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LESSON PLAN 1- AY 2023-2024

Content Outline : circle, parallelogram, reactangle, Square

Class VII Subject : Mathematics

Mensuration( Perimeter and Area)

LEARNING RESOURCES: Video, Exit cards, recycle things for chart.

Number of periods required January to 10 th

Learning Outcomes Pedagogical strategies and processes Assessment Reflection

1. Students will be able to develop Group learning : Class will be divided into 7 to 10
collaboration skills groups. Each group may have 3 to 4 students Observation by Teachers
1. Is the LO
Experimental Method : Students will learn the formula for
2.Students wll be able to list the properties area of circle using diagram.
of rectangle, square, parallelogram,
Circle.3. Students will be able to derive the Classwork- Notes
formulas for area of rectangle,
2. Are these
parallelogram, circle.
Technology : students will watch the videos on genrating activities
formulas on circle, paralleogram connected to LO

3.Is the
connected to LO?
5. Students will be able to solve problems
students make chart of formulas.
on periemeter of circle, sqaure, reactangle
Problem solving: students applictaion questions of rectangle,
sqaure and circle to understand its perimeter.
4. Did all students
6.Students will learn to solve achieve LO ?
aprallelograms problems. 7 students will students analyse the perimeter
compare how rectangle aprallelograms are of each 2d figures
Lab activity: Students will prove area of circle through
5. What were the
challenges ? And
students will be able to find the real life how do I address
application of 2d shapes and solve Art Integration: students will create a model to derive the
Flow chart/Worksheet
probelms formula for area of circle using parallelogram.

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