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Essay Of Religion

Crafting an essay on the broad and intricate subject of religion can prove to be a challenging
endeavor. The difficulty lies not only in the vastness of the topic but also in the diverse perspectives,
beliefs, and practices associated with different religions. Addressing the complexity of religious
studies requires a nuanced understanding of cultural, historical, and philosophical contexts.

One must navigate through the rich tapestry of religious doctrines, rituals, and traditions, taking care
to avoid oversimplification or generalization. Delving into the historical evolution of various
religions, their impact on societies, and the interplay between faith and culture demands a meticulous
approach to research and analysis. The writer must be sensitive to the diversity of religious
experiences and avoid making assumptions that might oversimplify the complex tapestry of beliefs.

Moreover, the essay should aim to foster a respectful dialogue rather than promoting bias or
misunderstanding. It is essential to present a balanced view, acknowledging the positive
contributions of religion to societies while also critically examining instances where it may have been
a source of conflict or tension.

In conclusion, writing an essay on the topic of religion demands a thorough understanding of the
subject matter, a commitment to unbiased exploration, and a skillful approach to articulating complex
ideas. It is not merely a matter of recounting facts but a nuanced exploration that requires careful
consideration of various perspectives. Successfully navigating through the intricacies of this subject
requires time, patience, and a dedication to fostering a deeper understanding of the diverse facets of
religious belief.

For those seeking assistance with similar essays or any other academic writing tasks, a valuable
resource is , where you can find professional writers ready to help you with your
Essay Of Religion Essay Of Religion
Essay on Censorship in Libraries and Schools
Censorship in Libraries and Schools

What would you do if you went to your child s school and saw that they were looking
at inappropriate material on the internet? Would you react the same way if they were
in a public library? Who decides what is okay for your children to view? Who decides
where they can view it? What can you do about them being able to view these things?
Are there any laws that can prevent this from happening? What are some schools and
libraries doing to help prevent children form looking at such material? These are all
issues that will be discussed in the next few paragraphs, along with my opinions on the


In 1998 there was a law passed, called the Child Online Protection Act, which made it a
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I would be willing to give up some information about myself to help protect the young
children in our country.

Since there has not been a ruling in this case, the supporters of the censorship laws had
to try and find a way to get the internet censored to children. So in the year 2000,
Congress passed the Children s Internet Protection Act, which is aimed at the computers
in the schools and libraries that the children would have access to. This law was limited
to only the schools and libraries that participated in certain federal programs such as,
receiving federal money for technology . The schools and libraries that received this
money were required to install filtering software on all internet terminals to block access
to sites with child pornography, obscene material, and material that is harmful to minors .
My opinion on this law is that it is even better than the firs one. They are very similar, as
you can tell from their names, there is very little changed in the names of the laws. I
think that the sites that a minor can look at should be filtered. This way they cannot look
at things that can be harmful to them.

Of course the supporters of the First Amendment opposed this law. They opposed this
law because the filtering systems could filter out things that could be educational, or
used for health research. There will always be problems with filters; they will either filter
too much or not enough material. This is especially true since,
Thoughts On The Reality Of Sex Addiction

Might as well face it, you re addicted to love.

Thoughts on the reality of Hypersexual Disorder and Sex Addiction
J. K. Harville

Thoughts on the reality of Hypersexual Disorder and Sex Addiction We often hear about
addictions and the problems they cause in the news and portrayed in Movies and
television. We hear about an alcoholic, a drug addict, or a compulsive gambler and how
their addictions destroy their lives and that of their families. An addiction we don t often
hear about or see glorified on television is an addiction to Biology s most base instinct;
Sex. A person can feel the same impulses and chemical responses when they fill their
need for alcohol just the same as they would when satisfying a sexual desire. ... Show
more content on ...
The addict makes excuses for his behavior, hides their addiction, and as the condition
progresses, tends to engage in high risk activities to get their fix. Dr. Herkov explains
this by telling us: Increasing sexual provocation in our society has spawned an
increase in the number of individuals engaging in a variety of unusual or illicit sexual
practices, such as phone sex, the use of escort services and computer pornography.
More of these individuals and their partners are seeking help. (Herkov, 2006)
Adversely, the argument is being made that Sexual Addiction, now more commonly
referred to as Hypersexual Disorder, is not a true affliction or addiction. Many would
say that a person would claim sexual addiction as an excuse for unnatural behavior or a
reason for being unfaithful. John M. Grohol, founder and Editor in Chief of the website
World of Psychology, gives us insight into this argument. In his article, Is Sexual
Addiction Real? Grohol defines the condition as an impulse rather than an addiction.
Grohol states: Compulsions, as defined by the DSM IV, are not something that bring a
person pleasure. That is why gambling is defined as simply pathological and not
compulsive. The only recognition in the DSM IV that a person might engage in an
D1 Risk Review
Risk review
Submission details
Candidate s name
Jin Xu
Phone no.
0452 472 886
Assessor s name

Phone no.

Assessment site

Assessment date/s


The Assessment Task is due on the date specified by your assessor. Any variations to this
arrangement must be approved in writing by your assessor.
Submit this document with any required evidence attached. See specifications below for
Performance objective
For this task you are required to determine the risk context associated with establishing a
new business outlet, within the existing business structure. They will be required to
review internal and external environment factors and liaise with all stakeholders to
generate a list of risks.
Assessment description ... Show more content on ...
A copy of her email is attached.
Email from CEO Paula Kinski
From: CEO P.Kinski
To: Assistant Manager Queen Street
Re: New Toowoomba store
Congratulations on your new appointment. Prior to taking up your position as manager
of our Toowoomba store located in Ruthven Street, the board has asked that the risks in
this project be appropriately managed. I want you to undertake this task as it will give
you significant insight into the store s operations, it will ensure a smooth transition to the
MacVille systems and will encourage you to give ongoing support for our risk
management initiatives.
I would like you to approach this task in three stages and meet with me at the end of
each phase to review your work and discuss your plans for the subsequent phases. The
three stages in this risk management task will include:
1. Review.
2. Analyse and plan.
3. Monitor.
Your primary risk management focus is directed to the ongoing operations of the
Toowoomba cafe. The strategic and investment risks of this project are being managed
by the board. To this end, you are to consider any risks that could impact on human
resources management, financial operations, WHS, our supply chain and the local
governance and overall compliance issues.
By way of background, MacVille has agreed to employ all existing staff on three months
probation. The current supervisor James Mansfield,

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