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Bucket List Essay

Crafting an essay on the subject of a "Bucket List" may seem deceptively simple at first glance, as
the topic invites personal reflections and dreams. However, delving into the intricacies of one's
aspirations and desires can be a more challenging endeavor than anticipated. The difficulty lies not
only in articulating the items on the bucket list but also in weaving a narrative that engages the reader
on a deeper level.

To begin with, constructing a compelling introduction demands a delicate balance between capturing
the reader's attention and subtly introducing the concept of a bucket list. The challenge here is to set
the tone for a reflective and insightful essay without being overly cliché or predictable. A unique and
captivating opening can be elusive, requiring a nuanced approach to avoid falling into the trap of
generic storytelling.

Moving on to the body of the essay, the task becomes more intricate. Each item on the bucket list
needs to be explored with sufficient depth, providing anecdotes or personal experiences that breathe
life into the narrative. This requires a delicate dance between self-disclosure and maintaining the
reader's interest, as oversharing may lead to disengagement while being too reserved may result in a
lack of connection.

Moreover, transitioning between different items on the bucket list demands a coherent and seamless
flow. Without a well-thought-out structure, the essay risks becoming disjointed and difficult to
follow. Striking a balance between variety and cohesion in content is a perpetual challenge that
demands meticulous planning and editing.

Furthermore, the conclusion poses its own set of challenges. Crafting a memorable and impactful
ending that leaves a lasting impression requires a careful consideration of the overarching theme and
purpose of the essay. Summing up the journey without resorting to clichés or abrupt closures can be
an intricate task, necessitating a keen awareness of the emotional resonance the conclusion should

In conclusion, while the topic of a "Bucket List Essay" may seem straightforward, the intricacies of
translating personal aspirations into a coherent and engaging narrative present a considerable
challenge. Success in this endeavor hinges on the writer's ability to balance introspection,
storytelling, and structural finesse. However, for those seeking assistance in navigating this
challenge, it's worth noting that similar essays and much more can be ordered on ,
providing a valuable resource for those looking to refine their essay-writing skills or seeking
professional guidance.
Bucket List Essay Bucket List Essay
Admissions Guidelines For The Admissions
The ratings of the admissions committee embraced the interviewer s summary, the
overall undergraduate GPA, the GPA in Science courses, the score of the Medical
College Admissions Test (MCAT), letters of recommendation, extracurricular
activities and other bibliographical data is taken in to account to satisfy the
admissions program. In 1973, the admissions committee was composed of 5 members
that rated each candidate. The perfect benchmark score was 500 which mean a rating
of 100 of all 5 members of the committee. In 1974, another member was added to
admissions committee making it 6 members of the committee, therefore, making a
perfect score of 600. It was to the discretion of the Chairman for placing names in
waiting list but not necessarily on strict numerical order. But he did not add Bakke in
either the 1973 and the 1974 waiting list. Some changes were also made in both 1973
and 1974 admissions application form. In 1973, the application form candidates were
asked to indicate if they wished to be considered economically and/or educational
disadvantaged applicants. This was due to a special admissions program that consisted
of a separate committee and was only for applicants of minority backgrounds. In 1974,
the application form added another question if the applicants wanted to be considered as
members of a minority groups. Which to the Medical School minorities were Blacks,
Mexican Americans, Asians and American Indians if they choose to fill out that part of the
Confidential Health Care
Confidential health service is significant in encouraging teen s health. Adolescents are at
a very imperative stage of development and are beginning to establish their own identity.
Having blockages on teens admission to confidential health services directly affects their
health because it discourages them from looking for the sexual health care or mental
health care services they need and information they need to protect their mental health,
and dodge STD s and unwanted pregnancies. Health care providers view on
confidentiality becomes difficult when parents are financially responsible for medical
bills and are responsible for raising that child. There are laws that govern confidentiality
for adolescent health care and some that require... Show more content on
The article states balancing confidentiality regarding children s health and parent s
interest is complicated because some parents and health care providers feel
confidentiality promotes risky sexual behaviour and does not allow parents to protect
their child (Jaruseviciene L., Lazarus J. and Zaborski A., 2011). General practitioners
face contradiction when giving parents information for their patients who are minors in
Lithuania. The study was conducted in four different countries in Lithuania including
General Practitioners. It was a 41 questionnaire used in this cross sectional study and
the questionnaire was based on qualitative survey data collected in 2003 2004.
Questionnaire was given to all General Practitioners starting at the end of August 2005
and a total of 607 questionnaires were distributed. The General Practitioners was
presented with eight different clinical scenarios including: adolescent interest in sexual
issues, sexual activity, sexually transmitted infections, contraception, pregnancy
abortion, and gender identity. The respondent was asked if they told parents or
refrained from informing parents from two groups of adolescents; 16 years of age and
older or 16 years of age and younger. A total of 607 questionnaires was
Gender Imbalance Of Computer Science
Gender Imbalance in Computer Science
In past many generations, men and women had distinct roles. In ancient times, the
stereotype of a woman was working as a housewife, taking care of children and doing
housekeeping jobs, while man were responsible for hunting or farming. As human
civilization goes on, woman are no longer restricted in household routines and have
been widely accepted as an indispensable source of labor force in a variety of
occupations. However disparity of career preference between male and female are fairly
pronounced, particular in computer science. An undeniable fact is that employees of tech
companies that are typically related to computer science in Silicon Valley are
overwhelming male. 17 percent of Google tech workers are women, according to the
diversity data released by Google itself (Diversity at Google, 2014). In 2014, female
tech workers make up 15 percent of Facebook s workforce (Constine, 2014). Also in
2014, Yahoo reports ratio of female technical workers is 15 percent and Twitter reports
only 10 percent of technical workforce is female (CNNMoney, 2014). According to an
evaluation published in 2014 by Anita Borg Institute for women and technology,
average ratio for female workers in bay area is approximate 20 percent (Weise, 2014).
We can trace the gender imbalance in workplace back to the shortage of female
computer science students in college. It is not a new topic that women are scarce in
science and engineering
Review Of The Better Angels Of Our Nature By Steven...
INTP 371 Short Essay
Sally Togher | 15 April 2017 | Question 2

Evaluate and critique the different arguments for the decline in warfare since 1990.

In the last decade, discussion of the decline of war has dramatically escalated. This essay
evaluates and critiques three major arguments for the decline in warfare since 1990,
examining the human nature approach of Steven Pinker, the shorter term factors
proposed by John Mueller and the alternative New Wars theory championed by Mary
Kaldor. In combination, these approaches provide a general summary of the major strains
of declinist literature and demonstrate the challenges of assessing the changing political
violence and armed conflict after the Cold War.

In The Better ... Show more content on ...

John Mueller makes a claim even bolder than a decline in war, arguing that war has
ceased, or nearly ceased, to exist. He argues that the general decline in inter state war
lies in the changing attitudes towards war. Mueller contends that up until the early 20th
century, war was seen in a positive light, but European attitudes changed profoundly
after WWI, and that shift of opinion was dramatically reinforced by WWII. Mueller
explains the particular fall in civil wars in the 1990s as a result of improvements in
governance and policing in developing countries. Thus these factors in combination
explain the recent decline in all wars. Mueller rejects other alternative arguments for the
decline of war, including economic interdependence and institutional incentives, on the
basis of causality and questionable impact. Critics of his theories point out that the
traditional war conception they are based on excludes any non state warfare with under
1000 deaths, and thus explanations of the recent decline do not account for major
instances of political violence such as the Rwandan Genocide. However, Mueller refutes
these critiques with the view that such political violence is merely opportunistic thugs
who are the residual combatants . Thus, Mueller s claim that war has ceased to exist is
qualified, particularly in light of political changes after the cold war.

Comparatively, Mary Kaldor attempts to address the methodological issues of

How To Write A Rear Window Essay
The film Rear Window, directed by Alfred Hitchcock, demonstrates the dynamics of
love and marriage, displaying positive and negative aspects of relationships. In the
beginning of the movie, Jeff observes a newly married couple. Unlike the rest of the
tenants, the newlyweds are the only people to draw the shades, despite the extreme heat.
The man is seen carrying his wife into the apartment, which symbolizes a happy and
loving relationship, something Jeff and Lisa hope to achieve. However, by the end of the
movie, the man is seen arguing with his wife, signifying the downfall of their
relationship. Since the man recently lost his job, the woman wishes she would have
never married him. The newlyweds are beginning to act like the Thorwalds and represent
the beginnings of their struggles. Their relationship symbolizes the difficulties of
maintaining a healthy marriage, as not all couples are able to endure the... Show more
content on ...
Jeff is unsure of his feelings for Lisa, as he is prefers his job traveling as a
photographer over committing to Lisa. While Jeff is at home nursing an injured leg,
he analyzes those around him, especially Lisa. Their relationship is complex and
dynamic; while Jeff does not want a commitment to a relationship, Lisa desires to
spend time with him. Their relationship differs from a more traditional marriage,
where the couple settles down and spends time together. However, towards the end of
the movie, Lisa enters Mr. Thorwald s apartment and her safety is endangered. Soon
after, Jeff realizes his feelings for Lisa and works to save her, nearly sacrificing his life
for the woman he loves. In the end, Jeff and Lisa demonstrate differing aspects of love
and marriage, by committing to each other and sacrificing for the other person. Several
of the characters in Rear Window maintain relationships that examine the positive and
negative dynamics of love, marriage, and
Critical Analysis Of Eric Schlosser s Your Trusted Friends
Oftentimes, writers of argumentative essays will explicitly state their claim, establishing
a position on a topic in a clear and concise manner. In doing so, writers arguments are
essentially more effective in representing the chosen subject matter. In Your Trusted
Friends , investigative journalist Eric Schlosser writes that Walt Disneyand Ray Kroc
perfected the art of selling to children, however, this writing is laced with numerous,
hidden, implications. Schlosser s work subconsciously suggests that companies like
Disney and McDonald s prey on children in order to gain profit. This, therefore, makes
his argument weak overall, since instead of blatantly expressing his opinion, he leaves his
audienceto guess about the overall purpose of the piece.
Throughout the writing, Schlosser provides historical and statistical information about
both the businessmen, Disney and Kroc, and their individual companies. In the third
paragraph, he writes about the shared experiences between the men, from growing up in
the same hometown to serving in in the same World War I ambulance corps (Schlosser
184). He then lists examples of how the men s failures in their humble beginnings
eventually led to success. Schlosser writes that the men, for example, focused more on
strengthening their marketing strategies and standing in as authority figures instead of
wasting time on attempts to add new dishes to the McDonald s menu or trying to write
and animate Disney cartoons (Schlosser 184). In
The Use Of Powerful Weapons In WWII
Everyone has heard about WWII but not everyone knows about the powerful weapons
that were used in this time.One of those powerful weapons is the Panzerkampfwagen
VI Tiger Ausf. E but it is better known as Tiger Tank 1. This tank was a very powerful
and important tank in WWII.This powerful weapon was used by Germanyagainst the
The Tiger tank was in service from 1942 1945 it was Designed by Erwin Aders
Henschel Son it was designed in 1941 it was manufactured by Henschel its Place of
origin is Nazi Germany.The tiger tank had a top speed of twenty eight miles per hour its
fuel capacity was one hundred forty gallons. The armor used in the construction of the
Tiger 1 was of very good quality homogeneous steel. Brinell hardness for the

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