Controversial Issue Topics For Essay

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Controversial Issue Topics For Essay

Composing an essay on controversial issue topics is a challenging endeavor that demands a nuanced
understanding of the subject matter, a keen awareness of diverse perspectives, and the ability to
navigate through contentious terrain with finesse. The difficulty arises from the inherent complexity
of these topics, which often involve multifaceted debates, conflicting opinions, and deeply ingrained

Firstly, identifying a suitable controversial issue is no easy feat. The chosen topic should be both
relevant and captivating, capable of eliciting strong opinions from various quarters. Once a topic is
selected, the task of conducting comprehensive research begins. This phase requires delving into a
plethora of sources, ranging from scholarly articles to opinion pieces, in order to gain a holistic
understanding of the issue at hand.

However, the real challenge lies in presenting a balanced view in the essay. Navigating the sea of
diverse perspectives on a controversial issue demands a delicate touch to avoid biases and maintain
objectivity. Striking a balance between presenting arguments for and against the topic while
providing a thoughtful analysis of each viewpoint is a formidable task.

Additionally, constructing a coherent and persuasive argument becomes challenging when faced with
emotionally charged topics. Treading the fine line between passion and reason requires a meticulous
choice of words, careful structuring of arguments, and an astute awareness of potential pitfalls that
may arise.

Furthermore, addressing counterarguments and rebuttals necessitates a high level of critical thinking
and analytical prowess. Anticipating opposing viewpoints and crafting responses that strengthen the
overall argument requires a deep engagement with the material and a mastery of logical reasoning.

In conclusion, writing an essay on controversial issue topics demands not only a mastery of research
and analytical skills but also a high level of empathy, tact, and finesse in presenting diverse
perspectives. It is a challenging task that requires the writer to navigate through the intricacies of
contentious subjects with intellectual dexterity.

For those who find themselves daunted by the task, there are resources available. Similar essays,
tailored to specific requirements, can be ordered through platforms like . These
services provide assistance in crafting well-researched and thought-provoking essays on a variety of
controversial issues, offering a helping hand to those seeking to navigate the complexities of such
Controversial Issue Topics For EssayControversial Issue Topics For Essay
A Comparison Of The Eucharist
In Pope John Paul II s encyclical, Ecclesia de Eucharistia, he claims the Church draws her
life from the Eucharist. John Paul II also emphasizes how the Eucharist is a priceless
treasure, (25). Alike, the Catholic Intellectual Tradition is also a priceless treasure of the
church. Without, the tradition, the Church would definitely be different today. But this
isn t the only resemblance among the Eucharist and the Catholic Intellectual Tradition. To
begin, the Catholic Intellectual Tradition is Eucharistic because it is living. The tradition
is constantly growing and being added to, so it can be passed on through generations.
Correspondingly, the Eucharist is also centered on growth. The encyclical reads, The
Second Vatican Council teaches that the celebration of the Eucharist is at the center of
the process of the Church s growth...The Apostles, by accepting in the Upper Room Jesus
invitation: Take, eat , Drink of it, all of you (Mt 26:26 27), entered for the first time into
sacramental communion with him. From that time forward, until the end of the age, the
Church is built up through sacramental communion with the Son of God who was
sacrificed for our sake, (21). The Church grows through the Eucharist as communion
among believers take part in the sacrament. In addition, the church is growing through
evangelization like the tradition grows in knowledge. In a parallel way, the Catholic
Intellectual tradition also promotes communion like the Eucharist. A large part
Relationships Between CAR And Tanzania
Currently the relationships between the CAR and Tanzania are nonpartisan. Tanzania
has yet to cause any terror attacks or more of economic problems, but this aloof
between CAR seems to breach the smaller problems of the CAR, though Tanzania has a
stable government for past 1 year, Zanzibar [ the party ] was not able to eliminate poverty
or decrease it in any way nor was it able to establish any kind of relationship between
Tanzania and CAR has a lot of potential but this is not being utilized because of:
1.Improper use of resources Funds have been misused on unwanted projects, and these
unwanted project remain unfinished continuously.
2.Corruption and selfishness The officials tend to exploit the poor and the rich refuse the
taxes. There is lack of implementation of laws.
3.Poor infrastructure The roads are not well maintained, lack of electricity in rural areas
due to which production level has fell.
These all problems can be tackled easily but only if the government aids the people.
Some of the ways are
1. It is important that all resources allocated to national programs, projects etc are used
accordingly to attain the required results.

2. Leaders and everyone involved in leading other people should make sure that they do
not think of themselves rather they should work for ... Show more content on ...
The CAR s reputation on Wildlife and Biodiversity worsens every day. One of the
rivers, namely Ubangi which starts from CAR reaches Uganda and then River Victoria
after which it is transmitted into lake Tanganyika, a major lake of Tanzania gets
polluted because of the pollution caused in CAR and Uganda.As we know that
Tanzania has water supply issues, it is very important for Tanzania to keep the river and
lakes clean. Water filters must be provided by all three governments and ACTs need to
be issued for saving the
There are many chronic health conditions, which affect my...
There are many chronic health conditions, which affect my family. I believe that
mother may have Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, but there is little evidence to support
this syndrome is genetic. However, I choose to research Polycystic Ovary Syndrome,
because I have many of the symptoms listed. I also felt that it was necessary to further
researcher this condition, because it affects both my health and personal life. My own
personal relationship to this syndrome is that it affects me as a woman. As a woman, I
am expected to have children, but with PCOS a common problem is infertility. Also,
PCOs affects my overall health. There are many other different health conditions that are
associated with PCOs. The medical definition of polycystic ovarian... Show more content
on ...
The researchers study is important, because it shows women may feel different,
because of their condition and there needs to be an increase of support for women
living with PCOS. Researchers, Pastor, Patrie, Morris, Dalal, and Bray (2011),
examined how depression and body dissatisfaction maybe common among women
living with PCOS. Pastore et al. (2011) conducted their study on another study to see if
they could get the same results. The purpose of the current study is to see if it was
possible to duplicate the past study. The past study, tested if that lower body satisfaction
and education were independent predictors of depression in women with PCOS. In
2011, Pastore et al. study used different instruments and added androgen levels to the
model. The methods of the current research were questionnaires and serum androgens
from a community cohort. In the current study, researchers measured the subject s body
satisfaction, by having them answering a 35 questionnaire. Furthermore the researchers
gave the participants another 35 questionnaire to fill out based on their depression
symptoms. Pastore et al. (2011), found that women with PCOS were more likely to
show depressive symptoms. Also, women with PCOS and who are obese are less
satisfied with their body and more likely to be depressed. The next article discusses, the
association between women s psychological symptoms and PCOS, which is important
because living with a medical condition may
War on the home front
War on the home front was not a shaped many Canadian negatively in WWI. The
Wartime Elections Act had an effect on Canadians politically. The great influenza
affected Canada socially. Lastly, propaganda and victory bonds caused Canada to fall
economically. Canada s home front during WWI had a negative impact on the Canadian
people politically, socially and economically.

The Wartime Elections Act proposed by Robert Borden weakened Canada politically as a
country. This act that was passed in 1917 took the vote away from citizens who had
emigrated from enemy countries. In addition, the act only gave army nurses and close
relatives of soldiers the right to vote. In 1918, women living in Canada were given the
right to vote, but they could ... Show more content on ...
It killed 1000 Canadians a day and 50 000 overall. Sick people were isolated in schools,
churches, hospitals, and theatres. The Spanish Influenza came in three waves and the
second wave was the deadliest of them all. During the first wave, people were bleeding
from their ears, eyes and nose and there was no one to help them because everyone
was infected with this flu: Power is a way how society functions within it. John Barry
is talking about how the Spanish flu came with a lot of power and killed lots of
people. This infection decreased the population and it caused a lot of havoc in the
cities. Clearly, the Spanish influenza was a dangerous infection that killed many
people and affected Canada socially. Propaganda was a negative way of convincing
people to change their opinions. Propaganda was designed to make people believe in
certain viewpoints and to think in a certain way. Propaganda posters were created with
bright colours and different pictures so that it would catch people s attention and it
would persuade men to join the army. Most of the posters stated that If we all get
together or if a country gets together, we can win. This was the most common phrase
used on propaganda posters. This was also known as the herd effect because everyone
was doing it together. The war was becoming very expensive, so the government started
selling war bonds to help pay for the war. After the war, Canadians could cash in their
war bonds with
Edward Cornwallis Statue Analysis
There is no doubt that Edward Cornwallis statue has certain significance. Although the
statue has been around for nearly 100 years, it is still intact. The statue of Cornwallis
was created by the Scottish sculptor J. Massey Rhind and was unveiled at its
eponymous park on June 22, 1931. It was considered the 182nd anniversary of
Cornwallis s arrival and watched as the natal day. (Announcement, 1931) The statue
looks attentively to forward, wears a cloak, left hand clenches commanding sword,
right hand holds a cocked hat, bronze figures throughout the mottled with grooves,
eyes reveal that strong ambition and tenacity of one generation leader. The statue has a
straight body, burly back symbolize the courage of Cornwallis and the magnificent
imperialism. The statue is located at center of Cornwallis Park, the fields were lush
with grass and flowers, and tall trees are in order, cluster of dandelion open in the thick
grass, the birds singing on the branch, a group of pigeons were pecking at the crumbs
that people spilled on the ground. Many tourists who drove to Halifaxwere watching the
park and the statue through the window, and they often use the camera to record here.
Five clean paths were staggered between the bright meadows in the park. Some of the
entertainment devices such as swings and slides are built in the park for children to
play and exercise. There are often many old people enjoying the afternoon sun in long
deckchairs. It is hard to imagine that there is a lot of
A Short Summary Of Delia s Sweat
The light opposes the darkness
This short story name Sweat goes back in forth with what it truly means to put your
heart and soul into something. For me depicting sweat as a whole lets me visualize what
Delia went through. For a dedicated hardworking woman to be treated like trash because
Sykes her husband thinks he superior. Delia has put up with Sykes ruthless behavior for
too many years. She has endured beatings, used her efforts and was trampled upon as
something less than a human being. Delia will no longer remain silent even though she
has endured much in her association with Sykes.
While in the moment I can tell this is the country in the towns people talking. As they sit
up and gather around to talk about their daily gossip. Delia the hardest working woman
in town lost her best years ahead of her thanks to Sykes. Everything she built and
earned is being threating by Sykes because he wants her property. Just so he can move
in with that big bone woman name Bertha who knows he s married and that Sykes is
hated by the towns people. But she just using him because he takes care of her instead
of showing proper respect to Delia. As a woman you have to lookout for your fellow
women empowering them to not settle for less and always tell them to keep their head
held high. Sykes was blessed with a strong independent woman who he married and
been together with for fifteen years, if you have a good woman you should hold on to
her and show how much you appreciate her with your

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