Essay Topics For Adults

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Essay Topics For Adults

Crafting an essay on the topic of "Essay Topics for Adults" presents a unique set of challenges.
Firstly, defining what constitutes an appropriate and engaging essay topic for adults can be
subjective, as the interests and concerns of adults vary widely. Identifying universal themes that
resonate with a diverse adult audience requires careful consideration.

Researching and gathering relevant information can be time-consuming, as it involves delving into
the multifaceted aspects of adult life—ranging from personal experiences to societal issues. The
essay must strike a balance between being insightful and relatable, addressing both the individual
and collective perspectives of adulthood.

Moreover, maintaining a coherent and logical structure is crucial. The essay should have a clear
introduction that establishes the relevance of the chosen topics for adults. Each paragraph should
seamlessly flow into the next, building a cohesive narrative that keeps the reader engaged. Balancing
depth and breadth in the exploration of various themes adds another layer of complexity.

Crafting a compelling conclusion that summarizes key points while leaving a lasting impression is an
art in itself. The challenge lies in tying together diverse adult themes into a unified and impactful
conclusion that resonates with the reader.

Throughout the writing process, ensuring that the essay remains free of clichés and stereotypes is
essential. The goal is to provide a fresh perspective on adult topics, steering clear of common tropes
that may dull the essay's impact.

In conclusion, writing an essay on "Essay Topics for Adults" demands a thoughtful and nuanced
approach. It necessitates an understanding of the diverse experiences and concerns that characterize
adulthood. Despite its challenges, the process offers an opportunity for intellectual exploration and

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Essay Topics For AdultsEssay Topics For Adults
FIn 580 Essay
1. (TCO A) Use future or present value techniques to solve the following problems.
(Note: You can use tables or a financial calculator. If you use a calculator, please provide
the inputs you used to solve the problems.) (5 points each = total 20 points) a. Starting
with $20,000, how much will you have in 20 years if you can earn 5% on your money?
b. If you inherited $100,000 today and invested all of it in a security that paid an 8% rate
of return, how much would you have in 15 years? c. If the average new home costs
$200,000 today, what will be the value in 10 years if inflation is 4% per year? d. If you
can earn 9% per year, how much will you have to save each year if you want to retire in
40 years with $3 million? (Points :... Show more content on ...
4. (TCO C) Alan and Barbara are in the process of purchasing their first home.
However, they cannot decide whether a 15 year fixed rate mortgage or a 30 year
fixed rate mortgage is best for them. They have decided to finance $200,000 and can
get the 15 year mortgage at 4.5% and the 30 year mortgage at 5%. (35 points total)
First, calculate the monthly payment of each loan. (15 points) Next, discuss the pros
and cons of a 15 year mortgage versus a 30 year mortgage. (15 points) (Points : 35)
Question 5. 5. (TCO D) John Savage is a 35 year old accountant who earns $72,000
per year. His monthly take home pay is $4,500. His wife Jessica works part time at
their church but has no employee benefits. John s firm has a group short term
disability plan, which will provide him with 65% of his gross monthly pay for 2 years
only. What would you advise John regarding his potential need for additional disability
insurance, including the type, amount of benefits, or other policy provisions? (30 points
total) (Points : 30) Question 6. 6. (TCO E) The ABC Class A share mutual fund has a
Bike Trip To Ladakh Essay
A bike trip to heavenly destination in India LADAKH
Are you really a bike lover? Do you really prefer going to long journey on a bike?
Then, a bike trip to Ladakh is just worth experiencing and exploring one of the beautiful
state, Jammu and Kashmir. You will be riding in the midst of steep curves, snow capped
peaks, freezing winds, beautiful valleys and at the end of your adventurous trip, you will
be endlessly lost in heaven.
The road from Manali (Himachal Pradesh) to Leh (Ladakh), is one of the world s highest
motorable roads. The classic method of travel is on a Royal Enfield motorbike. It is the
route which any biker would like to visit at least once in his life time.
Why to Go:
Getaway from the fear of high altitude sickness
Encounter with giant mountains to claim yourself to be a Biker
Enjoy the panoramic view of the snow capped mountains, lakes, valleys and last but not
the least lush greenery.
What to Know:
Total Bike ride: 1800 kms Approx.
Sleeper class train tickets from Mumbai to Chandigarh
Accommodation on Triple sharing basis in Hotels and sharing basis in tents.
It is advised that you carry your own toiletries
Since this place is an escape away from urban settlements, mobile signals are intermittent.
Bike Transportation charges (Mumbai Chandigarh Srinagar Mumbai by Cargo)
What to Do:
... Show more content on ...
Stopover in crystal clear blue coloured water lakes, rusty terrains, peaceful atmosphere
and almost anywhere your heart wants to. Relish sumptuous Ladakhi, Tibetan
delicacies and drive across the highest motorable roads such as Baralacha Pass,
Rohtang Pass and Tanglang La. Visit Shey, Thiksey and other Leh monasteries and
explore Jispa, Sarchu and Pang villages. If you love shopping then park your bikes near
the Leh market and buy some Tibetan jewellery, handicraft items, prayer flags,
meditation bowls and Buddha artefact for your loved
Persuasive Essay On Spanking A Child
Ponder this; you are a parent with only a seven year old child. Your child continues to
perform an act that you told them to stop doing, because they have already done it
three times before. You have had enough and decided to discipline your child in a way
different from a stern discussion. You decide to spank your child. Would you consider
the spanking a form of child discipline, or would you consider it child abuse? Are you
expecting your child to learn from this disciplinary action, or are you spanking your
child because you enjoy knowing that you are in control and that you quite possibly may
be injuring your child?
According to Prevent Child Abuse North Dakota, The goal of discipline is to create an
orderly, predictable, stable, and fun world to enjoy and grow healthy. When it comes
to discipling a child, there are many different courses of action that could be taken.
Parents can and should discipline their children (Smenyak). There is a large
controversy over the most universal discipline method there is, spanking. Many parents
believe that spanking their child can be a beneficial way of correcting a child if done
correctly (Smenyak). Other parents believe that spanking a child is simply abuse, that it
does not work, or that Spanking plants a seed for later violent behavior, says
One very simple word that describes discipline is training. A child is not born with the
knowledge of what is acceptable or expected. A parent must invest their own time and
patience while showing love and exemplary behavior while molding their children into
becoming well behaved (Child Abuse vs. Discipline). Being a parent is a hard enough
job already, but when it comes to being a parent having to discipline your child, it
becomes much harder. It takes time for a child to learn and process new behaviors, and
this is a reason a parent must not have a short fuse when it comes to discipling their
When it comes to discipline, people will either agree that discipline is a crucial way
for a child to learn the rules and gain values, or that discipline is abuse. Discipline is a
parental response to a certain action that has been taken upon by their child. If a child is
expected to do
Maya Angelou s Poem, My Arkansas
When analyzing Maya Angelou s poem My Arkansas , I noticed it was about the state
of Arkansas and segregation of the African American life. Maya portrays nature into the
poem to resemble the conditions blacks suffered in that time. The poem paints a picture
of the hate crimes against black race and how Arkansas was far from created people
equal and was living in the past with the thought of slaveryand the lynching s that
occurred during that time. She makes it clear that blacks where the low man on the
totem pole as she compares it to moss on a tree stating old crimes like moss pend from
poplar trees (Lynn, 2004 p. 699). When we think of moss itself on trees, it is the slimy
stuff many people don t touch and is usually around the base
René Descartes and Thomas Hobbes Essay
During the sixteen hundreds, the French philosopher René Descartes laid the
foundations for the beginnings of Cartesian Dualism. In contrast, the English
philosopher Thomas Hobbes argued against dualism in favor of materialism. Recently,
Cartesian Dualism, and dualism in general has fallen out of favor as materialism arose
as a more plausible and explanatory theory regarding the interrelationships between body
and mind. The translation Descartes writing in the Meditations is far more cryptic than
Hobbes writing in the Leviathan. Making it far easier to see Hobbes claims. Hobbes
provides a reasonable explanation against dualism in his objections to Descartes, and in
his Leviathan, provides background upon his reasoning in... Show more content on ...
Descartes concludes from his first meditation that he is a thinking thing, and as long as
he thinks, he exists. In the second meditation, Descartes attempts to define what the
thinking thing that he concluded himself to be in the first meditation actually was.
Descartes determines that he gains knowledge of the world, that is, knowledge that is
separate from the mind, through the senses; and that the senses can deceive. This he
outlines within the first meditation, and mentions on the second meditation.
Furthermore, in the second meditation, Descartes refuses to define himself as a
rational animal, instead going back and relying on labeling him mind as a thinking
thing. In the fifth and sixth paragraphs of the second meditation, Descartes
distinguishes the body from the soul. Descartes indicates that there is the presence of
the body, and it seems to be in the physical world, but he also notes that his mind does
not seem to exist in the same manner. Descartes also claims that the ability to perceive
is a power of the soul, but inoperable without the body. Descartes then explores another
object with physical substance, which is a piece of wax. The piece of wax is
undeniably physical; it takes up space within the material world. The body falls into the
category, just as any other physical object in the material world. The main point of
Descartes second meditation is that any given person can know more about their mind
than of the world surrounding them.
The Colombian Reggaeton Singer Who Is From Medellin...
Maluma, the colombian reggaeton singer who is from Medellin Colombia, and Pitbull,
the hip hop reggaeton singer who s from Miami Florida, share some familiar similarities
and vast differences in their background and songs. Both Maluma and Pitbull sing and
rap to reggaeton music. With this in mind, reggaeton originated in Puerto Rico and is
considered hip hop and latin american music. Reggaetonis also sung in spanish. Maluma
began his music career in 2010 while Pitbull began in 2001. Uniquely, both singers
perform live for their fans and neither of them are retired yet. Although Maluma started
out at a much later period than Pitbull, he still has the same tone as Pitbull does in his
songs. Maluma and Pitbull can each carry out beautiful vocal sounds and harmonize to
music wonderfully. Correspondingly, they are extremely professional singers. For
example, Maluma sings with a lot of low yet powerful vocals while Pitbull sings with
medium to high pitched vocals. In general, the better they sound to their audience, the
more they will rise to fame. Another key point is that they both feature other artists in
some of their songs. Maluma and Pitbull can influence people to learn more about their
culture, learn about their musical influence, and learn about their albums and visit them
live in concert to experience an amazing show. Additionally, Pitbull comes from a
beautiful city with a breathtaking view of Miamis beach and Maluma comes from a place
of tall buildings and artwork

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