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In Daniel chapter 5 it spoke about the writing on the wall that Belshazzar

couldn't interpret, Daniel 5:5-6 (KJV). In the same hour came forth fingers of a
man's hand, and wrote over against the candlestick upon the plaister of the wall of
the king's palace: and the king saw the part of the hand that wrote. As a result his
thoughts troubled him as his countenance changed so his loins were loosed, and his
knees smote one against another because of how terrified he was. What he is
witnessing is so bizarre and frightening that the blood has left his face and his body
is shaking uncontrollably. His own thoughts are disturbing to him as his human
brain tries to process this the sight of what was happening. He so wanted to know
what it means so he shouted for others who he thought could've interpreted it
however they were clueless as him. This caused him to be more afraid because he
senses the deja vu character of the scene as he remembers the experience of his
grandfather Nebuchadnezzar. Unbeknownst to Belshazzar only Daniel could
interpret the dream. He knows that it is a message from the Creator, the divine
judge. Somehow he must find a way to find its meaning. But that is not an easy
task. In a nutshell, this handwriting on the wall was God pronouncing judgment
upon the king,

The enchanters who were brought before the king claimed to be able to cause gods
and/or demons to react by uttering specific formulas, as well as to deflect adverse
omens away from their subjects. Astronomy and astrology were two skills that the
Chaldeans had accomplished when they were placed before the monarch. Sorcerers
The group of people brought before the king were practitioners of "black magic."
Last but not least, the interpreters were magicians who were presented to the king.
They are described as a group of learned men in the text of the book of Daniel.
Therefore, these people (wise men) are employed to find out or interpret things that
others couldn't.

The elucidation of the mystery emerges out of Belshazzar's sin. This is because
Belshazzar did not honor the God who holds in his hand his life and all his ways.
Therefore He sent the hand that wrote the inscription because Belshazzar ignored
and mocked God. Belshazzar’s profane use of the sacred vessels Nebuchadnezzar
had taken from the temple was an act of defiance against God’s sovereignty”. You
have set yourself up against the Lord of heaven. You had the goblets from his
temple brought to you, and you and your nobles, your wives and your concubines
drank wine from them. You praised the gods of silver and gold, of bronze, of iron,
wood and stone, which cannot see or hear or understand.
Mene - One who is numbered

Tekel - One who is weighed

Upharsin - The one who is divided

God has numbered the days of your reign and has brought it to an end.

Tekel: You have been weighed on the scales and found wanting.

Peres: Your Kingdom is divided and given to the Persians.

Daniel tells him that mene means numbered; the interpretation is that God has
numbered his kingdom and finished it. Tekel means weigh or balance, the
interpretation is that the king has been weighed in the balances and has come up
short, or wanting.

Upharsin or Peres means divided. This meant the king’s kingdom had been divided
and given to the Medes and Persians. This truly tilted the power of world towards
the Medes and Persians, from the Babylonians.

He who rejects the God of Creation will eventually fall back on idols, the work of
his or her own hands and the image of one's own self. Such individuals become
their own gods.

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