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Metrobank MTAP DEP-ED Math Challenge 6 Reviewer

Name: ________________________________ Score:___________

School: ____________________________________
Solve the Iollowing problems in less time. Always use the right unit oI measure. Use pi
equals to 22/7.

1. Write 2 x 10 in prime Iactorization.
2. Find the GCF oI 75 and 150.
3. What is the Iirst three digit in the value oI pi?
4. A square has an area oI 361 cm. What is its perimeter?
5. Find the LCM oI 150 and 250.
6. How many integers are equal to its own cube?
7. Solve 7(3 x 4) 5(2 - 4)
8. What is 7 (-7) ?
9. Solve N in 35:70 as N: 75.
10. What is the greatest angle in a right triangle?
11. What is 16 2/3 in Iraction Iorm in simplest Iorm?
12. II 2/3 oI a number added to 5 is the number. What is 1/5 oI the number?
13. II the sides oI a square is doubled, what percent is the is area oI the larger
square Irom its original?
14. Mario lost 7 points in a game and another 3 pts. What is the
mathematical sentence to solve how many points did he lost in the game?
15. What is the value oI N in 5 7N 6 60?
16. What is (-1) (-2) (5)?
17. A number multiplied by (-7) is (-63). What is the number?
18. An airplane travels 35km per 5 minutes. How Iar can the airplane travel
in 22 minutes?
19. In the word TRIGONOMETRY, what is the 10
20. II 4 persons can seat in a square table, how many square tables are
needed to Iorm one long rectangular table so that 50 peoples can sit?
21. A number is increased Irom 25 to 45. What percent is increased?
22. II a mile is 5280 Ieet, then 9504 Ieet would be how many miles?

23. How many line segments can be Iorm?
24. How many rays can be Iorm?
25. How many handshakes can be Iorm in 8 persons?
26. What is the 20
number in this series? 1 5 9 13 ....
27. How many numbers are there Irom 25 to 700 iI they had a common
diIIerence oI 5?
28. Find the sum oI 1234..700701702703.
29. What is the Iormula in Iinding the volume oI a sphere?
30. Mr. Reyes has a monthly salary oI P24,000. II he spent P6000 Ior water

supply. How many degrees does water supply represents in the pie graph?
31. One part in a pie graph measures 60. What percent does this represents?
32. The average oI a set oI numbers is 24 and their sum is 456. How many
numbers are there?
33. An oven toaster cost P132 which is 25 oI its original price. In a sale,
what is the cost oI 6 oven toaster iI each is discounted by 20 Irom its
original price?
34. In xNy, N is equals to 7x y 1. Solve 4N5

35. II there are a total oI 15 bananas in 5 baskets and a total oI 18 bananas in
6 baskets, how many total number oI bananas are there in 15
36. What is the greatest possible sum oI the Iactors oI 50?
37. The average oI three numbers is 2. Two numbers are 2 and 3 1/3 .
What is the third number?
38. What is the largest 3-digit number that is divisible by 11?
39. Which is diIIerent Irom the group? 13 17 18 19
40. A square has an area oI 225 sq. cm. What is the perimeter?

Read careIully the Iollowing problems and answer in less time. Each item is worth 2

1. Find the greatest possible product oI the two numbers iI their LCM is 48.
2. What is 135...905907909?
3. A novel cost P1500. Regular users oI the past editions are given a 20
discount. How much did the company earn iI 15 regular users bought it
which is 20 oI the number oI buyers and non-regular users will pay the
same price?
4. How many numbers are there Irom 35 to 455?
5. On a Math Quiz Bee Contest, Mario got 34 when there is a point system.
Each level is a 10-itemed test. What is his greatest possible score iI there
is no point system?

A reviewer Ior MTAP Competitions
Grades 4-6
First to second year high school
Best suitable Ior Grade 6

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