념 a fixed idea, stereotype

관념적 being conceptual
관념적인 문제
현실적 Realistic, practical, down-to-earth

당신의 생각은 현실적이지 않다

Your ideas are not realistic.

방법 the scientific[a practical] method

확고한[현실적] 목표
a determined[realistic] goal

추상적 abstract
논쟁 Argument
뜻풀이 Meaning

경향 (추세) tendency (to/toward), trend;

(성향) inclination, disposition;
(선천적) propensity
함께 쓰이는 말: words used together

형용사 + trend

세계적인 경향 global[worldwide] trend

우려되는 경향 disturbing trend

주된 경향 major[underlying] trend

경향 growing[increasing; accelerating] trend

지배적인 경향 dominant trend

지속적인 경향 consistent[steady] trend

확실한 경향 strong trend

문형 Sentence pattern

trend toward:
Lately, among single women, there has been
a trend toward avoiding marriage.
최근에는 미혼 여성들이 결혼을 기피하는
경향이 있다

trend in:
What's the trend in choosing jobs among co
llege graduates in Korea?
한국에서는 대학 졸업자들의 직업 선택
경향이 어떻습니까?

민낯 a woman's unpainted face, a face with

no make-up on it, a naked face
우리 되게 민낯이다 We are very bare-faced.

양치 Brushing teeth
중성적 Being neutral, being unisex.
서로 반대되는 두 성질 사이의 중간적 성질을
띠는 것.
Something that has a neutral quality that doe
s not belong to either side of two conflicting

잠버릇 Sleeping habits

고치다 Change one's sleeping habits
반격 [명사] counterattack;
(대규모의) counteroffensive,
[동사] counterattack

영락 Ruin, downfall,
영락하다 come[go] down (in the world), be r
uined, go to ruin, fall on hard times[evil days]
, be reduced in circumstances, go under, go
to the bad (구어), go broke (구어)

영락한 사람 a ruined man[person]

나도 실업자가 되면 틀림없이 영락하고 말
If I became unemployed, I'm sure I'd come d
own in the world, too.

실업 Unemployment
실업자 unemployed person
틀림없이 No doubt, without fail, sure thing

영락없다 correct and not wrong in the

slightest degree, be unfailing, infallible

요청 Request
차단 Block, cutout
추가 Addition, add
적용 Apply

동화 Fairytale
동화책 Fairy tale book
견딜 endure
침묵 Silence, become[be, keep, go] silent, fa
ll into silence, say nothing
지키다 keep[maintain; observe] one's silence

purpose, object, goal, objective, aim, end

목적을 이루다
accomplish[achieve] one's purpose[objective
; goal]
그 건물은 종교적인 목적으로 이용된다.
The building is used for religious purposes.

간단히 Simple, easily

주방용품 Kitchen utensils
원숭이 Monkey
소속사 Agency
시청 Watch, city hall
단어장 List of words
육회 raw meat
그렇지 Yes, isn't it? aren't you?, etc.
(seeking confirmation)
농담이지, 그렇지? You're kidding, right?
의견 (개인적
견해) opinion (of/on), view (on/about);
(제안) suggestion, idea (for), comment
의견을 말하다
give[express; state] one's opinion[views]
주차장 Parking lot
아낌없이 Generously
손 Hand(s), Client(손님)
고객 Client (고객님)
부모 one's parents, parents
생모 Birth mother
생부 Birth father
양부모 Adoptive[foster] parents
친부모 Real parents
편부모 Single parent
내내 (처음부터 끝까지) throughout,
(all) through; (연속해서) all the time[way]

일년 내내 all the year round[through]

달력 Calendar 📅
without hesitation; without hindrance, without
a hitch
고음 treble(agudo)

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