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Samples Of Biography Essay

Crafting an essay on the topic of "Samples of Biography Essay" can be both challenging and
rewarding. The difficulty lies in the delicate balance required to present a comprehensive yet concise
overview of a person's life. One must navigate through the vast array of information, selecting key
events and aspects that not only define the individual but also engage the reader.

Research becomes a crucial aspect of the process, delving into the subject's background,
accomplishments, and personal experiences. Striking the right tone is essential – not too formal, yet
maintaining the respect and sincerity warranted by a biographical essay. The challenge is to transform
a mere collection of facts into a coherent narrative that captures the essence of the person in focus.

Moreover, maintaining objectivity can be daunting, especially if the subject is someone you admire or
feel strongly about. Striving for impartiality while still injecting a personal touch requires finesse.
Balancing between presenting a factual account and infusing the narrative with your perspective is a
tightrope walk that writers often find demanding.

The structure of the essay poses its own set of challenges. Deciding on a chronological or thematic
approach, organizing events and anecdotes in a logical sequence, and ensuring a smooth flow of
information are integral to creating a captivating biography.

Despite these challenges, the process offers a unique opportunity for self-reflection and improvement
as a writer. It encourages meticulous research, critical thinking, and the ability to communicate
complex information in a digestible manner. Ultimately, successfully navigating the intricacies of
writing a biography essay is a gratifying experience.

If, however, the task feels overwhelming or time constraints pose a challenge, there are resources
available. Similar essays and much more can be ordered on , where professionals
can assist in crafting well-researched and eloquently written biographical essays tailored to specific
Samples Of Biography Essay Samples Of Biography Essay
Tinea Pedis Research Paper
Microbial diseases on the human skin are very common. This is because the skin is
the body s first line of defense against pathogens. This physical barrier is almost
impossible for pathogens to enter, however, when there are breaks on the skin or
constant moisture, the skin can become a comfortable home for many bacterial
populations. In this case, Tinea Pedis, also known as Athlete s Foot is one of the main
microbial diseases known to thrive on feet where constant warmth, dirt and moisture
occurs. In this essay, different aspects of tinea pedis such as, what causes this disease,
which organ system is affected, the signs and symptoms of this disease, how it is spread,
how it impacts the general population, and most importantly how to prevent tinea pedis
will be considered.

Causing Organism

The pathogen that causes Tinea Pedis is called, Trichophyton ... Show more content on ...
The main entry is through the skin s surface. A healthy person can contract the fungus
from a person who is infected through skin contact. It can also be passed from any
contaminated surfaces including floors, clothing, socks, shoes, bed sheets, towels, and
public showers. The average time it takes for tinea pedis to grow is about two to four
weeks. The fungus spreads by shedding, tiny seed like, spores. They reproduce
throughout the infected area and attack the dead skin cells

Impact on the general population

Epidemiology studies show that tinea pedis is thought to be the world s most common
dermatophytosis. Reportedly, 70% of the population will be infected with tinea pedis at
some time in their life. Usually, tinea pedis affects more men compared to women. Also,
the prevalence of tinea pedis increases with age thus, most cases occur after puberty.
Other studies brought out that the global increase in tinea pedis is likely due to increases
in urbanization and the use of sports and fitness facilities.

How to prevent Tinea

Staffing System For A Job
Maria Romano MGE 629 HW#3 Chapter #7 1.Imagine and describe a staffing system
for a job in which no measures are used A staffing system for a job in which no
measures are used would be virtually impossible. Measurement is the key in staffing
organizations, as it is a method used for assessing aspects within the organization. A
system without methods would have no efficient method for determining a
framework in the process of selection. 2.Describe how you might go about determining
scores for applicants responses to (a) interview questions, (b) letters of
recommendation, and (c) questions about previous work experience. To determine
scores for qualitative responses such as interview questions, letters of
recommendations and previous work experience questions, a scale would have to be
created. To determine these scores, the answers would have to be looked at
subjectively by the reviewer and given a number on a rating scale. Once the answers
are given a numerical value, the total score can be compared to other applicants scores
to determine who may be more valuable to the company. 3.Give examples of when you
would want the following for a written job knowledge test: (a) a low coefficient alpha
(e.g., a=.35) and (b) a low test retest reliability. A low coefficient alpha represents a low
reliability measure, showing that there is a decreased correlation between items on the
test measure. A company would want a low coefficient alpha level if they were trying to
Texas Use Of Force. The Purpose Of The Paper Is To Show
Texas Use of Force
The purpose of the paper is to show how the criminal justice system is trying to reduce
officer and offender assaults in Texas Corrections facilities. In the Texas Corrections
facilities, also known as Texas Department of Criminal Justice, defines the Use of Force
as a physically controlling measure taken during a confrontational situation to make an
offender do something involuntary. This may include physical contact by an officer with
an offender in order to control movements, a situation when an offender physically resists
the application of restraints, chemical agents are discharged, batons or other instruments
make contact with an offender in an effort to restore or preserve order, and even when
offensive or ... Show more content on ...
The use of less lethal weapons that are approved by TDCJ are by using restraints,
protective equipment, chemical agents, and less than lethal ammunition. The restraints
are defined as a measure or condition that keeps someone or something under control or
within limits. Restraints in corrections system are used to escort offenders from place to
place and controlling the offenders. The restraints that are approved by TDCJ are hand
and leg restraint cuffs and a belt restraint. The officer puts on the hand and leg restraint
cuffs which are a pair of lockable linked metal rings hooked together with a chain that is
approximately four inches long for hands and twelve inches long for legs. Then belt
restraint are used as a strong wrap around the offenders waist that has chains that connect
the hand and leg restraint cuffs to the belt restraint. These restraints together keep the
offender from having full mobility. Which according to most studies, it has helped
prevent attacks on officers (Smith,R.2009). The use of protective equipment such as riot
helmets, riot shields, riot batons, and stab vest. These protective equipment are mainly
used when an offender or offenders are causing a violent public disturbance, or riot; it
was to calm the violent offenders, yet protect the officers from being injured or killed. By
having the riot helmets, shields, and batons helps
Process Identification Plan for Toyota
The Case for Change at Toyota Motor Corporation Process Identification and
Improvement Plan
Unit 1 Assignment 1 MBA 6022 Lynette D. Capella University Abstract This Process
Identification and Improvement Plan will begin with a summary of the Toyota Motor
Corporation and core commitment to safety, quality and volume. It will also refer to
the case study review titled Toyota: The Accelerator Crisis (2010), by Greto, Schotter,
and Teagarden for a synopsis of the accelerator and automobile recall crisis that affected
the company s reputation, image and near financial collapse. It also identifies two
distinct process areas have been targeted for... Show more content on ...
Thus, Toyota failed to comply with federal law in its foreign subsidiary and failed to
report such safety defects to the proper government regulators within five business
days. (Greto, M., Schotter, A., TeaGarden, M., 2010) (CNN, 2010) The President,
CEO and grandson of the founding father, Aki Toyoda emphasized I fear the pace at
which we have grown may have been to quick. I would like to point out here that
Toyota s priority has traditionally been the following: First, Safety; Second, Quality
and Third, Volume. These priorities became confused, and we were not able to stop,
think and make improvements as much as we were able to before, and our basic
stance to listen to customers voices to make better products has weakened somewhat.
We pursued growth over the speed at which were able to develop our people and our
organization, and we should sincerely be mindful of that. I regret that this has resulted
in the safety issues described in the recalls we face today, and I am deeply sorry for any
accidents that Toyota drivers have experienced. (Greto, M., Schotter, A., TeaGarden, M.,
2010) Importance to Toyota: Considering the case study, Toyota s current reputation and
status in the global market is marked with recalls due to defective parts, malfunctions and
safety risks numerous lawsuits and fines
Epa s Clean Power Plan
FromHarshit Jayaswal
DateOctober 07, 2015
SubjectBriefings on EPA s Clean Power Plan: How state emission budgets were
established, and legal (reasonableness and fairness) issues.

This memo is my interpretation on the readings of EPA s clean power plan specific to
how state budgets where established and legal issues emphasizing the fairness and
reasonableness towards the states.
The clean power plan was adopted by the EPA (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency)
on August 03, 2015 to regulate carbon emissions from existing power plants. Under the
Supreme Court decision in Massachusetts v. EPA , greenhouse gases meet the definition
of air pollutants under the Clean Air Act, implying they need to be controlled, if ... Show
more content on ...
It is determined to reduce carbon emissions from the power sector 32 % of 2005 levels
by 2030. The primary objective of the clean power plan is to establish unique emission
rate goals and mass equivalents for each individual state to reach this target.
2.0How state emission budgets where established

The clean Air Act under the section 111(d) creates a partnership between EPA, states,
tribes and U.S. territories with EPA setting a goal and states and tribes choosing how
they will meet it. EPA is defining interim and final CO2 emission performance rates for
two subcategories of fossil fuel fired electric generating units (EGU s):
1.1,305 lbs/MWh for existing fossil fuel fired electric steam generating units (generally,
coal fired power plants)
2.771 lbs/MWh for existing natural gas combined cycle units
EPA has also established statewide interim and final goals in 2 forms to give a wide
range of choices for states in implementing these standards like:

1.A rate based state goal measured in pounds per megawatt hour (lb/MWh);
2.A mass based state goal measured in total short tons of CO2

States then have to develop and implement plans for power plants in their state either
individually, in group or by applying other measures to meet with the interim reduction
goals in between 2022 2029 and final goal by 2030.

2.1BSER: Best system of emissions reduction

The basis for the emissions reductions in the EPA s proposed rule is a review of the
Differences Between Superman And Superman, Television
Cloaked in red and blue, Superman soars above Metropolis. Well known to the public,
he is strong, kind, humble and in love with Lois Lane. Then he gets to work. He puts
on some glasses, and he becomes Clark Kent, a mild mannered reporter. According to
the public, his relationship with Louis is platonic. Despite being the same person,
depending on who you ask, they will give you a very different description of just one
man. The real difference between Supermanand Clark Kentisn t a disguise, but the social
context in which he is seen. Much the same as Superman, people can have multiple
identities, or frames of themselves, each coming out in a specific social context. With
social media, these different identities can be created and thrive. On public platforms,
the ideal side of a person is shown, along with their close relationships, but on private
sites, they don t have to worry about dealing with the pressure from others. To put
simply, whether you see Superman or Clark Kent, depends on who is watching him, so
it can be argued that the amount of privacy a user has on a social media platform, greatly
impacts how they display themselves, and their relationships on said platform as well.

Overall, some of the most popular social media platforms are public ones, such as
Facebook and Instagram. Although these sites have different features, one similarity
between them is how they can be used to enforce gender norms . Public sites often
involve the user posting photos and
My First 12 Step Meeting
For posterity s sake, I tried to recall my first 12 step meeting and have concluded that it
was most likely the year 1996, it was cold in the little town of Altoona. The clubhouse
was strange, dark, smelled of coffee, and full of smoke there, the people were all so
different, but all of them seemed to know some secret code, plus they seemed to talk as
if reading bumper stickers. As I kept coming back, I began to feel more comfortable,
understand what was going on, and want what these people had. People at these meetings
were open, appeared comfortable in their own skins, and had such, dramatic, fascinating
stories that were dark, yet somehow uplifting. Since that time, I have been to a plethora
of various types of meetings at various locations, but there is a theme throughout of trust,
and a bond of acceptance that makes one feel welcome wherever one goes to a meeting.
Therefore, I had a plan to go to Allentown with my fiancée to an NA meeting he used
to go to on Saturday night, however, as things sometimes happens, this did not go as
planned. Not to worry, I have learned long ago that alternative meetings can work just
as well, or better. In fact, for all the meetings I have attended, I have never regretted
going, or not gotten something out of it. Ending up going to one of my favorite
meeting places, all worked out for the best, as I felt it would. The Sunday Morning
Speakers Group D 33 at the Muhlenberg Recreation Center on River Road starts at 11:00

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