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Name: Course & Section:

Isometric Repetition/ 2 4 6 8 10 SCORE

Exercise Duration
Plank 30 seconds

Superman 30 seconds

Static Lunge 30 seconds each leg

Active Beast 1 minute

Side plank 30 seconds each arm

Static Leg Raise 40 seconds

Calf Raise Hold 50 seconds

Low Squat 1 minute

Bridge Hold 40 seconds

Hollow Body 40 seconds

Total score


Parameter 2 4 6 8 10
Form Poor form; Fair form; Good form; Very good Excellent
unable to some maintains the form; form;
maintain the deviation correct demonstrates maintains
correct from proper posture and excellent perfect
posture or posture or alignment posture and posture and
alignment. alignment. throughout alignment alignment
the exercise. with minimal throughout
deviations. the entire
Stability Highly Moderately Stable; Very stable; Extremely
unstable; unstable; minimal demonstrates stable; no
significant noticeable wobbling, strong control visible signs of
wobbling or wobbling but able to control and stability. wobbling or
shaking. not excessive. the position. instability.
Endurance Poor Fair Moderate Good Excellent
endurance; endurance; endurance; endurance; endurance;
unable to completes a completes the completes the exceeds the
complete a portion of the recommended recommended recommended
significant recommended duration with duration with duration with
portion of the duration. some ease. ease.
recommended difficulty.
Effort Minimal Low effort; Moderate High effort; Maximum
effort; shows some effort; puts in a effort; gives
appears effort but demonstrates strong and an exceptional
disengaged or lacks intensity. a consistent determined and maximal
not fully level of effort effort. effort
committed. throughout. throughout.

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