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Essay About Competition

Writing an essay on the topic of competition can be both challenging and intriguing. The difficulty
lies not only in presenting a coherent and well-structured piece but also in navigating the diverse
facets of competition. It requires delving into various dimensions, such as economic competition,
sports rivalry, academic contests, and even the psychological impact of competing in everyday life.

One of the challenges is striking the right balance between providing a comprehensive overview of
the subject and delving into specific examples or case studies. It demands a careful selection of
relevant information to avoid overwhelming the reader while ensuring that the essay is rich in

Additionally, the writer must grapple with the nuances of defining competition. Is it a force that
drives innovation and excellence, or does it breed hostility and inequality? Balancing these
perspectives and presenting a nuanced argument adds another layer of complexity to the task.

Furthermore, crafting a compelling thesis statement that captures the essence of the essay and guides
the reader through the discussion is crucial. The writer must seamlessly transition between different
aspects of competition, maintaining a logical flow that keeps the audience engaged.

Concluding the essay poses its own set of challenges. Summarizing the key points and leaving a
lasting impression on the reader requires finesse. The conclusion should not only wrap up the
discussion but also leave room for reflection and further consideration of the broader implications of

In the end, writing an essay on the topic of competition demands not only a solid understanding of
the subject matter but also the ability to synthesize information, develop a persuasive argument, and
communicate ideas effectively. It's a task that requires careful planning, thoughtful analysis, and
adept writing skills.

For those seeking assistance with similar essays or any writing challenges, resources like offer a valuable solution. Professional writers can provide support in developing
well-researched and articulate essays, ensuring that the final product meets the highest standards of
Essay About Competition Essay About Competition
The United Kingdom s War Essay
Section One: The United Kingdom s war memorials in the twentieth century
Memorials show an interesting aspect of the political and cultural memory of war in the
United Kingdom over the course of the twentieth century is because there was a drastic
change in what memorials looked like, who funded them, and the inscriptions carved in
them. Each of these changes illustrates how the individual need and desire to mourn
overtook the political desire to show the triumph of the state.
The First and Second World wars as well as the Gulf War were chosen because of the
impact each war had on the United Kingdom and because each war happens at a very
different point in British history. At the time of World War One, the United Kingdom
was facing a potential civil war, making nationalism, and unity a top priority for the
British government. Around 8.7 million men in the British Empire served in World War
One with over 900,000 men dying. This greatly impacted the United Kingdom, as the
generation of men who were of fighting age were later known as the Lost Generation .
The United Kingdom was still trying to recover from the First World War twenty years
later when it found itself pushed into another conflict in Europe. The Second World
War left Europe in a worse state than the First World War, with millions of people dead
across the globe and major infrastructure destroying, the United Kingdom was deeply
affected after the end of the war. Nearly 500,000 British people died in the war,
Role Of Social Media Within The Online Community
CHAPTER 2 Literature Review The domain of sentiment analysis has witnessed a growth
of substantial research. Even though there were some attempts to study sentiment
analysis previously, the growing interest in the research area came up as a result of the
eruption of user generated data in online discussion forums and reviews and most
especially social media. According to Pang and Lee (2008), the research of sentiment
analysis can be broadly classified into two main areas: research investigating the polarity
of subjective text and research evaluating the objectivity of subjectivity of textual entities.
The following section provides a literature review on the role of social media within the
online community. Next, an overview of sentiment analysis is discussed, twitter
sentiment analysis, the application of sentiment analysis in political discussions,
sentiment analysis techniques, the features of sentiment analysis and finally the
challenges attached to sentiment analysis. The Role of Social Media within the Online
Community In the recent times, the massive growth of social media platforms
particularly Twitter has resulted in the generation of interest from various researchers
from different academic and professional field with the discourse of BIG DATA. One
domain of research has focused on the internal use of microblogging to support project
management within a corporate organisation (Bohringer and Richter, 2009). Others have
evaluated the role of twitter on the
Oranges Stan Analysis
In his essay, Stan tells the story of Christmas Eve in 1989 shortly after the Romanian
revolution, and the sacrifice he made for his eight year old brother. Before Stan even
thought about the sacrifice, he was heading to the movie theater with a few friends. They
heard oranges were available for purchase today, and Stan starts thinking about oranges
for Christmas. Hundreds of people are willing to wait in line for just one orange, a very
rare treat in war torn Romania. Next, Stan changed his mind about the movie and
decided to amaze his younger brother with oranges. The younger brother has never seen
or touched an orange before. It was an incredible sight, seeing boxes of oranges stacked
as tall as Stan at the rear entrance of the grocery market.... Show more content on ...
First, there are the small sacrifices or good deed we do on a daily basis. A friendly
smile or word can make the stressed out cashier at Stater Bros realize that they are
appreciated. Letting your spouse have the last Chips Ahoy chocolate chip cookie,
shows him that you love him, but also that you care for him. Next, are the sacrifices
that require planning ahead. Helping at the Knights of Columbus spaghetti dinner on
the first Saturday in November requires me to request the day off from work. Weeks
before the event I create the flyers to advertise the spaghetti dinner to the Victorville
community and make changes and revisions as needed. We purchase eight tickets
ahead of time to invite friends to the dinner and support the fundraiser. The fundraiser
helps the disadvantaged youth of Saint Joan of Arc join the catechism program. The
day of the dinner, my husband Guy and I use 33 loaves of French bread to make garlic
bread for all the guests. Without a doubt the enormous sacrifices we make are the most
rewarding. Being a parent is one of the greatest sacrifices made by ordinary people.
When my son Guy was born, there was nothing in the world that could have prepared
me of the joy I was feeling. While my children were minors, my life revolved around
them. I worked the graveyard shift so I could be home when my daughter Stella had a
bad day at school. I coached basketball for three years while they both played. I worked
at the
The Pros and Cons of Greeting Guests at Church Services
The Artifact We all know about it (personally it s the one thing I dread each Sunday
morning), the greeting of the guests. Greeting of the guests is at some point in a Church
Service (usually around the beginning of a Sunday morning service) the Pastor, or Music
Minister will direct the congregation, specifically church members to go out and
specifically find someone who is visiting, target them out and begin talking to them. I
will look into the positive and negative aspects of this practice, and what the church
should or shouldn t do in practicing this event every Sunday morning.
The Message It can be very tricky, because people can interpret the greeting of guests in a
number of different ways. You can interpret it as genuine ... Show more content on ...
Paul was a scholar of the Old Testament, and there s no doubt he knew about laws; but
after his encounter with God on the road to Damascus, he was introduced to grace
which is something we all need (but we don t deserve). Paul s letters to early
Christians help contribute a code of ethics for believers to live by in all sorts of
situations, even things we may not think about like head coverings or meat that may
have been sacrificed to pagan idols. As Christians we should not be boasting about
whatever it is we have accomplished, because without God we could get nothing
accomplished, rather we should rejoice with each other that God gave us opportunities
for us to show his glory and make it know to other people. With this approach, it seems
that materialism has been around as long as people have had possessions, however, it
seems that in today s culture, many more people a susceptible to a materialist mindset.
In My Life there has been many times where I have fallen victim to gloating about my
accomplishments, not necessarily purposely, but taking credit for things that weren t
my responsibility. I cannot recall if I have committed this sin in the act of greeting of
new visitors, but I know that I have acted upon this fleshly desire before. I feel as if
once we greet a non believer in the Church, he is given a first impression of the entire
Church, and the fact of the matter is, no matter how the greeting went, everyone in the
Understanding Vs. Knowing in Atwood’s Oryx and Crake
It is often simpler to settle for an understanding of the world and people around us
instead of trying to know the truth. Truth has consequences; by knowing too much, one
can lose a friend, learn a deadly secret, or become someone they do not want to be. To
express his understanding of himself and the world around him, Crake in Oryx and
Crake uses quote bearing fridge magnets. One very important quote is We understand
more than we know . It is important to recognize the difference between the terms
understand and know ; the Oxford English Dictionary defines to understand as to
perceive the significance, explanation, or cause of, whereas to know is to be absolutely
certain or sure about something. There is certainly a difference,... Show more content on ...
However, there are many characteristics that remain uncontrolled in the Crakers, and
these people eventually begin to create art and place both Oryx and Crake in God like
positions in their society: two things against which Crake had warned. Crake s
understanding of biology and psychology leads the Crakers to initially have none of
humanity s flaws. This shows Crake s grand understanding of biology, but not any
knowledge of how these people will soon acquire notions of art, gods, or symbolism. He
has done few trials, and consequently has little evidence to prove that the Children of
Crake will be successful.
Furthermore, Crake is able to understand Jimmy s incredible attraction to Oryx from the
first time they glimpse her on the HottTotts website. He saves her image, possibly with
the intentions of one day finding this girl to use against Jimmy. What Crake understands
is Jimmy s love for Oryx, but what he doesn t know is that Jimmy will choose in the end
to not let him and Oryx re enter the Paradice Dome. Jimmy accepts that for complete
renewal of the human race, not only Crake, but Oryx as well, must die, for both have
sinned against the potential goodness of humanity and she is a hinge in Crake s
attempt to re enter Paradice (DiMarco 191). Whereas Jimmy had been known to Crake
to be one to be fearful and easily controlled, this time he takes a powerful stance against
Crake s plan and proves that Crake
The Problems with Voting in America Essay
The Problems with Voting in America

If one were to look at the voting history as of late in America you would surely find
information on the Florida catastrophe in 2000. The problem with our voting system
today is in the technology being used; many demographic groups find our current
systems confusing and hard to use. As voters step into the polling places this election
year many will be voting through new devices some even sporting touch screen
technology and we can only hope that the new technology is understood and accepted.

In the US each municipality selects their own voting equipment regardless of what other
places are doing. According to this CPSR article the Vote O Matic system has been in
place for over ten years in ... Show more content on ...
Chads are perforated and held onto by 3 spots, but often only 1 or 2 of these spots
comes undone cleanly which is known as a hanging chad. This analog manner of literally
punching votes can be very ambiguous when read by a machine. Erik Nilsson calls these
machines antiques and rightfully so, these machines have no place in polling places.

In 2000 Riverside County California decided to spend 14 million dollars to make their
voting system all electronic. This decision was made on the basis that in 1998 more
than one million dollars was spent on paper ballots (in Riverside), but when only half of
the county voted the extras had to be trashed. For local elections their new electronic
system fetched a 99% approval rating from voters ( article). The only
foreseeable downside to this technology is the start up price and with internet voting not
likely due to security issues, this maybe the best solution.

Can our government trust a company enough to allow them to make our voting
machines? The answer is no. The only way electronic touch screen voting will
eliminate all other methods is to have a way to be audited. PBS states in this article that
an ATM company called Diebold has their eyes on making a sufficient voting machine,
but with ATMs always printing a receipt it s likely that receipt technology will find its
way into voting. While I do believe that our future voting machines will have to be

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