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Smoking Kills Essay

Writing an essay on the topic "Smoking Kills" can present a challenging yet crucial task. The
difficulty lies not only in the need to convey factual information about the detrimental effects of
smoking but also in crafting a compelling argument that resonates with the audience. One must delve
into extensive research to gather statistics, studies, and real-life examples that vividly illustrate the
severe health consequences associated with smoking.

Furthermore, the complexity increases when attempting to structure the essay in a coherent and
engaging manner. Balancing the inclusion of scientific evidence with a persuasive tone can be
demanding, as the essay needs to strike a chord with readers on both an intellectual and emotional
level. Effectively addressing counterarguments and presenting a well-rounded perspective adds
another layer of intricacy to the task.

Additionally, maintaining a focus on clarity and conciseness while avoiding redundancy can be a
struggle. It is essential to convey the gravity of the issue without overwhelming the reader with
excessive information. Crafting a strong thesis statement and ensuring a smooth flow from one point
to another are essential components of a successful essay.

Despite these challenges, writing an essay on the topic of smoking and its detrimental effects is
crucial in raising awareness about a serious public health concern. It requires a meticulous approach
to research, a thoughtful consideration of the target audience, and adept writing skills to effectively
communicate the message.

In conclusion, tackling the "Smoking Kills" essay involves navigating through a maze of
information, organizing it coherently, and presenting it persuasively. Nevertheless, the importance of
addressing the hazards of smoking makes the effort worthwhile, as it contributes to the ongoing
conversation surrounding public health. For those seeking assistance with such essays or similar
tasks, there are resources like where professional writing services are available to
provide support and deliver well-crafted essays on a variety of topics.
Smoking Kills Essay Smoking Kills Essay
Jack Kerouac’s The Dharma Bums Essay
Jack Kerouac s The Dharma Bums

Jack Kerouac s The Dharma Bums does not fall too far from a basic description of his
life. Kerouac spent the bulk of his writing career riding trains from city to city, meeting
people and writing books and poetry. He was among the premier writers of the Beat
Generation, a group of primarily urban poets and writers who put the basics of life and
their spiritual nuances into poetry with a beat. The book, The Dharma Bums, is a window
into the daily structure of the Beat Generation.

Kerouac wrote The Dharma Bums while living the life of a bum, riding from city to city
as a stowaway on various trains. He used an old portable typewriter that fed from a large
roll of paper, into the typewriter, and back into ... Show more content on
He is almost always meticulous in certain aspects of a given scene while leaving out
what one would think are important details. However, the descriptions given are always
enough to reveal a full, vivid picture of moments, whether only gestures are described or
wall paper.

The various scenes of the book are often unexpected, but the matter of fact style of
writing usually diffuses. Kerouac creates such a familiarity with his readers that it
becomes assumed that any place unusual to the reader is typical for him, and in this
way he pulls the reader further into this world of the Beat Generation. Oftentimes the
scenes are set in the cramped places such as boxcars and single room shacks frequented
by Ray and his friends. Other times the scenes are places like cafe s and restaurants
around San Francisco, San Diego, and other, usually Californian, cities; however some of
Kerouac s most effective place descriptions throughout The Dharma Bums are found in
the stories of other places told by those Ray meets, rather than where he actually goes.

Among the most poignant aspects of The Dharma Bums is Kerouac s ability to use long
narratives to pull his readers into the experiences of the characters. The Dharma Bums is
replete with the explanation of the experiences of ancient Zen Buddhist thinkers and their
experiences as they search for enlightenment. Kerouac constantly accesses the ancient
writings of Zen Buddhist monks. Using such writings as a
Light Rail Transport System Proposal
STUDENT #400075821, #400073192

Human Geographies: City and Economy

Assignment 2
Proposal for Light Rail Transit in North Central Hamilton

Instructor s Name: Dr. Michael Mercier

TA s Name: Ashleigh Patterson
Tutorial Day/Time: Tuesday 12:30pm 2:20pm
Date of Submission: Tuesday, Nov. 29, 2016

Both members have read and abided by the Guidelines for Student Fieldwork Guidelines.
Angel Huang, Jolissa Rogers
The movement of people is a crucial aspect to consider in contemporary development, not
only around the world, but within a single municipality. According to Code Red , an
extensively researched article published in The Hamilton Spectator in 2010, the most
underdeveloped area of Hamilton exists in its downtown district. The proposed Light Rail
Transit system is a public transit project that could revolutionize the downtown core of
Hamilton, Ontario and improve the city s rate of urban development. This report will
discuss and justify a proposal for a North South route, including three stations/stops, and
rejected routes and stations.
Background of the proposed LRT system in Hamilton
I. Rationale Great consideration has been taken by the provincial and municipal
governments along with Metrolinx to ensure that the Light Rail Transit system would
substantially benefit Hamilton, particularly in its downtown core
II. Costs and Funding
In current plans, the procurement of
Compare And Contrast Psalms Book Vs King James
The King James Version of Psalms 23
The King James version is better than the Bay Psalms Book version , because of the
parallelism, imagery, and sound effects. King James uses these three literary elements to
portray God as a shepherd .
King James version is better than the Bay Psalms Book version because of parallelism.
In the King James version, King James uses phrases that have repetitive sounds. He uses
phrases such as He maketh...he restoreth...he leadeth... (Psa. 23: 2 3). He use these
phrases to indicate how God is constantly protecting man and providing for them.
Another reason King James version is better is because of the imagery. In The King
James version , I m able to picture green pastures and still waters. King James uses these
The Case Plessy V Ferguson Essay
Plessy v Ferguson, 1896 Introduction In 1890, the Separate Car Act was enacted in
the state of Louisiana requiring whites and non white Americans to travel in separate
railway cars. As a result, a passenger, Homer Adolph Plessy took a seat in a whites only
car in one of the Louisiana trains and refused to move to the blacks only car and was
subsequently arrested despite being only a eighth black. In the case Plessy v.
Ferguson, 1896 took place during the era of Jim Crow laws which advocated for
separate but equal laws. Plessy was presumed colored due to the one eighth black
factor under the Louisiana law. It was held that Plessy was guilty since the race based
Jim Crow laws, which were applied in his conviction, were not in violation of the
Constitution as long as the State of Louisiana proffered the separate but equal treatment.
However, in the ruling, one jury member chose to dissent by stating that the Constitution
is color blind and thus could not allow for different treatment of classes of citizens
based on skin color. Seminal facts of the case The plaintiff, Plessy was criminally liable
under the separate but equal statute for using facilities designated for a different race. He
was thus found guilty under the fact that the statute reasonably exercised the state police
powers with regard to the state s tradition, usage, and custom. Plessy, thus filed a petition
against Justice Ferguson for writs of prohibition and certiorari in the Louisiana Supreme
Court on the
Edward De Vere And Francis Bacon Did Not Write...
Edward de Vere and Francis Bacon Did Not Write Shakespeare s Work People assume
that just because as Pruitt (2015) explains ...Nothing has been found documenting the
37 plays and 154 sonnets (p. 1) that Shakespeare did not do his own work. Everyone
believes someone else with more of an education is the mastermind behind the plays
and sonnets. Someone like Christopher Marlowe, Edward de Vere, Francis Bacon, or
perhaps a group of people. To begin with, examine Francis Bacon. Francis Bacon is a
man of great importance back in the 16th and 17th century. He was famous for his
authorship much like Shakespeare. Fortunately, no one thought of him to be the type to
spend his time writinguseless poetry. He was more well known for his writing
screenplays. Edmondson and Wells (2013) explain, While Bacon may have penned
court entertainments, he was never suspected of wasting time in writing poetry, and is
not known to have written a single blank verse in all his life. (p. 21) With that
statement alone, the Bacon theory should be dismissed. If no one knew of him writing
poetry, then there is no way he could have whipped out 154 sonnets when he was
already famous. If this does not prove anything, we can examine both Shakespeare s and
Bacon s styles of writing. Bacon did not write about nature and animals. In fact, he did
not like to write about those things. In contrast, Shakespeare s favorite thing to write
about was nature and animals. Bacon was Shakespeare s opposite, in a sense.
Prodigal Genius The Life Of Larry Page Sparknotes
To understand what drives Larry Page, we should understand the story that inspired
him, Prodigal Genius: The Life of Nikola Tesla, by New York Herald Tribune journalist,
John Joseph O Neill, written in 1944 (Carlson, The Untold Story of Larry Page s
Incredible Comeback, 2014).
Nikola Tesla invented the way almost all of the world s electricity is generated today,
envisioned and created wireless communication, spoke eight languages, and had a
photographic memory (Carlson, The Untold Story of Larry Page s Incredible
Comeback, 2014). However, the inventor was lousy at business. After making a deal and
then betrayed by his former employer, Thomas Edison, Nikola Tesla spent the rest of his
life searching, to no avail, for investors to fund his

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