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Conclusion Of A Persuasive Essay

Writing an essay on the conclusion of a persuasive essay can be quite challenging. Crafting an
effective conclusion requires a deep understanding of the main arguments presented throughout the
essay and the ability to synthesize them into a compelling and convincing final statement. The
conclusion should not only summarize the key points but also leave a lasting impression on the
reader, reinforcing the persuasive nature of the essay's thesis.

Furthermore, creating a conclusion that truly resonates with the reader and effectively reinforces the
overall argument demands careful consideration of language, tone, and structure. It's essential to
strike the right balance between summarizing the main points and providing a thought-provoking
ending that encourages the reader to reflect on the essay's message.

Additionally, crafting a conclusion involves more than just summarizing arguments; it requires the
writer to provide a sense of closure while also leaving room for further contemplation or action. This
balance can be difficult to achieve, as it requires a nuanced understanding of the topic and a strategic
approach to concluding the essay on a strong note.

Overall, writing an essay on the conclusion of a persuasive essay is a complex task that demands
critical thinking, effective communication skills, and a deep understanding of persuasive writing

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Conclusion Of A Persuasive EssayConclusion Of A Persuasive Essay
Surfing- Counter Culture
In order to successfully understand the inexplicable surfer s lifestyle as a counter culture
to main society, we must first have a greater knowledge of the ingredients that make this
culture so different in the views of the social norm. A counter culture as described by
Professor Chad Smith in the second week of class is, When subcultures specially stand in
direct opposition to the dominant cultureof the society in which they are located,
rejecting it s most important values and norms and endorsing their opposites. As surfers
began to express themselves more and more freely throughout the 1950 s and 1960 s, the
surfing sub culture that was portrayed by the media, with retrospect to Gidget and Beach
Part, began to diminish in the eyes of... Show more content on ...
They would create little gimmicks that would further classify themselves as authentic
and a bizarre breed. The Brown eye became a common sight to be seen around beach
cities and surf spots, as surfers would intentionally pull down their trunks and show
their backsides to fellow surfers and the onshore crowd. This however spread to the
inter cites and by 1959 1960 in beach towns and the L.A basin, cars passing by with a
youth s bare posterior framed in the side window were a common sight (Irwin 22).
Although their attitude was indeed a huge aspect in labeling the surf community as a
counter culture, it did not stop there. Their personal image changed as they began to
dress in a way unconventional to society thus creating a distinction from others. Now at
this point of the paper, we need to look at another view of the surf counter culture in
order to examine both sides of its complexity. Kristin Lawler believes that the thriving
capitalism that came post WWII had a huge effect on the growth and direction in which
the surfing counter culture took place. The counter culture of the 1960s was welcomed
by capitalist, who had already been getting pretty hip and countercultural themselves
(Lawler 6). With the surfing community identified as rebels to surrounding society,
capitalism saw a need to supply these groups of radical individualists with products that
were suitable to their lifestyle. She states
Linda Albert s Cooperative Discipline
As a teacher I plan to base my classroom management plan on Linda Albert s
Cooperative Discipline. I will also incorporate aspects of Positive Discipline in my
classroom management plan. I chose Cooperative Discipline as the foundation of my
personal management plan because I agree with the model that Linda Albert has created.
I believe that students should be able to start making their own decisions in middle school
instead of constantly being put into a mold that some educators believe is necessary in
order to teach. Rather than constantly disciplining my students instead I will use this
style to manage them. I agree with this approach because research has shown us that
middle school is where students really begin to find their sense of self.... Show more
content on ...
To me this is one of the most important things we can do for our students as middle
school is a time when these children are full of self doubt and insecurities about their
own worth. If we can bolster students feeling of worth it will help relieve stress and
increase student productivity.

I hope that the school I work with allows for teachers to use their own form of
classroom management instead of having a blanket style throughout the school. I
believe a blanket style could work well, but it would require everyone to be on the
same page. Getting thirty or so teachers all from different backgrounds on the same
page is going to be difficult. I wouldn t be completely against a blanket approach so long
as I could see evidence that it worked well.

For my class I want the students to feel a certain amount of control is theirs. To do this
I want to allow them to create the rules for the classroom as well as the consequences
for breaking those rules. Both of these activities will be teacher guided so that I can
help make sure they are fair. I will also assign them tasks that deal with routine in the
classroom such as taking up papers or helping to pass out things. This will allow them to
feel ownership of their environment. I want them to feel that they can approach me to
ask questions about anything the classroom including rules and
How Can Adversity be Advantageous Essay
Adversity puts people in difficult or unpleasant situations which can create very
strong emotions that can help or harm. When people face adversity, it is seen as a
challenge and whether or not they overcome the challenge is personal. However
regardless of whether adversity helps or harms, it is advantageous because it offers a
challenge to overcome which builds character. I believe it to be true of the whole
human race that when something pushes you down you look to find a way out of it.
We always try our best to overcome adversity and that can make us stronger. In many
cases the workers that a lot of us pay to clean and cook are faced with adversity from
the start. As young kids growing up having very little it s difficult to get out of... Show
more content on ...
Clint Dempsey is a soccer player, probably the greatest American soccer player in the
world right now. He was born into a poor family in Texas that lived in a trailer. He was
given very little things, however he still had the opportunity to play soccer due to his
company and culture. His sister died at the age of 16 due to a brain disease, which
Dempsey says motivated him to do better. The other kids in poverty around him were
hispanics who loved the sport of soccer. And seemingly Clint must have enjoyed it too
because he was able to play on clubs travel around the united States and go to college
all because of his skills at soccer. It shows that adversity can affect a people, but it
cannot deeply affect a culture, a way of life. If nothing it strengthens it because of
history and the importance of family and friends in times of adversity. Catcher in the
Rye by JD Salinger, introduces us to Holden Caulfield is one of my favorite characters
because of his immaturity and confusion, or lack of understanding of his own mind. He
tends to change opinion, say strong remarks, and act very childish throughout the book.
Because he hasn t grown up. He hates most of the things he comes across during the
novel. His challenge is understanding the reason things are the way they have to be and
why he has to act a certain why. He doesn t understand the conventions of society so he
Hubble Telescope Essay
Space the final frontier. There is an enticing about space a gravitational pull toward its
airless environment. Telescopes, the one that changed how we view our place in the
galaxy. The thing that changed the science of astronomy. They allowed us to view
things that were previously invisible to the human eye. With telescopes, scientists
could look beyond from our little green and blue planet. From the earliest telescopes,
such as Galileo s age to the Hubble telescope used today, they have allowed us to see
how large the universe is and what makes up the universe. Before the Hubble telescope
was launched into space in 1990. Astronomers had to look into the dark sky with a
simple telescope or the naked eye. The first working telescope was... Show more content
on ...
He was beloved by all his students, where it was recorded in the yearbook of 1914: To
our beloved teacher of Spanish and Physics, who has been a loyal friend to us in our
senior year ever willing to cheer and help us both in school and on the field, we, the
class of 1914, lovingly dedicate this book (). When that year ended, he decided to
pursue his passion and so returned to university as a grad student to learn more
astronomy. In 1917, Hubble was invited by George Ellery Hale, the founder of the
Mount Wilson Observatory. But he rejected Hale by saying Regret cannot accept your
invitation. Am off to the War (Edwin Powell Hubble The man who discovered the
cosmos). In 1919, he returned to the United States. He immediately went to Mount
Wilson Observatory, still in uniform, introduced himself as Major Hubble, but was
already to start observing the night sky. In October 1923, Hubble spotted what [G4]
appeared to be nova star blazing up fiercely in the M31 nebula in the constellation of
Andromeda. After looking cautiously at the photographic plates, he discovered that it
was a Cepheid star. Hubble used the Shapley s method to measure the distance to the
new Cepheid. A Cepheid is a star that surges radially, in both in size and temperature,
producing changes in brightness with a long period and amplitude.[G5] He placed M31,
a million years away far outside the Milky Way and thus a new
Normal Biological Information On Guinea Pigs Essay
Normal Biological Information on Guinea Pigs:

Adult weight: 1.5 2.5lbs

Sexual maturity: The sexual maturity for a female is 4 6 weeks and for a male it is 3 5
Litter size (average): 2 5 guinea pigs
Gestation: 59 72 days
Life span: 5 years
Rectal temperature: The average body temperature for a guinea pig ranges from 99
103.1°F (or 37.2 39.5°C).
Heart rate: A guinea pig s normal heart rate ranges between 240 to 350 beats per minute.
Respiration rate: 40 150 respiratory rates per minute.

General Behavior:

Guinea pigs like to have access to food, water, space, comfort spaces, companion from
other guinea pigs, interaction with humans and toys.
They are friendly, outgoing, active, playful animals.
They need safe toys to chew on; they love interacting with other guinea pigs, creating
They need constant access to a safe hiding place for comfort
When they re frightened they need shelter to go to
Guinea pigs are also very active so they need opportunities at all times to have exercise
Other signs of negative behavior in Guinea Pigs are being distressed, ill, injured,
diseases, or being bored and lonely.
Signs that a guinea pig showing any of these symptoms are aggression, hiding, chewing
on cage bars out of boredom, over grooming, excessive eating and drinking or lack of.


To restrain a guinea pig, the person handling should be rapid and smooth, to avoid
frightening the animal.
The person that
The And His Understanding Of The Creation Through
3. Pannenberg s Theodicy and His Understanding of the Creation through Dialogue with
Natural Science When creatures are created as finite beings, they gain their independence
from God and other creatures. This is because we assume the limiting of their own
finitude by other creatures. Hence, their revolt against the limit of finitude in their
relationships with Godis also intertwined with their failure to be in peaceful unity with
other creatures. On the contrary, the God intended independence is to participate in
the reality of the eschatological kingdom of God through the fellowship with God and
that of love and justice among other fellow humans and creatures. For Pannenberg, if
this is the case, then the independence of a creature cannot be identified as the
necessary root of evil. Rather, the root of evil lies in the revolt against the limit of
finitude, in the refusal to accept one s own finitude, and [accordingly] in the related
illusion of being like God. Evil is not necessary, but constitutes an inevitable condition
of the finitude of creatures when they make free decisions. Therefore, God s free
decision to create the world carried with it the risk of a misuse of this creaturely
freedom, or the risk of the abuse of God given freedom to conform to the reality of the
kingdom of God. The independence of human beings is inseparably connected to the
indeterminacy or contingency inherent in the evolutionary process of the cosmos. To be

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