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An Essay On Love

Writing an essay on the topic of "An Essay On Love" is an intricate endeavor that demands
navigating through the labyrinth of human emotions, experiences, and philosophical inquiries. Love,
being one of the most profound and enigmatic aspects of human existence, defies simplistic
definitions and categorizations. It transcends cultural, social, and personal boundaries, making it a
subject that invites endless contemplation and analysis.

Attempting to encapsulate the essence of love within the confines of an essay requires not only
linguistic prowess but also a deep understanding of its multifaceted nature. Love manifests in various
forms: romantic love, familial love, platonic love, and even self-love, each carrying its own
complexities, nuances, and contradictions. To explore these dimensions adequately demands a
delicate balance between personal reflection, scholarly insight, and creative expression.

Moreover, the task of writing about love necessitates grappling with the inherent subjectivity of
human experience. What love means to one person may differ vastly from another's interpretation,
shaped by individual backgrounds, beliefs, and life experiences. As such, crafting an essay on love
involves navigating a mosaic of perspectives, weaving together diverse voices and narratives to
capture the richness and diversity of human affection.

Yet, amidst the profundity and complexity, lies the challenge of avoiding clichés and platitudes that
often plague discussions about love. The temptation to resort to trite expressions and superficial
analyses looms large, threatening to diminish the authenticity and depth of the discourse. To
transcend these pitfalls requires a commitment to authenticity, vulnerability, and intellectual rigor,
daring to explore love's darker corners as much as its radiant moments of joy and fulfillment.

In essence, writing an essay on love demands a willingness to embrace ambiguity, vulnerability, and
uncertainty. It beckons the writer to embark on a journey of introspection and exploration, delving
deep into the recesses of the human heart in search of elusive truths and enduring mysteries. It is a
labor of love in itself, requiring patience, empathy, and a genuine reverence for the enigmatic force
that binds us all.

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An Essay On Love An Essay On Love
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Censorship in American Schools

You may not realize this but our government plays a large role in governing what sort
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or banned from public schools and libraries because they contain of vulgar language,
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and has installed censorship safety precautions in the literature that is available in
public schools and libraries. According to the American Library Association between
1990 and 2000 6,364 challenges against books were brought to Office of Intellectual
Freedom by parents, teachers, and different pro censorship organizations. The grounds
for these challenges were that the books contained sexually explicit material, offensive
language, satanic references, violence, homosexuality, or promotion of a religious
belief. Some books that were on this list include The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
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depression, prostitution and use of the f word) and Go Ask Alice (Instances of Drug
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banned. That, in fact, you can buy those same books in many bookstores or other places.
They argue that is their right, as taxpayers to decide what their children should have
A Child s Needs
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gets overlooked by her preoccupied parents. The parents are wrapped up in their own
conversation and concerns, with no regard for their daughter. While this seems an
extreme example of parents neglect of a child s basic needs to many parents, it sadly
is more common than it ought to be. I have two children and understand the demands
of parenting all too well. When children are very young, like Sandy in the text, they
are often a bundle of energy and taking care of them can be physically exhausting.
However, as draining as it is, a child s needs (especially their very basic need to use the
restroom, eat and keep clean) should never, ever be ignored, no matter the
circumstances. The parents in this story have marriage issues, that is clear, but to let
this get in the way of a child s need for the restroom is neglect. I understand that some
parents find themselves in a position that they never thought or wanted to be in and
how difficult that must be, but for the sake of the child, I would hope that the parents
seek help. I felt especially moved by the story of Jimmy. Sandy was neglected by her
parents who were, selfishly, too preoccupied in marriage issues to notice her, but Jimmy
was in a position where his mother set a path for him in life at such a young age that it
is almost inevitable that this precious child will grow up to be exactly what the mother
expects of him. She states,
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Nambiar P, Naidu MD, Subramaniam K: Anatomical variability of thefrontal sinuses and
their application in forensic identification. ClinAnat 12(1): 16e19, 1999
11.Sahlstrand Johnson et al. computed tomography measurements of different
dimensions of maxillary and frontal sinuses: BMC Medical Imaging 2011, 11:8:1 7.
12.Matthew K. LEE, Osamu SAKAI, Jeffrey H. SPIEGEL. CT measurement of the
frontal sinus e Gender differences and implications for frontal cranioplasty. Journal of
Cranio Maxillo Facial Surgery (2010) 38, 494 500
13.Tatlisumak E, Ovali GY, Asirdizer M, Aslan A, Ozyurt B, Bayindir P, Tarhan S: CT
study on morphometry of frontal sinus. ClinAnat 21(4):287e293, May 2008.
14.Ponde´ JM, Metzger P, Amaral G, Machado M, Prandini M: Anatomic variations of
the frontal sinus. Minim Invasive Neurosurg 46(1): 29e32, Feb 2003.
15.Sa´nchezFerna´ndez JM, Anta Escuredo JA, Sa´nchez Del Rey A,Santaolalla
Montoya F: Morphometric study of the paranasal sinuses in normal and pathological
conditions. ActaOtolaryngol 120(2): 273e278, 2000
16.Spaeth J, Kru¨ gelstein U, Schlo¨ ndorff G: The paranasal sinuses inCT imaging:
development from birth to age 25. Int J PediatrOtorhinolaryngol 39(1): 25e40,
Gold Nuggest in Gold Rush California
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was building a new sawmill for John Sutter in South Fork of American river near
Coloma valley.He spotted some flecks of shiny pebbles.His eyes sparkled when he
discovered that it was gold. Gold! Gold! Gold! Listen folks, it is not just a hoax! Get
rich and get relaxed in the goldfields of California. You could be another millionaire
like Sam Brannan! Everyone from around the world is welcomed to flock to
California. It is never late to head start your voyage to the Golden state. This is the
right time to make your dreams come true. Modes of Transportation By Land The land
route is across the Great Plains along the Oregon Trail or across the continental United
States, mainly along the California trail. You can come by wagon or come by foot.
By wagon, oxen and mules, you have to cross deserts, mountains, and valleys. The
advantage is that you can carry your clothes, food for long journey, tools for mining
and farming, and items for cooking. You You will have a great adventure! Coming by
foot is long but if you need fitness then this is your call! By Sea There are two water
routes to California. A 17,000 mile route around the South America and Cape Horn took
5 to 7 months. The second and faster route is to take a steamer to Panama, along a
narrow isthmus to the Pacific, and then take another steamer to San Francisco. This route
Difference Between Conservatism And Liberalism
The term liberalism has a variety of meanings nowadays. Freedom or liberty for each
and every individual is the main aim of the philosophy of liberalism. Freedom had
different concepts in different periods of time in the history and therefore the programs
of liberalism were also different in those time periods. However the main aim always
remained the same. Liberalism not only believed in human nature was good but it also
believed that humans were rational. It supposes that, as people have a logical intellect,
they have the ability to identify different challenges and problems and solve them. This
will thus improve the human condition systematically. Conservatism, on the other hand,
is the opposite doctrine of liberalism. Conservatism, simply we can say that, supports the
preservation of the status quo.
Hence we can see that liberalism is a worldview founded on the ideas of liberty and
equality. Liberals generally believe in free and fair elections, freedom of press, freedom
of religion, private property and civil right.
Liberalism first developed in the western world. It became famous among philosophers
and economists during the era of Enlightenment. At that point of time absolute monarchy,
state religion and hereditary privilege was the prevailing system. ... Show more content
on ...
In International Relations that era is normally referred to as Idealism. With the birth of
United Nations Organization, liberalism once again gained momentum. But later with
the start of cold war power politics the rays of hope also seemed to fade away. Then
when the cold war ended the hopes for liberalism also emerged back. Liberal
intellectuals made many justifications as to why liberalism should be the supreme over
other competing ideologies. Liberals are generally very much optimistic therefore
liberalism is generally described in literature as the tradition of
The Past In The Kite Runner
The past is a great reminder to humans of what they have done. It can do many things
to help us grow such as teach us our mistakes or important lessons. The past can also
crawl under our skin and haunt us for many years. It all depends on what you decide to
do with your past do you decide to grow from it or let it be a constant reminder of your
failures? In The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini, Slumdog star Freida Pinto: Film
Industry too male dominated by Tara Kelly, Catriona Davies and Lauren Said
Moorhouse, and the film Slumdog Millionaire, the pasthelps the character s reach their
coming of age in different and unique ways. These pieces focus more on coming of age
but use the past as a medium to help the main characters reach it.... Show more content on ...
Amir and Hassan have been raised together and therefore have a really close bond.
Hassan s mother left his father after Hassan was born and Amir s mother died during
childbirth. Amir is constantly trying to get his father s affection since he holds a
grudge against Amir because he feels that Amir killed his mother. Amir sometimes
even feels that Baba prefers Hassan. Amir is always looking for ways to gain his
father s love and decides that the only way he can do that is through a kite fighting
competition. Hassan and Amir decide to join the annual competition and luckily they
re almost winning, all they need is Hassan to go get the fallen kite. When Hassan goes
to get the kite he runs into a group of bullies led by the leader Assef that Amir and him
have already had altercations with. In the alleyway, Assef rapes Hassan. Amir comes
later and sees Hassan getting abused but doesn t say anything instead going back
selfishly to win the competition to win his father s love. Amir states Maybe Hassan
was the price I had to pay, the lamb I had to slay, to win Baba (140). After the rape Amir
s guilt begins to form. Amir moves to the U.S with his father after the Taliban takes over

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