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Graduate Essay Samples

Crafting an essay on the subject of "Graduate Essay Samples" presents a unique set of challenges
that can be both daunting and intricate. Firstly, the topic itself demands a comprehensive
understanding of the intricacies involved in graduate-level writing, encompassing a range of
disciplines and academic fields. This necessitates a thorough exploration of various essay samples to
grasp the diverse styles, structures, and tones prevalent in graduate-level essays.

Moreover, the process requires a keen eye for detail, as one must analyze and synthesize information
from multiple sources to create a well-rounded and coherent essay. The task involves not only
presenting a personal perspective but also integrating insights from existing samples to enhance the
depth and quality of the content. Striking the right balance between personal expression and
adherence to academic conventions adds an extra layer of complexity.

Furthermore, navigating the fine line between originality and conformity poses a challenge. While
the essay should reflect the individuality and uniqueness of the writer, it is crucial to adhere to the
norms and expectations associated with graduate-level writing. Achieving this delicate balance
requires a nuanced approach and a deep understanding of the target audience.

In conclusion, tackling an essay on "Graduate Essay Samples" demands a high level of skill,
diligence, and a comprehensive grasp of both personal and academic elements. It requires weaving
together various threads of information and insight into a cohesive and engaging narrative. Despite
the challenges, a well-crafted essay on this topic can showcase the writer's prowess in academic
discourse and set a strong foundation for future scholarly pursuits.

For assistance in crafting similar essays or exploring a wider range of topics, individuals may
consider seeking professional help. Platforms like offer a plethora of services that
cater to diverse writing needs, providing support and expertise to navigate the complexities of
academic writing.
Graduate Essay Samples Graduate Essay Samples
Corporate Ethics And Social Responsibility
Corporate Ethics and Social Responsibility
Amanda Rabius
Hank Reeves Corporate Ethics and Social Responsibility
Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility in the corporate world are very important. By
understanding business ethics and socially responsibility, companies can develop and
implement a socially responsible plan. Organizations are no doubt an assembly line of
different networks that are both complex and dynamic in nature which face various
conflicts. With this, a qualitative paradigm needs to be used in order to ensure in depth
knowledge and understanding of the issues and challenges among business practices and
how they can be handled. The influence of leadership and management decision making
in an ... Show more content on ...
In correlation, a recent business decision my employer made was to host, and honor, an
Annual Partners in Business Ethics Conference for a second year to integrate corporate
social responsibility into the university (UT McCombs School of Business, 2017). This
decision implies that there is a concern that being socially responsible is important to
their organization and the individuals it serves employees, patients, students or other
abiding citizens. Furthermore, other businesses have become aware of unethical behavior
of their employees. Research reveals a majority of managers have no tactic nor did they
know about CSR or that it maintains a good reputation for the company (Bakos, 2013).
Although, the initial obligation of a manager is to generate profits while making ethical
business decisions companies need to contribute CSR objectives by integrating the
strategy into the core of business practices, management tools and processes. However,
regardless of the opportunities, there are a few implications such as concerns about the
environment, health and new technologies. While some people affirm the decisions in
regard to business ethics and social responsibility should not be that problematic, the
implications and results take weight in the decision making process that may have a huge
impact on local consumers, communities, and even global ramifications. Critics
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Eye And Face Recognition
Sudeep Sarkar[10] Researchers have suggested that the ear may have advantages
over the face for biometric recognition. Our previous experiments with ear and face
recognition, using the standard principal component analysis approach, showed lower
recognition performance using ear images. We report results of similar experiments on
larger data sets that are more rigorously controlled for relative quality of face and ear
images. We find that recognition performance is not significantly different between the
face and the ear.
Haitao Zhao, Pong Chi Yuen says face recognition has been an active research area in the
computer vision and pattern recognition societies [11] in the last two decades. Since the
original input image space has a very high dimension, a dimensionality reduction
technique is usually employed before classification takes place. Principal component
analysis (PCA) is one of the most popular representation methods for face recognition.
It does not only reduce the image dimension, but also provides a compact feature for
representing a face image. In 1997, PCA was also employed for dimension reduction for
linear discriminant . PCA is ... Show more content on ...
The images forming the training set (database) are projected onto the major eigenvectors
and the projection values are computed. In the recognition stage the projection value of
the input image is also found and the distance from the known projection values is
calculated to identify who the individual is.Neural Network Based Face Recognition
procedure is followed for forming the eigenvectors as in the Eigenface approach, which
are then fed into the Neural Network Unit to train it on those vectors and the knowledge
gained from the training phase is subsequently used for recognizing new input images.
The training and recognition phases can be implemented using several neural network
models and
Scottsboro Boys Trial
Shoot all the bluejays you want, if you can hit em, but remember it s a sin to kill a
mockingbird (Lee, 98). Ever since its publication, Harper Lee s novel has been read
by millions worldwide. Its perspectives on racism and empathy have been reviewed,
criticized, and analyzed by every demographic. But there is the ever present question:
what, in essence, does Harper Lee mean when she declares it a sin to kill a mockingbird?
Though she reveals that it is a sin because they are innocent, what is she truly implying?
Is she discussing the events of Tom Robinson s fictional trial, or something deeper?
However one visions it, it is clear the story would not have developed and lived up to its
glory without many of its characters and events that... Show more content on ...
The Scottsboro Boys was a nationally controversial case; and it all began with nine
African American men and two white women aboard a train. The train ride began on
March 25, 1931. A fight erupted between the African American men and the white men
on board the train, and the African American men won and forced the white men off.
After news of the fight spread to Paint Rock, Alabama, all able men with weapons
waited for the train to arrive for its mortar stop. When the train pulled in, a racial
confrontation immediately ensued. In the midst of it all, two women, Victoria Price
and Ruby Bates, emerged from a train car and claimed they had been raped by the
nine African American men that had been on the train. Only the verbal confirmation
from one of the white women that they had been raped was enough to send the public
into a frenzy. The men of Paint Rock surrounded the African American boys and
forced them to line up against a wall. Then they aggressively made them stand and
wait for a bus to take them to Scottsboro. The Scottsboro Boys were surrounded by the
aggressive public as soon as they were put in the Scottsboro jail. The sheriff had to go
out and declare that violence towards the prisoners would result in violence towards the
instigator. While Atticus Finch did not condone violence, this is similar to the To Kill A
Mockingbird jail scene. Additionally, Victoria Price, one of the accusers, had traits
similar to those of Mayella Ewell. When the trials actually began, she would be extremely
evasive on the witness stand, and claim she did not know what would seem to be rather
obvious information. Also, her manner indicated she was uneducated, and like Mayella,
and she would frequently burst out in unintelligible streams of sentences. She was tough
as nails, with foul language, and improper clothes. She hardly fit the stereotype of the
young Southern
My Accomplishment At Glidden Fence Builder
An accomplishment that set my life forward and taught me multiple traits and allowed
my character to develop would have to be when I set out, got a job, and saved up
enough money to buy my first car. It was a summer I ll always remember. After my
sophomore year of high school I set out during the summer and got a job at Glidden
Fence Company. I was nervous not working at all previous to working at Glidden and
started wondering whether I had gotten too far ahead of myself. I was assigned to a
three man crew and started my career as a fence builder, the crew leader was super
nice to me and guided me in every step as I began to learn how to do it myself. So long
story short I threw myself into a foreign environment unaware of what the
War On Drugs Research Paper
Albert Einstein once said, Nothing is more destructive of the respect for the government
and the law of the land than passing laws which cannot be enforced. It is an open secret
that the dangerous increase of crime in this country has been closely connected with this.
Forty years after President Nixon coined the term War on Drugs , citizens and politicians
agree that little progress has been made toward ending this war. The Global Commission
on DrugPolicy stated in June that the global war has failed. Many states are reforming
their drug laws, specifically regarding marijuana, with 23 states having medical
marijuana laws plus Washington DC and 4 states making it legal for recreational use. In
1971, when Nixon declared drugs to be public... Show more content on ...
There are several European countries that have seen impressive results by legalizing
certain drugs, and focusing on rehabilitation and accurate drug education to reduce the
number of users and overdoses. The Dutch drug policy sets out to fulfill 4 major
objectives: : (i) to prevent drug use and to treat and rehabilitate drug users; (ii) to
reduce harm to users; (iii) to diminish public nuisance caused by drug users; and (iv) to
combat the production and trafficking of drugs. The Netherlands for example has
separated soft drugs (marijuana and ecstasy) from hard drugs, such as cocaine and
opiates and other high risk narcotics. Drug use in the Netherlands does not constitute a
crime, and when a person is found with less then half a gram of hard drugs or up to 5
grams of marijuana, they are generally not prosecuted. Police confiscate the drugs and
refer the person to a care center, which are usually independent organizations which
aren t ran by the government. A drug user is only convicted when he commits a crime
such as robbery or theft. However they still have strong laws to discourage the
importation of drugs and someone found guilty of importing drugs can be sent to
prison for up to 12 years. Some people are afraid that if we take a more civilized
approach to drug control that more people will start using drugs. Well there is a lot of
data that shows that is not the case. In 2009, 41.5% of Americans over the age
Comparing John Travolta s Characters In Saturday Night
John Travolta stars in Saturday Night Fever while Jennifer Grey stars in Dirty
Dancing. Saturday Night Fever is about Travolta s character Tony, going through life
in the 70 s with his unimpactful friends. Tony goes through a change in himself when
he wants to start surrounding himself with individuals that will impact his life in a
positive way. Thus, at the end of the film, he concludes to move out of his parents
house to start his life changing process. Grey plays Baby in Dirty Dancing which is
about Baby and her family going to a summer camp. Released in the late 80 s, we see her
character falling for a danceinstructor, Johnny. They both end up together at the end of
the film. Both actors can be compared on their physicality and... Show more content on ...
The actors both showed confidence in their movements with their dance partners. For
example, Grey connected with Johnny s character with joyous facial expressions and her
defined stage presence when on stage. This confidence was mostly seen by the
audience when her character had a deeper connection with Johnny at the end of the
film. Travolta did the same throughout the film by dancing within his whole body. This
includes abdominal isolations and movements of his arms and legs. Also, through his
facial expressions and expressive body language. Travolta and Grey both showed
expressions of passion and happiness when dancing as well as eye contact with their
partners. However, the types of expressions shown by the actors were different. For
example, Grey had to portray Baby as a scared dancer due to her character not being
used to dirty dancing at the beginning of the film. She did this through tense body
language and scared eyes that can be seen by the audience. Grey needed these
expressions to be seen by the audience for the viewers to understand how her character
was unsure of her performance and had some insecurities. Travolta showed sassy facial
expression within his dancing to show the characters confidence. For example, he would
make kissy faces and bite his tongue when dancing with his partners. Because of the
facials expressed by the actors, the audience can see the characters

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