Essay Topics For Argumentative Essays

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Essay Topics For Argumentative Essays

Writing an essay on the topic "Essay Topics for Argumentative Essays" may initially seem like a
straightforward task, but delving into the intricacies of selecting and presenting compelling
arguments can prove to be a challenging endeavor. The difficulty arises from the need to strike a
balance between choosing a relevant and engaging topic that sparks debate and constructing a well-
structured argument that effectively conveys the writer's perspective.

One of the challenges lies in the extensive array of potential argumentative essay topics available. The
abundance of choices requires careful consideration to identify a subject that not only aligns with
personal interests but also has sufficient depth and controversy to facilitate a meaningful discussion.
Additionally, the writer must navigate through the diverse opinions and viewpoints surrounding the
chosen topic, incorporating credible sources and evidence to support their stance.

Crafting a coherent and persuasive argument demands a meticulous approach to research and
organization. The writer must gather relevant information, evaluate the credibility of sources, and
synthesize the material into a compelling narrative that flows logically from one point to the next.
The challenge further intensifies when addressing counterarguments, as acknowledging opposing
viewpoints requires finesse and critical analysis.

The process of writing an argumentative essay also involves honing one's analytical and persuasive
writing skills. The writer must articulate their thoughts clearly and concisely, using language that
captivates the reader and persuades them of the validity of their position. Striking the right tone and
maintaining an objective yet passionate voice adds another layer of complexity to the writing process.

In conclusion, composing an essay on the topic "Essay Topics for Argumentative Essays" demands a
blend of critical thinking, research proficiency, and effective communication skills. While the initial
task may seem straightforward, the intricate process of selecting, researching, and presenting
arguments can prove to be a challenging yet rewarding experience for the writer.

For those seeking assistance with essays or looking for a variety of essay topics, a helpful resource is . Similar essays and much more can be explored and ordered on the platform,
offering valuable support for those navigating the complexities of academic writing.
Essay Topics For Argumentative EssaysEssay Topics For Argumentative Essays
Fukushima Nuclear Disaster
1. Abstract
The earthquake which took place on March 11, 20111 in the Tohuku District, Japan
triggered a massive tsunami which eventually caused a nuclear power plant outbreak.
The tsunami, 14 metres in height struck the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant, which is
located in the towns of Okuma and Futaba in the Fukushima Prefecture. This resulted
in loss of power to the reactors of Units 1, 2 and 3.Along with this damage, the cooling
system failed to work and there were hydrogen explosions which ended in damaging the
nuclear plant. The damages also include extensive release of radioactive substances into
our atmosphere and our earth. This accident certainly did loads of damages to Japan and
its people. There are lots of theories regarding ... Show more content on
This would have perhaps managed to contain the situation and less consequence would
have incurred.

There was also the case of certain parties which had failed to follow the chain of
command. The prime minister s office did not announce a state of emergency in the short
time after the accident. The designed emergency response was for the emergency
response unit to be the medium of communication between the prime minister s office
and the plant operator,TEPCO.This is to ensure that the prime minister s office is well
informed regarding the situation.But in this case, the prime minister s office
communicated directly with TEPCO and the Fukushima Daiichi power plant. This
clearly shows the incompetence of the authorities to follow the procedures.

2.2 Industrial process and operation Fukushima Daichi Nuclear Power Plant consists of
six nuclear reactors and the types are the boiling water reactors (BWR). These reactors
are light water reactors and they were all designed by General Electric (GE).These
reactors have a total of 4.7 GW in power to drive the electrical generators. Reactors for
units 1, 2 and 6 were supplied by GE whereas units 3 and 5 were supplied by Toshiba
and Hitachi supplied the unit 4. 2.2.1 Working Principle of BWR The BWR s working
principles is as such, the reactors heats the water, which then
University Lecturing Essay

Table of Contents
1.0 Introduction1
1.1 Authorisation1
1.2 Limitations1
1.3 Scope and Methodology1
2.0 Outline of Public Speaking and the link to university lecturing1
3.0 Preparation1
3.1 Explanation of the preparation stage1
3.2 Analyse Benefits2
4.0 Visual aids2
4.1 Explanation of visual aids2
4.2 Analyse Benefits2
5.0 Nonverbal3
5.1 Explanation of nonverbal communication3
5.2 Analyse Benefits3
6.0 Challenges to incorporating preparation, visual aids and nonverbal skills in university
Reference List3

1.0 Introduction
1.1 Authorisation
This report is authorised by Dr Gregory Nash, COR109 Lecturer and Course Coordinator
at the University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia. The purpose of this
report was to make recommendations for incorporating specific public speaking skills
into university lecturing.
1.2 Limitations
This report is limited to the field of university lecturing, the communication topic of
public speaking and the sub topics of preparation, visual aids and nonverbal skills.
1.3 Scope and Methodology
This report identifies and assesses the importance of effective presentations in the field
of education and more specifically university lecturing. Public speaking is defined and
the benefits and challenges of the sub topics preparation, visual aids and nonverbal
skills are systematically analysed. Peer reviewed academic sources have been used to
provide verified experimental data

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