Describing A Person Essay Example

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Describing A Person Essay Example

Crafting an essay on the topic of describing a person may seem deceptively simple at first glance, as
it involves a seemingly straightforward task – painting a vivid portrait of an individual. However,
delving into the intricacies of this assignment reveals a myriad of challenges that can make the
process quite daunting.

One of the primary hurdles lies in capturing the essence of the person in a way that goes beyond
mere physical attributes. Describing someone involves delving into their character, personality traits,
and the intangible aspects that make them unique. Selecting the right words to convey these nuances
requires a delicate balance between creativity and precision.

Furthermore, there's the challenge of avoiding clichés and generic descriptions. Striking a balance
between providing specific details and avoiding overused phrases is crucial to keep the essay
engaging and authentic. It requires a keen observational eye and the ability to transform ordinary
details into compelling insights.

The risk of subjectivity is another factor that adds complexity to the task. As a writer, it's essential to
present a balanced and fair portrayal of the person, steering clear of personal biases that might cloud
the narrative. Objectivity becomes a tightrope walk, demanding a delicate dance between personal
perspectives and a broader, unbiased view.

Moreover, the essay must flow seamlessly, guiding the reader through a coherent and well-structured
narrative. Organizing thoughts and details in a logical sequence while maintaining the reader's
interest requires careful planning and thoughtful execution.

In conclusion, writing an essay on describing a person is a multifaceted endeavor that demands

creativity, observational skills, objectivity, and adept language use. It requires the ability to navigate
the fine line between vivid descriptions and clichés, ensuring that the end result is a nuanced and
engaging portrayal.

For those seeking assistance in overcoming the challenges associated with such essays, offers a range of services. Whether it's refining your ideas, polishing your
language, or even providing a fully customized essay on a similar topic, the platform is equipped to
cater to diverse writing needs. Consider exploring the resources available to enhance your writing
experience and achieve the desired academic or creative outcome.
Describing A Person Essay ExampleDescribing A Person Essay Example
Acceptance In Ray Bradbury s The Last Night Of The World
In his short story, The Last Night of the World , Ray Bradbury explores the rhetorical
question by asking, What would you do if you knew that this was the last night of the
world? (Bradbury 1). Wondering why or how it could possibly be the last night of the
world, the wife presumes to ask if it is due to a war, a hydrogen, an atomic bomb or
because of the germ warfare. Nevertheless, it was simply due to the fact that, that night
was the closing of a book (Bradbury 1). Through the characters thoughts and actions
Bradbury is able to express the ability of acceptance in things that cannot be changed and
accepting and overcoming the thought and feeling of fear. Bradbury presents endless
thoughts yet understandings within the characters.
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To the married couple there was something different about the date. This date means
more than any other date ever meant; because it s the year when things are as they are
all over the world and that s why it s the end (Bradbury 3). Bradbury s theme throughout
the short story was long standing in regards of acceptance. The married couple tried to
find a justification for it being the last night of the world but they did not argue against it.
That night, the married couple spent their last few hours together. The husband asked, Do
you want to cry? (Bradbury 4), the wife answered, I don t think so (Bradbury 4). Through
this Bradbury was able to portray certainty that both characters knew and understood that
fear was not presented upon the last night of the world. Bradbury also allowed the
married couple to understand that although the world was ending the two have been
good to each other. Through this, Bradbury gave the married couple comfort as they
kissed each other goodnight on their last night of the world. All the events Bradbury
incorporated throughout the short story allowed the married couple to accept they could
not change the outcome nor include their feelings into the last night of the
Sheboygan Case Study
Sheboygan is a 49,000 resident city located on the western shore of Lake Michigan
about halfway between Milwaukee and Green Bay. I 43 forms the west boundary of
the city. The temperature range in Sheboygan averages a high of 72 in July to a low
of 20 in January. Residents enjoy a variety of outdoor recreation options in 34 parks. Its
natural beauty is one of the best aspects of Sheboygan with gently rolling hills and
forest down to the majesty of Lake Michigan. Hiking and camping will reveal many
forest animals. The city has a trail that uses dedicated paths and bike lanes with future
expansion and improvements planned. There are two riverfront boardwalks on either
side of the Sheboygan River connected by the S18th street bridge.
The Commissioning Of The Twelve
Vincent DiRienzo
Religion 409
Commissioning the Twelve

The commissioning of the twelve is a very special passage which tells of the apostles
meaning and what they must do. The passage is number 58 which spans Matthew
9:35 10:16, Mark 6:6, Luke 9:1 and Luke 10:1 12. This passage is an interesting one in
terms of its reading. Not only does each passage have its own meaning and information,
we have two Luke passages in a single read, each one having its own wording which I
will go into later.
First passage we have Matthew who starts the passage off with Jesus going through all
the cities and villages teaching in their synagogues, and proclaiming the good news of
the kingdom of heaven, curing every disease and every sickness in sight. Jesus came
upon a crowd and he looked at them with compassion for they were being harassed like
a sheep without a shepherd . He then went to his disciples and said The harvest is
plentiful, but the laborers are few; ask the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into
his harvest. Jesus called upon his disciples and gave them the authority of unclean
spirits, to cast them out, and to cure every disease and every sickness. It then states the
names of the twelve disciples going from Simon, known as peter to Judas the betrayer.
Jesus then gave the twelve specific instructions Go nowhere among the Gentiles and
enter no town of the Samaritans, but go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. As
you go, proclaim the good news, The kingdom
How Did Potato Affect The Potato
1.The potato greatly affected diets, agriculture, public health, and ecology in Europe and
the Americas. Potatoes produced in the wild contain dangerous toxins such as solanine
and tomatine. (Mann) In some locations, wild llamas would lick clay before eating a
poisonous plant. (Mann) The poisons would adhere to the clay allowing animals to
consume these plants without being harmed. (Mann) Humans began doing this too. The
Andean Indians began preparing potatoes different ways. For example, they were boiled,
mashed, chopped, peeled and baked. (Mann) The potatoalso expanded the aspect of
agriculture. Potatoes taste different based on the type planted. Many villages grew
different types of potatoes for a variety of tastes. (Mann) Hunger was very common in
Europein the 17th and 18th century. (Mann) Since the potato crop could be grow in
abundance, it was a great solution hunger. The potato was such an important asset
many regions that citizens tried harder to get the potato to succeed. This caused the
development of new agricultural advances. For example, they began spreading Guano,
the dried remains of birds semisolid urine over the plants to provide them with
nitrogen. The guano was considered a great plant fertilizer. (Mann) In addition, the
potato also led to the creation of plant pesticides. In the 1940 s and 1950 s, was the
Green Revolution. (Mann) This was all because of the potato. Potatoes had begun to fall
ill when the Colorado potato beetle, attacked farmer s

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