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Management Informa�on System

2 Marks
Unit I

1) Define MIS

Answer: MIS (Management Informa�on System) is a systema�c framework for collec�ng,

processing, storing, and dissemina�ng informa�on to support decision-making within an

2) What is the System?

Answer: A system is a set of interconnected components working together to achieve a specific

purpose, where the output of one component serves as the input for another.

3) Write down the characteris�cs of MIS.

Answer: Characteris�cs of MIS include data processing, informa�on genera�on, decision support,
user involvement, and system-based approach for organiza�onal efficiency.

4) What is Open and Closed Systems?

Answer: Open systems interact with their environment, exchanging informa�on and energy, while
closed systems are self-contained and do not exchange resources with their environment.

5) What is the concept of Boundary in System?

Answer: The boundary in a system defines the limits and interfaces between the system and its
environment, marking what is included within the system and what is external to it.

6) What is informa�on?

Answer: Informa�on is processed data that provides meaning and context, facilita�ng decision-
making and understanding in an organiza�on.

Unit II

7) What is System So�ware?

Answer: System so�ware is a type of computer program that provides a pla�orm for other
so�ware to run, managing hardware resources and enabling user interac�on.

8) What is a database?

Answer: A database is a structured collec�on of data organized for efficient retrieval, storage, and
management, typically using tables with rela�onships between them.

9) What is Hierarchical Model?

Answer: The hierarchical model is a database structure where data is organized in a tree-like
structure with parent-child rela�onships, ensuring a one-to-many associa�on.

10) What is Intranet?

Answer: An intranet is a private network within an organiza�on that uses internet technologies to
share informa�on, collabora�on tools, and resources among its members.

11) What do you mean by Mul�plexer?

Answer: A mul�plexer is a device that combines mul�ple input signals into a single output signal,
o�en used in communica�on and data transmission systems.

Unit III

13) What is Electronic Payment System?

Answer: An Electronic Payment System enables online transac�ons, allowing individuals and
businesses to make and receive payments electronically over the internet.

14) What is E-Business?

Answer: E-Business refers to the use of internet technologies to conduct business processes such
as buying, selling, and exchanging goods and services.

15) What is Enterprise Resource Planning System?

Answer: An Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system integrates and manages core business
processes and func�ons in real-�me, enhancing efficiency and coordina�on across an organiza�on.
16) What is meant by Supply Chain Management?

Answer: Supply Chain Management involves the coordina�on and op�miza�on of all ac�vi�es
related to the produc�on and distribu�on of goods and services, from raw materials to the end

17) What is meant by Decision Making?

Answer: Decision Making is the process of selec�ng the best course of ac�on from available
alterna�ves to achieve a specific goal or solve a problem.

18) What is Data Warehouse?

Answer: A Data Warehouse is a centralized repository that stores large volumes of structured data
from various sources, providing a basis for business intelligence and analysis.

Unit IV

19) Give any four advantages of outsourcing IT services

Answer: Advantages of outsourcing IT services include cost savings, access to specialized skills,
focus on core competencies, and flexibility to scale opera�ons.

20) What is meant by Documenta�on?

Answer: Documenta�on involves the crea�on and maintenance of writen or electronic records to
capture and communicate informa�on about processes, procedures, and systems.

21) What is tes�ng?

Answer: Tes�ng is the process of evalua�ng a system or applica�on to iden�fy errors, ensure it
meets specified requirements, and verify its func�onality and performance.

22) What is Outsourcing?

Answer: Outsourcing is the prac�ce of contrac�ng out specific business func�ons or processes to
external service providers to reduce costs and focus on core business ac�vi�es.
23) What is So�ware Licensing?

Answer: So�ware Licensing is the legal agreement that defines how a user can use a so�ware
product, including the terms, restric�ons, and permissions associated with its usage.

24) Write the benefits of so�ware service

Answer: Benefits of so�ware service include cost-effec�veness, regular updates and maintenance,
access to the latest technology, and scalability to accommodate changing business needs.

3 Marks
Unit I

1) Dis�nguish between data and informa�on.

Answer: Data are raw facts, while informa�on is processed data that provides context and
meaning for decision-making.

2) Difference between TPS and MIS.

Answer: Transac�on Processing System (TPS) handles day-to-day transac�ons, while
Management Informa�on System (MIS) processes and presents informa�on for managerial

3) Write down the concept of DSS.

Answer: Decision Support System (DSS) is a computer-based system that aids decision-
makers by providing interac�ve, relevant informa�on and analy�cal tools to support
decision-making processes.

4) State the different categories of MIS.

Answer: MIS can be categorized into Strategic MIS, Tac�cal MIS, and Opera�onal MIS
based on the level of management they serve and the types of decisions they support.

5) What is Opera�onal Informa�on?

Answer: Opera�onal Informa�on pertains to day-to-day ac�vi�es, providing real-�me data
to support rou�ne transac�ons and ac�vi�es within an organiza�on.

6) What is Tac�cal Informa�on System?

Answer: Tac�cal Informa�on Systems support middle management by providing
informa�on that aids in short-term decision-making and planning.

7) Write down the scope of MIS.

Answer: The scope of MIS includes collec�ng, processing, storing, and dissemina�ng
informa�on to support decision-making at all levels of an organiza�on.

Unit II

8) Write short note on object-oriented languages.

Answer: Object-oriented languages, like Java and C++, use objects and classes to structure
code, promo�ng reusability and modularity in so�ware development.

9) Write down the advantages of Database System.

Answer: Advantages of a Database System include data integrity, data security, efficient
data retrieval, and support for concurrent data access.

10) Write the features of rela�onal data model.

Answer: The rela�onal data model features tables (rela�ons), atributes, and the ability to
establish rela�onships between tables, providing a structured and flexible way to organize
and manage data.

11) Write short note on synchroniza�on.

Answer: Synchroniza�on involves coordina�ng ac�vi�es to ensure data consistency and
integrity across mul�ple systems or processes.

12) What are Common Network Topologies?

Answer: Common Network Topologies include star, bus, ring, and mesh, represen�ng
different ways in which computers are interconnected in a network.

13) What is communica�on satellite line?

Answer: Communica�on satellite lines involve the use of satellites to transmit signals for
communica�on, enabling long-distance and global connec�vity.

Unit III

14) Write a short note on Supply Chain Management.

Answer: Supply Chain Management involves the coordina�on of ac�vi�es to op�mize the
produc�on and distribu�on of goods and services from raw materials to end-users.

15) What is the concept of Decision Making?

Answer: Decision Making is the process of selec�ng the best course of ac�on from
available alterna�ves to achieve a specific goal or solve a problem.

16) What are the characteris�cs of decision support system?

Answer: Characteris�cs of Decision Support Systems include interac�vity, flexibility, user-
friendliness, and the ability to provide both historical and real-�me data.

17) What is Data Mining?

Answer: Data Mining is the process of discovering paterns and knowledge from large sets
of data using various techniques such as sta�s�cal analysis and machine learning.

18) Write a short note on Human Resource Management.

Answer: Human Resource Management involves the planning, recruitment, development,
and management of an organiza�on's workforce.

19) Write a short note on Evolu�on of ERP.

Answer: The Evolu�on of ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) involves the integra�on of
various business processes and func�ons into a unified system to enhance efficiency and

Unit IV

20) Write down the concept of documenta�on.

Answer: Documenta�on involves crea�ng and maintaining records, manuals, and guides
to capture and communicate informa�on about processes, procedures, and systems.

21) Write down the methods of Project Management.

Answer: Project Management methods include Agile, Waterfall, and Scrum, providing
structured approaches to planning, execu�ng, and comple�ng projects.

22) What is the Management of Change? Explain it.

Answer: Management of Change involves systema�cally planning and implemen�ng
changes within an organiza�on to achieve desired outcomes while minimizing disrup�ons
and resistance.

23) Write down the stages of Informa�on System Planning.

Answer: Informa�on System Planning involves stages such as ini�a�on, planning, analysis,
design, implementa�on, and maintenance to ensure effec�ve development and use of
informa�on systems.

24) What is the concept of Mission?

Answer: The mission defines the fundamental purpose and iden�ty of an organiza�on,
outlining its goals and values to guide decision-making and ac�ons.

25) Write short note on so�ware licensing.

Answer: So�ware licensing is the legal agreement that governs the use and distribu�on of
so�ware, specifying the terms, condi�ons, and restric�ons associated with its use.
Unit I 5 Marks
1) What are the common elements of any system?
Answer: Synopsis: 1) Introduc�on
2) Defini�on
3) Elements of System
4) Conclusion
Q) Introduc�on
• The word system is derived from the Greek Word Systema.
• System is a group of resources which work collec�vely to produce desired outputs
from the given inputs.
• It receives input from the user and it produces output based on the user inputs.
Ii ) Defini�on
According to Weinberg:
“A system is a collection of parts, none of which can be changed on its own.”
iii) Elements of System

Elements of

Input Processing Output Environment

• Input: The inputs are those elements which enter any stream fron outside.
It involves capturing and assembling elements that enter to the system to be
• Processor/Processing: The processor/processing is the element that performs the
opera�on on the inputs to produce the outputs(desired results). Machines and
people are the examples of processors or those who process the inputs.
• Output: The system works on the inputs to produce the desired results known as
• Control: Control elements are logical procedures that. rules and regula�ons that
direct and manage the processing of the inputs in order to produce the desired
• Environment: To func�on, every system requires a specific environment. A group
of elements form the environment.
iv) Conclusion
System and its elements are important in order for system to func�on and work as
Q) Explain various types of Informa�on
Answer: Synopsis 1) Introduc�on
2) Defini�on
3) Types of Informa�on
i) Introduc�on

• Informa�on is data that has been processed into a form which is meaningful and
useful in the desired context to the end user.
• It is an abstract concept referring to that which has the power to inform.
• Informa�on is expressed either as the content of message or through direct-
indirect observa�ons.
ii) Defini�on
According to Jacob San�ago:
“Information is a collection of data that gives everyone an advantage since it helps in
decision making.”
iii) Types of Informa�on

Types of

Classification by Classification by Classification by

Characteristics Application Management

Active and Non-

Planning Strategic
Information Information

Recurring and
Control Tactical
Information Information

Internal and
Knowledge Operational
Information Information

Classifica�on by Characteris�cs
a. Ac�ve and Non-Ac�ve Informa�on: Ac�ve Informa�on is currently in use or regularly
updated, whereas Non-Ac�ve Informa�on is historical or less frequently updated.
b. Recurring and Non-Recurring Informa�on: Recurring Informa�on repeats itself
regularly like daily sales figure, whereas Non-Recurring Informa�on is infrequent or one-
�me informa�on such as special report.
c. Internal and External Informa�on: Internal Informa�on originates within an
organiza�on, whereas External Informa�on comes from outside sources, such as
research data.
Classifica�on by Applica�on
a. Planning Informa�on: Planning informa�on helps organiza�on in strategizing for the
future; achieving its goals and objec�ves.
b. Knowledge Informa�on: It includes insights, exper�se and prac�ces that helps in
problem solving.
c. Control Informa�on: This informa�on helps in monitoring and adjus�ng ongoing
ac�vi�es to ensure alignment with objec�ves.
Classifica�on by Management
a. Strategical Informa�on: It helps in high-level decision making and guiding long-term
goals and objec�ves.
b. Tac�cal Informa�on: It is used for mid-term decision making, focusing on achieving
objec�ves effec�vely.
c. Opera�onal Informa�on: Opera�onal Informa�on deals with daily processes and

Q) Explain the various types of func�ons in MIS.

Answer: Synopsis: 1) Introduc�on
2) Types of Func�ons in MIS
3) Conclusion
1) Introduc�on

• MIS can be helpful in understanding managerial func�ons smoothly and effec�vely.

• MIS is a system that makes �mely and effec�ve decisions for planning, direc�ng, &
controlling the ac�vi�es for which they are responsible, and also helps businesses to
achieve their goals and objec�ves.
2) Types of Func�ons in MIS
Store and Process Present Information
Collect Data
Data to Managers
i) Collects Data: The main func�on of MIS is to collect the data and organise it into
a database. The data can be either accurate or imprecise.
ii) Stores and Processes Data: The secondary func�on of MIS is to store the data in a
convenient manner for managerial use.
iii) Present Informa�on to Managers: A�er collec�on, storage and processing, MIS
provides the data to the managers for managerial use.
3) Conclusion
Following above are the func�ons of MIS for its effec�ve and consistent func�oning
Q) Explain Business Expert Systems.
Answer: A Business Expert System (BES) is a knowledge based information system, which is
based on artificial intelligence. It is designed to provide expert advice to the business
executive. The information provided by this system helps the executives in decision-making.
It is interactive in nature and it is able to answer the questions asked by a user. It improves
productivity, enhances the quality of decision making and facilitates organizational

Unit III(5 Marks)

Q) Explain E-Commerce Sales Life Cycle.
According to Trevor Noah:
“E-Commerce refers to the application and utilization of Information and communication
technology in commercial processes.”
E-Commerce follows the interdependent cycle in the process of trading goods and services.


After-Sales Search and

Services Identification

Product and
Selection and


i) Search and Iden�fica�on: During this stage, the buyer will search and iden�fy
what he needs and the price of item.
ii) Selec�on and Nego�a�on: The buyer examines and selects the product or service
according to his needs. Price is also nego�ated if possible
iii) Purchasing: A�er selec�ng and nego�a�ng for the desired product or service, the
buyer purchases the selected product or services by placing the order on the e-
commerce pla�orms. Buyers can choose different payment methods such as
COD, Credit Card, Debit Card, Net Banking etc
iv) Product and Service Delivery: A�er the order is placed, the process of product or
service delivery is ini�ated un�l the product or service is delivered.
v) A�er-Sales Services: E-Commerce pla�orms also provide a�er-sales services in
case of a product or service related problems, or usage guidance.
Q) Explain Simon’s model of decision making
• Simon argued that decision-makers are not fully ra�onal, as they are constrained by
their cogni�ve abili�es, informa�on availability, and �me pressures.
• Therefore Herbet Simon created simon’s model of decision making .
• Simon's decision making model holds four phases:
1. Intelligence phase Consist on surveying the environment for situa�ons that demand
decisions. It implies an iden�fica�on of the problem(s), the collec�on of informa�on and the
establishment of goal and evalua�ve criteria.
2. Design phase: Involves delinea�ng and analyzing various courses of ac�on for the problem
iden�fied in the intelligence phase. It implies an enumera�on of a combina�on of
feasible alterna�ves and their evalua�on on the basis of the criteria established in
the intelligence phase.

3. Choice phase Involves selec�ng the best alterna�ve.

4. Monitor phase (also called review or implementa�on) Designed to insure the proper
execu�on of choice.

Q) Explain the process of knowledge discovery

Answer: The KDD process typically involves the following steps:

Data Data Pattern Knowledge Knowledge

Data Selection Data Mining
Preprocessing Transformation Evaluation Representation Deployment

1. Data Selection: The first step is to select the relevant data from the available sources.
This may involve filtering, sampling, or transforming the data to ensure that it is in a format
that is suitable for analysis.

2. Data Preprocessing: Data preprocessing is a critical step in the KDD process. It involves
cleaning, normalizing, and transforming the data to ensure that it is of high quality and
suitable for analysis. This may include removing noise, handling missing values, and
converting data types.

3. Data Transformation: Data transformation involves transforming the data into a format
that is suitable for mining algorithms. This may involve feature engineering, dimensionality
reduction, and scaling.
4. Data Mining: Data mining is the step where the actual knowledge extraction takes place.
This involves applying machine learning algorithms to the data to identify patterns, trends,
and relationships.

5. Pattern Evaluation: Once patterns have been identified, they need to be evaluated to
assess their validity, novelty, and usefulness. This may involve statistical analysis, domain
expert feedback, and visualization techniques.

6. Knowledge Representation: Knowledge representation involves transforming the

patterns and relationships discovered into a format that is understandable and usable by
humans. This may involve decision trees, rules, models, or visualizations.

7. Knowledge Deployment: The final step is to deploy the discovered knowledge into
applications or systems where it can be used to make better decisions or solve problems.

Unit IV(10 Marks)

Q) Explain in detail the steps involved in implementa�on process.
1. Planning: The first step in the system implementa�on process is to develop a detailed plan
that outlines the steps that will be taken to put the new system into place. It involves
iden�fying the scope, assigning roles and responsibili�es, and developing training materials
2. Training: Once the plan has been developed, it is important to train users on the new system.
The training should involve overview of the new system, hands-on-training, and
3. Tes�ng: Before the new system is deployed, it is important to test it thoroughly to ensure
that it is working properly. Tes�ng should involve unit tes�ng, integra�on tes�ng, and unit
acceptance tes�ng.
4. Deployment: Once the system has been tested and approved, it can be deployed. It typically
involves installing the new system, configuring the new system, data migra�on and
5. Maintenance: System maintenance begins as soon as the system has been deployed in the
business. It involves rec�fying errors, upda�ng the system regularly, and improving the

Q) Explain in detail various approaches for evalua�ng an MIS.


1. Goal-based evaluation: This approach evaluates the MIS based on how well it is
achieving the organization's objectives. It involves identifying the specific goals that
the MIS is designed to support and then collecting data to measure the MIS's
progress towards those goals.
2. User-centered evaluation: This approach evaluates the MIS based on its usability
and its ability to meet the needs of its users. It involves collecting data from users
about their experiences with the MIS and using that data to identify areas for
3. Cost-benefit analysis: This approach evaluates the MIS by comparing its costs to its
benefits. It involves identifying all of the costs of the MIS, including the costs of
development, implementation, and maintenance, and then comparing those costs to
the benefits of the MIS, such as improved decision-making, increased productivity,
and reduced costs.
4. Process-based evaluation: This approach evaluates the MIS by evaluating the
processes that it supports. It involves identifying the processes that the MIS is used
to support and then evaluating those processes to ensure that they are efficient,
effective, and error-free.
5. Technology-based evaluation: This approach evaluates the MIS based on its
technological capabilities. It involves evaluating the MIS's hardware, software, and
network infrastructure to ensure that they are up-to-date and capable of meeting
the organization's needs.

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