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Reydisp Manager 2

Configuration Software


Product Information


i For your own safety, observe the warnings and safety instructions contained in this document, if available.

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Subject to changes and errors. The information given in Copyright © Siemens 2023. All rights reserved.
this document only contains general descriptions and/or The disclosure, duplication, distribution and editing of this
performance features which may not always specifically document, or utilization and communication of the content
reflect those described, or which may undergo modifica- are not permitted, unless authorized in writing. All rights,
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The requested performance features are binding only when utility model or a design, are reserved.
they are expressly agreed upon in the concluded contract.
Document version: C53000-X7050-C015-1.01
Edition: 03.2023
Version of the product described: V2.40
Table of Contents
1 Contents of the Consignment...................................................................................................................... 4

2 Hardware Requirements...............................................................................................................................4

3 Software Requirements................................................................................................................................5

4 Network Environment.................................................................................................................................. 5

5 Installation..................................................................................................................................................11

6 Features...................................................................................................................................................... 14

7 Support Centre........................................................................................................................................... 21

Reydisp Manager 2, Configuration Software, Product Information 3

C53000-X7050-C015-1, Edition 03.2023
1 Contents of the Consignment
Reydisp Manager 2 is the engineering PC tool for the configuration of 7SR5 devices.
It is available to download free of charge from the Siemens web page. A single download will provide a
complete suite of configuration tools for the Reyrolle protection numeric devices.

Content and Structure of Download Version

Download package Reydisp Manager V2.40 should be used for the installation of Reydisp Manager 2.
The download Reydisp Manager V2.40 contains the complete suite of Reyrolle configuration tools
including Reydisp Manager 1 V1.70 and Reydisp Evolution 32 V9.87.
The download version does not include System Configurator used for IEC 61850 system configuration.

Device Drivers and Documentation

All device templates must be installed separately, for the required PC software and device type. Template
installers are also available to download from the Siemens web page.
Please refer to the 7SR5 Engineering guide for further information.
If Reydisp Evolution is required for standalone use with direct connection to devices, and has never previously
been installed on the PC, the Reydisp Evolution 32 V9.87 should also be installed to ensure the templates and
USB drivers are up to date.

2 Hardware Requirements
Recommended PC/Computer Hardware
To work with this PC software, you need a PC or laptop computer with the following minimum specifications
independent from the used operating system version:

• Intel® CoreTM i3-6100U, 2.30 GHz S-ATA with at least 8 GB available storage capacity 4 GB of RAM (8 GB

• Graphic display HD ready 1280 x 1024 or 1376 x 768 Pixels

• Keyboard and mouse

• USB port
If you are dealing with comprehensive projects with several protection devices, for example, Siemens recom-
mends using a PC meeting the latest standards of performance.


i If you use a laptop computer with power management, then Siemens recommends using Reydisp Manager
2 on that laptop computer while it is attached to an external power outlet. This avoids power drops due to
energy saving modes of the laptop computer running on batteries.

4 Reydisp Manager 2, Configuration Software, Product Information

C53000-X7050-C015-1, Edition 03.2023
3 Software Requirements
Operating Systems
Reydisp Manager 2 is an application whose functionality has been designed especially for:
Microsoft Windows 10 (64-bit)

• Windows 10 Professional (Version 1809 and higher)

• Windows 10 Enterprise (Version 1809 and higher)

Reydisp Manager 2 V2.20 has not been tested for the following operating systems:
Microsoft Windows 10 (64-bit)

• Windows 10 Home (up to Version 1803)

• Windows 10 Enterprise (up to Version 1803)

• Windows 10 Professional (up to Version 1803)

Microsoft Windows 8 (64-bit)
Microsoft Windows 7 (64-bit)
Microsoft Windows Server (64-bit)
Windows Server 2012 (as a work-station computer)
Windows Server 2008 R2 with Service Pack (as workstation computer)
If you use these operating systems, it is at your own risk.

4 Network Environment
Reydisp Manager 2 uses HTTPS connections for the communication. Address conflicts and faulty proxy settings
can block this communication. For USB the following IP address band is used:
Network-adaptor name: Reyrolle 5 devices connected via USB Address band: 192.168.2.*
Subnet mask:
These address bands must not be used by another active network adaptor otherwise the USB connection to
the device will not work.
If you use a proxy, make sure that the IP address bands are named before they are defined as exceptions in the
proxy settings.
In any case, make sure that the proxy settings match your network configuration. Contact your network
administrator for further assistance or read the following guidelines.

Manually Changing IP Address of Reyrolle Adapter

Open Windows Settings (shortcut Windows Key + I)
Select Network & Internet.

Reydisp Manager 2, Configuration Software, Product Information 5

C53000-X7050-C015-1, Edition 03.2023
[sc_7SR5_WindowsSettings, 1, --_--]

Figure 4-1 Reydisp Manager 2 Windows Settings

Select Change adapter options.

6 Reydisp Manager 2, Configuration Software, Product Information

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[sc_7SR5_ChangeAdapterOptions, 1, --_--]

Figure 4-2 Reydisp Manager 2 Change Adapter Options

Reydisp Manager 2, Configuration Software, Product Information 7

C53000-X7050-C015-1, Edition 03.2023
[sc_7SR5_NetworkConnections, 1, --_--]

Figure 4-3 Reydisp Manager 2 Network Connections

Right-click on the connection Reyrolle Device connected via USB, and select Properties.

[sc_7SR5_NetworkConnectionsProperties, 1, --_--]

Figure 4-4 Reydisp Manager 2 Network Connections Properties

Accept the User Account Control change confirmation box if displayed.

Find Internet Protocol Version 4 in the list, select it and click Properties.

8 Reydisp Manager 2, Configuration Software, Product Information

C53000-X7050-C015-1, Edition 03.2023
[sc_7SR5_InternetProtocolVersion4, 1, --_--]

Figure 4-5 Reydisp Manager 2 Internet Protocol Version 4

The default address should be In the event of an address conflict, change the last number, for
example, to 253. If there is still a conflict, keep reducing the last number until it is resolved.

Reydisp Manager 2, Configuration Software, Product Information 9

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[sc_7SR5_IPAddress, 1, --_--]

Figure 4-6 Reydisp Manager 2 Network IP Address

Compatibility with other Software

Reydisp Manager 2
You cannot use projects created with Reydisp Manger 1 due to the technical limitations.

IEC 61850 System Configurator

Reydisp Manager 2 is designed to be used with the IEC 61850 System Configurator V5.80 and later.
Please refer to the DIGSI System configurator documentation for further information on installation and
Automation License Manager (ALM) for this software.
Reydisp Manager comes with Reydisp Evolution for viewing Waveform records downloaded from the relays
data files. This version of Reydisp Manager 2 is fully compatible with any older versions of Reydisp Evolution
for this function.

10 Reydisp Manager 2, Configuration Software, Product Information

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5 Installation

• Close any running Reydisp Manager applications including Reydisp Manager 1, Reydisp Evolution, or
additional tools.

• Decompress the files to a local folder on your PC. Keep the directory structure as it is in the ZIP archive.

• Execute Setup.exe. This will install Reydisp Manager 2 V2.xx over your older installation.

• During the setup a new USB driver may installed. Confirm any message boxes with Agree.


i It is not usually necessary to unistall a previous version prior to installing the latest version.

Run the installer and follow the instructions on the windows.

[sc_7SR5_SetupWelcome, 1, --_--]

Figure 5-1 Reydisp Manager 2 Installation Welcome Screen

Click Next to continue.

[sc_7SR5_License, 1, --_--]

Figure 5-2 Reydisp Manager 2 License Agreement

Read the license agreement displayed and click I Agree to continue.

Reydisp Manager 2, Configuration Software, Product Information 11

C53000-X7050-C015-1, Edition 03.2023
[sc_7SR5_Components, 1, --_--]

Figure 5-3 Reydisp Manager 2 Choose Components

The installer will automatically select the recommended option for the Full Install package.
Click Next to continue.

[sc_7SR5_Users, 1, --_--]

Figure 5-4 Reydisp Manager 2 Choose Users

Select between the default option to install for anyone using this computer or install just for me.
Click Install to continue.

[sc_7SR5_Installing, 1, --_--]

Figure 5-5 Reydisp Manager 2 Installing

Click Next once finished installing.

12 Reydisp Manager 2, Configuration Software, Product Information

C53000-X7050-C015-1, Edition 03.2023
[sc_7SR5_Installed, 1, --_--]

Figure 5-6 Reydisp Manager 2 Installed

On completion of the installation the previous screen will be displayed.

Click the Finish button.
Icons, as shown in Figure 5-7, will now appear on the desktop, providing a shortcut to Reydisp Manager,
Reydisp Manager 2 and Reydisp Evolution PC software tools.

[sc_7SR5_DesktopTools, 1, --_--]

Figure 5-7 Reydisp Manager Desktop Tools

The tools will also appear in the Start Menu, as shown in Figure 5-8.

[sc_7SR5_StartMenuTools, 1, --_--]

Figure 5-8 Reydisp Manager Start Menu Tools

With the Windows uninstaller, Reydisp Manager 2 can be removed with all optional components from your PC.
During deinstallation, the installer of Reydisp Manager 2 removes all program files installed.
The user-specific data like projects remain unaffected.
Select Control Panel in the Windows start menu and open Programs > Uninstall a program.
In the list, select Reydisp Manager 2 (Vx.xx.xx).
Click Remove to start the deinstallation.
Follow the installation instructions.
Alternatively, select the Uninstall Option which is located in the start menu below Reydisp Manager 2.

Reydisp Manager 2, Configuration Software, Product Information 13

C53000-X7050-C015-1, Edition 03.2023
Installation of 7SR5 Templates
Reydisp Manager 2 uses templates to update and configure 7SR5 devices. The templates need to be installed
in Reydisp Manager for any required device type and version. The latest template installers are available in
the internet Download Pool area. These installers are provided as executable files which install the template
into the pre-installed Reydisp Manager application.
The template installers are device specific and contains:

• FW: the basic functional firmware for the device

• CFG: the configuration files for the device

• RDT: the template files required by Reydisp Manager to configure all options in the device.
The template installer name describes the versions of these 3 packages:
e.g. 7SR5_DeviceFW-V2.10CFG-V2.10_RDT-V2.10.exe
The version numbers for firmware (FW), configuration (CFG) and Reydisp Manager Template (RDT) can be
different in a Template Installer file.
The template installer does not include the ethernet communications firmware and security updates (Com) or
the FPGA firmware. These are provided separately as .pck files which are installed via the device homepage.
The firmware and security updates and the FPGA update files are available in the internet Download Pool
Run the .exe file and allow the software to make changes to the PC.
Read and accept the License agreement.
Click Install.


i Further detailed information for template installation can be found in the 7SR5 Engineering Guide C53000-

Now you are ready to work with 7SR5 devices.

6 Features
New Features in V2.10
New functions or modifications

• Added functionality to extract 7SR5 device configuration from a connected device.

• 7SR5 configuration and data file download can be performed via the rear ethernet port on the device by
selecting an IP address.

• Shortcut buttons for GET and SEND added to user interface.

• Multiple Reydisp Manager projects can be opened and viewed simultaneously via the Open Project
in New Window option.

• Filtering of the 7SR5 device/template selection system has been added to allow a device to be selected
by: Application, Number of VTs, Type of Ethernet Comms module, and Number of Binary Inputs and

• Added method to set Time & Date for use when no time sync source is available. Minimum V2.10
device firmware required.

• ICD file for an SNTP can be downloaded from the Tools menu.

14 Reydisp Manager 2, Configuration Software, Product Information

C53000-X7050-C015-1, Edition 03.2023
• Improved filtering and IO matrix view in Settings Editor Tool. Fixed signal description in view
when scrolling.

• Downloaded event logs can be sorted and exported

• Downloaded fault logs can be sorted and exported

• Minor text description changes

• Reorganization of menus in Settings Editor Tool

• Additional user error messages during device upload/download

• Support the upload of Firmware to the device

New Features to support 7SR5 Platform Version V2.10

In the 7SR5 platform Version V2.10, the following new hardware is available:

• Additional Input/Output ordering combinations

In the 7SR5 platform Version V2.10, the following new functionality is available:

• Synchrocheck

• 87NL Low Impedance REF

All new features, modifications and details on the supported operating systems can be found in the product
information document delivered with the product.
As of delivery release, the update can be downloaded from the Siemens Industry Online Support website.

New Features in V2.11

New functions or modifications

• Added a Copy and Paste of a complete device within a project or from one project to another.

• Export entire project

• Extract configuration from connected device and add to project.

• Fixed Set Device Date & Time problem from PC when time is manually set from PC.

• Option to extract MLFB from connected device for easy template selection.

New Features in V2.20

New functions or modifications

• Device functionality capacity indication

• Export SCD – save options as ICD template or template with device name

• Device sync speed improved

• Instrument Viewer

New Features to support 7SR5 Platform Version V2.20

In the 7SR5 platform Version V2.20, the following new functionality is available:

• Motor protection

• High speed overcurrent

• Intermittent earth fault

• 5CT inputs

• Temperature sensor inputs

• High speed binary outputs

Reydisp Manager 2, Configuration Software, Product Information 15

C53000-X7050-C015-1, Edition 03.2023
• Arc light inputs

• Modbus TCP

• SNMPv3

• Syslog server
Reydisp Manager V2.20 is required to support the new features and functionality.

New Features in V2.21

New functions or modifications

• Third-Party station support (imported SCD) and station task view update

• Get Device Info from a connected device to allow the user to check device firmware version

• Export a diagnostics package from a connected device for investigation

• Digital signals added into instrument viewer

• Minor enhancement to user interface:

– Edit time zone task has been renamed Ethernet Time Zone
– Configure interface task has been renamed Ethernet Interface
– Events list data text displayed in black instead of red
– Improvements to the user warnings messages when performing Send Device Configuration
– User tool improvements to make some fields in the device property window read-only
– Update Device Firmware list is now in latest-first order
– Wizard messages now auto scroll to keep latest message visible
– Added a suggested IP address on the Get Device Info function
– Users view alignment and margins to some windows

New Features to support 7SR5 Platform Version V2.21

In the 7SR5 platform Version V2.21, the following new functionality is available:

• Download and display 7SR5 data logs

• Download and display 7SR5 motor waveform records

• Download and display 7SR5 open source software notes

• Download and display 7SR5 motor start reports

Reydisp Manager V2.21 is required to support the new features and functionality.

New Features in V02.30

New functions or modifications

• Copy and paste setting parameters from one group to another or multiple groups

• DNP3 TCP configuration and enabling

• SNMPv3 enable/disable parameter

• Online parameter configuration with a setting compare

• Modbus TCP export file configuration

• DNP3 TCP export file configuration

• Additional Ethernet protocol selection None/Modbus TCP/DNP3 TCP

• Ethernet interface redundancy parameter setting options restricted with dependencies

16 Reydisp Manager 2, Configuration Software, Product Information

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• Added shortcut to Reydisp Manager 1 from tools menu

• Logic checks for number of latches

• Improved error messages and user interface

New Features to support 7SR5 Platform Version V2.30

In the 7SR5 platform Version V2.30, the following new hardware is available:

• Additional input/output ordering combinations

• Additional product order codes

In the 7SR5 platform Version V2.30, the following new functionality is available:

• 87M motor differential

All new features, modifications and details on the supported operating systems can be found in the product
information document delivered with the product.
As of delivery release, the update can be downloaded from the Siemens Industry Online Support website.

New Features in V2.40

New functions or modifications

• Reydisp Manager 2 can now display the device configuration in a number of languages (English, French,
German, Portuguese, Spanish, Turkish) if the device template supports the selected language

• The event log downloaded from the device will now show the user configured Display Name for an event
if one has been configured

• HMI Screen Editor now has more meters available for use on screen diagrams. The meters will vary
depending on the device template and function configuration

• Reydisp Manager 2 can now configure the favourite meters as part of the device configuration

• Modbus TCP and DNP3 TCP exported reports now have a consistent structure

• Device configuration can now be exported or imported via a zip archive

• HMI Screen Editor now displays the IED and diagram name in the window title

New Features to support 7SR5 Platform Version V2.40

In the 7SR5 platform Version V2.40, the following new functionality is available:

• Support for 7SR5 having up to 200 one second waveform records

• IEEE 1588 (Precision Time Protocol) can now be enabled for 7SR5
All new features, modifications and details on the supported operating systems can be found in the product
information document delivered with the product.
As of delivery release, the update can be downloaded from the Siemens Industry Online Support website.

Known Problems and Limitations

Please refer to the Product Lifecycle – Information letters that can be found at 7SR5 Product
Information Letters:
Delivery Release – Reydisp Manager V2.10
Product Information Letter – PLL_20_17_DR_7SR5_DFW_V2.10.pdf

Reydisp Manager 2, Configuration Software, Product Information 17

C53000-X7050-C015-1, Edition 03.2023
Remedy with Version Concerned Func- Functional Limitation
V2.10 Device connection Set Time and Date on device when a time source is
not available
V2.10 Device connection Download device data from device to PC
V2.10 Device connection Configuration cannot be sent via Ethernet port
V2.10 Device connection Get device configuration from the connected device
to import onto the project device

Delivery Release – Reydisp Manager V2.11

Product Information Letter – PLL_20-38_DR_Reydisp_Manager_V2.11.pdf
Remedy with Version Concerned Func- Functional Limitation
V2.11 Device connection Allow user to retrieve device configuration from the
device and transfer to their project device without
adding a device from template.
V2.11 Device connection Error when manually setting clock on PC for sending
to connected device.
V2.11 Tools Copy and paste a device within a project or from one
project to another.

Delivery Release – Reydisp Manager V2.20

Product Information Letter – PLL_21_04_DR_7SR5_Devices_DFW_V2.20_CFW_V1.20.pdf
Remedy with Version Concerned Func- Functional Limitation
V2.20 Event log Time stamps were in 12 hr format, corrected to be in
24 hr format
V2.20 Time zone Summer time offset in IEC 61850 time zone incorrect
V2.20 Parameter validation Not reporting invalid setting values due to device
template changes
V2.20 Station configuration Station configuration displaying IED name in device
name field

Delivery Release – Reydisp Manager V2.21

Product Information Letter – PLL_21_34_DR_7SR5_DFW_V2.21.pdf
Remedy with Version Concerned Func- Functional Limitation
V2.21 Mimic configuration Mimic screen meter descriptions corrected for 7SR54
and additional meter Ig2 added for 7SR512
V2.21 Device data Fixed a minor defect correction to the reading of fault

Delivery Release – Reydisp Manager V2.30

Product Information Letter – PLL_22_16_DR_7SR5_DFW_V2.30_CFW_V1.30.pdf
Remedy with Version Concerned Func- Functional Limitation
V2.30 Configuration Modbus configuration file is not available/copied
when carrying out a device copy/paste or cloning
from a connected device
Device connection Send a single protection parameter change to the
device without sending the complete device configu-

18 Reydisp Manager 2, Configuration Software, Product Information

C53000-X7050-C015-1, Edition 03.2023
Delivery Release – Reydisp Manager V2.40
Product Information Letter –
Remedy with Version Concerned Func- Functional Limitation
V2.40 Tools 7SR5 Event Log entry grouping, which groups entries
that occurred at the same timestamp, now only
groups events if they are consecutive in the log. This
produces correct log sequence when the same time-
stamp appears in the log due to time offset changes.
Device connection Fixed 'From Connected Device...' feature during
device selection which was ignoring the IP address
Tools Fixed a crash on the project creation screen when
typing invalid file system characters into the project
Tools Language editor updated to latest version
Tools Improved handling of communications failure when
USB connection is busy or missing.
Tools Fixed errors in Setting viewer. When toggling a bit on
the Output Matrix then navigating to the Functions
tab, the column sort when changing views and the
compare settings.
Code hardened to prevent situation of no devices
available for connection in Connection Manager.
Removed saving and loading functionality from the
Curve Editor which disrupted the Reydisp Manager 2
curve editing workflow.
Fixes issue requiring password when downloading
waveform records when connected to non-motor
Tools Fixed the updating of station info when removing
the device IEC 61850 station association from a
local/imported station (SCL) via the device Properties
Tools ReyEvo will now start with an invalid recent files list.
Tools Prevention of enabling Secondary SNTP configuration
when the Primary SNTP configuration is disabled in
the Ethernet Interface window.
Tools If the device is associated with an IEC 61850 station
causing the SNTP configuration to be the respon-
sibility of the station, the SNTP configuration in
the Ethernet Interface window will be disabled and
Tools Fixed waveform data won't download from devices
that don’t support feature.
Tools Exporting device IEC 61850 SCL no longer causes
Reydisp Manager to freeze until the export is
Tools The project creation window no longer requires the
entering of the new project data in a specific order.
Tools Save/Print selected events corrected
Tools Fixed an issue where loading a project from the
most recent projects list caused an invalid state if the
project no longer exists.

Reydisp Manager 2, Configuration Software, Product Information 19

C53000-X7050-C015-1, Edition 03.2023
Remedy with Version Concerned Func- Functional Limitation
Tools When ordering event logs by timestamp occasionally
the events were in the incorrect order.
Tools Fixed a Reydisp Manager fail when entering a long
connection password when prompted during commu-
nication with 7SR5 device.
Tools Label description corrected previously stated SAT200
Tools Fixed an issue where Reydisp Manager would hold
the project file open when another project was
loaded in its place (via File -> Open Project).
Security Mbed TLS library updated to v2.28.1

Table 6-1 General Functional Limitations

Version Concerned Func- Functional Limitation

Connecting to a device When requesting the MLFB from the connected
device, the tool will always use the USB port and
ignore the Use configured IP even when selected.
Installation Reydisp Evolution is not updated to latest version if
Reydisp is open when installing the new version.
Closing a project Open project-a, edit file > create new project-b,
attempt to re-open project-a, project-a is locked.
Connection Unable to connect over DTLS if Windows Hotfixes is
not applied to the PC.
Station configuration When a device is added to the project from the
connected device, the original device SCD can not be
reimported into the device.
Device connection Sending the date and time from the PC to multiple
Device configuration Protocol point address duplicates/collisions produce
error messages but do not prevent the event editor
from closing without correcting. As no save takes
place due to the error, all changes are lost.
V2.21 Device data files Device firmware version V2.21 or greater required to
access some data logs, waveforms and OSS files.
V2.20 or less Device data files Device data files downloaded from a device using
Reydisp Manager V2.21 are not available if the project
is opened by an earlier version.
V2.20 or less Third party/imported Projects created in V2.21 with imported or third party
stations stations will not open in Reydisp Manager versions <
V2.21 and an error message will be shown.

20 Reydisp Manager 2, Configuration Software, Product Information

C53000-X7050-C015-1, Edition 03.2023
7 Support Centre
Customer Support Center
Our Customer Support Center provides a 24-hour service.
Siemens AG
Smart Infrastructure – Protection Automation Tel.: +49 911 2155 4466
Customer Support Center E-Mail:

Contact our Customer Support Center at:

Reydisp Manager 2, Configuration Software, Product Information 21

C53000-X7050-C015-1, Edition 03.2023
22 Reydisp Manager 2, Configuration Software, Product Information
C53000-X7050-C015-1, Edition 03.2023

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