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where study Theoretical/

was analytical
Sl. No. Author Year Journal conducted Objective(s) Study design framework used
Participants (Individual characteristics) measure(s) Capabilities Functioning Personal factors(Inters

Type of
Type of mobility
Age Gender disability device Age Gender
Personal factors(Intersectionality) Social Factors

Socioeconomic Power Public

Income Education status relation policy Attitude Norms Beliefs Practices
Environmental factors Results Limitations

ents Location Buildings Climate Rural/urban
Country Theoretical/
where study analytical
was Study framework
Sl. No. Author Title Year Journal conducted Objective(s) design used
Accessibility under the study Participants

Holistic Assessment: Does

the study take into account
various dimensions of
definition of accessibility beyond
physical access, such as
accessibility: Does social inclusion, and
the study define participation in decision- User Type of
accessibility? making? Age Gender profile disability
the study
n of
s and
opportunit Cultural
ies among Context: Dynamic
individuals Does the Nature:
Does the with study Does the
study disabilities recognize study
articipants consider the , that Methods
perspectives considerin capabilitie ge that
of different g factors s and capabilitie
like functionin s can
groups of gender, gs may be change
people? race, influenced over time
(like socioecon by cultural and
diffreing omic methods factors incorporat
Income,Edu status, used to Does the and adapt e this
and study use the temporal
Type of cation,Socio geographi measure a clear approach aspect in
mobility economic cal accessibil Tool(s) methodol accordingl its
device status) location? ity used ogy? data analysy? analysis?
and Avoiding
Empower Instrumen
ment: talization:
Does the Does the
study study
explore avoid
how Dignity reducing Conversion Factors: Does the study recognize and
enhancin and individual analyze the conversion factors that impact the
Active Respect: ability of individuals with disabilities to convert
g Involveme Does the
s with resources into meaningful functionings? For
accessibil nt: Does study disabilitie example, does it consider how social attitudes,
ity the study uphold s to mere stigma, or lack of support might affect their
Methods empower involve the dignity beneficiar Does the capabilities?
s individuals and ies of study find
individual with agency/ch assistance that
disabilities oice of
s with in the individuals and accessibil
disabilitie research with instead ity is
s to make process, disabilities recognize associate
meaningf ensuring , avoiding their d with
ul choices their any form agency improved
voices and of
and lead perspectiv paternalis and social
lives they es are m or aspiration outcomes
value? heard? tokenism? s? ? Personal Social Environmental
Recommendations: Does
the study make
recommendations for policy
Findings/Results Conclusion or practice?

Is there any relation

to social justice or
Does the study find equity in the study
findings that accessibility can finding?: A direct
of the help to reduce Conclusion by reference/ use of
study inequalities? authors distributive justice/ a
Limitations: Does the study
address the limitations of its
title year journal

ARCHITECTU 1965 Journal of chronic dise

Disability a 1980 Journal of Rehabilitatio
Social reint 1982 Paraplegia
Physical dis 1983 Scientific American
Dental offic 1986 Special Care in Dentistr
Architects 1987 International Journal o
Disability 1987 International Journal o
EFFECTS O 1988 Journal of Applied Beha
The architec 1989 Paraplegia
Ramp length 1991 Paraplegia
Equal acces 1991 The Milbank quarterly
Accessible h 1991 HealthTexas / Texas Hos
Post-occupa 1991 Canadian Journal of Oc
How ADA (Ame 1992 The Internist
An analysis 1992 Research Quarterly for
Title III of 1992 Perspectives in health
Using the A 1992 The American journal of
Americans wi 1993 Journal - Oklahoma Den
A contextua 1994 American Journal of C
Architectur 1994 Journal of Burn Care an
People with 1996 Assistive Technology
Library serv 1996 Bulletin of the Medical
Implementin 1996 Spine
Does the ar 1996 Journal of Burn Care an
The accessib 1996 Special Care in Dentistr
Walls of exc 1996 LANDSCAPE AND URBA
An Analysis 1997 Assistive Technology
Pedestriani 1997 DISABILITY & SOCIETY
An uplifting 1997 DISABILITY AND REHAB
Making our o 1997 CMAJ : Canadian Medical
Wheelchair 1998 Occupational Therapy J
Barriers to 1998 Rehabilitation nursing :
The promoti 1998 Building and Environm
Maximizing 1998 Assistive Technology
A new barri 1998 Journal of Burn Care an
Focusing on 1998 DISABILITY & SOCIETY
Work Proble 1999 Assistive Technology
Accessibilit 1999 Archives of Family Med
Shopping ma 1999 Occupational Therapy i
Access to th 1999 ARCHIVES OF PHYSICAL
The role of 1999 DISABILITY & SOCIETY
Shopping ce 2000 Public Health Nursing
Americans wi 2000 Federal Register
Accessibilit 2000 Topics in Spinal Cord In
Perceived ac 2000 Rehabilitation nursing :
Building co 2001 Mental and physical dis
Evacuating 2001 Health estate
Wheelchair a 2001 Disability and Rehabilit
The socio-sp 2001 URBAN STUDIES
Spinal cord 2002 Archives of Physical Me
Accessibili 2002 Disability and Rehabilit
Accommodati 2002 LDI issue brief
Facilities f 2002 The Southeast Asian jou
Barriers, fa 2002 Social Science and Med
Challenges 2003 Journal of Architectura
Measuring ac 2003 Geographical Analysis
ADA complian 2003 American Journal of He
Improvement 2003 TRAVAIL HUMAIN
Occupational 2004 British Journal of Occu
Wheelchair a 2004 Emirates Medical Journ
Wheelchair a 2004 Disability and Rehabilit
Evaluation 2004 The journal of spinal c
Community P 2004 OTJR Occupation, Parti
Accessible T 2004 Public Works Manageme
Accessibilit 2005 Am. J. Public Health
Wheelchair a 2005 Asia Pacific Disability R
Spatial req 2006 Nursing standard (Royal
Guiding sup 2006 COMPUTERS HELPING P
The Chicago 2008 Topics in Stroke Rehabil
Designed to 2008 American Journal of Pr
Environment 2008 Archives of Physical Me
Accessibilit 2008 Disability and Health J
Success stor 2008 Topics in Stroke Rehabil
Accessibilit 2008 Topics in Stroke Rehabil
Accessibilit 2008 Neurological Research
A conceptual 2008 Journal of Physical Acti
Accessing tr 2008 JOURNAL OF PLANNING
Accessibilit 2009 African Journal of Agri
Evaluation 2009 Journal of Architectura
Disabled pe 2009 Urbani Izziv
The behavio 2009 Fire Safety Journal
Wheelchair 2009 Disability and Rehabilit
Access audi 2009 International Journal of
Wheelchair a 2009 Disability and Rehabilit
Constructin 2009 Alter
Disability 2009 Journal of Christian nur
Demographic 2010 Assistive Technology
Design of b 2011 Disability and Rehabilit
Welcome to 2011 Asia Pacific Disability R
Participati 2011 Social Science and Med
Wheelchair a 2011 Disability and Rehabilit
Universal ac 2011 Adapt. Phys. Act. Q.
Accessibilit 2012 Work
Methodologic 2012 Work
How Do Peop 2012 Fire Technology
Modeling em 2012 Expert Systems with Ap
A Conceptual 2012 Work
Physical acc 2012 Disability and Health J
Assessment 2012 Work
Seeing Moti 2012 SPACE AND CULTURE
British adul 2012 PUBLIC HEALTH
Abandonment 2012 WORK-A JOURNAL OF P
A micro-lev 2013 Transportation Plannin
Accessibilit 2013 Public Health
Accessibilit 2013 Journal of Facilities
Accessibilit 2013 INFORMATION DEVEL
Understandi 2014 Alter
Conferences 2014 Journal of Rehabilitati
Making your 2014 Canadian Family Physic
Environment 2014 Nursing Forum
Structural b 2014 Work
Exploring th 2014 Alter
Person fact 2014 Work
Accommodati 2015 Spinal Cord
The need of 2015 International Busines
Wheelchair 2015 International Journal
Accessibilit 2015 Architectural Enginee
Turning disa 2015 Alter
Evaluating 2015 Applied Ergonomics
Power wheel 2015 Disability and Rehabilit
Environmenta 2015 Archives of Physical Me
Typology of 2015 BMC Public Health
Physical En 2015 Topics in Geriatric Reha
Physician p 2016 Health and Social Care
Doing the ri 2016 CMAJ
(Dis)ability 2016 Alter
Barriers to 2016 Disasters
Measuring t 2016 Disability and Rehabilit
Facilitators 2016 Aust Occup Ther J
The General 2016 Stud Health Technol In
Deregulatio 2016 Stud Health Technol In
Do Performa 2016 Stud Health Technol In
Wheeled Mob 2016 Stud Health Technol In
A review of 2016 Disabil Rehabil Assist T
Barriers to 2016 Stud Health Technol In
Universal De 2016 Stud Health Technol In
Implementat 2016 TRANSPORT POLICY
Implementin 2016 Studies in health techn
Universal M 2016 Studies in Health Tech
Fitness facil 2017 Disability and Health J
Exercise fac 2017 Disability and Health J
Multiple per 2017 Scandinavian Journal of
Analyzing th 2017 Journal of Prevention
Human Right 2017 Nordic Journal of Huma
Identifying 2017 Disability & Rehabilitat
ACCESSIBIL 2017 Journal of Nursing UFP
An evaluatio 2018 Sustainable Cities and
Accessibilit 2018 Disability, CBR and Inc
Compliance 2018 International Journal
Responsiven 2018 Alter
Use of two 2018 Disability and Rehabilit
Demand and f 2018 Journal of Healthcare E
Barriers and 2018 Tourism Geographies
Addressing 2018 Disability and Rehabilit
Provision of 2018 Library Philosophy and
The accessib 2018 Disability and Health J
Full-partici 2018 Disability and Rehabilit
Patterns of 2018 Disability and Rehabilit
Services, systems,2018
and Canadian
policies affecting
Journal mobility
of Oc device users’ community mobility: A scoping review: Services, systèmes
Exploring ac 2018 Disability and Rehabilit
Changing Pl 2018 Journal of Social Inclus
Re-Examining 2018 Stud Health Technol In
Universal De 2018 Stud Health Technol In
Planning Ac 2018 Stud Health Technol In
Clients' Ap 2018 Stud Health Technol In
A Practitio 2018 Stud Health Technol In
Towards a U 2018 Stud Health Technol In
Wheelchair 2018 Work
The role of 2018 DISABILITY & SOCIETY
Is 'differen 2018 DISABILITY & SOCIETY
Leisure time 2018 SPINAL CORD
Furniture an 2018 Revista de Pesquisa: C
The mobilit 2019 GeoJournal
Contextualiz 2019 Spinal Cord
Examining t 2019 Clinical Rehabilitation
Availability 2019 International Journal
ACCESS BAR 2019 Journal of Social Inclus
Analysis of 2019 Int. J. Gerontol.
Neighbourho 2019 HEALTH & PLACE
Accessible 2019 GEOHERITAGE
An explorat 2020 Disability and Rehabilit
Profiling di 2020 Journal of Critical Revi
Barriers and 2020 Disability and Rehabilit
Students wit 2020 Revista Brasileira de E
Increasing p 2020 Journal of Convention
Methodology 2020 Cities
Services, s 2020 Scandinavian Journal of
Area-level a 2020 International Journal o
How adaption 2020 International Journal o
Experiences 2020 Scand. J. Disabil. Res.
Walk'n'roll: 2020 JOURNAL OF TRANSPOR
The shops w 2020 MOBILITIES
The archite 2020 ANTIQUITY
Living with 2020 JOURNAL OF SPINAL C
Accessibilit 2020 Advances in Rehabilitat
An assessme 2020 Advances in Rehabilitat
Satisfactio 2021 Turkiye Klinikleri Journ
ACCESSIBIL 2021 Planning Malaysia
Built enviro 2021 Journal of Accessibility
Understandi 2021 Social Science and Med
Analysis of 2021 Journal of Building Eng
Young, mobi 2021 Scandinavian Journal of
Accessibilit 2021 Disability and Rehabilit
A scoping re 2021 Spec Care Dentist
An integrate 2021 DISABILITY AND REHAB
ACCESSIBIL 2022 Cogitare Enfermagem
Accessibili 2022 Journal of Transport an
A scoping re 2022 Disability and Health J
Disabled-by 2022 Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology
Accessibili 2022 Stud Health Technol In
Urban Access 2022 Stud Health Technol In
Accessible U 2022 Stud Health Technol In
Evaluating 2022 JOURNAL OF HOUSING
Inclusion in 2022 DISABILITY & SOCIETY
Sustainable 2022 CURRENT ISSUES IN T
A study on a 2022 DISABILITY & SOCIETY
"To go, or n 2022 DISABILITY & SOCIETY
Experiences 2022 MEDICAL TEACHER
Exploring t 2023 Disability and Rehabilitation
Deficits in 2023 Integrative and compar
Identifying 2023 Disability and Society
TRANSPORT 2023 Planning Malaysia
ARE PERSO 2023 Journal of Islamic Archi
Delivering a 2023 Journal of Engineering, Design and Technology
Who Are We 2023 Studies in health techn
Leveraging 2023 Tourism Management
ARCHITECTU 2023 Journal of Accessibility
Improving A 2023 West. J. Emerg. Med.
Measuring a 2023 APPLIED GEOGRAPHY
A composite 2023 JOURNAL OF TRANSPO
Wheelchair accessibility to public buildings i
Wheelchair users, access and exclusion in Sou
RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"}
Export Date: 15 August 2023; Cited By: 6 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"}
Export Date: 15 August 2023; Cited By: 1 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"Sidhiprada"=>"Included", "ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"In
Export Date: 15 August 2023; Cited By: 60 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"}
Export Date: 15 August 2023; Cited By: 1 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"}
Export Date: 15 August 2023; Cited By: 1 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"}
Export Date: 15 August 2023; Cited By: 0 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"}
Export Date: 15 August 2023; Cited By: 14 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"}
Export Date: 15 August 2023; Cited By: 6 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"} | RAYYAN-LABELS
Export Date: 15 August 2023; Cited By: 15 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"} | RAYYAN-LABEL
Export Date: 15 August 2023; Cited By: 9 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"Sidhiprada"=>"Included", "ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"In
Export Date: 15 August 2023; Cited By: 0 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"Sidhiprada"=>"Included", "ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"In
Export Date: 15 August 2023; Cited By: 14 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"}
Export Date: 15 August 2023; Cited By: 0 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"}
Export Date: 15 August 2023; Cited By: 7 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"}
Export Date: 15 August 2023; Cited By: 0 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"}
Export Date: 15 August 2023; Cited By: 6 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"}
Export Date: 15 August 2023; Cited By: 0 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"}
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 30 Total Times Cited: 30 Cited Reference Count: 59 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION
Export Date: 15 August 2023; Cited By: 109 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"}
Export Date: 15 August 2023; Cited By: 12 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"}
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 4 Total Times Cited: 4 Cited Reference Count: 5 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"
Export Date: 15 August 2023; Cited By: 59 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"}
Export Date: 15 August 2023; Cited By: 6 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"}

Export Date: 15 August 2023; Cited By: 3 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"}
Export Date: 15 August 2023; Cited By: 11 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"}
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 11 Total Times Cited: 11 Cited Reference Count: 26 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION
Export Date: 15 August 2023; Cited By: 31 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"} | RAYYAN-LABEL

Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 0 Total Times Cited: 0 Cited Reference Count: 6 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 12 Total Times Cited: 12 Cited Reference Count: 26 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION

Export Date: 15 August 2023; Cited By: 16 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"Sidhiprada"=>"Included", "ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"I
Export Date: 15 August 2023; Cited By: 36 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"}
Export Date: 15 August 2023; Cited By: 1 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"}
Export Date: 15 August 2023; Cited By: 262 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"}
Export Date: 15 August 2023; Cited By: 1 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"}
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 100 Total Times Cited: 102 Cited Reference Count: 18 | RAYYAN-INCLUSI
Export Date: 15 August 2023; Cited By: 27 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"}
Export Date: 15 August 2023; Cited By: 58 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"}
Export Date: 15 August 2023; Cited By: 3 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"}
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 82 Total Times Cited: 84 Cited Reference Count: 16 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION
Export Date: 15 August 2023; Cited By: 32 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"}
Export Date: 15 August 2023; Cited By: 5 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"}
Export Date: 15 August 2023; Cited By: 43 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"}
Export Date: 15 August 2023; Cited By: 51 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"}
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 22 Total Times Cited: 22 Cited Reference Count: 26 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION
Export Date: 15 August 2023; Cited By: 0 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"}
Export Date: 15 August 2023; Cited By: 0 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"}
Export Date: 15 August 2023; Cited By: 24 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"}
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 71 Total Times Cited: 72 Cited Reference Count: 25 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION
Export Date: 15 August 2023; Cited By: 43 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"}
Export Date: 15 August 2023; Cited By: 31 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"}
Export Date: 15 August 2023; Cited By: 2 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"Sidhiprada"=>"Included", "ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"In
Export Date: 15 August 2023; Cited By: 2 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"}
Export Date: 15 August 2023; Cited By: 171 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"}
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 3 Total Times Cited: 3 Cited Reference Count: 72 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {
Export Date: 15 August 2023; Cited By: 13 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"Sidhiprada"=>"Included", "ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"I
Export Date: 15 August 2023; Cited By: 143 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"}
Export Date: 15 August 2023; Cited By: 58 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"Sidhiprada"=>"Included", "ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"I
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 0 Total Times Cited: 0 Cited Reference Count: 13 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {
Export Date: 15 August 2023; Cited By: 12 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"}
Export Date: 15 August 2023; Cited By: 0 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"}
Export Date: 15 August 2023; Cited By: 19 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"}
Export Date: 15 August 2023; Cited By: 23 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"Sidhiprada"=>"Included", "ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"I
Export Date: 15 August 2023; Cited By: 5 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"}
Export Date: 15 August 2023; Cited By: 11 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"Sidhiprada"=>"Included", "ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"I

Accession Number: 106387152. Language: English. Entry Date: 20060127. Revision Date: 20150820. Publication Type: Journal
Export Date: 15 August 2023; Cited By: 11 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"}
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 2 Total Times Cited: 2 Cited Reference Count: 8 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 2 Total Times Cited: 2 Cited Reference Count: 24 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {
Export Date: 15 August 2023; Cited By: 1 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"}
Export Date: 15 August 2023; Cited By: 81 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"Sidhiprada"=>"Included", "ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"I
Export Date: 15 August 2023; Cited By: 38 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"Sidhiprada"=>"Included", "ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"I
Export Date: 15 August 2023; Cited By: 29 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"}
Export Date: 15 August 2023; Cited By: 0 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"}
Export Date: 15 August 2023; Cited By: 2 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"}
Export Date: 15 August 2023; Cited By: 4 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"}
Export Date: 15 August 2023; Cited By: 33 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"}
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 6 Total Times Cited: 7 Cited Reference Count: 20 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {

Export Date: 15 August 2023; Cited By: 19 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"}
Export Date: 15 August 2023; Cited By: 11 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"Sidhiprada"=>"Included", "ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"I
Export Date: 15 August 2023; Cited By: 2 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"}
Export Date: 15 August 2023; Cited By: 73 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"}
Export Date: 15 August 2023; Cited By: 36 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"} | RAYYAN-LABEL
Export Date: 15 August 2023; Cited By: 5 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"}
Export Date: 15 August 2023; Cited By: 27 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"}

Export Date: 15 August 2023; Cited By: 0 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"}
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 10 Total Times Cited: 10 Cited Reference Count: 61 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION
Export Date: 15 August 2023; Cited By: 96 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"}

Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 19 Total Times Cited: 20 Cited Reference Count: 31 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION
Export Date: 15 August 2023; Cited By: 18 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"Sidhiprada"=>"Included", "ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"I
Export Date: 15 August 2023; Cited By: 22 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"}
Export Date: 15 August 2023; Cited By: 91 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"}
Export Date: 15 August 2023; Cited By: 37 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"}

Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 3 Total Times Cited: 3 Cited Reference Count: 20 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 73 Total Times Cited: 74 Cited Reference Count: 70 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION

Export Date: 15 August 2023; Cited By: 29 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"}
Export Date: 15 August 2023; Cited By: 59 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"Sidhiprada"=>"Included", "ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"I

Export Date: 15 August 2023; Cited By: 87 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"Sidhiprada"=>"Included", "ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"I

Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 4 Total Times Cited: 4 Cited Reference Count: 30 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 26 Total Times Cited: 28 Cited Reference Count: 32 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 1 Total Times Cited: 1 Cited Reference Count: 5 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"
Export Date: 15 August 2023; Cited By: 15 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"}
Export Date: 15 August 2023; Cited By: 5 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"}
Export Date: 15 August 2023; Cited By: 7 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"}
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 14 Total Times Cited: 14 Cited Reference Count: 41 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION

Export Date: 15 August 2023; Cited By: 10 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"Sidhiprada"=>"Included", "ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"I
Export Date: 15 August 2023; Cited By: 4 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"}
Export Date: 15 August 2023; Cited By: 3 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"}

Export Date: 15 August 2023; Cited By: 28 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"}
Export Date: 15 August 2023; Cited By: 1 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"Sidhiprada"=>"Included", "ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"In
Export Date: 15 August 2023; Cited By: 2 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"}
Export Date: 15 August 2023; Cited By: 3 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"}

Export Date: 15 August 2023; Cited By: 8 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"}
Export Date: 15 August 2023; Cited By: 41 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"}
Export Date: 15 August 2023; Cited By: 196 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"}

Export Date: 15 August 2023; Cited By: 18 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"}

Export Date: 15 August 2023; Cited By: 22 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"}

Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 32 Total Times Cited: 32 Cited Reference Count: 69 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 9 Total Times Cited: 9 Cited Reference Count: 42 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 17 Total Times Cited: 17 Cited Reference Count: 79 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION

Export Date: 15 August 2023; Cited By: 56 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"}
Export Date: 15 August 2023; Cited By: 16 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"}
Export Date: 15 August 2023; Cited By: 11 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"}
Export Date: 15 August 2023; Cited By: 1 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"}
Export Date: 15 August 2023; Cited By: 19 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"}
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 31 Total Times Cited: 31 Cited Reference Count: 55 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION

Export Date: 15 August 2023; Cited By: 5 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"}
Export Date: 15 August 2023; Cited By: 2 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"}
Export Date: 15 August 2023; Cited By: 2 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"}

Export Date: 15 August 2023; Cited By: 1 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"Sidhiprada"=>"Included", "ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"In
Export Date: 15 August 2023; Cited By: 6 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"}
Export Date: 15 August 2023; Cited By: 19 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"}
Export Date: 15 August 2023; Cited By: 8 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"Sidhiprada"=>"Included", "ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"In
Export Date: 15 August 2023; Cited By: 2 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"}
Export Date: 15 August 2023; Cited By: 35 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"}
Export Date: 15 August 2023; Cited By: 19 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"}
Export Date: 15 August 2023; Cited By: 11 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"}
Export Date: 15 August 2023; Cited By: 13 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"}
Export Date: 15 August 2023; Cited By: 5 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"Sidhiprada"=>"Included", "ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"In
Export Date: 15 August 2023; Cited By: 1 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"}
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 29 Total Times Cited: 29 Cited Reference Count: 66 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 8 Total Times Cited: 8 Cited Reference Count: 24 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 18 Total Times Cited: 20 Cited Reference Count: 49 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION

Export Date: 15 August 2023; Cited By: 8 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"}
Export Date: 15 August 2023; Cited By: 9 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"}
Export Date: 15 August 2023; Cited By: 4 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"}
Export Date: 15 August 2023; Cited By: 2 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"}
Export Date: 15 August 2023; Cited By: 8 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"}

Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 8 Total Times Cited: 9 Cited Reference Count: 28 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 29 Total Times Cited: 29 Cited Reference Count: 71 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 21 Total Times Cited: 21 Cited Reference Count: 49 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION
Export Date: 15 August 2023; Cited By: 2 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=
Export Date: 15 August 2023; Cited By: 4 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"Sidhiprada"=>"Included", "u
Export Date: 15 August 2023; Cited By: 5 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=
Export Date: 15 August 2023; Cited By: 2 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"Sidhiprada"=>"Included", "ull
Export Date: 15 August 2023; Cited By: 8 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=

Export Date: 15 August 2023; Cited By: 2 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=
Export Date: 15 August 2023; Cited By: 6 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=
Export Date: 15 August 2023; Cited By: 1 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"}

Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 7 Total Times Cited: 7 Cited Reference
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 11 Total Times Cited: 11 Cited Referenc
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 2 Total Times Cited: 2 Cited Reference

Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 6 Total Times Cited: 6 Cited Reference

Export Date: 15 August 2023; Cited By: 0 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"Sidhiprada"=>"Included", "ull

Export Date: 15 August 2023; Cited By: 2 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "
Export Date: 15 August 2023; Cited By: 2 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=
Export Date: 15 August 2023; Cited By: 6 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"Sidhiprada"=>"Included", "ull
Export Date: 15 August 2023; Cited By: 12 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "
Export Date: 15 August 2023; Cited By: 4 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"Sidhiprada"=>"Included", "u
Export Date: 15 August 2023; Cited By: 6 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=

Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 15 Total Times Cited: 15 Cited Referenc
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 8 Total Times Cited: 8 Cited Reference
Export Date: 15 August 2023; Cited By: 0 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=
Export Date: 15 August 2023; Cited By: 2 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=
Export Date: 15 August 2023; Cited By: 9 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=
nd Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology

Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 0 Total Times Cited: 0 Cited Reference
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 0 Total Times Cited: 0 Cited Reference
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 17 Total Times Cited: 17 Cited Referenc

Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 0 Total Times Cited: 0 Cited Reference
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 3 Total Times Cited: 3 Cited Reference
nd Rehabilitation
Export Date: 15 August 2023; Cited By: 0 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"Sidhiprada"=>"Included", "ull

Export Date: 15 August 2023; Cited By: 0 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=
Export Date: 15 August 2023; Cited By: 0 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=
Engineering, Design and Technology
Export Date: 15 August 2023; Cited By: 0 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=
Export Date: 15 August 2023; Cited By: 0 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=
Export Date: 15 August 2023; Cited By: 0 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=

Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 0 Total Times Cited: 0 Cited Reference
Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 0 Total Times Cited: 0 Cited Reference
Include/Exclude: Leno Include/Exclude: Ullas

d", "Leno "=>"Included"}

luded", "ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"}
ed", "Leno "=>"Included"}
d", "Leno "=>"Included"}
d", "Leno "=>"Included"}
d", "Leno "=>"Included"}
ed", "Leno "=>"Included"}
d", "Leno "=>"Included"} | RAYYAN-LABELS: stoma care
ed", "Leno "=>"Included"} | RAYYAN-LABELS: ramp characteristics
luded", "ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"}
luded", "ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"}
ed", "Leno "=>"Included"}
d", "Leno "=>"Included"}
d", "Leno "=>"Included"}
d", "Leno "=>"Included"}
d", "Leno "=>"Included"}
d", "Leno "=>"Included"}
Reference Count: 59 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"}
ded", "Leno "=>"Included"}
ed", "Leno "=>"Included"}
erence Count: 5 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"}
ed", "Leno "=>"Included"}
d", "Leno "=>"Included"}

d", "Leno "=>"Included"}

ed", "Leno "=>"Included"}
Reference Count: 26 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"}
ed", "Leno "=>"Included"} | RAYYAN-LABELS: ramp characteristics

erence Count: 6 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"Sidhiprada"=>"Included", "ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"}

Reference Count: 26 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"Sidhiprada"=>"Included", "ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"}
Comment in (CIN) | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"ullas "=>"Included
ncluded", "ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"}
ed", "Leno "=>"Included"}
d", "Leno "=>"Included"}
ded", "Leno "=>"Included"}
d", "Leno "=>"Included"}
d Reference Count: 18 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"}
ed", "Leno "=>"Included"}
ed", "Leno "=>"Included"}
d", "Leno "=>"Included"}
Reference Count: 16 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"}
ed", "Leno "=>"Included"}
d", "Leno "=>"Included"}
ed", "Leno "=>"Included"}
ed", "Leno "=>"Included"}
Reference Count: 26 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"}
d", "Leno "=>"Included"}
d", "Leno "=>"Included"}
ed", "Leno "=>"Included"}
Reference Count: 25 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"} | RAYYAN-LABELS: toilets
ed", "Leno "=>"Included"}
ed", "Leno "=>"Included"}
luded", "ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"}
d", "Leno "=>"Included"}
ded", "Leno "=>"Included"}
erence Count: 72 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"}
ncluded", "ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"}
ded", "Leno "=>"Included"}
ncluded", "ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"}
erence Count: 13 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"}
ed", "Leno "=>"Included"}
d", "Leno "=>"Included"}
ed", "Leno "=>"Included"}
ncluded", "ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"}
d", "Leno "=>"Included"}
ncluded", "ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"}

Date: 20150820. Publication Type: Journal Article; research; tables/charts. Journal Subset: Allied Health; Europe; Peer Reviewed; UK & Irela
ed", "Leno "=>"Included"}
erence Count: 8 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"} | RAYYAN-LABELS: wayfinding
erence Count: 24 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"}
d", "Leno "=>"Included"}
ncluded", "ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"} | RAYYAN-EXCLUSION-REASONS: visual impairments
ncluded", "ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"}
ed", "Leno "=>"Included"}
d", "Leno "=>"Included"}
d", "Leno "=>"Included"}
d", "Leno "=>"Included"}
ed", "Leno "=>"Included"}
erence Count: 20 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"Sidhiprada"=>"Included", "ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"}

ed", "Leno "=>"Included"}

ncluded", "ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"} | RAYYAN-LABELS: ramp characteristics
d", "Leno "=>"Included"}
ed", "Leno "=>"Included"}
ed", "Leno "=>"Included"} | RAYYAN-LABELS: ramps
d", "Leno "=>"Included"}
ed", "Leno "=>"Included"}

d", "Leno "=>"Included"}

Reference Count: 61 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"}
ed", "Leno "=>"Included"}

Reference Count: 31 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"}

ncluded", "ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"}
ed", "Leno "=>"Included"}
ed", "Leno "=>"Included"}
ed", "Leno "=>"Included"}

erence Count: 20 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"}

Reference Count: 70 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"}

ed", "Leno "=>"Included"}

ncluded", "ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"} | RAYYAN-LABELS: phase III

ncluded", "ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"} | RAYYAN-EXCLUSION-REASONS: services

erence Count: 30 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"}

Reference Count: 32 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"}
erence Count: 5 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"}
ed", "Leno "=>"Included"}
d", "Leno "=>"Included"}
d", "Leno "=>"Included"}
Reference Count: 41 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"}

ncluded", "ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"}

d", "Leno "=>"Included"}
d", "Leno "=>"Included"}

ed", "Leno "=>"Included"}

luded", "ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"}
d", "Leno "=>"Included"}
d", "Leno "=>"Included"}

d", "Leno "=>"Included"}

ed", "Leno "=>"Included"}
ded", "Leno "=>"Included"}

ed", "Leno "=>"Included"}

ed", "Leno "=>"Included"}

Reference Count: 69 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"}

erence Count: 42 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"}
Reference Count: 79 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"}
RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Include

ed", "Leno "=>"Included"}

ed", "Leno "=>"Included"}
ed", "Leno "=>"Included"}
d", "Leno "=>"Included"}
ed", "Leno "=>"Included"}
Reference Count: 55 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"} | RAYYAN-LABELS: ramp characteristics

d", "Leno "=>"Included"}

d", "Leno "=>"Included"}
d", "Leno "=>"Included"}

luded", "ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"} | RAYYAN-LABELS: floor | RAYYAN-EXCLUSION-REASONS: child

d", "Leno "=>"Included"}
ed", "Leno "=>"Included"}
luded", "ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"} | RAYYAN-EXCLUSION-REASONS: elderly
d", "Leno "=>"Included"}
ed", "Leno "=>"Included"}
ed", "Leno "=>"Included"}
ed", "Leno "=>"Included"}
ed", "Leno "=>"Included"}
luded", "ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"}
d", "Leno "=>"Included"}
Reference Count: 66 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"}
erence Count: 24 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"}
Reference Count: 49 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"}

d", "Leno "=>"Included"}

d", "Leno "=>"Included"}
d", "Leno "=>"Included"}
d", "Leno "=>"Included"}
d", "Leno "=>"Included"}

erence Count: 28 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"}

Reference Count: 71 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"}
Reference Count: 49 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"}
d", "Leno "=>"Included"}
INCLUDED Kapsalis, E. and Jaeger, N. and Hale
INCLUDED Salie, R. and Kleintjes, S. and Eke
INCLUDED Desai, R.H. and Hamlin, E. and Eyl
INCLUDED Alhusban, A.A. and Almshaqbeh, S
Include/Exclude: Sidhi

AYYAN-INCLUSION: {"ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"}
LABELS: toilets

alth; Europe; Peer Reviewed; UK & Ireland. | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"}

ELS: wayfinding

"ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"}

LABELS: ramp characteristics

REASONS: child
Export Date: 15 August 2023; Cited By: 2 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"}

Export Date: 15 August 2023; Cited By: 0 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"}

Export Date: 15 August 2023; Cited By: 0 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"}

Export Date: 15 August 2023; Cited By: 0 | RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"}

RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"}

RAYYAN-INCLUSION: {"Sidhiprada"=>"Included", "ullas "=>"Included", "Leno "=>"
=>"Included", "Leno "=>"Included"} | RAYYAN-EXCLUSION-REASONS: education

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