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Stiglets 1

Carson Stiglets

Prosper Career Independent Studies

Mrs. McClendon


“What Does the Future Hold for the Engineering Profession?”

The main focus of this article is to inform the reader about where the engineering field is

going. Engineering is an everlasting revolving door that changes daily. Every day, our world uses

more and more technology to complete daily tasks, so engineering is shifting with how people

live their lives. Throughout this article, it informed me where and how engineering is going to

change and what type of engineers are in major need.

As the world uses more and more technology, the software engineers that create things

that run our everyday items, like computers, tablets, and cell phones, are needed. With artificial

intelligence snowballing, software engineers must refine and improve what they can to adapt to

how the world is changing. Major companies are using more and more software and even robots

to run their companies completely, so they are hiring a lot of software engineers to improve their

companies. Software engineering is one of the fastest-growing professions because these people

will change the world.

Furthermore, people are living longer, more active lives requiring abundant medical use.

Everyone wants to be the healthiest possible version of themselves, so they are willing to go to

doctors, use medical devices, and exercise on a daily basis. The biomedical engineering field is

the backbone of all the medical advancements we see today. The reason why the biomedical

engineering profession is one of the fastest-growing careers is because people always want

better. The medical field right now is great, but there's always room for improvement, so this is
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where biomedical engineers come into play. They create new equipment, systems, and software

to help advance the medical industry. From this article, I understood why biomedical engineers

are so sought after, and I learned that there will always be a need for them since the health of

humans will always be prioritized.

Global warming is a major topic worldwide, so people are finding ways to use renewable

resources instead of fossil fuels. The fastest occupation in the world right now, solar photovoltaic

engineers, are improving how solar power can be used across the globe. They are finding ways to

decrease global warming, so they are literally saving the world. Before this article, I had no idea

this type of engineering existed, but I was informed they did and how they are changing the


Another demanding engineering profession is civil engineering. These engineers are vital

in the way we live our lives. They constantly research, test, and finalize new solutions to make

our everyday lives easier. They help make our commute to work faster by ensuring our water

supply is safe and abundant. People prefer to avoid sitting in traffic every day on their way to

work, so civil engineers have to devise solutions to make our commutes from point A to point B

the best possible. These simple tasks go unnoticed most of the time, but since our world

population is growing at such a fast rate.

In conclusion, the engineering world is ever-changing, but it is changing for the better of

the world. With the advancements in technology, the medical field, and renewable resources,

engineers' jobs are continuing to evolve. The engineering world will look completely different

when I get in the workforce, but this article informed me where engineering is heading in the

near future. No matter what changes in the world, engineers will always have to find solutions to

problems to improve our world.

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Work Cited

“What Does the Future Hold for the Engineering Profession?” NJSPE, 7 March 2023,

https://njspe.org/2023/03/07/the-future-of-engineering/. Accessed 7 December 2023.

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